Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Why would you think it would go down? More young drivers, more roads, more drivers period, more drivers without insurance, more expensive cars. Car insurance is capitalism and it's why people drive without it when they either can't get it or can't afford it. If you want to see the prices drop, make sure everyone has it. That's how it works.

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?


12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?

My carrier pulled out. Now there is nothing and it was hardly affordable to begin with. You will hear that same refrain millions of times in the coming months. 30 million people are about to lose coverage. What a deal.

You said that with a straight face? 30 million, huh?
Yep. It was 25 under the old plan but now the corporations are tail between the legs looking to salvage what they can.
Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Well, got to admit ---- you've got to admire a guy who recognizes that he's a leech and lives beholden to others.
Everyone is supposed to have it know, the last state I think that didn't require it was Wisconsin and they just recently changed the rules..

I should be paying $5 bucks a month with my driving record the past 36 years but I am not...

In fact it went up due to Aii these reckless drivers texting

Again if no car insurance, people would be safer drivers, just like the people that have a few beers and drive ..they are extra careful not to get pulled over.

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?


12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.
To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

It comes automatically to those losing Obamacare. In Obamacare you can pick a doctor. In Trumpcare you can pick an ER room.
It promotes no personal responsibility like car insurance..

People that don't have car insurance would drive more careful.

What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?

My carrier pulled out. Now there is nothing and it was hardly affordable to begin with. You will hear that same refrain millions of times in the coming months. 30 million people are about to lose coverage. What a deal.

it was hardly affordable to begin with.

Lmao so Obama care wasn't affordable? You better delete that or your fellow Obama lovers will kick you out of the party..

You just said Treason

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?


12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

To really make it cheap you need to have everyone trained, licensed, and required to carry insurance. Until then every DUI crash and teenager texting raises your rates. Welcome to capitalism.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Well, got to admit ---- you've got to admire a guy who recognizes that he's a leech and lives beholden to others.

I know Silly Boo Boo on here is the same way, you can't hate them for being honest...

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?


12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.
What should a highly responsible person who discovers they have stage three cancer do when they have no health insurance, and they can't get any, and they couldn't afford it if they could?

Do you know why car insure ace is as high as it is? The Free Rider problem. You can drive without it, if you don't get caught. Obamacare fixed the Free Rider issue, a conservative think-tank idea.

Don't change the goal posts your a prime example of people who don't want to take personal responsibility of their health and lifestyle.

I take total responsibility for both. And I had Obamacare but now that's gone so, I private pay my local doc for anything minor and anything major I'm going to dump on society. They have more money than I do and I tried to play by the rules but you cut the rug out from under me. You reap what you sow. When I'm having a heart attack in the ER just call be Donald J, and send the bill to Washington D.C.

Where did your Obama care go,? You lost it somewhere?

My carrier pulled out. Now there is nothing and it was hardly affordable to begin with. You will hear that same refrain millions of times in the coming months. 30 million people are about to lose coverage. What a deal.

it was hardly affordable to begin with.

Lmao so Obama care wasn't affordable? You better delete that or your fellow Obama lovers will kick you out of the party..

You just said Treason

Obamacare was always a hack, but it was a working hack and getting better. Now it's damaged beyond repair and Trump will get us what Obama never could, universal single-payer.
No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?


12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

It comes automatically to those losing Obamacare. In Obamacare you can pick a doctor. In Trumpcare you can pick an ER room.
Oh cool !!! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?

I think I heard that somewhere before.
Again we do have everyone trained , licensed and carry insurance...so are you telling us you also don't even drive a car?

No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Well, got to admit ---- you've got to admire a guy who recognizes that he's a leech and lives beholden to others.

I know Silly Boo Boo on here is the same way, you can't hate them for being honest...


No, but you can hate them for being a leech .... an intentional non-contributor to our society ... or an idiot, whichever is most appropriate.
You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?


12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.
12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

How does it get cheap just because everyone pays up? Still costs the same ---- it's just a matter of how you divide the bill (and who pays the tip).
No, they aren't trained, that's only required for younger ones, they aren't licensed, many millions, and they don't have insurance, you need a license for that. You fucked yourself and the companies are doing what they have to - raising their rates to cover what our society refuses to address.

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

It comes automatically to those losing Obamacare. In Obamacare you can pick a doctor. In Trumpcare you can pick an ER room.
Oh cool !!! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?

I think I heard that somewhere before.
Good theory, kind of stupid. Still, I like my ER room which is a good thing since care there is free, for me.
12 % avarage down from like 80℅ in 1960...

In 2012, 12.6 percent of motorists, or about one in eightdrivers, was uninsured, according to a 2014 study by the InsuranceResearch Council (IRC). Thepercentage has been declining in recent years. Oklahoma had the highest percentage of uninsured motorists, 26 percent, and Massachusetts had the lowest, 4percent.
Uninsured Motorists | III - Insurance Information Institute
Insurance Information Institute › uninsur...

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

It's not capitalism when the government forces you to buy something, where ever did you get that Idea?

You don't even know do you?

So once again tell us where did your Obama care go?

The company left the market. It was the last available. So now I have Trumpcare, see you at the ER and call me, Mr. Trump.

Where did you get Trumpcare at?

It comes automatically to those losing Obamacare. In Obamacare you can pick a doctor. In Trumpcare you can pick an ER room.
Oh cool !!! If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor?

I think I heard that somewhere before.
Good theory, kind of stupid. Still, I like my ER room which is a good thing since care there is free, for me.

Food thing you don't live in South Carolina they will garnish your wages..

( I will still never understand why other states don't do that)

1 in 8? Not what I would call good odds. The insurance companies don't call those good odds either.

Again it used to be 9 out of 10

There are solutions, you just won't like them. But don't blame your insurance rates on capitalism, it's just responding to the market.

I just despise the car insurance company's for being in cahoots with the government, they don't go by driving record as much as credit history, my girlfriend didn't drive or have car insurance for a while and when she bought a car the car insurance company's charged her more because she lapsed in coverage

Meaning the car insurance company's were not getting a cut of her pay check even when she was not driving.

Capitalism in'ts about fairness, it's about making a buck and what the market will bear. You paid up, and they more than happily cashed the check. That works just great, for many (but not all) things. To make it really cheap everyone has to pay up. Free Riders don't hence the mandates.

How does it get cheap just because everyone pays up? Still costs the same ---- it's just a matter of how you divide the bill (and who pays the tip).
Rates can, but might not, go down when more people buy spreading out the risk pool. Fewer claims means they make better profits and some of that can be returned to the policy holders but if only a few buy, and most free ride, oh boy do you have trouble now. You are paying for you and the free riders. It's why Obamacare had a mandate, trying to knock out the free riders.

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