Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Obviously it was failing quite speedily before obamacare.
Keep your socialist entitlement programs to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it

Again, it was skyrocketing before obamacare.
Of course, when you have a bunch of Sue happy bastards and insurance companies/lawyers running things...

You suggest we don't use insurance companies?
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Obama had a 68% increase, Reagan had a 186% increase. Real fiscally responsible.
Uh...in what world is adding $10 trillion on top of $10 trillion a "68% increase"? Why is basic math so difficult for you?

Reagan has a relatively small 186% increase on top of a small national debt. Barack Insane Obama had a mind-boggling 100% increase on a catastrophic $10 trillion national debt.

Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan did. Five times.

186% is much bigger than 68%.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
You are low on facts
Well you are completely devoid of facts. Being low on facts in this case places me light years ahead of you.

Here you go again:
From 1999 to 2009, Kaiser found that the insurance premiums had climbed 131% or 13.1% per year, and workers’ contribution toward paying that premium jumped 128% or 12.8% per year. In 1999, workers’ average contribution to the premium was $1,543, and in 2009 it was $3,515. For employers, their contribution was $4,247 in 1999 and $9,860 in 2009.[5]
Health insurance costs in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes is was skyrocketing long before obamacare.

You need to stop using so much emotion in your arguments.
Keep your socialist entitlement programs to yourselves, leave the rest of us out of it

Again, it was skyrocketing before obamacare.
Of course, when you have a bunch of Sue happy bastards and insurance companies/lawyers running things...

You suggest we don't use insurance companies?
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?
Obama had a 68% increase, Reagan had a 186% increase. Real fiscally responsible.
Uh...in what world is adding $10 trillion on top of $10 trillion a "68% increase"? Why is basic math so difficult for you?

Reagan has a relatively small 186% increase on top of a small national debt. Barack Insane Obama had a mind-boggling 100% increase on a catastrophic $10 trillion national debt.

Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan did. Five times.

186% is much bigger than 68%.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?
Again, it was skyrocketing before obamacare.
Of course, when you have a bunch of Sue happy bastards and insurance companies/lawyers running things...

You suggest we don't use insurance companies?
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?

It's great that some people don't want to pay for healthcare, but I still end up paying for them when they get sick. I don't want to do that.
Single payer only benefits deadbeats and progressives, why don't you control freaks keep that shit to yourself?
Of course, when you have a bunch of Sue happy bastards and insurance companies/lawyers running things...

You suggest we don't use insurance companies?
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?

It's great that some people don't want to pay for healthcare, but I still end up paying for them when they get sick. I don't want to do that.
So you want to force them into something they will never use and do not want anything to do with?
Obama had a 68% increase, Reagan had a 186% increase. Real fiscally responsible.
Uh...in what world is adding $10 trillion on top of $10 trillion a "68% increase"? Why is basic math so difficult for you?

Reagan has a relatively small 186% increase on top of a small national debt. Barack Insane Obama had a mind-boggling 100% increase on a catastrophic $10 trillion national debt.

Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan did. Five times.

186% is much bigger than 68%.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Yes, reagan really started the problem. Clinton fixed it, then Bush messed it all up again.
You suggest we don't use insurance companies?
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?

It's great that some people don't want to pay for healthcare, but I still end up paying for them when they get sick. I don't want to do that.
So you want to force them into something they will never use and do not want anything to do with?

haha, you find me one person who will never use healthcare. And yes, that beats me paying for them when they get sick.
Single payer only benefits deadbeats and progressives, why don't you control freaks keep that shit to yourself?

I think we need affordable healthcare, and everyone should have it. Otherwise those of us who pay end up paying for the deadbeats.
Obama had a 68% increase, Reagan had a 186% increase. Real fiscally responsible.
Uh...in what world is adding $10 trillion on top of $10 trillion a "68% increase"? Why is basic math so difficult for you?

Reagan has a relatively small 186% increase on top of a small national debt. Barack Insane Obama had a mind-boggling 100% increase on a catastrophic $10 trillion national debt.

Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt what Ronald Reagan did. Five times.

186% is much bigger than 68%.

Which President Added Most to the U.S. Debt?

Yes, reagan really started the problem. Clinton fixed it, then Bush messed it all up again.
Slick Willy a.k.a. the child molesting, rapist piece of shit did not fix shit neither did Congress they are all career politicians making the problem much, much worse...
Quite sucking his fucking dick you sorry ass piece of shit...
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?

It's great that some people don't want to pay for healthcare, but I still end up paying for them when they get sick. I don't want to do that.
So you want to force them into something they will never use and do not want anything to do with?

haha, you find me one person who will never use healthcare. And yes, that beats me paying for them when they get sick.
How about people pay their own shit? The nanny state is no good for anybody.
Mandatory insurance of any sort is nothing more than legalized extortion, people need to take care of their own shit and not expect other people to pay for their fuck ups/lack of planning…

Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?

It's great that some people don't want to pay for healthcare, but I still end up paying for them when they get sick. I don't want to do that.
So you want to force them into something they will never use and do not want anything to do with?

haha, you find me one person who will never use healthcare. And yes, that beats me paying for them when they get sick.

Well, how about millions that won't be able to be able to use their healthcare insurance? And they're paying through the nose for it now.
Single payer only benefits deadbeats and progressives, why don't you control freaks keep that shit to yourself?

I think we need affordable healthcare, and everyone should have it. Otherwise those of us who pay end up paying for the deadbeats.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn healthcare.
Your fellow Democratic who is a member of the US House. Again you are continuing your lies. You are a psychic idiot.
And that means I LIED when I said Dems weren't calling for impeachment? LOL! Been speaking English long? Intelligent people speak in generalizations. Exceptions prove the rule. Idiot hater dupe.

Yep, you are a liar.
Watch this a be ignorant no longer -->

Why are you quoting me? Franco is the one claiming no Democrats were calling for impeachment, I said they were.


I generalized and said Dems are not calling for impeachment. They aren't, but for an investigation. WTF is wrong with you morons? LLOL
Yes but we do pay for their healthcare. Every time an uninsured goes to the hospital, we all pay for it.
Single payer would not change that whatsoever. Why don't you control freaks keep your shit to yourself? Why do you have to include other people that want nothing to do with and will never use your socialized medicine?

It's great that some people don't want to pay for healthcare, but I still end up paying for them when they get sick. I don't want to do that.
So you want to force them into something they will never use and do not want anything to do with?

haha, you find me one person who will never use healthcare. And yes, that beats me paying for them when they get sick.

Well, how about millions that won't be able to be able to use their healthcare insurance? And they're paying through the nose for it now.
Less than they would for guaranteed insurance without ACA...enjoy the Trumpcare scams if they pass that bs...
Single payer only benefits deadbeats and progressives, why don't you control freaks keep that shit to yourself?

I think we need affordable healthcare, and everyone should have it. Otherwise those of us who pay end up paying for the deadbeats.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn healthcare.
Actually, the courts say people have a right to be treated in ERs. We might as well have preventive medicine, doctors, and get what they can afford for insurance. And actually have solutions and cost cutting built in...
Why are you expecting great results this time? That is just childish.
It is childish to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It will be vastly different this time because President Trump is doing the obvious and responsible thing to do - cutting the ever loving shit out of the unconstitutional and bloated bureaucracy that is the monstrosity we now call the federal government.

Thank God the adults are in charge again. This is what an adult does:
President Trump's preliminary budget proposal released in March called for the total elimination of the NEH and the National Endowment for the Arts.
National Endowment for the Humanities chairman announces resignation

And this is what an adult does:
The Trump administration on Tuesday unveiled a budget seeking $1.5 trillion in nondefense discretionary cuts and $1.4 trillion in Medicaid cuts over the course of a decade, while adding nearly half a trillion dollars to defense spending.
$2.9 trillion in cuts is exactly what this nation desperately needed. It should have been done a long time ago.

Trump releases budget that slashes government programs

Adults again? Gee, Bush destroyed a balanced budget, got us in 2 wars, recession... Reagan managed to triple the debt. And you are happy for more of this?
Your uninformed opinion doesn't trump the facts (with links included) that I just provided.

Bush didn't get us into two wars - a Dumbocrats (Bill Clinton) did when he gutted defense and refused to address Al Qaeda (as the left always does).

And Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt that Ronald Reagan did while having exponentially higher tax revenues. That's a special kind of failure.
Bush was totally incompetent, ALLOWED 9/11 thru sheer incompetence then started the stupidest longest wars ever. Inflation makes the Reagan and Obama debts similar, and Obama was averting a corrupt GOP DEPRESSION (2 trillion) and assisting the victims (5 trillion), not scamming the country .

Trump is screwing the nonrich for a giant tax cut for the rich, superdupe...
Jimmy Kimmel's recent viral monologue is a prime example of how the left values irrational emotions over logic and reason. That is why the left supports failed ideologies such as socialism, communism, etc. Because it feels good to them. They could care less that it ends in poverty, misery, and collapse.

Jimmy Kimmel illustrated this universal truth once again when he cried during his monologue about his baby (who is ok now) and proclaimed how nobody should have to decide between saving their child's life and money (as if anyone has ever had to make that "choice"). Life saving procedures cannot be denied regardless of a person's ability to pay. In addition to that inconvenient little fact, there is this gem:
The care, technology, and life saving treatment his family experienced was made possible by two, privately funded organizations. Both Cedars Sinai and Children’s Hospital LA are non-profit, not government-run, hospitals. This isn’t a coincidence.

When individuals are allowed to fund programs they like without a government mandate, we end up with more efficient and effective services. Hospitals are only one very important example.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Moving Story Shows Why Private Charity Trumps Government
"Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion" OMG This is just too funny--the rightwingers are the logical ones. LMAO

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