Right now: IFD attack on Gaza strip

But apparently people here say there is a seige on Gaza, the people were starving in the street, are miserable and it is a concentration camp.

I suppose without pftinmore they would have carried on thinking like that. Thank you very much pftinmore because you have certainly brought it out into the open exactly how happy the people in Gaza are.

One of the most modern, largest and most expensive swimming pools in the world is in Gaza.


Isn't it great what you can accomplish when you don't have a state?:eusa_whistle:

I'm pretty sure you mean it somewhat tongue in cheek, but there is a certain validity to this... in a certain way...
I wonder how many sewage treatment plants could have been built using the concrete and steel and electrical wiring that went into those HAMAS tunnels into Israel *instead*?

Maybe not a very big plant, but then I bet a lot of shelters could've been built for civilians *instead*

As someone is wont to say, we all make our choices - and HAMAS made theirs.

100% agreement.

I know of no other entity in the entire world that has genocide anchored into it's charter document, and yet, it is tolerated by many, many people across the world. But that is definitely the case with Hamas.

Now, I'm just gonna sit back and let that sentence sink in with people for a long, long time.
After the U.S. the Israeli air force is probably the best in the world.:cool:
You're right, Jroc. You can see why some of them were brought over here with one of the MIGs they captured to train with our own Top Guns so that our Top Guns would have experience fighting against MIGs. Can anyone see Freddie flying a plane like these young pilots do?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp3I4mXWh1Y]Israeli Air Force in Action - YouTube[/ame]

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