Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

That's not true at all. While I'm not opposed to legalizing drugs to eliminate the drug cartels, we would still have a nation of stoned zombies committing everything from petty crimes to murder in their quest to procure their next hit.

Alcohol is 100% legal. Do we have "very few" problems with alcohol? The answer of course is that we have monumental problems with alcohol. How many women are horribly beaten in domestic incidents because of men who become mean and violent while intoxicated? How many "bar fights" and other altercations occur between intoxicated individuals? How many people die every single day because someone got behind the wheel while drunk?

Facts. They are a bitch, eh snowflake?
These are the facts, what's legal is much easier to deal with than what's illegal. And we do have very few problems with alcohol now versus when it was illegal. And we know this how? Because we made it illegal and it was a fucking disaster. There's not a rational reason in the world I can't come home and have a drink or two, a glass of wine with dinner, a joint after dinner, a lude at bedtime and a little coke to get me fired up for work the next morning. If you'd get your fucking emotionally-based morality out of my face I'd be a happy camper and so would all my suppliers down at the drug store. That would be the free-market at work but oh no, you've been told that would be bad, bad, bad, which is - a lie.

Again unhealthy, reckless lifestyle that you want all to pay for

What part of that are you paying for, Mr. High and Mighty? You ain't paying for the bourbon I'm having or the sleeping pill I just took so - STFU.

Your the one who demands we all have to get insurance...

Again you want us to pay your health insurance for years of reckless and a unhealthy lifestyle.

Once more

Why do we have to pay for your type that is to stupid to take care of yourself?


If you drive a car, should you be required to have insurance, yes or no? And if yes, should all drivers be required to have insurance, yes or no?

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

That's what happens when you ban Eugenics and let very stupid people, like Trump-voters, reproduce..

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.
Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

These are the facts, what's legal is much easier to deal with than what's illegal. And we do have very few problems with alcohol now versus when it was illegal. And we know this how? Because we made it illegal and it was a fucking disaster. There's not a rational reason in the world I can't come home and have a drink or two, a glass of wine with dinner, a joint after dinner, a lude at bedtime and a little coke to get me fired up for work the next morning. If you'd get your fucking emotionally-based morality out of my face I'd be a happy camper and so would all my suppliers down at the drug store. That would be the free-market at work but oh no, you've been told that would be bad, bad, bad, which is - a lie.

Again unhealthy, reckless lifestyle that you want all to pay for

What part of that are you paying for, Mr. High and Mighty? You ain't paying for the bourbon I'm having or the sleeping pill I just took so - STFU.

Your the one who demands we all have to get insurance...

Again you want us to pay your health insurance for years of reckless and a unhealthy lifestyle.

Once more

Why do we have to pay for your type that is to stupid to take care of yourself?


If you drive a car, should you be required to have insurance, yes or no? And if yes, should all drivers be required to have insurance, yes or no?

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.
You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.
Again unhealthy, reckless lifestyle that you want all to pay for

What part of that are you paying for, Mr. High and Mighty? You ain't paying for the bourbon I'm having or the sleeping pill I just took so - STFU.

Your the one who demands we all have to get insurance...

Again you want us to pay your health insurance for years of reckless and a unhealthy lifestyle.

Once more

Why do we have to pay for your type that is to stupid to take care of yourself?


If you drive a car, should you be required to have insurance, yes or no? And if yes, should all drivers be required to have insurance, yes or no?

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

What part of that are you paying for, Mr. High and Mighty? You ain't paying for the bourbon I'm having or the sleeping pill I just took so - STFU.

Your the one who demands we all have to get insurance...

Again you want us to pay your health insurance for years of reckless and a unhealthy lifestyle.

Once more

Why do we have to pay for your type that is to stupid to take care of yourself?


If you drive a car, should you be required to have insurance, yes or no? And if yes, should all drivers be required to have insurance, yes or no?

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.
Your the one who demands we all have to get insurance...

Again you want us to pay your health insurance for years of reckless and a unhealthy lifestyle.

Once more

Why do we have to pay for your type that is to stupid to take care of yourself?


If you drive a car, should you be required to have insurance, yes or no? And if yes, should all drivers be required to have insurance, yes or no?

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

Why you want people that want freedom and independence to die out and people who need the government to be their nanny's reproduce ..


You don't want liberty, not for Gays, Jews, Muslims, Feminists, all other Minorities, you want it for yourself and you don't want to pay for anything that doesn't personally benefit you. If you want to make it legal to let women leave babies they can't afford to feed to die in the snow again, to toss damaged infants down a dry well like days of old so they can have another healthy one instead, I'm not stopping you - you are.

And don't tell me some 38-year-old guy deserves to sit around the rest of his life because he went into the army at 18. That is a moocher.

What are you babbling about? I deal with reality ...again my first post to you is true and correct, the high cost of health and car insurance is caused by liberals trying to save everyone, let idiots live for yet another day and let stupid genes reproduce

The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

Sorry --- you're exposing your ignorance. It is impossible to create a pool in which everyone 1) can afford to participate, and 2) pay for their own coverage. As usual, you want someone to carry you --- you don't want to take responsibility for yourself. Moocher ....
Oh, I can set up a pool that big. It's called All American Citizens, and they can all afford to pay for it because they all pay some form of taxes. Some pay very little and use a lot. Some pay a lot and use very little but everyone is covered. Problem solved. It ain't capitalism but it was never supposed to be. Capitalism is for grandpa's diapers, not his liver transplant.

You know, I've sat here and read all your posts pissing and moaning about just about everything - frankly, you've pretty much managed to insult everyone from the infirm to the injured. But, this particular nonsense borders on sheer insanity.

You obviously want a "national health program" like the ones all the others have -------- except that you fail to notice that most of those countries are going broke trying to pay for their "benefits". You ignore the 47% of Americans who pay no taxes whatsoever. You fail to mention that the American "capitalist" medical system is, by far, the greatest generator of medical improvements, enhancements, and cures in the world. You fail to mention that our capitalist medical system has supported the medical communities in all of those wonderful socialist states for the past 50 years. Actually, what you want is a "from each according to their ability, to those according to their need." But, even that form of socialism isn't what you really want --- you want "from SOME", not all,"to those you deem worthy", not those truly in need.

In short, you just wanted something to whine about - because whining is your way of getting attention. Well, now you got my attention ...
The high cost is because Americans are idiots who can't think rationally about the fact that if you need a giant pool of people to spread the risk as much as possible to keep the costs down, you might want to actually set up the conditions so that everyone can afford to buy whatever it is in the first fucking place. As usual, you want to blame the outsiders for a system they aren't allowed to even use, except in an emergency and that ends up on your bill because you flat out refuse to be part of a rational rationalized system like other Western nations have had for decades..

^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.
^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Ooooh ---- a tantrum!!! That is ever so cute.
^^^ see your post confirms it you want the rest of the people who take care of themselves, to pay for the people who don't take personal responsibility and have s reckless , unhealthy , careless lifestyle like you

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?


He traded it in for one of those vagina hats.
If you drive a car, should you be required to have insurance, yes or no? And if yes, should all drivers be required to have insurance, yes or no?

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.
It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?


He traded it in for one of those vagina hats.

He is a child ...lol

No...like it was 10 plus years ago, again why should I pay for reckless drivers , when I never had a claim in 36 years?

And car insurance is the biggest scam ever , it should have gone down.

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

Healthcare is a societal need. Capitalism doesn't do those. A new iPhone? It does that great. A new liver? Not so much. Capitalism is a hammer when i need thirty other tools for an issue capitalism was never designed to address. Lots of things in life are way more important than what capitalism can manage. You'll just have to start dealing with it.

It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?

My carrier pulled out. Now there is nothing and it was hardly affordable to begin with. You will hear that same refrain millions of times in the coming months. 30 million people are about to lose coverage. What a deal.
It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?

My carrier pulled out. Now there is nothing and it was hardly affordable to begin with. You will hear that same refrain millions of times in the coming months. 30 million people are about to lose coverage. What a deal.

You said that with a straight face? 30 million, huh? Let me guess ... and it won't cover pre-existing conditions, right?

C'mon --- if you're going to babble liberal talking points - get them all ! Give it your best effort.
Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

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