Ridiculous TSA Search of Young Boy – Caught On Tape…

As a mischievous boy I may have been been inclined to suddenly burst out with "DAMMIT MISTER! QUIT SQUEEZING MY PENIS! MOMMMMMM!"
The head of the TSA was picked by Trump....Trump is president now...the TSA was an agency created by another republican....but its democrats fault?

Trump lovers are pathetic....
What can you say....he certainly LOOKS like a young Muslim terrorist....Enjoy!....Especially all you DemonRAT pedophiles!

Ridiculous TSA Search of Young Boy – Caught On Tape… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

I thought the TSA was an invention of the big government anti-terrorism crowd and everyone was a communist who didn't fall goose step in line behind the laughing stock of a "W" we had for a president after 9-11.

The TSA does some silly things, but you can't just go around calling everything you don't like a Democrat idea. The revisionism makes you look like a high school girl worshiping her favorite pop star.


If you think the TSA / HSA / new Patriot Act need revised and toned down, I'm absolutely all ears. Try to get the personal life libertarians and whoever on the Republican side is now against the anti-terrorism agencies together.
The days of me sneaking a half dozen joints through customs are over unfortunately.
It was the regular when visiting my cousins in Canada.
They couldnt believe how good Texas weed was!!!
The TSA was designed to guard against obvious threats like the men who flew planes into buildings.

Democrats applied equality which mandates that 90 year old women in wheelchairs have their diapers searched. In order to prove we aren't islamophobic we must let the 20 year old muslim man wearing a parka in July carrying a 30 pound backpack pass through. Search the barefoot 13 year old in thin tshirt and shorts.

But, the democrats still blame Republicans. They did it. Now they hide
When me and my Buddy Harry went to the US festival in Cali in 83 we brought 2 oz's of weed with us. One was skunk and the other was Christmas tree bud/pine bud.
Had a Cali dude that traded us four grams of hash for an 1/4 oz of the skunk.
I wondered what Democrat Presidential Hopeful Touchy-Feelie Joey did in his spare time!
The head of the TSA was picked by Trump....Trump is president now...the TSA was an agency created by another republican....but its democrats fault?

Trump lovers are pathetic....
Where did any of us say it was a democrats fault? Damn man, you are such an insecure nutter...

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