Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

The militia can be called out to stop invasion of our borders.
But they haven't been. So, instead, it's kidnapping.

I heard it was 380. :aargh:

What business do these people have invading America again? STFU Faggot.
Oh my, gay cowboy is going to throw a wittle tantrum. Gee,this must be a day that ends in "y".

Why isn't your little pussy ass down there with your duck guns?

Are you badass enough to step in front of a "duck gun"?

I don't have one, but..we can call whatever gun I have that for the situation.

Let's roll with .303 :04: I got plenty of bullets.

Not even an American round. You have 2 other choices:

30-06 or 9mm. IDGAF, step up and be a target. That is unless you're scared of mah "duck guns" (really you should be) (because I can nail you between the eyes at 1-200 yds)
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They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

We do not have to condone murder. ever.
Murder isnt defending your borders from diseases that want to cross into our country and kill US. Murder isnt defending yourself from criminals with the intent to rape our women and kill US. Is it really that hard to see why we need to "Shoot" people who shouldn't belong here? They are dying in the 10 of 1000s crossing into areas that will kill them anyway. Why aren't we just euthanizing them out of their misery...Call it "Post Birth Abortions"..

This group did the right thing, held them for bp.
There are those that do not, they kill them. that is murder.

Would you care to prove your claim?
I doubt you can.

Everything about american citizens hunting illegals that i know anything about specifically has been reported to command.
No one in a position of power is going to fix the border. Those turned over to the border patrol simply claim asylum status and are released into the general population. The rules are this way for a reason.
The "rules" are this way because the pols find it more expedient to ignore the laws and to cripple the agency tasked with enforcing them.
The rules are this way because the people in power want things...
Dems want more 'people of color' whose predilection for 'gibs me dats' voting patterns will keep them in power
Reps need to make their true constituents 'big business' fed with lots of cheap labor.

NOTHING is going to get done...there will be no wall...no true reform...no one in any power position will ever get locked up...just a slow cancer to the bottom.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?
Last I heard fetching coffee for the border patrol. However they should be issued live ammo and ordered to shoot to kill any assholes caught invading our country. That is after all the original purpose for having a standing military or even a federal government in the first place. WTF do people think "provide for the common defence" means anyway? It's right up front in the preamble fer pity sake!
You're a perfect example of why we should not have a "legal" unorganized militia of citizens between 17 and 45.
They are not "invaders," they are not armed, they are not carrying bubonic plague, and they will not rape your daughter.
Jesus Christ, YOU are the one who should be locked up, not them!
Yeah well once I was armed with a fully automatic dreaded military assault weapon, shipped to a foreign country and told it was quite okay to shoot it's inhabitants. So just how is it not okay to shoot assholes invading our country? They sure as hell were not invited and they damn well know they are not welcome otherwise they'd present themselves at a legitimate port of entry. Last I heard that was an invader, not a friggin immigrent.
Today maybe you should try reaching around, grabbing the nape of your neck, giving a good hard and sharp yank and extract your head from your ass. You'll be amazed what it does to hear and see and give your tiny little brain some input for a change.
The war's over, dude. They're refugees and economic migrants, and I agree with you that we need to find ways to stop them from coming illegally. Murdering them is not the solution.
How about we enforce international law that says they must apply for asylum in the first country they cross into? They also have the option of applying for asylum at the US embassy/consulate in their home country or the country in which they first seek asylum.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Why are these white gangs allowed to run ran rampant on our land? The people who do this belong in jail. They are people impersonating U.S. law-enforcement officers, and, in an unofficial sense, are people fraudulently claiming to represent the People of the United States of America.
These ARE the People of the United States of America. They are forced to do the job their government should be doing, i.e. protecting this country from foreign invasion.
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?
Last I heard fetching coffee for the border patrol. However they should be issued live ammo and ordered to shoot to kill any assholes caught invading our country. That is after all the original purpose for having a standing military or even a federal government in the first place. WTF do people think "provide for the common defence" means anyway? It's right up front in the preamble fer pity sake!
You're a perfect example of why we should not have a "legal" unorganized militia of citizens between 17 and 45.
They are not "invaders," they are not armed, they are not carrying bubonic plague, and they will not rape your daughter.
Jesus Christ, YOU are the one who should be locked up, not them!
They are destroying our culture they refuse to assimilate, they are lowering wages! They are flooding our clinics and hospitals! That is a invasion
That's really not true, but you're going to insist it is, so I'm not bothering to argue about it. My point about Foster was this lunatic wants to shoot those unarmed people, totally outside the constraints of the law. It is murder. Militias are dangerous.
It absolutely is I live in it. Democrats are destroying our culture and poor American neighborhoods.
You think it’s ok to flop African American neighborhoods and stuggling schools with kids that can’t speak English? You think that helps improve their English skills? Ability to negotiate a fair wage??
We ha w clinics in Boston full of people that can’t speak English! Is that good for America??
Why worry? The children in the AA neighborhoods will soon succumb to the various diseases inflicted upon them by these "immigrants". Blacks are starting to wake up and are becoming less reliable as a Dem voting bloc. They must be replaced by hordes of ignorant and uneducated brown plantation dwellers.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Why are these white gangs allowed to run ran rampant on our land? The people who do this belong in jail. They are people impersonating U.S. law-enforcement officers, and, in an unofficial sense, are people fraudulently claiming to represent the People of the United States of America.
These ARE the People of the United States of America. They are forced to do the job their government should be doing, i.e. protecting this country from foreign invasion.

Which leads to the question : Why do we have government? Why do they get 35%+ of our money when God only wants 10%? Wtf?
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They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
Er...no, there aren't those that will kill them.

The killers are always on the left. You idiots are the ones who maintain that instead of institutionalizing crazy people, we should just suicide them...and who maintain that when social policies fail and we end up with a huge population of poorly educated, destitute single mothers, we should just kill their babies.
Actually, the MS13 gangs, and others like them, will kill many of them when they fail to succumb to the gang shakedown or cannot afford to pay gang extortion.
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
Er...no, there aren't those that will kill them.

The killers are always on the left. You idiots are the ones who maintain that instead of institutionalizing crazy people, we should just suicide them...and who maintain that when social policies fail and we end up with a huge population of poorly educated, destitute single mothers, we should just kill their babies.

m'am, with all due respect you have mistaken me for a liberal. I am a old white guy who goes about armed, lives off grid and drills and trains search and rescue dogs for the AZ Citizens Militia

nobbody would consider me liberal in any way.

I support theCOC and the rule if law.....not liberal
As one off-grid old white cracker who goes armed (except at work at the airport), glad to meet you!
I think trump should offer a bounty 500 per illegal you can find
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.
Why do your Antifa heroes wear masks? Why do Islamic terrorists wear masks? Why do bank robbers wear masks?
Actually, I am surprised that Congress critters don't wear masks...
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
Er...no, there aren't those that will kill them.

The killers are always on the left. You idiots are the ones who maintain that instead of institutionalizing crazy people, we should just suicide them...and who maintain that when social policies fail and we end up with a huge population of poorly educated, destitute single mothers, we should just kill their babies.

m'am, with all due respect you have mistaken me for a liberal. I am a old white guy who goes about armed, lives off grid and drills and trains search and rescue dogs for the AZ Citizens Militia

nobbody would consider me liberal in any way.

I support theCOC and the rule if law.....not liberal
As one off-grid old white cracker who goes armed (except at work at the airport), glad to meet you!

i am retired and dont have to work. i have a enviable home with all the modern conviences. I worked hard at my carear and retired in 2014 at 55 and do need or dont want social security.
Last I heard fetching coffee for the border patrol. However they should be issued live ammo and ordered to shoot to kill any assholes caught invading our country. That is after all the original purpose for having a standing military or even a federal government in the first place. WTF do people think "provide for the common defence" means anyway? It's right up front in the preamble fer pity sake!
You're a perfect example of why we should not have a "legal" unorganized militia of citizens between 17 and 45.
They are not "invaders," they are not armed, they are not carrying bubonic plague, and they will not rape your daughter.
Jesus Christ, YOU are the one who should be locked up, not them!
They are destroying our culture they refuse to assimilate, they are lowering wages! They are flooding our clinics and hospitals! That is a invasion
That's really not true, but you're going to insist it is, so I'm not bothering to argue about it. My point about Foster was this lunatic wants to shoot those unarmed people, totally outside the constraints of the law. It is murder. Militias are dangerous.
It absolutely is I live in it. Democrats are destroying our culture and poor American neighborhoods.
You think it’s ok to flop African American neighborhoods and stuggling schools with kids that can’t speak English? You think that helps improve their English skills? Ability to negotiate a fair wage??
We ha w clinics in Boston full of people that can’t speak English! Is that good for America??
I'm not sure what their language has to do with anything, but I can see it bothers you quite a bit. You probably speak Spanish pretty well, considering you grew up with it all around you, right?
My tax dollars should NEVER be paid to indoctrinate those who will not assimilate. That said, back in the '60s, when I attended school in Orange County, we were taught Mexican. Being multi-lingual is not bad, but those claiming to want to become "US" need to learn our language. I speak three languages, BTW.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
Why are they wearing masks?
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report
Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

“It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone,” the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, said in a statement to The New York Times, adding that it is “completely unacceptable” that migrants be “menaced or threatened” upon entering the U.S. The American Civil Liberties Union said in a statement that “the Trump administration’s vile racism” emboldened these groups.

Hey, "Governor," you can suck my ass! You never heard of a CITIZEN'S ARREST, fool? You should be THANKING these people for arresting LAW BREAKERS, of DOING YOUR JOB FOR YOU.

View attachment 256698

Quit putting undocumented illegal invaders ahead of the US Citizen you flatulent pustule of filth. Same goes for the ACLU. These men are to be applauded, and thanked, by both the Border Patrol and President Trump. Keep it up, men.
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday to our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.
Since Congress has failed to support President Trump's agenda to stop this foreign invasion, his support for the poor in THIS country, maybe the citizens might not find themselves forced to do the job Congress should be doing. Instead, Congress is focused on the non-issues of "Russian collusion" and "obstruction of justice" and the President's taxes. Now, the citizens must take our protection into their own hands. Call you Congress person, encourage them to focus on REAL fucking issues, like border security.
No one in a position of power is going to fix the border. Those turned over to the border patrol simply claim asylum status and are released into the general population. The rules are this way for a reason.
The "rules" are this way because the pols find it more expedient to ignore the laws and to cripple the agency tasked with enforcing them.
The rules are this way because the people in power want things...
Dems want more 'people of color' whose predilection for 'gibs me dats' voting patterns will keep them in power
Reps need to make their true constituents 'big business' fed with lots of cheap labor.

NOTHING is going to get done...there will be no wall...no true reform...no one in any power position will ever get locked up...just a slow cancer to the bottom.

Fie on your negativity! There will be a wall and deportations!

American blacks in the south need this to happen.

They are Americans.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Rightwing fear, hate, and bigotry.

No. Law-abiding citizens. Is Nancy Pelosi using right-wing fear, hate, and bigotry when she calls the cops on squatters that climbed over her fence and plopped down in her back yard, shit for brains????
Oh, yeah! It's perfectly OK to bus or fly these vermin to your home but god forbid they find their way to HERS!

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