Biden's Pandemic Relief Plan Cut Taxes For Most Americans. Not A Single Republican Voted For It.

As a 21-year financial advisor and CFP, 7/63/65, CLU/ChFC, I not only have to soberly and honestly analyze this stuff 24/7/365, I also have to act on it by investing my clients' life savings and retirement dollars in the most informed and educated ways possible.

I don't have the luxury of half-inch deep thinking and one-sided partisan bullshitting. I leave that to people like you. I always have to look big picture, and I don't make stupid assumptions and extrapolations when I know how complicated this stuff is.

Trumpian arrogant ignorance is a stain on this country's history
The problem is much more simple than you pretend. Is Joe Biden's six trillion dollar
economic bomb he wants to drop on America and it's economy a good idea or bad?

I'm no economic "genius" like you are :rolleyes: but even I know we are headed towards Weimar republic
territory where inflation became so bad people took wheelbarrows of money to simply buy some groceries at the store. The idea that we can spend endless amounts of money on dubious at best pet projects is dangerous.
Crank up the printing presses, Joe. Who says we cannot spend endlessly?

One of us is guilty of half-inch deep thinking and one-sided partisan bullshitting but I'm afraid you
are so deep in your partisan bubble you cannot appreciate that person is you.
And for purposes of reality you yourself are just a partisan crank.

Fortunately, as I said, this will hasten the end of insane mentally unfit Joe Biden and his
leftist agenda and the kooks who stand in the shadows feeding him gruel and the worst policy
ideas this nation has yet seen (Obama wink wink).
I'm not sure what your post was supposed to accomplish. I'm only sure it failed
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As a 21-year financial advisor and CFP, 7/63/65, CLU/ChFC, I not only have to soberly and honestly analyze this stuff 24/7/365, I also have to act on it by investing my clients' life savings and retirement dollars in the most informed and educated ways possible.

I don't have the luxury of half-inch deep thinking and one-sided partisan bullshitting. I leave that to people like you. I always have to look big picture, and I don't make stupid assumptions and extrapolations when I know how complicated this stuff is.

Trumpian arrogant ignorance is a stain on this country's history
The problem is much more simple than you pretend. Is Joe Biden's six trillion dollar
economic bomb he wants to drop on America and it's economy a good idea or bad?

I'm no economic "genius" like you are :rolleyes: but even I know we are headed towards the Weimar republic
where inflation became so bad people took wheelbarrows of money to simply buy some groceries at the
store. The idea that we can spend endless amounts of money on dubious at best pet projects is dangerous.

One of us is guilty of half-inch deep thinking and one-sided partisan bullshitting but I'm afraid you
so deep in your partisan bubble you cannot appreciate where you are.

Fortunately, as I said, this will hasten the end of insane mentally unfit Joe Biden and his
leftist agenda and the kooks who stand in the shadows feeding him gruel and the worst policy
ideas this nation has yet seen (Obama wink wink).
I'm not sure what your post was supposed to accomplish. I'm only sure it failed
I know it failed. You're a Trumpster. I don't expect you to understand anything.
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.

Trump already cut our taxes. Biden got rid of it.

Taxing any Corp or person making $400,000 thousand or more isn't going to get him the money he needs for his many bull shit plans. He will raise taxes on all once he finds out he won't get the money he thinks he will get.

Oh and there wasn't much relief in that bill. There was a plan for we tax payers to bail out Union pension funds and there was also loads of pork in that bill.

His infrastructure bill has 5% of it for actual infrastructure repair, the rest is pure damn de pork which we tax payers will pay for.

I doubt his "tax" cuts will do much for we tax payers.

More jobs will create more income tax and more dollars circulating on Main St., creating more jobs and less people on the dole.
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.
CUT TAXES? Don't you mean steal from future taxpayers to give money to those not paying taxes now in order to buy support after stealing the election. This isn't a tax cut babe---but robbery. Biden is simply paying off idiots who don't realize nor care where the money is coming from as he and his buddies take most of the stolen tax money and funnel it into their puppet masters and their pockets.
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.
who hires middle class workers? I bet you don't know.

I bet you don't know?
Trump already cut our taxes.
Unless you're a millionaire tRump didn't cut your taxes in any meaningful way.

So now "millionaire" being redefined as anyone that has a job....dumbass.
Why would you define it that way? I certainly don't.
well everyone who works got a tax cut. so he's merely pointing out your logic fail.
Tiny and temporary. You don't even understand what logic is.
So you admit you're wrong. Tiny how? tiny doesn't imply a raise in taxes nor is it not getting one. And dude that's what you said. Temporary because the congress failed to present a long term one. That's not a president's role.
It took 240 years for this nation to get weighted down with half a trillion in national debt. Since the Democrats omeuerted the Constitution to hospice in the four months they vocabularied themselves into total control of all power in the United States by lying every lie and breaking all the rules it only took these desperados to foist 11 trillion dollars in their make a wish liberal world v. The American people they sold down the river consistently since the dowager mob royal Nancy Pelosi declared herself the most important person in the world. She personally discarded brotherly love and began exploiting every American conservative family's inheritance to be placed in the hostility hatred of the dowager MaKKKscene Waters to her irresponsible hatred of President and to spend a few million dollars to get rid of leaders in the Republican and to turn a free country into their easy to control system of socialism/communism. The dementia patsy Biden rubberstamps this national debt to print free money that will devalue the dollar into stark debt that will bury freedom and replace it with oligarchical chaos and susceptibility to naked communism that MUST CONTAIN AND DESTROY OBLIGATIONS TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM GUARANTEED FOREIGN TAKEOVER AND PERMANENT DESTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM.

It is a blight to all the freedoms our military brought to each doorstep in America. I call on our military to free us once again from the deceptive Democrat machine working on the down low to fuck our Constitution to kingdom come.

Is anyone willing to make any sense out of this sentence:

"Since the Democrats omeuerted (?) the Constitution to hospice in the four months they vocabularied themselves into total control of all power in the United States by lying every lie and breaking all the rules it only took these desperados to foist 11 trillion dollars in their make a wish liberal world v. The American people they sold down the river consistently since the dowager mob royal Nancy Pelosi declared herself the most important person in the world"
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.
Daily Kos?! What is it with you people?
Trump already cut our taxes.
Unless you're a millionaire tRump didn't cut your taxes in any meaningful way.

So now "millionaire" being redefined as anyone that has a job....dumbass.
Why would you define it that way? I certainly don't.
well everyone who works got a tax cut. so he's merely pointing out your logic fail.
Tiny and temporary. You don't even understand what logic is.
So you admit you're wrong. Tiny how? tiny doesn't imply a raise in taxes nor is it not getting one. And dude that's what you said. Temporary because the congress failed to present a long term one. That's not a president's role.
It took 240 years for this nation to get weighted down with half a trillion in national debt. Since the Democrats omeuerted the Constitution to hospice in the four months they vocabularied themselves into total control of all power in the United States by lying every lie and breaking all the rules it only took these desperados to foist 11 trillion dollars in their make a wish liberal world v. The American people they sold down the river consistently since the dowager mob royal Nancy Pelosi declared herself the most important person in the world. She personally discarded brotherly love and began exploiting every American conservative family's inheritance to be placed in the hostility hatred of the dowager MaKKKscene Waters to her irresponsible hatred of President and to spend a few million dollars to get rid of leaders in the Republican and to turn a free country into their easy to control system of socialism/communism. The dementia patsy Biden rubberstamps this national debt to print free money that will devalue the dollar into stark debt that will bury freedom and replace it with oligarchical chaos and susceptibility to naked communism that MUST CONTAIN AND DESTROY OBLIGATIONS TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM GUARANTEED FOREIGN TAKEOVER AND PERMANENT DESTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM.

It is a blight to all the freedoms our military brought to each doorstep in America. I call on our military to free us once again from the deceptive Democrat machine working on the down low to fuck our Constitution to kingdom come.

Is anyone willing to make any sense out of this sentence:

"Since the Democrats omeuerted (?) the Constitution to hospice in the four months they vocabularied themselves into total control of all power in the United States by lying every lie and breaking all the rules it only took these desperados to foist 11 trillion dollars in their make a wish liberal world v. The American people they sold down the river consistently since the dowager mob royal Nancy Pelosi declared herself the most important person in the world"
Essentially, the Democrats are sleazy. Poorly written but spot on.
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.

Let's see: Inflation, war in the Middle East, Malaise, projecting weakness! Welcome back, Carter!
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.

Trump always cut taxes for the rich by lower amounts than lower tax payers. Once again you show what a liar you are as well as a racist
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.
Daily Kos?! What is it with you people?
ok well ya, here is a reliable source

“The group not paying federal income taxes in any given year tend to be moderate income with children, as well as older people, who may not have earnings that they are paying tax on,” Maag said.
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.
hahaa it’s a tax credit, one the gop and trump had been pushing for years, but they wanted to make it permanent...not one time.

if the dems hadn’t blocked it for years it would have already been law and not a one time gift they buried in a bailout for their donor bill
Is Joe Biden's six trillion dollar economic bomb he wants to drop on America and it's economy a good idea or bad?
These morons in Washington spent $40 trillion in just the past 10 years with little to show for it so Biden's $6 trillion dollar spit wad will accomplish nothing.
Democrats can twist logic around like a pretzel but how is it possible for a monetary "package" to reduce taxes? Who pays for it?
What's even more popular than raising taxes on corporations and wealthy individuals? Cutting them for everyone else, which is exactly what Democrats already did through the stimulus checks and tax credits featured in their $1.9 trillion pandemic relief package.

According to new estimates from congressional forecasters, Democratic tax cuts for low- to middle-income earners included in President Joe Biden's relief plan could mean that people making less than $75,000 on average will pay nothing in federal income taxes this year.

I guess there wasn't enough trickle down recipients for Biden's tax cuts, to get Republicans on board.
Daily Kos?! What is it with you people?
ok well ya, here is a reliable source

“The group not paying federal income taxes in any given year tend to be moderate income with children, as well as older people, who may not have earnings that they are paying tax on,” Maag said.
47% pay nothing already. Seriously, how much difference can it make? Besides, CNBC is still NBC, so fail on both counts.

You guys just suck it up. Really!
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Trump already cut our taxes.
Unless you're a millionaire tRump didn't cut your taxes in any meaningful way.

So now "millionaire" being redefined as anyone that has a job....dumbass.
Why would you define it that way? I certainly don't.
well everyone who works got a tax cut. so he's merely pointing out your logic fail.
Tiny and temporary. You don't even understand what logic is.
So you admit you're wrong. Tiny how? tiny doesn't imply a raise in taxes nor is it not getting one. And dude that's what you said. Temporary because the congress failed to present a long term one. That's not a president's role.
It took 240 years for this nation to get weighted down with half a trillion in national debt. Since the Democrats omeuerted the Constitution to hospice in the four months they vocabularied themselves into total control of all power in the United States by lying every lie and breaking all the rules it only took these desperados to foist 11 trillion dollars in their make a wish liberal world v. The American people they sold down the river consistently since the dowager mob royal Nancy Pelosi declared herself the most important person in the world. She personally discarded brotherly love and began exploiting every American conservative family's inheritance to be placed in the hostility hatred of the dowager MaKKKscene Waters to her irresponsible hatred of President and to spend a few million dollars to get rid of leaders in the Republican and to turn a free country into their easy to control system of socialism/communism. The dementia patsy Biden rubberstamps this national debt to print free money that will devalue the dollar into stark debt that will bury freedom and replace it with oligarchical chaos and susceptibility to naked communism that MUST CONTAIN AND DESTROY OBLIGATIONS TO PROTECT THIS NATION FROM GUARANTEED FOREIGN TAKEOVER AND PERMANENT DESTRUCTION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM.

It is a blight to all the freedoms our military brought to each doorstep in America. I call on our military to free us once again from the deceptive Democrat machine working on the down low to fuck our Constitution to kingdom come.

Is anyone willing to make any sense out of this sentence:

"Since the Democrats omeuerted (?) the Constitution to hospice in the four months they vocabularied themselves into total control of all power in the United States by lying every lie and breaking all the rules it only took these desperados to foist 11 trillion dollars in their make a wish liberal world v. The American people they sold down the river consistently since the dowager mob royal Nancy Pelosi declared herself the most important person in the world"
Patronize much?
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