Right Wing Americans are a World class Embarrassment

Those things were all legitimately what the conservatives of the time wanted for the country. You are absolutely correct.
SLAVERY AND THE KKK is never legitimate. That is why Republicans fought the civil war. That is why we oppose Democrats today.

Suggesting that somehow republicans are responsible for Joe Biden voting to make a KKK member majority leader of the senate is plain ole stupidity on your part.

Troll on moron
I’m wide awake and well aware.
It’s you fools who can’t figure out how not to be at odds with reality despite it continually smacking you in the face.
You've lived through six years of the reality of scam, vindictive investigations, impeachments and raids that have produced none of the evidence or results that your heeeeeroes have promised. That is the reality, moron. How long are you going to let your representatives lie to you?
You've lived through six years of the reality of scam, vindictive investigations, impeachments and raids that have produced none of the evidence or results that your heeeeeroes have promised. That is the reality, moron. How long are you going to let your representatives lie to you?
Thanks for the example. Always appreciated.
We now know Hillary and Born in Kenya Barack conspired with Russia AND had their minions swear out a fake FISA warrant against Trump. Apparently, Putin ran one Facebook ad that confused millions of Progressives to vote Trump
Hahahaha sure ya do. That Durham investigation really blew the lid off Obamagate didn't it, because they are all in jail like the Neo-GOP wonkers all predicted. Not!

I expect the same type result with the Neo-GOP Houses admittedly revengeful investigations. Because Donnie is a crook we're gonna pretend Good old Joe is really the crook, not Goodie Two Shoes Donald, he's a saint.
SLAVERY AND THE KKK is never legitimate. That is why Republicans fought the civil war. That is why we oppose Democrats today.

Suggesting that somehow republicans are responsible for Joe Biden voting to make a KKK member majority leader of the senate is plain ole stupidity on your part.

Troll on moron

What KKK member did Joe help become the majority leader?
Having an abortion is not the same as vehicular manslaughter.
Not manslaughter, moron. He was convicted of six counts of first degree intentional homicide--MURDER. Same as murdering a child with a beating heart--with MALICE AND FORE THOUGHT. Educate yourself.
You didn't. You typed some meaningless words, but I expected that, so...carry on.
No, my words are perfect, the best.

You are trolling, you always do, you are not here to have a discussion. You think you can control the comments and then reply with an idiotic talking point. Not happening, moron.
He renounce his membership in the Klan when the ran for federal office back in the 1950's.
The KKK murdered and terrorized African Americans. How do you forgive a Democratic Senator of organizing and recruiting for that organization. Democratic Senator Robert Byrd went on to fillibuster the civil rights act. Setting a record for how long a senator conducted the fillibuster.

It is not okay that a KKK leader became the democratic party majority leader.

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