Rick Perry declines Obama offer for ‘quick handshake’ at Austin airport


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
wow...so gracious of Obama to fit Perry into his busy fundraising schedule for a two second handshake......:rolleyes:

In a letter to the president, Perry wrote, “I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue. With the appropriate notice, I am willing to change my schedule to facilitate this request.”

“At any point while you are here, I am available to sit down privately so we can talk and you may directly gain my state’s perspective on the effects of an unsecured border and what is necessary to make it secure,” Perry wrote the president.

The president will not be visiting the border while in Texas, an omission which Perry has said would be a “real reflection of his lack of concern of what’s really going on there.”

In his letter to Obama, Perry writes, “Since first calling the issue of border security to your attention in a 2009 letter requesting 1,000 National Guard troops to assist with securing our border, I have followed up with several further communications inviting you to tour the border and view this crisis firsthand. In addition, I have provided information on how the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety have supported, and continue to support, surge operations along a border, which has become a nexus for criminal activity of all kinds.”

Rick Perry declines Obama offer for ?quick handshake? at... | www.statesman.com
Perry backed down the last time he threatened to secure the border (2010?). Obama was gonna' send fighters in, I shit you not.

Besides, Obama PROBABLY has the ace card. There are longstanding rumors of Rick Perry and his love of Homosexual Nightclubs. I'm sure the Justice Department and even the I.R.S. have something they can blackmail him with.
Screw Barry. Go raise your money for other lefty cocksuckers just like yourself.
Hell. I wouldn't shake hands with that sack of shit either.

I wouldn't shake hands with a POTUS who doesn't salute the flag and in fact turns his back on it.

Good for Perry.
That's what integrity looks like. obama is declining into shit territory. NOT being seen making patty cake with him is a net benefit.
Perry will be running for President in 2016, he doesnt want to be seen with this POS president.
Obama will not be getting a warm Texas greeting. He is shit in this state.
here's the latest.....evidently Perry's letter crossed the desk of Valerie Jarrett (our real president) who invited Perry to a "round table discussion" with various faith leaders and local officials (read liberals)....not exactly a one-on-one meeting...

Late Monday, Valerie Jarrett, senior advisor to President Obama, replied to Perry affirmatively, saying, “The president would welcome a meeting with you while he is in Texas.”

In the two-page letter obtained first by the American-Statesman, Jarrett also invited Perry to join faith leaders and local elected officials for a round table discussion on the border that has been added to the president’s schedule while he is in Dallas on Wednesday. It wasn’t immediately clear how Perry would respond.

The president is spending two days in Texas, raising money for national Democratic coffers in Dallas on Wednesday and in Austin on Wednesday evening and Thursday morning. His only public event in Austin will be a discussion of the economy at the Paramount Theater on Congress Avenue on mid-day Thursday. There was no plan to visit the southern border while in Texas, but the newly-added Dallas round table means that he will be addressing the issue of illegal immigration head-on while in the state.

“As you know, the administration continues to address this urgent humanitarian situation with a whole-of-government response on both sides of the border,” Jarrett wrote Perry. “This includes appropriate care for unaccompanied children, as well as aggressive steps to surge resources to the Southwest border to deter both adults and children from embarking on this dangerous journey, increasing capacity for enforcement and removal proceedings, and quick return of recent unlawful border crossers to their home countries after appropriate humanitarian screenings have taken place and they are determined to be removable.”

Obama 'would welcome? visit with Perry to talk about the border | www.statesman.com
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I just can't get used to Rick Perrys new eyeglasses

wow...so gracious of Obama to fit Perry into his busy fundraising schedule for a two second handshake......:rolleyes:

In a letter to the president, Perry wrote, “I appreciate the offer to greet you at Austin-Bergstrom Airport, but a quick handshake on the tarmac will not allow for a thoughtful discussion regarding the humanitarian and national security crises enveloping the Rio Grande Valley in South Texas. I would instead offer to meet with you at any time during your visit to Texas for a substantive meeting to discuss this critical issue. With the appropriate notice, I am willing to change my schedule to facilitate this request.”

“At any point while you are here, I am available to sit down privately so we can talk and you may directly gain my state’s perspective on the effects of an unsecured border and what is necessary to make it secure,” Perry wrote the president.

The president will not be visiting the border while in Texas, an omission which Perry has said would be a “real reflection of his lack of concern of what’s really going on there.”

In his letter to Obama, Perry writes, “Since first calling the issue of border security to your attention in a 2009 letter requesting 1,000 National Guard troops to assist with securing our border, I have followed up with several further communications inviting you to tour the border and view this crisis firsthand. In addition, I have provided information on how the Texas National Guard and the Texas Department of Public Safety have supported, and continue to support, surge operations along a border, which has become a nexus for criminal activity of all kinds.”

Rick Perry declines Obama offer for ?quick handshake? at... | www.statesman.com
I don't blame President Obama one bit. Why would anyone want to spend ANY time with a guy who is constantly berating the president, having nothing but negative things to say about him except when he needs his help such as with the current border crisis? Perry has caused great distance and division in his state of Texas due to his preferring to embrace his political beliefs over trying to solve an important matter that requires him to work closely with the president. Therefore, Perry has no one else to blame but himself for the polarization that he has caused with the White House.
One only has to look at a great ally of ours and how they handle situations like this:

"You negotiate peace with your enemies, not your friends"
Or from those of us that are Christian and also practice it:

"When a man's way pleases the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him."
Perry will be running for President in 2016, he doesnt want to be seen with this POS president.
Obama will not be getting a warm Texas greeting. He is shit in this state.

Kind of like what they did to JFK

"The president is a socialist. He is neutering the United States on the world stage. He is spending us into bankruptcy. He is hellbent on expanding national health care, which will surely lead to government death panels.

He is advancing big-government agendas everywhere from Main Street to Wall Street. And do we really know the truth about his personal history and religion?

Perhaps the man in the Oval Office should be impeached — even tried for treason.

If today’s extremist rhetoric sounds familiar, that’s because it is eerily, poignantly similar to the vitriol aimed squarely at John F. Kennedy during his presidency.

And just like today, Texans were leading what some of them saw as a moral crusade."

Tea party has roots in the Dallas of 1963 - The Washington Post

So it is plain to see these same type of white trash are leading the charge

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