Right now President Trump is speaking and only Faux News is covering it.

Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.
So when is your posting going up about democrat polices that are getting blacks shot daily ?
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
I am saying that there are Repubs and Dems on the school board and the school board is the body of elected representatives which votes on matters like school policy, funding, curriculum and the selection of textbooks used.
You think it's the Dept. of Ed that does all that, you are wrong if you do.
Stop your filibustering every inner city school in America is run by democrats. Answer the question
Lol there are 300 blacks shot every week in towns run by democrats.. ohhh you found a white guy shooting at something every 3 years.. congratulations would you like a sticker lol haha
The reason Republicans keep talking about black people is to use them to create a diversion so we aren’t looking at what Republicans doing.


Just like Republicans try to blame Muslims for terrorist activities and terrorist attacks.


The reason Republicans keep trying to keep us talking about blacks and Muslims is because it’s a diversion. If you talk about Republicans you’re talking about the real criminals. They don’t want that.
You think 300 blacks shot a week is a diversion Lol wow
When is your Kkk meeting? Haha

You just threw that number out there and we are just suppose to believe it.
There were 34 people shot in one day in Chicago this week.. one city lol
Helps to keep the population down.
Well there it is lol.. hahah Democrats are racist ..
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
They are not controlled by the dems and if they were they wouldn't be right now because it is a republican in charge of the DOE duh!...

Wrong on about six levels
Yet, you can't find any syllogistic fallacies.

You think a scool district ran by republicans would allow drag queens around children, teach anal sex etc to elementary students, etc etc? It's happening in some schools.

Take your nonsense and run along.
Yeah school is run by Republicans. They also don’t believe in science. They don’t believe in healthcare. They don’t believe in education for good jobs. What are they actually teaching the kids? The truth is they aren’t teaching the kids. They’re propagandizing the kids. Remember in Texas, they said they don’t want to teach children critical thinking skills because the kids won’t listen to their parents and they’ll learn to think for themselves.
So when is your posting going up about democrat polices that are getting blacks shot daily ?
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
If you’re a white Republican, you shouldn’t worry too much about African-Americans. Because they’ll never go back to chains. You may legislate women’s bodies, but you’re not going to legislate black people. They won’t stand for it.
Women are not going back to having our bodies regulated. In fact with women being the majority of voters, it may very well be we start regulating men's bodies. View attachment 263117
Unfortunately it might be too late for a generation. These guys in the supreme court you’re going to end women’s rights.
When you force women to have unwanted children it’s not just about having a baby, you could ruin their career, losing their job their take away their medical care.
And to force a rape victim to have the baby of the man who assaulted her? That’s just horrible. Terrible. Awful. What kind of people would do something like that?
You can bet the Republicans will try to pass a law that gives the rapist equal rights to the child.

You idiot someone on the right would advocate casterating and killing a rapist...you on the left would say he's misunderstood
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
I am saying that there are Repubs and Dems on the school board and the school board is the body of elected representatives which votes on matters like school policy, funding, curriculum and the selection of textbooks used.
You think it's the Dept. of Ed that does all that, you are wrong if you do.
Stop your filibustering every inner city school in America is run by democrats. Answer the question
The Republicans answer to poor schools in the inner-city is to just shut down the schools, clearly.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
They are not controlled by the dems and if they were they wouldn't be right now because it is a republican in charge of the DOE duh!...

Wrong on about six levels
Yet, you can't find any syllogistic fallacies.

You think a scool district ran by republicans would allow drag queens around children, teach anal sex etc to elementary students, etc etc? It's happening in some schools.

Take your nonsense and run along.
Yeah school is run by Republicans. They also don’t believe in science. They don’t believe in healthcare. They don’t believe in education for good jobs. What are they actually teaching the kids? The truth is they aren’t teaching the kids. They’re propagandizing the kids. Remember in Texas, they said they don’t want to teach children critical thinking skills because the kids won’t listen to their parents and they’ll learn to think for themselves.

Oh b.s. you're just parroting talking points now.
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
I am saying that there are Repubs and Dems on the school board and the school board is the body of elected representatives which votes on matters like school policy, funding, curriculum and the selection of textbooks used.
You think it's the Dept. of Ed that does all that, you are wrong if you do.

My argument is school boards do and you're playing into it.

Inner city schools, Democrat cities etc will tend to have Democrat controlled boards. Rural areas tend to have Republican controlled boards.

Try and bring a drag queen show to a second grade class in rural Indiana....see what happens. It'll be ugly. Then try it in oh say..Baltimore or San Fran.
There is a tranny that works in the library in Pineville, Mo. That is where they filmed the 1940's film "Jesse James"....Discrimination is not practiced in every rural area.
Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.

Nobody with a lick of sense watches PMSNBC
Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.
Well, you know...if Republicans didn't lie, they'd have NOTHING to say!
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
Democrats do not control the schools each community and the state controls the schools..All schools are not unionized either.
Yes and they are controlled by democrats. And connect to the department of education a GOVERNMENT agency.. now answer my question..

Are you saying republicans are running the Baltimore inner city schools hahahhaha
I am saying that there are Repubs and Dems on the school board and the school board is the body of elected representatives which votes on matters like school policy, funding, curriculum and the selection of textbooks used.
You think it's the Dept. of Ed that does all that, you are wrong if you do.
Stop your filibustering every inner city school in America is run by democrats. Answer the question
The Republicans answer to poor schools in the inner-city is to just shut down the schools, clearly.
Huh? What’s closing?? Lol
Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.

Nobody with a lick of sense watches PMSNBC
Well, the op is INCORRECT,

wasn't that the point of this thread? no other channel than FOX covered the President.... all the tears shed over it? well, that is simply not true, should I have pretended that the op was telling the truth and gone in to a bitch and whine fest about it, even though it was not true?
I don’t I’m just calling out
You clear hate for people of color .. all you yell about is white lives lol
I have no special place in my heart for any race, gender or culture...
So when is your posting going up about democrat polices that are getting blacks shot daily ?
Legalize drugs for one thing to stop the street sales. Second offer rehab, then offer work...If they don't want any of the above I am sure prison has a place for them.
It is not democratic policies which drive people to kill it human being inhumane...You never told me how many die in Republican run cities or are there no cities that have Republicans in charge?
At least you are smart enough to use more words than leftist or rightist.
Black fatherless rate is at 77%, black history in schools focuses on negative American history, not the positive, black music is talking about sexual assault, murder, and victimizing other races. Lol
Democrats control the schools.. now start again. What should we be teaching in these schools?? I’ll give you a Mulligan
If you’re a white Republican, you shouldn’t worry too much about African-Americans. Because they’ll never go back to chains. You may legislate women’s bodies, but you’re not going to legislate black people. They won’t stand for it.

They will stand for it and have for over a century. Who do you think has "legislated" black lives the most? If you chose 'the Democratic Party' you'd be correct. Explain to us, please, how planned parenthood--an organization responsible for the murder of millions of African American children--is a right wing founded or politicized entity? Who moved populations of blacks from the country to inner city hell? Who controls the cities with the highest black drug, prostitution and gang violence? Who has turned these cities into next to Third World shitholes of homelessness, gansta culture and disease? Who truly is the "Man" who keeps a brother down in the ghetto? The American Left, that's who. But you and your ilk cannot face this truth because to do so would mean acknowledging that black people need not be perpetual victims which in turn would rob the Democrats of their most profitable whipping boys. The sickness of your ideology is self-deception and failure to look in the mirror and see your own corruption rather than an image of your so-called enemy.
Oh, and MSNBC showed him speaking, so the op is incorrect. they even had one of those messages on their screen saying, Breaking News: The President is about to Speak

before he came on.

Nobody with a lick of sense watches PMSNBC
Well, the op is INCORRECT,

wasn't that the point of this thread? no other channel than FOX covered the President.... all the tears shed over it? well, that is simply not true, should I have pretended that the op was telling the truth and gone in to a bitch and whine fest about it, even though it was not true?

Maybe the OP has some sense and doesn't watch PMSNBC. I dunno
So has Trump said anything on the TV worth listening to?
no, it was the same ole incoherent rant...

not a word about the Russian interference and what he is doing to prevent it from happening AGAIN...

it was ALL about himself... poor little weak, him...

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