Right vs. Left is Logic vs. Emotion

Now that one was just too damn funny to pass up. First there was famed Dumbocrat lunatic Howard Dean admitting that Obamacare did in fact have a panel of bureaucrats designed to ration healthcare - to the point where even he demanded the panels repeal:
First, a high-profile Democrat and one-time medical doctor is admitting that this board is a “health care rationing body.”
What?? Howard Dean Admits Palin Was Right All Along About ObamaCare
You crack me up. To prove a Fox News hoax is real, you cited Fox News. :lol:

Oh my god, that's fucking priceless.

Sorry, dumbshit. What was called the "death panel" was an amendment proposed by Congressman Earl Blumeneaur of Oregon. Currently, end of life counseling is not paid for by Medicare. If an elderly person wants to talk to a doctor and discuss what measures they want taken in the event they are unable to communicate, Medicaid does not pay for that session.

Blumenauer added an amendment to have Medicare pay for such a session, thus giving the elderly more say in how they are treated at the end of their lives.

In short, you unbelievably stupid idiot, it was the EXACT OPPOSITE of a death panel. But because of other unbelievably stupid retards like Sarah Palin, the amendment was killed.
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The pseudocon motto: "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

The complement: "I don't want to bleev it, so it must be fake!"

Pseudocon logic: "A lot of people bleev it, so it must be true!" <<<That one is a favorite of Trump.

Trump likes to tweet a lie, and then the pseudocons bleev it because they want to bleev it so it must be true, and then when Trump is called on is bullshit a few days later, he says, "Well, a lot of people bleev it..."

Classic circular logic.
Franco has been given new talking points! He is almost to predictable. Gets caught lying and switches subjects! He is following his leadership well. Franco is a prefect Democrat, he gets spoon fed and doesn't think!
Dems aren't calling for impeachment, but an investigation. The 2007 Pew survey in no longer online. The USA Today article says the same things. 65% of illegal males pay taxes and 35% own homes. 90% or so work. Can you read....

Proved you wrong on the Dems not calling for impeachment. Al Green a Democrat on the House floor called for Trumps impeachment and several others have done as well, so please, you are lying when you post that. Just stop the lying.

So, 35% of illegal male immigrants don't pay taxes, what about females? I would bet that is higher. If you or I don't pay taxes we go to jail, but let's excuse the illegal immigrant. 65% don't own homes and that number should be a lot higher, they should not be able to buy home in this country, they are lawbreakers and low lifes. 90% work? Might want to check that.

I can read and you are a liar because even when shown you are wrong you continue to lie!
Who the hell is Al Green, and who cares, dingbat? LOL. So dumb...

Your fellow Democratic who is a member of the US House. Again you are continuing your lies. You are a psychic idiot.
And that means I LIED when I said Dems weren't calling for impeachment? LOL! Been speaking English long? Intelligent people speak in generalizations. Exceptions prove the rule. Idiot hater dupe.

Yep, you are a liar.
dude, the entire right wing on this board are just a bunch of Red Herring specialists claiming teaching people how to fish is more important than teaching capital management under Any form of Capitalism.

This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
The proof is they both say the same thing DUHHH.Knucklehead!

At least I am not supporting illegal activity like you are. Congrats loser boy!
Actually you are. Pass a real plan with a real solution. The 2010 Dem Immigration Bill with an unfakable SS ID card, dupe.

I am for unfavorable ID you stupid liar. As long as you support illegal immigrants, you support crime. Congrats hater, liar, dupe.
Don't repubs want to lower taxes again? That was a great economy under bush the last time. Haha. Oh and Reagan tripled the debt, let's do that again.

I thought liberals said big debt doesn't matter? Oh wait that was while Obama and the Democrats ran up the debt, now that a Republican is in office, it now matters to you, why?

I've never said that. I was quite happy when Clinton balanced the budget. Shame Bush ruined it.

Tell us about the budget being balanced by clinton, and what if anything it had to do with Bush HAHAHA your ignorance is showing just like all liberal voters.
Clinton's budget surplus was a .com fluke. Reaganism rolls on for 35 years now, pandering to the rich, wrecking the middle class and the country, scamming dupes like you. At least under Dems there is solid growth and no corrupt bubbles like the S+L and 2008, or stupid wars...

Clinton's budget surplus was a .com fluke.

Lmfao that's why I love you Franco...your honest pal..


Franco loves lies, he makes them up all the time.
I am going to start flaming you because I am tired of you saying a non citizen that dont even live here has the right to the Constitution of the United States.

Did you know, that nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics?

Anyone being prosecuted under the authority of the United States, has recourse to our fundamental law.

that nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics?

Yes we know Daniel that's why the left keeps doing the same thing over again and expects different results..

View attachment 128567


Don't repubs want to lower taxes again? That was a great economy under bush the last time. Haha. Oh and Reagan tripled the debt, let's do that again.

I thought liberals said big debt doesn't matter? Oh wait that was while Obama and the Democrats ran up the debt, now that a Republican is in office, it now matters to you, why?
GOP does it in "good times", Dems in GOP depressions, helping victims, dupe.

Dems help only rich Dems idiot liar.
This coming from the king of red herrings. LOL! You are a special kind of dumb.
Mine are relevant; I am learning how to "fish", with mine. Y'all are just full of fallacy.

You are just full of it and of yourself.
nope; i try to "abstain and just say No"; unlike the right wing.

Nope, you are full of it, I tire of your silly stupid responses that have nothing to do with the thread. Your attitude is why I don't take you and your silly childish comments seriously. I like to discuss issues, you like cliches'.
i don't resort to fallacy, dear. want to, "compete" and get Boss and Ding involved?

Compete? About what? Talk about diversion and what is boss and ding? You are a real loon.
Don't repubs want to lower taxes again?
Absolutely. Contrary to idiotic left-wing ideology, the government is not entitled to the results of the labor of others. The Emancipation Proclamation was a war-time measure to end slavery. Then we won the Civil War to end slavery. And then we proposed, adopted, and ratified the 13th Amendment to end slavery. And through it all - the left vehemently opposed it. And to this day, they still insist that they are somehow entitled to other people's labor.
That was a great economy under bush the last time. Haha.
There is no denying that it was certainly better than the Barack Insane Obama economy. Less national debt, less unemployment, less people on food stamps, less people out of the labor force, and Bush actually oversaw years of 3% or more GDP growth (something Obama never achieved).
Oh and Reagan tripled the debt, let's do that again.
And Barack Insane Obama quintupled (that's 5x's for our uneducated friends on the left) the Reagan debt (Reagan: $2 trillion Obama: $10 trillion).

Obama had to fix the mess Bush created. It was quite a disaster.

Reagan tripled the debt, Obama did not triple the debt.
Why are you expecting great results this time? That is just childish.
It is childish to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It will be vastly different this time because President Trump is doing the obvious and responsible thing to do - cutting the ever loving shit out of the unconstitutional and bloated bureaucracy that is the monstrosity we now call the federal government.

Thank God the adults are in charge again. This is what an adult does:
President Trump's preliminary budget proposal released in March called for the total elimination of the NEH and the National Endowment for the Arts.
National Endowment for the Humanities chairman announces resignation

And this is what an adult does:
The Trump administration on Tuesday unveiled a budget seeking $1.5 trillion in nondefense discretionary cuts and $1.4 trillion in Medicaid cuts over the course of a decade, while adding nearly half a trillion dollars to defense spending.
$2.9 trillion in cuts is exactly what this nation desperately needed. It should have been done a long time ago.

Trump releases budget that slashes government programs

Adults again? Gee, Bush destroyed a balanced budget, got us in 2 wars, recession... Reagan managed to triple the debt. And you are happy for more of this?
Dems aren't calling for impeachment, but an investigation. The 2007 Pew survey in no longer online. The USA Today article says the same things. 65% of illegal males pay taxes and 35% own homes. 90% or so work. Can you read....

Proved you wrong on the Dems not calling for impeachment. Al Green a Democrat on the House floor called for Trumps impeachment and several others have done as well, so please, you are lying when you post that. Just stop the lying.

So, 35% of illegal male immigrants don't pay taxes, what about females? I would bet that is higher. If you or I don't pay taxes we go to jail, but let's excuse the illegal immigrant. 65% don't own homes and that number should be a lot higher, they should not be able to buy home in this country, they are lawbreakers and low lifes. 90% work? Might want to check that.

I can read and you are a liar because even when shown you are wrong you continue to lie!
Who the hell is Al Green, and who cares, dingbat? LOL. So dumb...

Your fellow Democratic who is a member of the US House. Again you are continuing your lies. You are a psychic idiot.
And that means I LIED when I said Dems weren't calling for impeachment? LOL! Been speaking English long? Intelligent people speak in generalizations. Exceptions prove the rule. Idiot hater dupe.

Yep, you are a liar.
Dude, Democrats are on TV every day saying impeach Trump. Who the fuck do you think you're fooling?
Dems aren't calling for impeachment, but an investigation. The 2007 Pew survey in no longer online. The USA Today article says the same things. 65% of illegal males pay taxes and 35% own homes. 90% or so work. Can you read....

Proved you wrong on the Dems not calling for impeachment. Al Green a Democrat on the House floor called for Trumps impeachment and several others have done as well, so please, you are lying when you post that. Just stop the lying.

So, 35% of illegal male immigrants don't pay taxes, what about females? I would bet that is higher. If you or I don't pay taxes we go to jail, but let's excuse the illegal immigrant. 65% don't own homes and that number should be a lot higher, they should not be able to buy home in this country, they are lawbreakers and low lifes. 90% work? Might want to check that.

I can read and you are a liar because even when shown you are wrong you continue to lie!
Who the hell is Al Green, and who cares, dingbat? LOL. So dumb...

Your fellow Democratic who is a member of the US House. Again you are continuing your lies. You are a psychic idiot.
And that means I LIED when I said Dems weren't calling for impeachment? LOL! Been speaking English long? Intelligent people speak in generalizations. Exceptions prove the rule. Idiot hater dupe.

Yep, you are a liar.
Watch this a be ignorant no longer -->
Proved you wrong on the Dems not calling for impeachment. Al Green a Democrat on the House floor called for Trumps impeachment and several others have done as well, so please, you are lying when you post that. Just stop the lying.

So, 35% of illegal male immigrants don't pay taxes, what about females? I would bet that is higher. If you or I don't pay taxes we go to jail, but let's excuse the illegal immigrant. 65% don't own homes and that number should be a lot higher, they should not be able to buy home in this country, they are lawbreakers and low lifes. 90% work? Might want to check that.

I can read and you are a liar because even when shown you are wrong you continue to lie!
Who the hell is Al Green, and who cares, dingbat? LOL. So dumb...

Your fellow Democratic who is a member of the US House. Again you are continuing your lies. You are a psychic idiot.
And that means I LIED when I said Dems weren't calling for impeachment? LOL! Been speaking English long? Intelligent people speak in generalizations. Exceptions prove the rule. Idiot hater dupe.

Yep, you are a liar.
Watch this a be ignorant no longer -->

Why are you quoting me? Franco is the one claiming no Democrats were calling for impeachment, I said they were.
Who the hell is Al Green, and who cares, dingbat? LOL. So dumb...

Your fellow Democratic who is a member of the US House. Again you are continuing your lies. You are a psychic idiot.
And that means I LIED when I said Dems weren't calling for impeachment? LOL! Been speaking English long? Intelligent people speak in generalizations. Exceptions prove the rule. Idiot hater dupe.

Yep, you are a liar.
Watch this a be ignorant no longer -->

Why are you quoting me? Franco is the one claiming no Democrats were calling for impeachment, I said they were.

You crack me up. To prove a Fox News hoax is real, you cited Fox News.
Snowflake...I provided four sources (two of which were the left-wing New York Times). You had to resort to omitting three of the four sources in your response because I just bent you over and made you my prison bitch for like the 197th time here on USMB.
Oh my god, that's fucking priceless.
Not nearly as priceless as your uninformed, ignorant ass pretending like Fox News wasn't 100% reliable and then omitting the other three sources (including the New York Times) because they expose you as being ignorant.
What was called the "death panel" was an amendment proposed by Congressman Earl Blumeneaur of Oregon. Currently, end of life counseling is not paid for by Medicare.
G-String, please don't pretend like you have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You don't. You literally never do. You are one of the most uninformed, ignorant posters on USMB.

There fact is - there is no way to have socialized medicine without rationing it, stupid. That's the way it works. Prominent progressives Howard Dean, Paul Krugman, Steve Rattner, and Dr. Donald Berwick all confirmed post-Obamacare legislation what your ignorant ass can't: that socialized medicine requires rationing and rationing requires a death panel no matter what you call it.

Tell me my little prison bitch...how does it taste? :laugh:

Currently, end of life counseling is not paid for by Medicare. If an elderly person wants to talk to a doctor and discuss what measures they want taken in the event they are unable to communicate, Medicaid does not pay for that session.
Awe...how precious...the nitwit progressive swallowed the left-wing propaganda of the nice sounding "end of life counseling".

Only you could be dumb enough to believe that a person would actually need "counseling" on their own life, their own affairs, and what they want done. :laugh:
You crack me up. To prove a Fox News hoax is real, you cited Fox News.
Snowflake...I provided four sources (two of which were the left-wing New York Times). You had to resort to omitting three of the four sources in your response because I just bent you over and made you my prison bitch for like the 197th time here on USMB.
Oh my god, that's fucking priceless.
Not nearly as priceless as your uninformed, ignorant ass pretending like Fox News wasn't 100% reliable and then omitting the other three sources (including the New York Times) because they expose you as being ignorant.
What was called the "death panel" was an amendment proposed by Congressman Earl Blumeneaur of Oregon. Currently, end of life counseling is not paid for by Medicare.
G-String, please don't pretend like you have the slightest clue what you're talking about. You don't. You literally never do. You are one of the most uninformed, ignorant posters on USMB.

There fact is - there is no way to have socialized medicine without rationing it, stupid. That's the way it works. Prominent progressives Howard Dean, Paul Krugman, Steve Rattner, and Dr. Donald Berwick all confirmed post-Obamacare legislation what your ignorant ass can't: that socialized medicine requires rationing and rationing requires a death panel no matter what you call it.

Tell me my little prison bitch...how does it taste? :laugh:


As fewer and fewer can afford our healthcare, it is also being rationed.
Why are you expecting great results this time? That is just childish.
It is childish to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It will be vastly different this time because President Trump is doing the obvious and responsible thing to do - cutting the ever loving shit out of the unconstitutional and bloated bureaucracy that is the monstrosity we now call the federal government.

Thank God the adults are in charge again. This is what an adult does:
President Trump's preliminary budget proposal released in March called for the total elimination of the NEH and the National Endowment for the Arts.
National Endowment for the Humanities chairman announces resignation

And this is what an adult does:
The Trump administration on Tuesday unveiled a budget seeking $1.5 trillion in nondefense discretionary cuts and $1.4 trillion in Medicaid cuts over the course of a decade, while adding nearly half a trillion dollars to defense spending.
$2.9 trillion in cuts is exactly what this nation desperately needed. It should have been done a long time ago.

Trump releases budget that slashes government programs

Adults again? Gee, Bush destroyed a balanced budget, got us in 2 wars, recession... Reagan managed to triple the debt. And you are happy for more of this?
Your uninformed opinion doesn't trump the facts (with links included) that I just provided.

Bush didn't get us into two wars - a Dumbocrats (Bill Clinton) did when he gutted defense and refused to address Al Qaeda (as the left always does).

And Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt that Ronald Reagan did while having exponentially higher tax revenues. That's a special kind of failure.
As fewer and fewer can afford our healthcare, it is also being rationed.
True. But the difference? The people who deserve it / earned it have it and the people who didn't, don't.

It's inexcusable and unacceptable to ration healthcare for hard working Americans to ensure lazy progressives and crack addicts can get some. They made their own damn bed - they will lie in it. We are going to see to that. Rewarding bad behavior and failure only increases bad behavior and failure. Which is why left-wing policy always results in both.
Why are you expecting great results this time? That is just childish.
It is childish to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. It will be vastly different this time because President Trump is doing the obvious and responsible thing to do - cutting the ever loving shit out of the unconstitutional and bloated bureaucracy that is the monstrosity we now call the federal government.

Thank God the adults are in charge again. This is what an adult does:
President Trump's preliminary budget proposal released in March called for the total elimination of the NEH and the National Endowment for the Arts.
National Endowment for the Humanities chairman announces resignation

And this is what an adult does:
The Trump administration on Tuesday unveiled a budget seeking $1.5 trillion in nondefense discretionary cuts and $1.4 trillion in Medicaid cuts over the course of a decade, while adding nearly half a trillion dollars to defense spending.
$2.9 trillion in cuts is exactly what this nation desperately needed. It should have been done a long time ago.

Trump releases budget that slashes government programs

Adults again? Gee, Bush destroyed a balanced budget, got us in 2 wars, recession... Reagan managed to triple the debt. And you are happy for more of this?
Your uninformed opinion doesn't trump the facts (with links included) that I just provided.

Bush didn't get us into two wars - a Dumbocrats (Bill Clinton) did when he gutted defense and refused to address Al Qaeda (as the left always does).

And Barack Insane Obama added 5x's to the national debt that Ronald Reagan did while having exponentially higher tax revenues. That's a special kind of failure.

You seem to want to make up your facts. Fact is Reagan tripled the debt, that is much more than Obama did. Fact is Clinton handed Bush a balanced budget and he threw it away.
Now Clinton being the reason for the two wars that's is a funny one. And you claim republicans are logical. haha
As fewer and fewer can afford our healthcare, it is also being rationed.
True. But the difference? The people who deserve it / earned it have it and the people who didn't, don't.

It's inexcusable and unacceptable to ration healthcare for hard working Americans to ensure lazy progressives and crack addicts can get some. They made their own damn bed - they will lie in it. We are going to see to that. Rewarding bad behavior and failure only increases bad behavior and failure. Which is why left-wing policy always results in both.

The cost is rationing healthcare to hard working Americans.

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