Right to die


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
What is your opinions on a "right to die", such as assisted suicide.

I don't buy into the "suicidal" mindset, but in the case of the terminally ill who would die painfully otherwise, I might possibly be in favor of it.
Picture this: you are bedridden, can't even get out of bed. You've had a major stroke, so one side of your body is pretty much useless. Your vision is so poor you can't see what's on a big screen TV when it's 10 feet away and you can't read a book either. And you're in a lot of pain, pretty much all the time. Somebody else has to feed you, wash you, wipe your ass, everything. Chances are, you don't much like being a burden and you've got no chance at getting any better. You're not really living, you're just existing.

Should you be allowed to end your life? Should a doctor be allowed to give you a drug that stops your heart? Should someone give you a gun and give you the choice to use it on yourself or not? In primitive cultures, during winter when food was scarce some old people would sacrifice themselves so that the young ones could eat more. Just stop eating and wait to die. And maybe sometimes the decision was made for them. It's your life, right?
Interesting article,


The Jain monks in India practice this, santhara or sallekhana They believe if you are ill or used up you can fast and withhold water until death. I read about this and Jainism long ago and believe I read you have this right in the USA, in all but maybe 2 states, possibly all I forget. They say few days are hard then you become euphoric and in 8-12 days are gone. Legally I don't believe the law can stop anyone from this.

Your question "right to die, assisted" Their choice. I would not argue anyone their right to check out when terminally ill. Prolong their suffering? No way.

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