Rick Perry Whimper: "Mob Rule"

Everybody be honest when you support the protesters you consider it democracy in action when you don't it's a mob it does not matter if it's the Tea Party or the group in Austin.

No, they are not the same. If someone wants to protest, like march back and forth somewhere, I dont care what they're protesting for or against. They have a right to do it.
Here, they are trying to pressure and intimidate lawmakers inside the legislature itself. That's mobocracy.
Rick Perry called the crowds in the Senate gallery "mob rule" during Wendy Davis' filibuster. Really? Looks like people exercising their democratic rights to me.

I wonder what he would have called them if this crowd had been anti-abortion and shouting her down instead of rallying her cause?


How is calling in this mob any different than the Democrats calling in their mob during Wisconsin Gov. Recalls? The only difference I see is civil discourse and no mob violence.
Rick Perry's real agenda.

This will be the death blow to the republican party in 2014.

They had been doing this in stealth mode for quite a while but I look for it to be the big issue in the next elections.

The republicans war on women shifts to high gear.

Gov. Rick Perry: 'We're going to pass' abortion restrictions in Texas - Washington Times

yeah yeah war on women..good gawd..you people could less about the war on children the Democrat party supports

sick and twisted people some of you are when you have to use dead babies for your faux war on every frkken thing just to win elections when this is STATE rule not even one that would probably AFFECT a lot of you Democrat sheep
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