Rick Perry is the next Barry Goldwater


Aug 9, 2011
Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9buEI8SgwU&feature=related]Extremism In The Defense Of Liberty Is No Vice - YouTube[/ame]
Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.

and what Democrats love him for that?
It would be more correct to say RINOs hate Goldwater

One can only hope wish Perry will be more like Goldwater
in some values
Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.


I think you fail to realize what has changed.

In 1964, you had a generation that grew up beleiving in government, from the New Deal to World War II to the New Frontier to the Great Society. Of course, back then, we had the economic prosperity created by free enterprise and a healthy middle class to support that kind of thing. America exported more than she imported, and therefore was drawing wealth from the rest of the world. So we could afford to be charitable with entitlements, and have big government programs.

Goldwater in 1964 was out of sync.

Today we are witnessing those chickens coming home to roost. The jobs have vanished as a result of globalization, corporate greed and driving down of salaries. In short, the middle class can't carry an increasingly large entitlement class on its back anymore, as the costs of those entitlements spiral out of control. Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable.

Something is going to have to give..
Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.


I think you fail to realize what has changed.

In 1964, you had a generation that grew up beleiving in government, from the New Deal to World War II to the New Frontier to the Great Society. Of course, back then, we had the economic prosperity created by free enterprise and a healthy middle class to support that kind of thing. America exported more than she imported, and therefore was drawing wealth from the rest of the world. So we could afford to be charitable with entitlements, and have big government programs.

Goldwater in 1964 was out of sync.

Today we are witnessing those chickens coming home to roost. The jobs have vanished as a result of globalization, corporate greed and driving down of salaries. In short, the middle class can't carry an increasingly large entitlement class on its back anymore, as the costs of those entitlements spiral out of control. Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable.
Something is going to have to give..


What we are witnessing is the result of Ronald Reagan's vision which set this in motion.

Low taxes, soft regulation and massive extraction from the economy by crony capitalists have led us to this state.

The New Deal was working fine for some 4 decades. There was no real middle class in this country until it's advent.
Today we are witnessing those chickens coming home to roost. The jobs have vanished as a result of globalization, corporate greed and driving down of salaries. In short, the middle class can't carry an increasingly large entitlement class on its back anymore, as the costs of those entitlements spiral out of control. Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable.
Something is going to have to give..


What we are witnessing is the result of Ronald Reagan's vision which set this in motion.

Low taxes, soft regulation and massive extraction from the economy by crony capitalists have led us to this state.

The New Deal was working fine for some 4 decades. There was no real middle class in this country until it's advent.

Sorry, Guy, I grew up in the 1970's, before Reagan got there. The "New Deal" wasn't working anymore.

I remember my dad showing my mom how to use a gun in 1970 in case rioters attacked the house while he was at work. I remember during the Carter years, when we had to put locks on the gas caps in case people siphoned stuff out. The whole thing was starting to turn to shit a lot earlier than Reagan. If anything, Reagan gave us a slight boost out of it and even bought your beloved Socialist Security a few more decades. (It would have collapsed in the 1980's if he hadn't)

And if you think Obama and Clinton aren't in bed with the Corporate Cronies as much as Reagan and the Bush's were, you are deluded. At least in Reagan's day, these guys thought of themselves as Americans first.

If you want to change corporate behavior, change your habits as a consumer. If you don't like McDonald's business practices, don't eat there.
Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.


I think you fail to realize what has changed.

In 1964, you had a generation that grew up beleiving in government, from the New Deal to World War II to the New Frontier to the Great Society. Of course, back then, we had the economic prosperity created by free enterprise and a healthy middle class to support that kind of thing. America exported more than she imported, and therefore was drawing wealth from the rest of the world. So we could afford to be charitable with entitlements, and have big government programs.

Goldwater in 1964 was out of sync.

Today we are witnessing those chickens coming home to roost. The jobs have vanished as a result of globalization, corporate greed and driving down of salaries. In short, the middle class can't carry an increasingly large entitlement class on its back anymore, as the costs of those entitlements spiral out of control. Social Security and Medicare are unsustainable.
Something is going to have to give..


What we are witnessing is the result of Ronald Reagan's vision which set this in motion.

Low taxes, soft regulation and massive extraction from the economy by crony capitalists have led us to this state.

The New Deal was working fine for some 4 decades. There was no real middle class in this country until it's advent.

You really give too much credit to the New Deal
considering that

The Supreme Court found six of Roosevelt's eight major New Deal statutes unconstitutional
Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.

Relax guy, Hope and Change are on the way

We need to move away from 30's, 40's thinking.

No doubt

S&P downgrade marks extinction for 19th-20th century progressivism

If we are to survive the looming catastrophe, we need to face the truth

The idea that a capitalist economy can support a socialist welfare state is collapsing before our eyes...

We have arrived at the endgame of what was an untenable doctrine: to pay for the kind of entitlements that populations have been led to expect by their politicians, the wealth-creating sector has to be taxed to a degree that makes it almost impossible for it to create the wealth that is needed to pay for the entitlements that populations have been led to expect, etc, etc.

The only way that state benefit programmes could be extended in the ways that are forecast for Europe’s ageing population would be by government seizing all the levers of the economy and producing as much (externally) worthless currency as was needed – in the manner of the old Soviet Union.

That is the problem. So profound is its challenge to the received wisdom of postwar Western democratic life that it is unutterable in the EU circles in which the crucial decisions are being made – or rather, not being made. …

We have been pretending – with ever more manic protestations – that this could go on for ever. Even when it became clear that European state pensions (and the US social security system) were gigantic Ponzi schemes in which the present beneficiaries were spending the money of the current generation of contributors, and that health provision was creating impossible demands on tax revenue, and that benefit dependency was becoming a substitute for wealth-creating employment, the lesson would not be learnt. We have been living on tick and wishful thinking.
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Republicans hate Goldwater for his limited government stance.

lol...you people are a bunch of freaks.

Times have changed.

These days the majority of young republican voters favor limited government and are more libertarian leaning.

The republican party is returning to its roots and we have progressive liberals to thank for that.

Republicans are now classical liberals, however many are still big government sheep - they're the older "republicans" tho and its only a matter of time before we take over.

See unlike progressives we learn from our mistakes.
original roots? Lincoln did not favor smaller govt, but then again, Lincoln would not run on the GOP ticket his second term.
original roots? Lincoln did not favor smaller govt, but then again, Lincoln would not run on the GOP ticket his second term.

Lincoln didn't form the republican party - he was also a tyrant.

I would compare Lincoln to Obama.

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