Right Wing Americans are a World class Embarrassment

No, my words are perfect, the best.

You are trolling, you always do, you are not here to have a discussion. You think you can control the comments and then reply with an idiotic talking point. Not happening, moron.
OK BabyTrump, nice try.

However, these were the meaningless words you typed....

Energy, energy drives our economy. Energy is controlled by the government. Our standard of living is energy.

Then after that you started babbling on about slavery and Democrats or some such nonsense.

Those aren't policies, those aren't plans, those aren't even goals.

Do you have any actual solutions, or do you just like to bump your gums?
We just sat through another slow motion election theft.

While 2020 remains the Greatest Political Crime in American history, the weeklong '22 midterm elections are a close second. In democrat stronghold cities, they just kept counting until they found enough ballots to put their criminals on top - and that's apart from having the entire operation funded by the now confirmed Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation (I've been saying that for MONTHS now)

Record Inflation where people must choose between groceries or filling the gas tank and on the verge of WWIII, but we're to believe democrats had historic, unprecedented midterm support?

In Canada, the truckers took to the street to push back against Fidel's Bastard son Benito Trudeau, in Brazil MILLIONS take to the streets to protest the "victory" of Communist criminal Lula; in America - Meh - NOTHING.

No March on Phoenix or Philly, No Real Oversight of the Maricopa Vote Manufacturing Facilities - nothing, Nothing, NOTHING, NOTHING, NOTHING!

You have to be dumber than Fetterman to expect the RNC is going to do ANYHTING about the election theft; they are the democrat's junior partner in crime. Trump didn't do anything even he had the perfect opportunity to counter the Russian Election Interference narrative by insisting on secure elections, neither will McConnell or McCarthy - electing the same failed leaders over and over and expecting different results; there's a name for that.

Hahahaha sure ya do. That Durham investigation really blew the lid off Obamagate didn't it, because they are all in jail like the Neo-GOP wonkers all predicted. Not!

I expect the same type result with the Neo-GOP Houses admittedly revengeful investigations. Because Donnie is a crook we're gonna pretend Good old Joe is really the crook, not Goodie Two Shoes Donald, he's a saint.

Joe admitted out loud that he was a fucking crook

hunter biden ukrainian prosecutor - Yahoo Video Search Results
Well thanks for showing the world that most all US foreign policy is a form of leverage. We don't give foreign aid just to be nice. What kind of moron thinks that loan guarantees in billions wouldn't come with strings attached

One of Obama's strings was getting rid of the allegedly corrupt Russian aligned prosecutor who not not getting rid of the corruption. Joe was just the bag man. He had to tell the Ukrainians to call Obama and confirm that he was the bag man who had the power because they didn't believe he had the power. It's in the interview the Trumpygoons keep linking too.

But "Hunter Biden got a Job!" was echoed from those who were use to screaming "Lock her up"
The American people certainly didn't support continued Democrat House rule. Democrats taught us all about revenge with their nasty tactics against Trump so, get ready for some payback!!

Yes they did. The only reason Republicans won the House is re-districting. Even then, it was a near thing.

The Dems have 2 years to reverse this latest round of gerrymandering before 2024. Plus 2 years of Republican idiocy in the House to turn voters against the Party of No.
Well thanks for showing the world that most all US foreign policy is a form of leverage. We don't give foreign aid just to be nice. What kind of moron thinks that loan guarantees in billions wouldn't come with strings attached

One of Obama's strings was getting rid of the allegedly corrupt Russian aligned prosecutor who not not getting rid of the corruption. Joe was just the bag man. He had to tell the Ukrainians to call Obama and confirm that he was the bag man who had the power because they didn't believe he had the power. It's in the interview the Trumpygoons keep linking too.

But "Hunter Biden got a Job!" was echoed from those who were use to screaming "Lock her up"

Tell us about Hunter's extensive oil and gas experience!
Tell us about Hunter's extensive oil and gas experience!
Dan Bongino said it best on a recent interview, what exactly does Hunter Biden actually do? What is his skillset other than being a Biden? I laughed. Like name an accomplishment, like writing a novel, a cook book, saving people from the dead like Jesus. I mean, what is his accomplishment?
Well thanks for showing the world that most all US foreign policy is a form of leverage. We don't give foreign aid just to be nice. What kind of moron thinks that loan guarantees in billions wouldn't come with strings attached

One of Obama's strings was getting rid of the allegedly corrupt Russian aligned prosecutor who not not getting rid of the corruption. Joe was just the bag man. He had to tell the Ukrainians to call Obama and confirm that he was the bag man who had the power because they didn't believe he had the power. It's in the interview the Trumpygoons keep linking too.

But "Hunter Biden got a Job!" was echoed from those who were use to screaming "Lock her up"
quid pro quo you mean? like the thing trump was impeached for? That thing? laughing my fking nuts off, thanks,

BTW, what was hunter's experience? Qualifications?
like the thing trump was impeached for?
Sort of. Except The Trump Shakedown was more like Blagojevich's. He has something of value dropped in his lap and he tried to used it for personal gain. Like the Trumpyone. He tried to shakedown the Ukrainian President for a personal political favor.
Really makes one wonder what goes through a cow's mind! What are they mooing about!

Grass, food, water, fences, got an itch, rain, tornadoes, gotta go, and bovine pootang! :dunno:
Wonder about the first one. The rest is herd moral or morale support.

Had to come back and add, Sometimes (depending) you really do have to walk out there and see what's up, even or possibly especially at night and if so, you had best bring some light and maybe a gun.
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OK BabyTrump, nice try.

However, these were the meaningless words you typed....

Then after that you started babbling on about slavery and Democrats or some such nonsense.

Those aren't policies, those aren't plans, those aren't even goals.

Do you have any actual solutions, or do you just like to bump your gums?
Ahh, I did not fall for your trolling and you did it so clever. You just about had me, almost, you are sooooo smart.

Nice of you to step in and try to fight for your fellow red diaper doper babies.
Tell us about Hunter's extensive oil and gas experience!

Did Burmisa say they hired him for his oil and gas experience? They came out and said they hired him for his public relations value with the Ukraine's new benefactor country. Guess what? Nothing illegal about that in the Ukraine or in the USA. Maybe you think Hunter is the only person in American history to use the coattails of a famous relatives name to make money?
Did Burmisa say they hired him for his oil and gas experience? They came out and said they hired him for his public relations value with the Ukraine's new benefactor country. Guess what? Nothing illegal about that in the Ukraine or in the USA. Maybe you think Hunter is the only person in American history to use the coattails of a famous relatives name to make money?
They were seeking to buy influence.

And there’s some evidence that it worked.

An investigation is more than warranted.

In fact. Let’s do this the Dim way: investigation after investigation.
Did Burmisa say they hired him for his oil and gas experience? They came out and said they hired him for his public relations value with the Ukraine's new benefactor country. Guess what? Nothing illegal about that in the Ukraine or in the USA. Maybe you think Hunter is the only person in American history to use the coattails of a famous relatives name to make money?

They hired him because his Dad was in charge of Ukraine for the US. Had Trumo domne it you'd seek the death penalty
They were seeking to buy influence.

And there’s some evidence that it worked.

An investigation is more than warranted.

In fact. Let’s do this the Dim way: investigation after investigation.
Wait. I thought Joe is a blithering idiot with dementia.
Now he’s an international criminal mastermind?

You dopes are always co confusing.

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