Right now President Trump is speaking and only Faux News is covering it.

More Asians than blacks out here in farm country but that's because the cops are hard on the blacks.

We have a good population of Vietnamese in this area. They are very similar to us and their culture works well in these bayous. They're good people & a lot like (sober) coonasses.
Americans are growing more and more bored and tired of listening to Trump lie, whine, and make a fool of himself and the office of the Presidency.
Americans are growing more and more bored and tired of listening to Trump lie, whine, and make a fool of himself and the office of the Presidency.

Well by Americans you obviously mean the k00k left. Trump poll #s continue to shine despite 90% negative coverage.....yuk....yuk:cul2:
Americans are growing more and more bored and tired of listening to Trump lie, whine, and make a fool of himself and the office of the Presidency.

Well by Americans you obviously mean the k00k left. Trump poll #s continue to shine despite 90% negative coverage.....yuk....yuk:cul2:
Nothing is shiny about Trump's poll numbers other than his disapproval numbers remain the same over at 50% and closer to 60%.
Americans are growing more and more bored and tired of listening to Trump lie, whine, and make a fool of himself and the office of the Presidency.

Well by Americans you obviously mean the k00k left. Trump poll #s continue to shine despite 90% negative coverage.....yuk....yuk:cul2:
Nothing is shiny about Trump's poll numbers other than his disapproval numbers remain the same over at 50% and closer to 60%.

But that's going by RCP....nobody goes by RCP after 2016 when they were off by a billion miles.

Rasmussen or ghey.

Hey but if WAPO polls make you all giddy, go with them I say!!!
We have domestic terrorist in America.. they are democrats. The shut down of speech

......but it is the right shooting up schools, mosques, synagogues, churches, etc.
Who said there was a right to shoot up schools, mosques etc? Not those on the right, for sure, but it is always some lunatic leftie who has a death wish he/she/it wants to share.
We have domestic terrorist in America.. they are democrats. The shut down of speech

......but it is the right shooting up schools, mosques, synagogues, churches, etc.

The "right" is shooting up schools ?

Active school shooters are non-partisan. Most all are students or ex-students.

Ahh.....fuck him. Who can take anything he says seriously? Like Tiggerred, a miserable as fuck black guy who detests his own blackness. You can spot these types a million miles away.
So when is your posting going up about democrat polices that are getting blacks shot daily ?
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha

A parent is an utter fool to send their child to any demoquack ran school.
Topic of this thread? Just checking since someone seems to be the thread police......:eusa_whistle:

So...are all the CRCs crying over the unfair lack of media attention to their cult leader's speech?
It is reprehensible that only Faux News is covering what the President is saying right now on the White House lawn. All other channels are showing bullshit puffpieces about Star Wars or other lame ass items. Dumbass liberal reporters want to know if the president is worried about impeachment and he is telling them not at all, there was no crime committed by him but the justice department is going to find out who actually was behind the criminal events to overthrow the elections of President Trump. Cant wait, and when the shit does hit the fan, people are going to jail, and if not, then it is time to start rebelling against the establishment.


"High Crimes and Misdemeanors."
  • Obama blatantly and deliberately lies to the nation to sell the takeover of 1/6th the US economy? Nothing.
  • Hillary Clinton uses her office to parley foreign nations into bankrolling her in order to get favors back from the USA then destroys all her records kept on an illegal private server in her closet when the operation gets leaked? Nothing.
  • Donald Trump, CEO businessman hit immediately with partisan investigation trying to nullify his election that he knows there is no truth to asks his counsel if he has the presidential authority to just shut it down instead to get on with the nation's work?
T W O Y E A R S I N V E S T I G A T I O N !

P A N I C !

3 5 M I L L I O N D O L L A R S !

O B S T R U C T I O N !

I M P E A C H M E N T !

C O N S T I T U T I O N A L C R I S I S !

Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
They are not controlled by the dems and if they were they wouldn't be right now because it is a republican in charge of the DOE duh!...
No all the principal players are all Democrats 99.9% of all inner-city schools that are failing all have democratic run superintendent mayors city council members etc. AGAIN ANSWER THE QUESTION don’t filer bust . Time to man up
Schools don't fail but students do fail to learn. There is absolutely nothing stopping a human from being educated, nothing, in today's plethora of outlets of knowledge waiting to be discovered, learned and improved upon. The human that is not educated is a human that doesn't want to be educated..
I didn’t ask you your prospective lol I asked you what they should be teachings the kids off of the facts I posted.. you can do it.. no more fill a Busting
WTF is a filer bust...Are you trying to say filibuster?
What was being said earlier about how people CHOOSE to not become educated? Spot on there.
So when is your posting going up about democrat polices that are getting blacks shot daily ?
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
If you’re a white Republican, you shouldn’t worry too much about African-Americans. Because they’ll never go back to chains. You may legislate women’s bodies, but you’re not going to legislate black people. They won’t stand for it.
Women are not going back to having our bodies regulated. In fact with women being the majority of voters, it may very well be we start regulating men's bodies. View attachment 263117
Unfortunately it might be too late for a generation. These guys in the supreme court you’re going to end women’s rights.
When you force women to have unwanted children it’s not just about having a baby, you could ruin their career, losing their job their take away their medical care.
And to force a rape victim to have the baby of the man who assaulted her? That’s just horrible. Terrible. Awful. What kind of people would do something like that?
You can bet the Republicans will try to pass a law that gives the rapist equal rights to the child.
The CRCs are trying to shove christian sharia down our throats.
Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.
So the OP was lying. I'm shocked.
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
I am saying that there are Repubs and Dems on the school board and the school board is the body of elected representatives which votes on matters like school policy, funding, curriculum and the selection of textbooks used.
You think it's the Dept. of Ed that does all that, you are wrong if you do.
Stop your filibustering every inner city school in America is run by democrats. Answer the question
Now see? You've learned something today. :71:
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
If you’re a white Republican, you shouldn’t worry too much about African-Americans. Because they’ll never go back to chains. You may legislate women’s bodies, but you’re not going to legislate black people. They won’t stand for it.
Women are not going back to having our bodies regulated. In fact with women being the majority of voters, it may very well be we start regulating men's bodies. View attachment 263117
Unfortunately it might be too late for a generation. These guys in the supreme court you’re going to end women’s rights.
When you force women to have unwanted children it’s not just about having a baby, you could ruin their career, losing their job their take away their medical care.
And to force a rape victim to have the baby of the man who assaulted her? That’s just horrible. Terrible. Awful. What kind of people would do something like that?
You can bet the Republicans will try to pass a law that gives the rapist equal rights to the child.

You idiot someone on the right would advocate casterating and killing a rapist...you on the left would say he's misunderstood
"casterating"......calling someone else an idiot? Classic CRC Irony.
Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.

Nobody with a lick of sense watches PMSNBC
Well, the op is INCORRECT,

wasn't that the point of this thread? no other channel than FOX covered the President.... all the tears shed over it? well, that is simply not true, should I have pretended that the op was telling the truth and gone in to a bitch and whine fest about it, even though it was not true?
Shut up with the truth, you!!!!!!
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
I am saying that there are Repubs and Dems on the school board and the school board is the body of elected representatives which votes on matters like school policy, funding, curriculum and the selection of textbooks used.
You think it's the Dept. of Ed that does all that, you are wrong if you do.
Stop your filibustering every inner city school in America is run by democrats. Answer the question
Now see? You've learned something today. :71:
I’m your teacher
christian sharia was already begun by the Catholics in their founding of the journal, Islamochristiana in 1975. CAIR jonesing for recognition on the Northwest Coast is part of Pence's agenda as Ruth Bader now senses something funky going on in the 'hood.

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