Rick Perry's Praise of HillaryCare


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Oh my...

"Texas Governor Rick Perry has been among the most vocal critics of President Obama’s health care reform initiative, and of Mitt Romney’s preceding health care program in Massachusetts. But in 1993, while serving as Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Perry praised the efforts of then-first lady Hillary Clinton to reform health care, a precursor to Obama’s health care reform efforts...."

Rick Perry | Letter to Hillary | Praise Hillarycare | The Daily Caller

So has he "evolved", or is he a flip flopper?
Oh my...

"Texas Governor Rick Perry has been among the most vocal critics of President Obama’s health care reform initiative, and of Mitt Romney’s preceding health care program in Massachusetts. But in 1993, while serving as Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Perry praised the efforts of then-first lady Hillary Clinton to reform health care, a precursor to Obama’s health care reform efforts...."

Rick Perry | Letter to Hillary | Praise Hillarycare | The Daily Caller

So has he "evolved", or is he a flip flopper?

Wow...he flip flopped on healthcare too?

He may run against Obama in the primaries the way he's going.

You're still alive!



the underworld got boring, so i came back to torment you with my existence


Oh my...

"Texas Governor Rick Perry has been among the most vocal critics of President Obama’s health care reform initiative, and of Mitt Romney’s preceding health care program in Massachusetts. But in 1993, while serving as Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Perry praised the efforts of then-first lady Hillary Clinton to reform health care, a precursor to Obama’s health care reform efforts...."

Rick Perry | Letter to Hillary | Praise Hillarycare | The Daily Caller

So has he "evolved", or is he a flip flopper?

from the letter-

“I think your efforts in trying to reform the nation’s health care system are most commendable.”

“I would like to request that the task force give particular consideration to the needs of the nation’s farmers, ranchers, and agriculture workers, and other members of rural communities,” Perry continued, noting his administration’s focus on economic development for rural Texans. “Rural populations have a high proportion of uninsured people, rising health care costs, and often experience lack of services.”

“Again, your efforts are worthy,” Perry concluded, ”and I hope you will remember this constituency as the task force progresses.”

Read more: Rick Perry | Letter to Hillary | Praise Hillarycare | The Daily Caller

gee whiz, sounds like a slam-dunk to me:rolleyes:....further- need I mention how many democrats jumped ship on Hill Care?
He was a Democrat then, dumbfuck.

Keep digging.

Oh no he wasn't he turned Republican in 89.

In 1987, Perry voted for a $5.7 billion tax increase proposed by Republican governor Bill Clements.[20] Perry supported Al Gore in the 1988 Democratic presidential primaries and chaired the Gore campaign in Texas.[21][22] In 1989, Perry announced that he was switching parties, becoming a Republican.[23]

I am a Romney supporter but will support the orange juice can rather than re-elect Obama the spender in chief and the conan of job DESTRUCTION to a second term.
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Perry gets a pass on this from the Right and Romney doesn't because Romney belongs to the wrong cult.

what was hillary's plan in 1993?

Interestingly, it had a much stricter individual mandate than the ACA. Namely, it was a real mandate. None of this "buy an insurance plan, or go uninsured and pay a modest fine" stuff, Clinton's legislation required everyone to be enrolled in and paying premiums toward a health plan and it didn't allow folks to disenroll from a health insurance plan until they were enrolled in another one or hit 65 and transitioned to Medicare. There was no way out under that proposal.
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Perry gets a pass on this from the Right and Romney doesn't because Romney belongs to the wrong cult.

what was hillary's plan in 1993?

Pretty much the same as Obamas. National health care.

Someone raised the question a little while ago. What if Romney had been elected and pushed for Romneycare nationwide? Would Republicans have still opposed it? Would Democrats have been appalled at the thought of being forced to buy corporate insurance?

Pretty much all of these goons blow with the wind. The are guided by no principle other than the sheer lust for power. They'll say whatever they think will get them there.
Perry gets a pass on this from the Right and Romney doesn't because Romney belongs to the wrong cult.

Thats an interesting assessment. It's early though; Perry has only been in for a couple of weeks. He looks like the flavor of the month. The more his numerous flip flops are brought to light, the deficits he's run up, the sorry ranking of Texas in a number of categories, you may see a "Rom-nif-ication" of Perry.

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