Rick Perry Whimper: "Mob Rule"

If this were legislation the rightwing nuts didn't like,

they'd be bitching about it being 'rammed' through, and they'd be bitching about 'tyranny of the majority',

and they'd be calling for 1/3 of Texas to secede from the other 2/3rds.

So shut up and take your own medicine.

Like the left wing nut jobs did with Obamacare? You guys rammed that through even though a lot of people didn't like that but were stuck with it so take your own advice and shut up and take your medicine now and learn to live with legislation being rammed through you don't like.

Obamacare was discussed for a year, how much discussion was allowed on the Texas abortion bill?
If this were legislation the rightwing nuts didn't like,

they'd be bitching about it being 'rammed' through, and they'd be bitching about 'tyranny of the majority',

and they'd be calling for 1/3 of Texas to secede from the other 2/3rds.

So shut up and take your own medicine.

Like the left wing nut jobs did with Obamacare? You guys rammed that through even though a lot of people didn't like that but were stuck with it so take your own advice and shut up and take your medicine now and learn to live with legislation being rammed through you don't like.

Obamacare was discussed for a year, how much discussion was allowed on the Texas abortion bill?

You are so curious go frikken ask them or if you LIVED there and it affected you people you would KNOW
Abortion isn't the winner it once was. The pro abortion crowd is now down to 41% to 48% at its most optimistic. The abortionists think they can make up for their lack of support by being really loud. The abortionists are losing key demographics, women and young adults. They might deny it, but younger American reject abortion much more than their parents do.

Wednesday’s news that Gallup is now recording the lowest level of self-described pro-choicers in its history of tracking the abortion issue is no doubt an unwelcome hiccup in their vision for America.

The survey found:

The 41 percent of Americans who now identify themselves as “pro-choice” is down from 47 percent last July and is one percentage point below the previous record low in Gallup trends, recorded in May 2009. Fifty percent now call themselves “pro-life,” one point shy of the record high.
The polling shows that rather than embracing abortion with increasing gusto, Americans--especially young Americans--are rejecting it with increasing disgust, and not just for religious reasons.
Why Americans are becoming more pro-life - Guest Voices - The Washington Post

During last week’s controversy over Texas Senate Bill 5, National Journal released a poll which found that by a 48-44 margin, Americans favor banning abortion after 20 weeks of gestation. The survey results were not particularly surprising. A substantial body of polling data indicates that Americans are more likely to support, rather than oppose, incremental pro-life legislation. However, what is more interesting is the demographic breakdown. The results of the National Journal poll indicate that 50 percent of women support the 20-week abortion ban. Similarly, individuals under 30 supported the ban by a 52-39 margin. Unfortunately, the media typically gives little attention to the demographic breakdown of abortion surveys. After all, they do not want to disrupt their narrative that young people and women support legal abortion.

Historically, young adults have been less likely to describe themselves as “pro-life” than older Americans. In fact, during the 1970s these disparities caused some political analysts to wonder about the long-term viability of the pro-life movement. However, this National Journal poll adds to a nice body of survey data which find that young people are actually more likely than older Americans to support incremental pro-life laws. Within the past year, polls have shown that people under 30 are actually more likely than other age demographics to support late-term abortion bans, parental involvement laws, and waiting periods. Furthermore, since 2000 the General Social Survey (GSS) has consistently found that young adults are more comfortable restricting abortion in certain circumstances than are older Americans.

Women and Young Adults More Likely to Support 20 Week Abortion Ban | National Review Online

The left is losing the abortion debate. They can still pay protesters to show up, but their popular support is on the wane.
Rick Perry called the crowds in the Senate gallery "mob rule" during Wendy Davis' filibuster. Really? Looks like people exercising their democratic rights to me.

I wonder what he would have called them if this crowd had been anti-abortion and shouting her down instead of rallying her cause?


Yeah that's mob rule. A bunch of paid knuckleheads shouting down elected legislators doing their job. It's what the Left does.

Hundreds of people at $1300 to $2200 per month. That's millions of dollars per year. Who's funding that?
If this were legislation the rightwing nuts didn't like,

they'd be bitching about it being 'rammed' through, and they'd be bitching about 'tyranny of the majority',

and they'd be calling for 1/3 of Texas to secede from the other 2/3rds.

So shut up and take your own medicine.

Like the left wing nut jobs did with Obamacare? You guys rammed that through even though a lot of people didn't like that but were stuck with it so take your own advice and shut up and take your medicine now and learn to live with legislation being rammed through you don't like.

Obamacare was discussed for a year, how much discussion was allowed on the Texas abortion bill?
For the majority of the last legislative session. The fact that Obamacare was discussed for a year does not change the fact it was not liked by a lot of people and still rammed through with a lot of back room deals and special exceptions.
Of course obamacare was discussed for a year, how do you think we got to the cornhusker kickback and other payoffs.

Here's what the year of "discussion" was all about.

Payoffs for states get Harry Reid to 60 votes - Chris Frates - POLITICO.com

Nelson’s might be the most blatant – a deal carved out for a single state, a permanent exemption from the state share of Medicaid expansion for Nebraska, meaning federal taxpayers have to kick in an additional $45 million in the first decade.

But another Democratic holdout, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), took credit for $10 billion in new funding for community health centers

Vermont and Massachusetts were given additional Medicaid funding, another plus for Sanders and Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.)

a $300 million increase for Medicaid in Louisiana, designed to win the vote of Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu.

It took time to negotiate all these sweetheart deals.
If this were legislation the rightwing nuts didn't like,

they'd be bitching about it being 'rammed' through, and they'd be bitching about 'tyranny of the majority',

and they'd be calling for 1/3 of Texas to secede from the other 2/3rds.

So shut up and take your own medicine.

Like the left wing nut jobs did with Obamacare? You guys rammed that through even though a lot of people didn't like that but were stuck with it so take your own advice and shut up and take your medicine now and learn to live with legislation being rammed through you don't like.

Obamacare was discussed for a year, how much discussion was allowed on the Texas abortion bill?

you whiney fucker. The LEGAL amount of time was spent.
where is the all mighty comrade Jakie to tell these people if they don't act civil they deserve to have their asses kicked?

I guess it isn't the Tea Party so this a yawner

If the GOP is determined to be the party of anti-choice extremism,


have fun running against Hillary Clinton in 2016. She already starts out with a big advantage with the female swing vote.

and keep lying and pinning your hopes the loser you all dumped the first time she ran... Hillary

It was because Hilary is a woman, that's why she couldn't get out of the primaries.

The way they spewed hate at Palin and do to this day and the way they turned on Hilary during the primaries shows the underlying hatred for women in power. Then they bring up how Republicans hate women. Bunch of hypocrites.
Everybody be honest when you support the protesters you consider it democracy in action when you don't it's a mob it does not matter if it's the Tea Party or the group in Austin.
Everybody be honest when you support the protesters you consider it democracy in action when you don't it's a mob it does not matter if it's the Tea Party or the group in Austin.

no, because this really was a rent-a-mob..Liberals-Democrats-commies are famous for this

they did this with Governor walker too they trashed the Capital building...
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In the 2008 election it was the racists v the sexists. The sexists won. Clearly if you wanted obama instead of Hillary you were a sexist. If you supported Hillary over obama you were a racist. The sexists won. The race card is like the one ring that rules them all.
Look at the whole picture. The Wendy Davis filibuster that the liberal media loved to death (no pun intended) wasn't about abortion. It was about what a high profile democrat called years ago "nothing but infanticide". Ms Davis filibustered for the abhorrent manslaughter of full term babies. Do you need to be reminded of what happens? The baby is turned around in the birth canal to cause what they used to call a "breach birth" where the feet come out first. The baby is about 10 seconds from life and about three inches from a successful birth when the technicians stab it in the back of the head without anesthesia and suck it's brains out until it's face looks like a grotesque cabbage patch doll. There is no medical emergency that would require such a horrible procedure.

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