Right now President Trump is speaking and only Faux News is covering it.

he's gone full tilt whackadoodle over yesterday's televised presser by mueller.

Every lie Trump promotes should receive maximum news coverage. He lied today as he lies every day. He is not just a liar, he is a malicious compulsive serial liar. Our President is a proven dishonest unethical danger to America.

Libbies run around in hysterics shouting liar....yet when pressed to identify these lies....they melt away like new fallen snowflakes. hehheh

When all of Obama's real lies...not fake lies....are exposed they cry racists...the ole doublestandard as always.
Identify the lies? This list isn`t quite up to date but here`s 10,111 Trump lies. No one is melting away.

Just leftwing propaganda select one or two real lies..or what you consider real lies from that list and we will discuss it.
You`re running from Trump`s 10,111 lies. Why? Tell us which of them aren`t lies. Is your TDS that severe that you believe everything that comes out of his mouth? Where`s your free wall to hide behind and where is "crooked Hillary" serving her sentence? Is it one of the prisons where Trump`s inner circle is locked up?
It is reprehensible that only Faux News is covering what the President is saying right now on the White House lawn. All other channels are showing bullshit puffpieces about Star Wars or other lame ass items. Dumbass liberal reporters want to know if the president is worried about impeachment and he is telling them not at all, there was no crime committed by him but the justice department is going to find out who actually was behind the criminal events to overthrow the elections of President Trump. Cant wait, and when the shit does hit the fan, people are going to jail, and if not, then it is time to start rebelling against the establishment.

Sorry man, but jail is for us, not them. This will all be forgotten in two news cycles.
Lol....Trump today ftmfw!! Who cant love the overt middle finger to the DUMS. Trump supporters laughing their balls off today!! We love this guy....the antithesis of the progressive weenies who would rather toss themselves off of 40 story building then offend somebody.

Idk.... maybe it is me but most white males I know are not these conflict aversive backbone of a Hershey bar men. You will frequently find that most Progressive men really didn't engage much in competition versus other men.... in fact bent over backwards to avoid it particularly in their formative years. It's one of the main reasons that deep down they can't stand Trump..... because when push comes to shove they have no balls.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. And they know it too.....
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Lol....Trump today ftmfw!! Who cant love the overt middle finger to the DUMS. Trump supporters laughing their balls off today!! We love this guy....the antithesis of the progressive weenies who would rather toss themselves off of 40 story building then offend somebody.

Idk.... maybe it is me but most white males I know are not these conflict aversive backbone of a Hershey bar men. You will frequently find that most Progressive men really didn't engage much in competition versus other men.... in fact bent over backwards to avoid it particularly in their formative years. It's one of the main reasons that deep down they can't stand Trump..... because when push comes to shove they have no balls.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. And they know it too.....

you point out one of the key reasons the democrats hate trump....he is a stand up very competitive guy who has been very successful.

On the other hand look at how obama kowtowed to foreign leaders....bowing to arabs etc. Let Iran walk all over him.....his consituency fully agrees with that approach ...be humble, be nice and try to make friends with everybody...no matter how much America has to sacrifice in order to do so.
It isn't that liberals want to hurt America, its that they want to relieve the world of evil white men, capitalism, guns, free markets, civilization, and a healthy medical industry.

Nothing more than that, don't be so paranoid everyone.
christian sharia was already begun by the Catholics in their founding of the journal, Islamochristiana in 1975. CAIR jonesing for recognition on the Northwest Coast is part of Pence's agenda as Ruth Bader now senses something funky going on in the 'hood.
Ruth Bader sensing something funky,is like a corpse trying to come back to life and realize it stinks to high heaven...
It isn't that liberals want to hurt America, its that they want to relieve the world of evil white men, capitalism, guns, free markets, civilization, and a healthy medical industry.

Nothing more than that, don't be so paranoid everyone.
Dont forget that the liberals NWO, has a depopulation plan of about 6 1/2 billions people destroyed. Nothing to worry about, as long as you arent one of the destroyed.
Lol....Trump today ftmfw!! Who cant love the overt middle finger to the DUMS. Trump supporters laughing their balls off today!! We love this guy....the antithesis of the progressive weenies who would rather toss themselves off of 40 story building then offend somebody.

Idk.... maybe it is me but most white males I know are not these conflict aversive backbone of a Hershey bar men. You will frequently find that most Progressive men really didn't engage much in competition versus other men.... in fact bent over backwards to avoid it particularly in their formative years. It's one of the main reasons that deep down they can't stand Trump..... because when push comes to shove they have no balls.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. And they know it too.....

you point out one of the key reasons the democrats hate trump....he is a stand up very competitive guy who has been very successful.

On the other hand look at how obama kowtowed to foreign leaders....bowing to arabs etc. Let Iran walk all over him.....his consituency fully agrees with that approach ...be humble, be nice and try to make friends with everybody...no matter how much America has to sacrifice in order to do so.

Yep....progressives love the limpwristed leaders. Straight talking people fuck them up....its a problem.
christian sharia was already begun by the Catholics in their founding of the journal, Islamochristiana in 1975. CAIR jonesing for recognition on the Northwest Coast is part of Pence's agenda as Ruth Bader now senses something funky going on in the 'hood.
Ruth Bader sensing something funky,is like a corpse trying to come back to life and realize it stinks to high heaven...

Is she even alive? Some think she's been dead for some months now.

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