Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

It comes automatically to those losing Obamacare. In Obamacare you can pick a doctor. In Trumpcare you can pick an ER room.
Oh cool !!! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?

I think I heard that somewhere before.
You lost your doctor?
Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

How does it get cheap just because everyone pays up? Still costs the same ---- it's just a matter of how you divide the bill (and who pays the tip).
Rates can, but might not, go down when more people buy spreading out the risk pool. Fewer claims means they make better profits and some of that can be returned to the policy holders but if only a few buy, and most free ride, oh boy do you have trouble now. You are paying for you and the free riders. It's why Obamacare had a mandate, trying to knock out the free riders.

Obama care didn't cover the 30 milion free riders ...the illegals using the ER so it was a farce...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

It's not pure capitalism but it's still capitalism and without most people buying in doing things like covering per-existing conditions and not being able to deny coverage wouldn't happen. Those only make sense if millions of healthy people cover the fewer sick ones. That's what the mandate was for.
The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

It comes automatically to those losing Obamacare. In Obamacare you can pick a doctor. In Trumpcare you can pick an ER room.
Oh cool !!! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?

I think I heard that somewhere before.
Good theory, kind of stupid. Still, I like my ER room which is a good thing since care there is free, for me.

Food thing you don't live in South Carolina they will garnish your wages..

( I will still never understand why other states don't do that)

In the ER I am Donald J. Trump. I'll survive them hitting my (his) paycheck.
Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

It's not pure capitalism but it's still capitalism and without most people buying in doing things like covering per-existing conditions and not being able to deny coverage wouldn't happen. Those only make sense if millions of healthy people cover the fewer sick ones. That's what the mandate was for.

Since when is it capitalism, having the government forcing people to buy private companies goods


Where did you go to school and who taught you that?

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

How does it get cheap just because everyone pays up? Still costs the same ---- it's just a matter of how you divide the bill (and who pays the tip).
Rates can, but might not, go down when more people buy spreading out the risk pool. Fewer claims means they make better profits and some of that can be returned to the policy holders but if only a few buy, and most free ride, oh boy do you have trouble now. You are paying for you and the free riders. It's why Obamacare had a mandate, trying to knock out the free riders.

Obama care didn't cover the 30 milion free riders ...the illegals using the ER so it was a farce...

He picked up a lot of free riders, and even more onto Medicare so that others didn't get stuck with their bills. Now all of that is lost and getting worse thanks to the GOP and Trump. When the system crashes we;ll fit but you'll hate it, that I know.
Corporations and the rich should be paying much higher taxes, we need the fucking money, it doesn't grow on trees.
Revenues to the government were the highest in U.S. history (over $4 trillion per year) under Barack Insane Obama and he still set the record for national debt.

We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. Thank God President Trump understands that.
That's the human nature of toddlers, not adults. Adults can see the needs of others and acknowledge that they are just as valid as their own.
So you acknowledge that you are, in fact, a toddler? You are free to cover the costs of others any time you'd like. You choose not to. Why? Because you're a selfish, greedy toddler.
There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

It's not pure capitalism but it's still capitalism and without most people buying in doing things like covering per-existing conditions and not being able to deny coverage wouldn't happen. Those only make sense if millions of healthy people cover the fewer sick ones. That's what the mandate was for.

Since when is it capitalism, having the government forcing people to buy private companies goods


Where did you go to school and who taught you that?

Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation? Are you required to have seat belts in your car? Do they come from a corporation? Are you required to have a car seat for a small child? Does it come from corporation?
Yeah, the party of small government wants to poke its nose into what you eat, drink...
It's not Republicans that outlawed 48 ounce sodas in New York - that was the Dumbocrats. It's not Republicans that taxed sodas in Philadelphia to discourage their purchase - that was the Dumbocrats.

You literally don't know which way is up... :laugh:
Corporations and the rich should be paying much higher taxes, we need the fucking money, it doesn't grow on trees.
Revenues to the government were the highest in U.S. history (over $4 trillion per year) under Barack Insane Obama and he still set the record for national debt.

We don't have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. Thank God President Trump understands that.
So far his spending plan amounts to too much on what I don't like and too little on what I do, not we need to go from 4T to 3T and pay 1T towards the debt. That would be a plan.
Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation?
I can choose not to drive, snowflake. Obamacare forces me to purchase insurance just for being alive. Ever notice that the left cannot accomplish anything unless it is at the barrel of a gun?

Their policies are so idiotic, so incompetent, so ineffective that they can only get people to do it at the barrel of a gun. Speaks volumes.
That's the human nature of toddlers, not adults. Adults can see the needs of others and acknowledge that they are just as valid as their own.
So you acknowledge that you are, in fact, a toddler? You are free to cover the costs of others any time you'd like. You choose not to. Why? Because you're a selfish, greedy toddler.
I pay for many, and work (mostly) seven days a week, Boy. Just save your personal responsibility dogma for others.
I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

It's not pure capitalism but it's still capitalism and without most people buying in doing things like covering per-existing conditions and not being able to deny coverage wouldn't happen. Those only make sense if millions of healthy people cover the fewer sick ones. That's what the mandate was for.

Since when is it capitalism, having the government forcing people to buy private companies goods


Where did you go to school and who taught you that?

Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation? Are you required to have seat belts in your car? Do they come from a corporation? Are you required to have a car seat for a small child? Does it come from corporation?

Do I have to buy the seat belts, bumpers, air bags, horn, padded dash ect..ect.. And install them myself?

What kind of straw man argument is that?

Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation?
I can choose not to drive, snowflake. Obamacare forces me to purchase insurance just for being alive. Ever notice that the left cannot accomplish anything unless it is at the barrel of a gun?

Their policies are so idiotic, so incompetent, so ineffective that they can only get people to do it at the barrel of a gun. Speaks volumes.
Who used a gun, Mr.s Rational? That's correct, no one. And having the mandate is a conservative idea. Otherwise free riders would kill the system.
I pay for many, and work (mostly) seven days a week, Boy. Just save your personal responsibility dogma for others.
So then what is the problem? :dunno:

Eliminate Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, welfare, etc. There is no need for those things since you and your left-wing pals have it covered.
Who used a gun, Mr.s Rational? That's correct, no one. And having the mandate is a conservative idea. Otherwise free riders would kill the system.
Snowflake...if you don't pay your taxes....eventually a man with a gun will show up at your door with a warrant for your arrest.
I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

It's not pure capitalism but it's still capitalism and without most people buying in doing things like covering per-existing conditions and not being able to deny coverage wouldn't happen. Those only make sense if millions of healthy people cover the fewer sick ones. That's what the mandate was for.

Since when is it capitalism, having the government forcing people to buy private companies goods


Where did you go to school and who taught you that?

Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation? Are you required to have seat belts in your car? Do they come from a corporation? Are you required to have a car seat for a small child? Does it come from corporation?

Again they are in cahoots do you know what that means? If you lapse on your coverage in most states they automatically tell the state, and the state will fine you every day you don't have car insurance or until you turn over your license plate.

  1. colluding or conspiring together secretly.
    "the area is dominated by guerrillas in cahoots with drug traffickers"
    synonyms: in league, colluding, in collusion,conspiring, collaborating, hand in glove, in bed
    "it turned out that the commissioner was in cahoots with at least two of the managers"

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

It's not pure capitalism but it's still capitalism and without most people buying in doing things like covering per-existing conditions and not being able to deny coverage wouldn't happen. Those only make sense if millions of healthy people cover the fewer sick ones. That's what the mandate was for.

Since when is it capitalism, having the government forcing people to buy private companies goods


Where did you go to school and who taught you that?

Are you mandated to buy car insurance? Does it come from corporation? Are you required to have seat belts in your car? Do they come from a corporation? Are you required to have a car seat for a small child? Does it come from corporation?

Do I have to buy the seat belts, bumpers, air bags, horn, padded dash ect..ect.. And install them myself?

What kind of straw man argument is that?

The government makes the rules but you don't buy your car from the nearest government office. That's regulated capitalism but still very much, capitalism. Seat belts were optional, before they were mandated.

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