Right-Wing Extremism: The Real Referendum of 2012


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
By James Schlarmann

Over the last couple of weeks, the Right Wing has trotted out the idea that this 2012 Presidential Election is going to be a referendum on Barack Obama. They claim that the American people have been let down by the President’s economic performance, and that it’s time get the good ol’ tricke down started again. They claim that so many people are out of work and hurting financially, and they know it’s because Obama has failed to pull us out of the Depression (seriously, it’s a Depression that we’re in), and thus this election will be all about Americans saying “no” to the Obama Administration.

The thing is, they’re right about this election being a referendum. And maybe they could be right about it being a referendum on Obama, but only for their own electorate. Instead, I think there’s a much larger picture being painted with this election, and it’s for the moral compass of this country’s economy and social policy. For the first time in many, many years, Americans are being asked to dictate the direction of the country not just in terms of its economy’s heart and soul, but of the heart and soul of the nation’s stated beliefs when it comes to human rights. The Mitt Romney/Tea Party/George W. Bush/Grover Norquist/Wall Street is King/Greed is Good message of fiscal and social extremism is really what’s on trial here. As much as the GOP would have you believe this election is about the other guy, is much more about them, and their apparent decision to let the lunatic fringe of their party drive the ship.

The War on Women, the Fight Against Marriage Equality and the Let the Rich Get Richer forces of the Republican party are going to be put under intense scrutiny by the Obama campaign, and they may be shocked when their messages of intolerance, devolution and Plutocracy are left to die on the vine.

All over the nation, people are being given a choice. Conservatives now more than ever are trying to rush us into a massive nuclear-powered Delorean and take us as far backward as they can, be it a social issue or a fiscal policy. People like Paul Ryan are proposing budgets that kill social programs but pump still even more money into the Defense budget. Over a thousand bills restricting women’s health care and access to abortions and contraceptives have been introduced since the rise of the Tea Party. The storm is gathering, and showdown is coming.

More: Right-Wing Extremism: The Real Referendum of 2012 | The Political Garbage Chute
:lmao: So Lacky, do you ever think for yourself or do you just go with whatever some left wing hack tells ya?

He's worse than a left wing hack. James Schlarmann posts here and he is every bit as misguided, stupid, and downright wrong as Truthmatters or any of the other kooks. Quoting that moron is a sure sign of desperation.

Yeah, 2012 is one big referendum on left wing kookery. ANd it's gonna lose big time.
:lmao: So Lacky, do you ever think for yourself or do you just go with whatever some left wing hack tells ya?

I choose articles that support what I personally believe. Is that okay with you?

So, you can't think for yourself. That's good to know. Personally, I prefer independent thought to regurgitating hyperbolic bullshit. I have zero respect for those who paste articles and make no comments of their own. It's like you are unable to think for yourself. Shame.
Clue: Disagreeing with your political views is not 'extremism'. You do yourself no favors by labeling everyone who disagrees with Obama as 'extremist'. It makes y'all look fucking stupid.
:lmao: So Lacky, do you ever think for yourself or do you just go with whatever some left wing hack tells ya?

I choose articles that support what I personally believe. Is that okay with you?

So, you can't think for yourself. That's good to know. Personally, I prefer independent thought to regurgitating hyperbolic bullshit. I have zero respect for those who paste articles and make no comments of their own. It's like you are unable to think for yourself. Shame.

Well, shucks, maybe that's why you never say anything worthwhile other than some rambling wingnut sound bites. Personally, I prefer coherency...
The OP lays out the basis for debate, but so far the comments have not addressed the OP. Why is that...?
By James Schlarmann

Over the last couple of weeks, the Right Wing has trotted out the idea that this 2012 Presidential Election is going to be a referendum on Barack Obama. They claim that the American people have been let down by the President’s economic performance, and that it’s time get the good ol’ tricke down started again. They claim that so many people are out of work and hurting financially, and they know it’s because Obama has failed to pull us out of the Depression (seriously, it’s a Depression that we’re in), and thus this election will be all about Americans saying “no” to the Obama Administration.

The thing is, they’re right about this election being a referendum. And maybe they could be right about it being a referendum on Obama, but only for their own electorate. Instead, I think there’s a much larger picture being painted with this election, and it’s for the moral compass of this country’s economy and social policy. For the first time in many, many years, Americans are being asked to dictate the direction of the country not just in terms of its economy’s heart and soul, but of the heart and soul of the nation’s stated beliefs when it comes to human rights. The Mitt Romney/Tea Party/George W. Bush/Grover Norquist/Wall Street is King/Greed is Good message of fiscal and social extremism is really what’s on trial here. As much as the GOP would have you believe this election is about the other guy, is much more about them, and their apparent decision to let the lunatic fringe of their party drive the ship.

The War on Women, the Fight Against Marriage Equality and the Let the Rich Get Richer forces of the Republican party are going to be put under intense scrutiny by the Obama campaign, and they may be shocked when their messages of intolerance, devolution and Plutocracy are left to die on the vine.

All over the nation, people are being given a choice. Conservatives now more than ever are trying to rush us into a massive nuclear-powered Delorean and take us as far backward as they can, be it a social issue or a fiscal policy. People like Paul Ryan are proposing budgets that kill social programs but pump still even more money into the Defense budget. Over a thousand bills restricting women’s health care and access to abortions and contraceptives have been introduced since the rise of the Tea Party. The storm is gathering, and showdown is coming.

More: Right-Wing Extremism: The Real Referendum of 2012 | The Political Garbage Chute

Question if obama loses how will you spin the lose?
2010 now the walker recall the November election will be like winning the triple crown.:lol:
Things happen in three's just remember that.
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Well, first of all, I honestly don't believe Obama will lose. Secondly, I don't consider Romney a lowlife piece of shit like Walker.
Well, first of all, I honestly don't believe Obama will lose. Secondly, I don't consider Romney a lowlife piece of shit like Walker.

You said that about the walker recall next

So will you answer the question
By James Schlarmann

Over the last couple of weeks, the Right Wing has trotted out the idea that this 2012 Presidential Election is going to be a referendum on Barack Obama. They claim that the American people have been let down by the President’s economic performance, and that it’s time get the good ol’ tricke down started again. They claim that so many people are out of work and hurting financially, and they know it’s because Obama has failed to pull us out of the Depression (seriously, it’s a Depression that we’re in), and thus this election will be all about Americans saying “no” to the Obama Administration.

The thing is, they’re right about this election being a referendum. And maybe they could be right about it being a referendum on Obama, but only for their own electorate. Instead, I think there’s a much larger picture being painted with this election, and it’s for the moral compass of this country’s economy and social policy. For the first time in many, many years, Americans are being asked to dictate the direction of the country not just in terms of its economy’s heart and soul, but of the heart and soul of the nation’s stated beliefs when it comes to human rights. The Mitt Romney/Tea Party/George W. Bush/Grover Norquist/Wall Street is King/Greed is Good message of fiscal and social extremism is really what’s on trial here. As much as the GOP would have you believe this election is about the other guy, is much more about them, and their apparent decision to let the lunatic fringe of their party drive the ship.

The War on Women, the Fight Against Marriage Equality and the Let the Rich Get Richer forces of the Republican party are going to be put under intense scrutiny by the Obama campaign, and they may be shocked when their messages of intolerance, devolution and Plutocracy are left to die on the vine.

All over the nation, people are being given a choice. Conservatives now more than ever are trying to rush us into a massive nuclear-powered Delorean and take us as far backward as they can, be it a social issue or a fiscal policy. People like Paul Ryan are proposing budgets that kill social programs but pump still even more money into the Defense budget. Over a thousand bills restricting women’s health care and access to abortions and contraceptives have been introduced since the rise of the Tea Party. The storm is gathering, and showdown is coming.

More: Right-Wing Extremism: The Real Referendum of 2012 | The Political Garbage Chute

"The Political Garbage Chute"

That's where that piece belongs.
By James Schlarmann

Over the last couple of weeks, the Right Wing has trotted out the idea that this 2012 Presidential Election is going to be a referendum on Barack Obama. They claim that the American people have been let down by the President’s economic performance, and that it’s time get the good ol’ tricke down started again. They claim that so many people are out of work and hurting financially, and they know it’s because Obama has failed to pull us out of the Depression (seriously, it’s a Depression that we’re in), and thus this election will be all about Americans saying “no” to the Obama Administration.

The thing is, they’re right about this election being a referendum. And maybe they could be right about it being a referendum on Obama, but only for their own electorate. Instead, I think there’s a much larger picture being painted with this election, and it’s for the moral compass of this country’s economy and social policy. For the first time in many, many years, Americans are being asked to dictate the direction of the country not just in terms of its economy’s heart and soul, but of the heart and soul of the nation’s stated beliefs when it comes to human rights. The Mitt Romney/Tea Party/George W. Bush/Grover Norquist/Wall Street is King/Greed is Good message of fiscal and social extremism is really what’s on trial here. As much as the GOP would have you believe this election is about the other guy, is much more about them, and their apparent decision to let the lunatic fringe of their party drive the ship.

The War on Women, the Fight Against Marriage Equality and the Let the Rich Get Richer forces of the Republican party are going to be put under intense scrutiny by the Obama campaign, and they may be shocked when their messages of intolerance, devolution and Plutocracy are left to die on the vine.

All over the nation, people are being given a choice. Conservatives now more than ever are trying to rush us into a massive nuclear-powered Delorean and take us as far backward as they can, be it a social issue or a fiscal policy. People like Paul Ryan are proposing budgets that kill social programs but pump still even more money into the Defense budget. Over a thousand bills restricting women’s health care and access to abortions and contraceptives have been introduced since the rise of the Tea Party. The storm is gathering, and showdown is coming.

More: Right-Wing Extremism: The Real Referendum of 2012 | The Political Garbage Chute

This kind of empty-headed partisan rhetoric actually is the worst treath to Obama's re-election campaign.
You said that about the walker recall next

So will you answer the question

1. What did I say about the Walker recall?

2. What question?

The question was if obama loses how will you spin it?
oh and yes you said Walker was going to lose.

I don't ever recall saying Walker was going to lose, but I won't split that hair with you.

As for spinning Obama losing, I don't know. Maybe somewhat like you'll spin it if Romney loses.


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