Zone1 Ridgerunner

Oh yeah and condolences for his real life family and friends who are probably grieving a whole lot worse than we are right now. :(

Oh yeah and I know we're all still grieving here in our own ways, but his real life family and friends need prayers and condolences more than we do and virtual hugs. :smiliehug:
I have just been informed by his ex-wife that Ridgerunner passed away on August 13th. He last posted on July 19th. I enjoyed reading his content and his sense of humor.

R.I.P Ridgerunner. :salute:
Oh no... :( I'm just now seeing this.

It's always sad to learn of a longtime board member's passing.

May he rest in peace.
I have just been informed by his ex-wife that Ridgerunner passed away on August 13th. He last posted on July 19th. I enjoyed reading his content and his sense of humor.

R.I.P Ridgerunner. :salute:

These things hit me as hard as if they were neighbors or friends. Just read thru all the PMs I had with RidgeRunner. He was always fair, honest and cordial. The greatest part of moderating is that you get to see folks as real people. Generally not in great detail, but separate from their "board identities".

And our PMs generally went into "over-time" a lot. I'm gonna miss him.

With all the time that members spend here, just keeping their thoughts for posterity is almost as good as having your own tIme capsule. In a future movie, archaeologists/antropologists are gonna find the USMB servers on a beach somewhere and have a field day analyzing and interpreting all of this stuff we've packed away.

I have just been informed by his ex-wife that Ridgerunner passed away on August 13th. He last posted on July 19th. I enjoyed reading his content and his sense of humor.

R.I.P Ridgerunner. :salute:
Hello to all of you and i have to said that i am very sad about this new because me and him talk on PM and something strange happen because he told me in the past that he really like a song that i have put at the forum in 2017.

On August 13, i started to think about this song in question i did not remember the name of the song so i made a research on the web and i find the song.

This is the song he really like.

I put it for him to remermber him.

Don't we all?

I just found out he passed away today. I'm not here that often these days - so quite sad and shocking to discover. He was one of the good guys.
That's good. I nearly tagged him earlier because I forgot. How can you be so affected by a death of a person you never even knew? :(
maybe because you get to know the real essence of the person without the obstruction of appearance.

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