Rick Perry: Middle Income Americans Don't Pay Enough Income Taxes

Total Tax Revenue by country and Savings - as a % of Gross Domestic Product

Country / Tax % / Savings %
Austrailia 30.8% / 2.5% (AAA rating)

Austria 42.3% / 9.8%

Canada 33.3% / 1.1%

Finland 43.0% / -2.2%

France 43.5% / 12.3%

Germany 36.2% / 10.6%

Italy 43.5% / 6.8%

Japan 28.3% / 2.6%

Korea 26.5% / 2.5%

Netherlands 37.5% / 6.4%

Norway 43.6% / 1.4%

Sweden 48.3% / 7.8%

Switzerland 28.9% / 9.5%

United States 28.3% / 1.2%

Sources: OECD Tax Database and OECD Economic Outlook Database
- tax data was from 2007
- savings rates from 2009

Tax Rates By Country
It would appear that you can have a high tax rate and low national debt or a low tax rate and a high national debt - but not both.

In reality, a high national debt is nothing more than a deferred tax.

Why don't you compare with the same number of population.
Every adult should pay taxes. At least $1. I'm pretty sure I could get a dollar from the homeless guy outside the building to keep living in this country. Nobody should be a net receiver of tax dollars. People would be a lot more likely to agree on the direction this country takes if these things were true.

To the extent that "middle income" people do not pay taxes, they should be made to. How did our fearless vice president put it, "It's time to be patriotic. It's time to get in the game."

So if somebody - say, the homeless man outside your building - fails to pay, you put him in jail?
Every adult should pay taxes. At least $1. I'm pretty sure I could get a dollar from the homeless guy outside the building to keep living in this country. Nobody should be a net receiver of tax dollars. People would be a lot more likely to agree on the direction this country takes if these things were true.

To the extent that "middle income" people do not pay taxes, they should be made to. How did our fearless vice president put it, "It's time to be patriotic. It's time to get in the game."

So if somebody - say, the homeless man outside your building - fails to pay, you put him in jail?

so if you're prez and I fail to pay, you won't put ME in jail?
SS and Medicare are underfunded because the government uses that money to pay for other shit. Stop paying for the other shit. Problem solved.

Life expectancy and the number of years that people collect benefits has gone up. Tweaking the retirement age would go a long way in keeping both programs solvent.

I don't disagree. Raise the retirement age, and stop spending the money that people are paying in on stuff that should not be being funded from their money. That money is not the government's, it is theirs. They paid in to a system under a government guarantee that they would be provided for. It is perfectly reasonable for those people to expect the government to keep their side of the bargain.

I totally agree with CG on something (and even gave her a Pos Rep). Should I be concerned? Afraid? Was there a shiver in hell? :eek:

Every adult should pay taxes. At least $1. I'm pretty sure I could get a dollar from the homeless guy outside the building to keep living in this country. Nobody should be a net receiver of tax dollars. People would be a lot more likely to agree on the direction this country takes if these things were true.

To the extent that "middle income" people do not pay taxes, they should be made to. How did our fearless vice president put it, "It's time to be patriotic. It's time to get in the game."

So if somebody - say, the homeless man outside your building - fails to pay, you put him in jail?

Why not? Then we can provide him with EVERYTHING he needs. Food, clothing, shelter and free medical care.

Life expectancy and the number of years that people collect benefits has gone up. Tweaking the retirement age would go a long way in keeping both programs solvent.

I don't disagree. Raise the retirement age, and stop spending the money that people are paying in on stuff that should not be being funded from their money. That money is not the government's, it is theirs. They paid in to a system under a government guarantee that they would be provided for. It is perfectly reasonable for those people to expect the government to keep their side of the bargain.

I totally agree with CG on something (and even gave her a Pos Rep). Should I be concerned? Afraid? Was there a shiver in hell? :eek:


Did you feel a thrill run up your leg?
Every adult should pay taxes. At least $1. I'm pretty sure I could get a dollar from the homeless guy outside the building to keep living in this country. Nobody should be a net receiver of tax dollars. People would be a lot more likely to agree on the direction this country takes if these things were true.

To the extent that "middle income" people do not pay taxes, they should be made to. How did our fearless vice president put it, "It's time to be patriotic. It's time to get in the game."

So if somebody - say, the homeless man outside your building - fails to pay, you put him in jail?

so if you're prez and I fail to pay, you won't put ME in jail?

You don't know what being president is, the pres doesn't lock people up
I'm sure the denizens of this board will agree with him completely, what with him being a Republican and all.
More bullcrap.

The only quote in the blog from Perry is this one.
We’re dismayed at the injustice that nearly half of all Americans don’t even pay any income tax.

Newsflash...I'm in the middle...I pay taxes...Perry isn't talking about the middle. This blogger is a liar.

I am dismayed that half of all American's don't pay any income taxes while demanding others pay more and more.

Why? Because they have no skin in the game.

When half the population can vote for the other half to pay their way...THAT'S A PROBLEM.

It is one of the biggest pitfalls of the democratic system.

Everyone should contribute something, even if it is only one percent for minimum wage.

As the left is so fond of chanting, everyone should pay a fair share.

So did you read the article? The problem is much of the population pays a significant sum for social security which they will likely never see back. These taxes have been raised significantly and if they were really going into a pension fund that would be onething but they are not.
Yes, everyone should pay their fair share.

Do you oppose that?

P.S. - still waiting on that link.

The income tax is a tax on income, not on people.

No liberal supports raising taxes on the poor. We support lowering taxes on the poor, and raising taxes on the rich.

How can you lower Fed Income Taxes on the poor? 51% of Americans pay none already, and about half of them actually get more back than they paid in.

I'm sorry but when someone gets more money back than they paid in and you want to give them more. That's not cutting their taxes. That's Giving them free money. Please at least call it what it is.

Disclaimer: I have been in not groups in my life. I have had times where we made enough that we did pay Federal Income Taxes, However recently after having 2 kids in the last 6 years and taking a serious hit in Income we have been getting substantially More Back than we paid in. We still pay FICA and Medicare taxes, as well state Income Tax. But this year with the Child Credits and Everything else it was basically a wash. The Amount we got back in our Federal Income Tax return was = To the total that was withheld from our incomes when you add everything up. State, Federal With Holding, and Fica.

Just because I have Been on this side of the Equation for a couple Years does not mean I can not see that this shit is unsustainable. Why is it not good enough that people just pay no Federal Tax, Why do we give people Thousands of Dollars beyond what they paid in?
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Every adult should pay taxes. At least $1. I'm pretty sure I could get a dollar from the homeless guy outside the building to keep living in this country. Nobody should be a net receiver of tax dollars. People would be a lot more likely to agree on the direction this country takes if these things were true.

To the extent that "middle income" people do not pay taxes, they should be made to. How did our fearless vice president put it, "It's time to be patriotic. It's time to get in the game."

So if somebody - say, the homeless man outside your building - fails to pay, you put him in jail?

so if you're prez and I fail to pay, you won't put ME in jail?

Cells are only 6 feet wide, you're safe.
The GOP candidates need to listen to their base and support this set of ideas...

...cut taxes on the Rich and raise taxes on the Poor.

Sounds like a winning platform to me. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Okay, so we just ignore everything everyone says because they're just running their mouth anyway?

Looking at it that way, the debt ceiling issue should have been much less stressful. :eusa_shhh:

Ignore? :eusa_eh:
No. Just separate the wheat from the chaff with a critical eye and ear.

And you're assuming that I didn't. Correct?

I've read you posts throughout the board so yes, given your political doxastic the doubt indubitably exists. :dunno:
I dont know why the right likes to beat up on the poor and then scream "CLASS WARFARE!"

The people that dont pay income taxes make a pittance and I will never understand what the point is of attacking them. Many rich people do not pay other taxes but the poorest amongst us are condemned and the other is applauded for skipping their taxes.

You're100% correct. According to one stat I heard, the top 2% of the country in terms of wealth made 23% of the income. When expanded to the top 10% of the wealthiest Americans made 60% of all of the income.

Now...I don't totally buy those stats. But I don't think they are that far off.

The simplest, fairest way to go is a flat tax of X percent; no deductions.

And I will happily point out that all Americans pay sales taxes so its not as if the less wealthy are paying nothing.
I am for everyone paying their fair share.

Isn't that what the liberals keep claiming they are for?

Then, when it comes time to raise taxes, everyone's taxes are raised the same...progressively, of course.

Just like liberals claim to believe, I believe in shared sacrifice.

When half the population is paying taxes for services that everyone uses, while the other half pays nothing, that is not shared sacrifice.

When the half of the population that pays nothing demands that the other half pay more, that is not everyone paying their fair share.


So Missourian, we agree but are you accounting for all the taxes and do you really think people will get payroll taxes back?
Myth: Poor Americans pay no taxes.
"47 percent of Americans don’t pay any taxes."
- Gretchen Carlson, the Fox News host

"50 percent of the country gets benefits without paying for them."
- Ari Fleischer, the former Bush White House spokesman

- John McCain and Sarah Palin are on record as having both said same things about the bottom 50% of Americans, during their 2008 campaign

When it comes to state and local taxes, the poor bear a heavier burden than the rich in every state except Vermont, the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy calculated from official data.

In Alabama, for example, the burden on the poor is more than twice that of the top 1 percent.

The one-fifth of Alabama families making less than $13,000 pay almost 11 percent of their income in state and local taxes, compared with less than 4 percent for those who make $229,000 or more.

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Every adult should pay taxes. At least $1. I'm pretty sure I could get a dollar from the homeless guy outside the building to keep living in this country. Nobody should be a net receiver of tax dollars. People would be a lot more likely to agree on the direction this country takes if these things were true.

To the extent that "middle income" people do not pay taxes, they should be made to. How did our fearless vice president put it, "It's time to be patriotic. It's time to get in the game."

So if somebody - say, the homeless man outside your building - fails to pay, you put him in jail?

Why not? Then we can provide him with EVERYTHING he needs. Food, clothing, shelter and free medical care.


I'm just wondering how much the government would spend, rounding homeless people.
Disclaimer: I have been in not groups in my life. I have had times where we made enough that we did pay Federal Income Taxes, However recently after having 2 kids in the last 6 years and taking a serious hit in Income we have been getting substantially More Back than we paid in. We still pay FICA and Medicare taxes, as well state Income Tax. But this year with the Child Credits and Everything else it was basically a wash. The Amount we got back in our Federal Income Tax return was = To the total that was withheld from our incomes when you add everything up. State, Federal With Holding, and Fica.

The difference between Republicans and Democrats is that Republicans want your family to be taxed more.

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