Rick Perry - Handicapping the GOP Hopefuls

and how is that any worse than locking up an innocent person for 40 years and having them die in prison?

If we assume the justice system cannot make ANY mistakes, then we might as well scrap the whole thing.

Has there, in the last 30 years, been a proven case where an innocent person was executed? Not suppositions and conjecture, actual physical proof?

Well, if you lock him up, he's got 40 years to fight his conviction. Oh, yeah, and he's still alive, which is worse than the alternative.

Carlos DeLuna Execution Texas Put To Death An Innocent Man Columbia University Team Says

"likely did not commit" 25 years later, found out by a bunch of people opposed to the death penalty.

That's the best they can come up with?

Plus, I doubt people will be so gung ho in exonerating people in for life as opposed to being on Death Row. Remember the "cause" it what brings out all of this reviewing of old cases. Without being on death row I'm sure plenty of innocent people (innocent of the crime they are charged with, most criminals are repeat offenders) dying in jail of ripe old age, and no one seems to care about that.
So it's okay to execute them because they are "bad people"?

The only reason why we haven't executed innocent people (assuming we haven't) is because every death penalty case IS scrutizined. So we spend millions executing a few dozen people a year, and have to let other guilty people out of prison because there aren't funds to lock them up.
So it's okay to execute them because they are "bad people"?

The only reason why we haven't executed innocent people (assuming we haven't) is because every death penalty case IS scrutizined. So we spend millions executing a few dozen people a year, and have to let other guilty people out of prison because there aren't funds to lock them up.

The people we let out are usually low level drug possession and sale cases, mostly involving pot. Those people shouldn't be in jail to begin with.

The Death Penalty is needed, because some crimes require the person to die. It just that simple.

I don't see the issue here.

Indeed, I can imagine that you don't...

What was Ron Whites joke, "Other states are eliminating the Death Penalty, in Texas we are putting in and Express Lane"
Oh, I can believe that joke. ..

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What was Ron Whites joke, "Other states are eliminating the Death Penalty, in Texas we are putting in and Express Lane"

Yeah, and if they happen to execute an innocent person by mistake?

and how is that any worse than locking up an innocent person for 40 years and having them die in prison?

If we assume the justice system cannot make ANY mistakes, then we might as well scrap the whole thing.

Has there, in the last 30 years, been a proven case where an innocent person was executed? Not suppositions and conjecture, actual physical proof?
I see you are very pro-life.

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So it's okay to execute them because they are "bad people"?

The only reason why we haven't executed innocent people (assuming we haven't) is because every death penalty case IS scrutizined. So we spend millions executing a few dozen people a year, and have to let other guilty people out of prison because there aren't funds to lock them up.

You said we should "hang every CEO who outsources to China." Which is, you know, almost every CEO in the Fortune 500.

According to your logic then, it is OK to execute "bad" people. Except that "bad" in this case isn't someone who rapes and kills, but someone acting at the behest of his shareholders.
The people we let out are usually low level drug possession and sale cases, mostly involving pot. Those people shouldn't be in jail to begin with.

The Death Penalty is needed, because some crimes require the person to die. It just that simple.

There's no crime that requires a person to die, and there's no need for a death penalty. Most of the world's other industrialized nations get by without a death penalty and they are just fine.
You said we should "hang every CEO who outsources to China." Which is, you know, almost every CEO in the Fortune 500.

According to your logic then, it is OK to execute "bad" people. Except that "bad" in this case isn't someone who rapes and kills, but someone acting at the behest of his shareholders.

Yes, your inability to understand ironic humor is duly noted.
Talk about a disaster, Hillary's gaffe about "empathizing with the enemy" tops the list for even brain damaged Joe Biden.
The people we let out are usually low level drug possession and sale cases, mostly involving pot. Those people shouldn't be in jail to begin with.

The Death Penalty is needed, because some crimes require the person to die. It just that simple.

There's no crime that requires a person to die, and there's no need for a death penalty. Most of the world's other industrialized nations get by without a death penalty and they are just fine.

Again, other nations in the world can pound sand.

The death penalty is a constitutional and appropriate punishment for certain crimes.
What was Ron Whites joke, "Other states are eliminating the Death Penalty, in Texas we are putting in and Express Lane"

Yeah, and if they happen to execute an innocent person by mistake?

and how is that any worse than locking up an innocent person for 40 years and having them die in prison?

If we assume the justice system cannot make ANY mistakes, then we might as well scrap the whole thing.

Has there, in the last 30 years, been a proven case where an innocent person was executed? Not suppositions and conjecture, actual physical proof?
I see you are very pro-life.

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Actually I am ambivalent on the abortion issue, short of thinking it is up to the States, not 5 of 9 unelected lawyers. I wouldn't vote for an abortion ban, however I think minors need parental or court permission, and its an elective procedure that the government should not pay for.

And being against and abortion and for the death penalty isn't the hypocrisy you make it out to be. Show me a fetus that has killed someone, gotten a trial and 20 years of appeals and then you have a comparison.
Again, other nations in the world can pound sand.

The death penalty is a constitutional and appropriate punishment for certain crimes.

Yeah, we don't want to imitate those other countries that have vastly better results than we do.

The only thing the death penalty does is let people like you live revenge fantasies. It does nothing to deter crime, it really doesn't bring closure to the victim's families, and, oh yeah, it's ridiculously expensive.
Actually I am ambivalent on the abortion issue, short of thinking it is up to the States, not 5 of 9 unelected lawyers. I wouldn't vote for an abortion ban, however I think minors need parental or court permission, and its an elective procedure that the government should not pay for.

And being against and abortion and for the death penalty isn't the hypocrisy you make it out to be. Show me a fetus that has killed someone, gotten a trial and 20 years of appeals and then you have a comparison.

Well, no, guy, either you think a fetus is a person or you don't. This really isn't an argument you can comprimise on.

Either you think we need to treat abortion like any other murder - which means locking up the women who have them - or you don't.
Again, other nations in the world can pound sand.

The death penalty is a constitutional and appropriate punishment for certain crimes.

Yeah, we don't want to imitate those other countries that have vastly better results than we do.

The only thing the death penalty does is let people like you live revenge fantasies. It does nothing to deter crime, it really doesn't bring closure to the victim's families, and, oh yeah, it's ridiculously expensive.

You can't make the claim that it "doesn't bring closure" to the victims families because you obviously haven't talked to all of them.

Incarcerating a person for 50 years and eventually providing old age care to them is probably JUST as expensive, or close enough to not matter. Why don't we just let them out?
Actually I am ambivalent on the abortion issue, short of thinking it is up to the States, not 5 of 9 unelected lawyers. I wouldn't vote for an abortion ban, however I think minors need parental or court permission, and its an elective procedure that the government should not pay for.

And being against and abortion and for the death penalty isn't the hypocrisy you make it out to be. Show me a fetus that has killed someone, gotten a trial and 20 years of appeals and then you have a comparison.

Well, no, guy, either you think a fetus is a person or you don't. This really isn't an argument you can compromise on.

Either you think we need to treat abortion like any other murder - which means locking up the women who have them - or you don't.

You don't get to decide how I see an issue. My issue is with process and the constitution, and progressives constant rape of it to get what they want. Personally I think women who have abortions for purposes of birth control correction (and the men who go along with it) are awful people, however to me the government should not get too involved in it. However, I don't see how there is a right to it enshrined in the constitution. So if Alabama wants to ban it, good for them.
You can't make the claim that it "doesn't bring closure" to the victims families because you obviously haven't talked to all of them.

The execution doesn't bring their loved one back, so no, it doesn't.

Incarcerating a person for 50 years and eventually providing old age care to them is probably JUST as expensive, or close enough to not matter. Why don't we just let them out?

well, first, how many people actually live 50 years in prison?

Costs of the Death Penalty Death Penalty Information Center

Each death penalty case in Texas costs taxpayers about $2.3 million. That is about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years. ("Executions Cost Texas Millions," Dallas Morning News, March 8, 1992).
You said we should "hang every CEO who outsources to China." Which is, you know, almost every CEO in the Fortune 500.

According to your logic then, it is OK to execute "bad" people. Except that "bad" in this case isn't someone who rapes and kills, but someone acting at the behest of his shareholders.

Yes, your inability to understand ironic humor is duly noted.

Which is the ironic part? That raping and killing aren't bad? Perhaps I missed it. But it certainly wasn't the hanging CEOs part. You've been very clear and non-humorous about that.
You don't get to decide how I see an issue. My issue is with process and the constitution, and progressives constant rape of it to get what they want. Personally I think women who have abortions for purposes of birth control correction (and the men who go along with it) are awful people, however to me the government should not get too involved in it. However, I don't see how there is a right to it enshrined in the constitution. So if Alabama wants to ban it, good for them.

Well, why are they awful people if you don't see a fetus as a person?

Is a fetus more of a person in Alabama than he is in New York?

Is the fetus who was conceived in a rape less of a person than the one who was conceived during a one-night stand?

And here's the logical trap you get caught in. You can't whine about the "process" if you don't have an underlying reason why you think it is wrong.

but the reality- the people who run your party don't want to ban abortion. They just want to keep stupid rubes like you angry about it so you keep voting for guys who are "Right with Jesus" and work to dismantle your middle class lifestyle.
Which is the ironic part? That raping and killing aren't bad? Perhaps I missed it. But it certainly wasn't the hanging CEOs part. You've been very clear and non-humorous about that.

Oh, no, I htink that would be fucking hilarious. The most famous last words I'd like to hear, "You can't do this to me, I'm rich!!!"
You can't make the claim that it "doesn't bring closure" to the victims families because you obviously haven't talked to all of them.

The execution doesn't bring their loved one back, so no, it doesn't.

Incarcerating a person for 50 years and eventually providing old age care to them is probably JUST as expensive, or close enough to not matter. Why don't we just let them out?

well, first, how many people actually live 50 years in prison?

Costs of the Death Penalty Death Penalty Information Center

Each death penalty case in Texas costs taxpayers about $2.3 million. That is about three times the cost of imprisoning someone in a single cell at the highest security level for 40 years. ("Executions Cost Texas Millions," Dallas Morning News, March 8, 1992).

Ah, so you are the only one that gets to decide what is "closure" got it. You are such a pompous fucking ass.

again, you ignore the health care costs for the inmates.

Health care costs for older inmates skyrocket

A 2012 ACLU study estimated that it costs nearly $70,000 a year to house a prisoner over 50, compared with an average of $34,135 for a younger inmate. The increase is primarily driven by much higher health care costs for the older population.

So double their cost (at least) when they hit 50, and since we are not letting these guys out until they die, your "cost savings" goes down dramatically.

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