Rigged elections

This whole notion of rigged elections hit a nerve with Hillary. Never have I seen her more animated and troubled. But what exactly does "rigged" mean?

Can someone who is poor run for President? No, they can't afford it and have no political connections.

Can someone who does not sell their collective souls to one of the two major parties become President? No.

Can someone who is not a lawyer become President? Apparently not.

Can someone oppose the mind control of the liberal education system and liberal press and the liberal Wall Street types who love Hillary? No.

Then there is voter fraud. We have all heard cases of voter fraud, but just because we don't hear about all of them does not mean that there is much more out there. In fact, my main concern is voter hacking. The technology is old 1990s technology. So essentially everyone in the DNC, like Hillary, who has been hacked because they are clueless with technology, are to preach to us that the system is safely guarded?


Stick a fork in it, the election goes to the highest bidder of hackers. With Wall Street and the entire Federal government supporting Hillary, the GOP included, I'd say the hackers will be for Hillary.

No way Bush won in 2000 and no way Trump won last year

Good News For Russia: 15 States Use Easily Hackable Voting Machines | HuffPost
Every time I see old threads bumped it's always the same trolls.

So predictable
Why does it bother you old man? Are you afraid your words are going to come back to bite you? I think you hate it when we go back and find how differently you were talking when Obama was president, or Bush depending on how long you been here.

I think it is funny as fuck that it bothers you so much.

I told you old fucking man that I'm not going to start new threads when I can just restart old ones. Do you want me creating a bunch of new threads on rigged elections? Then eat an old dick you old fucking man.
This whole notion of rigged elections hit a nerve with Hillary. Never have I seen her more animated and troubled. But what exactly does "rigged" mean?

Can someone who is poor run for President? No, they can't afford it and have no political connections.

Can someone who does not sell their collective souls to one of the two major parties become President? No.

Can someone who is not a lawyer become President? Apparently not.

Can someone oppose the mind control of the liberal education system and liberal press and the liberal Wall Street types who love Hillary? No.

Then there is voter fraud. We have all heard cases of voter fraud, but just because we don't hear about all of them does not mean that there is much more out there. In fact, my main concern is voter hacking. The technology is old 1990s technology. So essentially everyone in the DNC, like Hillary, who has been hacked because they are clueless with technology, are to preach to us that the system is safely guarded?


Stick a fork in it, the election goes to the highest bidder of hackers. With Wall Street and the entire Federal government supporting Hillary, the GOP included, I'd say the hackers will be for Hillary.

No way Bush won in 2000 and no way Trump won last year

Good News For Russia: 15 States Use Easily Hackable Voting Machines | HuffPost

LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.
Every time I see old threads bumped it's always the same trolls.

So predictable
Why does it bother you old man? Are you afraid your words are going to come back to bite you? I think you hate it when we go back and find how differently you were talking when Obama was president, or Bush depending on how long you been here.

I think it is funny as fuck that it bothers you so much.

I told you old fucking man that I'm not going to start new threads when I can just restart old ones. Do you want me creating a bunch of new threads on rigged elections? Then eat an old dick you old fucking man.

Go ahead. It'll be fun shoving them up your wrinkly old ass.
This whole notion of rigged elections hit a nerve with Hillary. Never have I seen her more animated and troubled. But what exactly does "rigged" mean?

Can someone who is poor run for President? No, they can't afford it and have no political connections.

Can someone who does not sell their collective souls to one of the two major parties become President? No.

Can someone who is not a lawyer become President? Apparently not.

Can someone oppose the mind control of the liberal education system and liberal press and the liberal Wall Street types who love Hillary? No.

Then there is voter fraud. We have all heard cases of voter fraud, but just because we don't hear about all of them does not mean that there is much more out there. In fact, my main concern is voter hacking. The technology is old 1990s technology. So essentially everyone in the DNC, like Hillary, who has been hacked because they are clueless with technology, are to preach to us that the system is safely guarded?


Stick a fork in it, the election goes to the highest bidder of hackers. With Wall Street and the entire Federal government supporting Hillary, the GOP included, I'd say the hackers will be for Hillary.

No way Bush won in 2000 and no way Trump won last year

Good News For Russia: 15 States Use Easily Hackable Voting Machines | HuffPost

LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.

What does it mean to get over it? How do you get over it? I've moved on if that's what you mean. To 2018 and 2020.
Every time I see old threads bumped it's always the same trolls.

So predictable
Why does it bother you old man? Are you afraid your words are going to come back to bite you? I think you hate it when we go back and find how differently you were talking when Obama was president, or Bush depending on how long you been here.

I think it is funny as fuck that it bothers you so much.

I told you old fucking man that I'm not going to start new threads when I can just restart old ones. Do you want me creating a bunch of new threads on rigged elections? Then eat an old dick you old fucking man.

Go ahead. It'll be fun shoving them up your wrinkly old ass.

I know Republicans are shameless when they get caught being hypocrites. That's why I don't take you seriously. Are you trying to pretend to be intellectually honest? It's not working. You come off as a liar or stupid.
This whole notion of rigged elections hit a nerve with Hillary. Never have I seen her more animated and troubled. But what exactly does "rigged" mean?

Can someone who is poor run for President? No, they can't afford it and have no political connections.

Can someone who does not sell their collective souls to one of the two major parties become President? No.

Can someone who is not a lawyer become President? Apparently not.

Can someone oppose the mind control of the liberal education system and liberal press and the liberal Wall Street types who love Hillary? No.

Then there is voter fraud. We have all heard cases of voter fraud, but just because we don't hear about all of them does not mean that there is much more out there. In fact, my main concern is voter hacking. The technology is old 1990s technology. So essentially everyone in the DNC, like Hillary, who has been hacked because they are clueless with technology, are to preach to us that the system is safely guarded?


Stick a fork in it, the election goes to the highest bidder of hackers. With Wall Street and the entire Federal government supporting Hillary, the GOP included, I'd say the hackers will be for Hillary.

No way Bush won in 2000 and no way Trump won last year

Good News For Russia: 15 States Use Easily Hackable Voting Machines | HuffPost

LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.

What does it mean to get over it? How do you get over it? I've moved on if that's what you mean. To 2018 and 2020.

Of course you've "moved on" that's why you're here every day crying about it. Dumbass.
Every time I see old threads bumped it's always the same trolls.

So predictable
Why does it bother you old man? Are you afraid your words are going to come back to bite you? I think you hate it when we go back and find how differently you were talking when Obama was president, or Bush depending on how long you been here.

I think it is funny as fuck that it bothers you so much.

I told you old fucking man that I'm not going to start new threads when I can just restart old ones. Do you want me creating a bunch of new threads on rigged elections? Then eat an old dick you old fucking man.

Go ahead. It'll be fun shoving them up your wrinkly old ass.

I know Republicans are shameless when they get caught being hypocrites. That's why I don't take you seriously. Are you trying to pretend to be intellectually honest? It's not working. You come off as a liar or stupid.

I come off as kicking your stupid ass all over the forum. I'm not a Republican, I just detest liars like you.
This whole notion of rigged elections hit a nerve with Hillary. Never have I seen her more animated and troubled. But what exactly does "rigged" mean?

Can someone who is poor run for President? No, they can't afford it and have no political connections.

Can someone who does not sell their collective souls to one of the two major parties become President? No.

Can someone who is not a lawyer become President? Apparently not.

Can someone oppose the mind control of the liberal education system and liberal press and the liberal Wall Street types who love Hillary? No.

Then there is voter fraud. We have all heard cases of voter fraud, but just because we don't hear about all of them does not mean that there is much more out there. In fact, my main concern is voter hacking. The technology is old 1990s technology. So essentially everyone in the DNC, like Hillary, who has been hacked because they are clueless with technology, are to preach to us that the system is safely guarded?


Stick a fork in it, the election goes to the highest bidder of hackers. With Wall Street and the entire Federal government supporting Hillary, the GOP included, I'd say the hackers will be for Hillary.

No way Bush won in 2000 and no way Trump won last year

Good News For Russia: 15 States Use Easily Hackable Voting Machines | HuffPost

LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.

What does it mean to get over it? How do you get over it? I've moved on if that's what you mean. To 2018 and 2020.

Of course you've "moved on" that's why you're here every day crying about it. Dumbass.

I'm moving on towards 2018 stupid. Just like you guys never stopped playing politics.

Oh, and you guys are doing a horrible job. Do you think us liberals love it or hate it that you haven't gotten anything passed? Hint, we love it!!! We're just scared all of the sudden you guys are going to start figuring it out.

A lot harder to pass bad legislation right before a midterm. Voters don't have time to forget. So you really only have 4 months to get shit done.

More likely you guys won't get much done and hope you win 2020 then you'll really pass your extreme right wing agenda. That's why we have to beat you in 2020 and we need to take a few Senate Seats back.

I remember I was cocky last year Hillary was going to win and you guys were already making excuses. Don't be cocky. I smell a one term president. A failed experiment.
This whole notion of rigged elections hit a nerve with Hillary. Never have I seen her more animated and troubled. But what exactly does "rigged" mean?

Can someone who is poor run for President? No, they can't afford it and have no political connections.

Can someone who does not sell their collective souls to one of the two major parties become President? No.

Can someone who is not a lawyer become President? Apparently not.

Can someone oppose the mind control of the liberal education system and liberal press and the liberal Wall Street types who love Hillary? No.

Then there is voter fraud. We have all heard cases of voter fraud, but just because we don't hear about all of them does not mean that there is much more out there. In fact, my main concern is voter hacking. The technology is old 1990s technology. So essentially everyone in the DNC, like Hillary, who has been hacked because they are clueless with technology, are to preach to us that the system is safely guarded?


Stick a fork in it, the election goes to the highest bidder of hackers. With Wall Street and the entire Federal government supporting Hillary, the GOP included, I'd say the hackers will be for Hillary.

No way Bush won in 2000 and no way Trump won last year

Good News For Russia: 15 States Use Easily Hackable Voting Machines | HuffPost

LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.

What does it mean to get over it? How do you get over it? I've moved on if that's what you mean. To 2018 and 2020.

Of course you've "moved on" that's why you're here every day crying about it. Dumbass.

I'm moving on towards 2018 stupid. Just like you guys never stopped playing politics.

Oh, and you guys are doing a horrible job. Do you think us liberals love it or hate it that you haven't gotten anything passed? Hint, we love it!!! We're just scared all of the sudden you guys are going to start figuring it out.

A lot harder to pass bad legislation right before a midterm. Voters don't have time to forget. So you really only have 4 months to get shit done.

More likely you guys won't get much done and hope you win 2020 then you'll really pass your extreme right wing agenda. That's why we have to beat you in 2020 and we need to take a few Senate Seats back.

I remember I was cocky last year Hillary was going to win and you guys were already making excuses. Don't be cocky. I smell a one term president. A failed experiment.

You smell yourself. What's cute is that you still think you have any say in the Electoral Process. You are correct, it's rigged, just not how you think. We don't have a say at all, the give us who they want to give us and let us "pretend" we matter. There is no difference between a Republican and a Democrat. You are falling for the shiny "distraction" that is Trump and Russia. While you are oooooing and ahhhing the powers that be are preparing for WWIII. We now have men and materiel on the Russian Border, the Turkish Border, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, and more every day in Syria. Russia and China both have troops on the N.Korean border ( it isn't to help us) and Russia is building up in the Arctic. You go ahead and whine about Trump. Soon it won't matter. Oh yes, it would have been the same with Bitchlery.

LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.

What does it mean to get over it? How do you get over it? I've moved on if that's what you mean. To 2018 and 2020.

Of course you've "moved on" that's why you're here every day crying about it. Dumbass.

I'm moving on towards 2018 stupid. Just like you guys never stopped playing politics.

Oh, and you guys are doing a horrible job. Do you think us liberals love it or hate it that you haven't gotten anything passed? Hint, we love it!!! We're just scared all of the sudden you guys are going to start figuring it out.

A lot harder to pass bad legislation right before a midterm. Voters don't have time to forget. So you really only have 4 months to get shit done.

More likely you guys won't get much done and hope you win 2020 then you'll really pass your extreme right wing agenda. That's why we have to beat you in 2020 and we need to take a few Senate Seats back.

I remember I was cocky last year Hillary was going to win and you guys were already making excuses. Don't be cocky. I smell a one term president. A failed experiment.

There is no difference between a Republican and a Democrat. While you are oooooing and ahhhing the powers that be are preparing for WWIII. We now have men and materiel on the Russian Border, the Turkish Border, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, and more every day in Syria. Russia and China both have troops on the N.Korean border ( it isn't to help us) and Russia is building up in the Arctic. You go ahead and whine about Trump. Soon it won't matter. Oh yes, it would have been the same with Bitchlery.

Then vote Democratic!

Yes I know Trump wants to lead us to WW3. Bush tried, McCain was going to continue and yes Trump is trying to figure out the best time and way to lie us into another war.

No it wouldn't have been the same with Hillary. Remember they tried to get Obama to bomb Iran? Remember they wanted Bill to invade Iraq so like NAFTA they could blame him but he wouldn't take the bait?
LOL, whack job. You lost, get over it.

What does it mean to get over it? How do you get over it? I've moved on if that's what you mean. To 2018 and 2020.

Of course you've "moved on" that's why you're here every day crying about it. Dumbass.

I'm moving on towards 2018 stupid. Just like you guys never stopped playing politics.

Oh, and you guys are doing a horrible job. Do you think us liberals love it or hate it that you haven't gotten anything passed? Hint, we love it!!! We're just scared all of the sudden you guys are going to start figuring it out.

A lot harder to pass bad legislation right before a midterm. Voters don't have time to forget. So you really only have 4 months to get shit done.

More likely you guys won't get much done and hope you win 2020 then you'll really pass your extreme right wing agenda. That's why we have to beat you in 2020 and we need to take a few Senate Seats back.

I remember I was cocky last year Hillary was going to win and you guys were already making excuses. Don't be cocky. I smell a one term president. A failed experiment.

There is no difference between a Republican and a Democrat. While you are oooooing and ahhhing the powers that be are preparing for WWIII. We now have men and materiel on the Russian Border, the Turkish Border, in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen, and more every day in Syria. Russia and China both have troops on the N.Korean border ( it isn't to help us) and Russia is building up in the Arctic. You go ahead and whine about Trump. Soon it won't matter. Oh yes, it would have been the same with Bitchlery.

Then vote Democratic!

Yes I know Trump wants to lead us to WW3. Bush tried, McCain was going to continue and yes Trump is trying to figure out the best time and way to lie us into another war.

No it wouldn't have been the same with Hillary. Remember they tried to get Obama to bomb Iran? Remember they wanted Bill to invade Iraq so like NAFTA they could blame him but he wouldn't take the bait?

Nope, they are all the same. They take orders from the Money Men. When they don't take their orders they die. By the end of Clinton's turn they were done with their incremental encroachments and were ready to go full bore. That's why Bush dove in head first, it's also why Obambi and Hillary started wars in Libya and Syria.

The money men are the central bankers.

"In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:






North Korea




The only countries left in 2003 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family were:




North Korea



Seeing a pattern?

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