Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

I didn't note anyone claiming militia people were actually deporting suspected illegals (found wandering around in the border wilderness, unable to speak a word of English, etc.) .

If you detain someone for the authorities at a house fire with a can of gasoline and matches, are you claiming in all your high and mighty ignorance, that the person doing the detaining has made a pronouncement and determination as to the legal disposition of the person detained?

That would be very stupid.

The "clever" coup de gras on your own unfortunately ignorant post.

Let me put it this way. I live close to the border. I am an American citizen. I pack a 9MM. Let's say that I am a Latino, for the sake of discussion. Now, if some asshole wearing camies with no legal authority to do so, points a gun at me, I would be within my legal rights to shoot him dead, at worst, or sue him for false imprisonment, at least. And, I definitely would do one or the other.
If we are in a crisis why wouldn’t you put you hands up and be civil and show identification until the crisis is over?? Seems like you want to provoke

If someone I do not know who is not an authorized officer of the law is pointing a gun at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later.

With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

9mm Ruger is a good weapon. I also carry a small .22 semiauto for backup, and maybe throwaway. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.
I didn't note anyone claiming militia people were actually deporting suspected illegals (found wandering around in the border wilderness, unable to speak a word of English, etc.) .

If you detain someone for the authorities at a house fire with a can of gasoline and matches, are you claiming in all your high and mighty ignorance, that the person doing the detaining has made a pronouncement and determination as to the legal disposition of the person detained?

That would be very stupid.

The "clever" coup de gras on your own unfortunately ignorant post.

Let me put it this way. I live close to the border. I am an American citizen. I pack a 9MM. Let's say that I am a Latino, for the sake of discussion. Now, if some asshole wearing camies with no legal authority to do so, points a gun at me, I would be within my legal rights to shoot him dead, at worst, or sue him for false imprisonment, at least. And, I definitely would do one or the other.
If we are in a crisis why wouldn’t you put you hands up and be civil and show identification until the crisis is over?? Seems like you want to provoke

If someone I do not know who is not an authorized officer of the law is pointing a gun at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later.

With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.
Let me put it this way. I live close to the border. I am an American citizen. I pack a 9MM. Let's say that I am a Latino, for the sake of discussion. Now, if some asshole wearing camies with no legal authority to do so, points a gun at me, I would be within my legal rights to shoot him dead, at worst, or sue him for false imprisonment, at least. And, I definitely would do one or the other.
If we are in a crisis why wouldn’t you put you hands up and be civil and show identification until the crisis is over?? Seems like you want to provoke

If someone I do not know who is not an authorized officer of the law is pointing a gun at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later.

With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

9mm Ruger is a good weapon. I also carry a small .22 semiauto for backup, and maybe throwaway. Doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Tell ya what...22 to 9mm, I ain't trying to catch any of that lead.
Try me, soyboy, my fat ass will rule you and yours, and then some.
Well sure, if we have a cousin-fucking contest, or a Duck Dynasty trivia contest. But, if you have to do something that requires peeling your fat ass off the porch swing, it will be over before it starts.
Try me, soyboy, my fat ass will rule you and yours, and then some.
Well sure, if we have a cousin-fucking contest, or a Duck Dynasty trivia contest. But, if you have to do something that requires peeling your fat ass off the porch swing, it will be over before it starts.

You keep thinking that, soyboy.
You think I'm not going to stand up and defend my country? I'll die before I let leftists implement their agendas, and take as many of them as I can with me, true story.
I have no other motivation except the continuation of freedom in America.

I grew up in a freer America, and it's not fair to them to have faggots like you dictating the rules they have to live by.

Fuck you! :fu: you know who fucks cousins? (since you brought it up) Muslims. Derp!

Go fuck yourself, you leftist shit.

Ilhan Omar married and is fucking her brother, derp!

W VA would be proud.
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I feel bad for peope againts American culture,, you will lose and lose bad
Sorry, but uneducated rednecks like you are only a part of american culture. The whole of American culture is a culture of immigrants. We celebrate holidays from foreign cultures. Foreign food restaurants everywhere. The day uneducated mouth breathers like you are the symbol of america is the day america becomes a second class country.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

They were looking for BP anyway.
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

They were looking for BP anyway.
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.

They were looking for BP anyway.
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....

They were looking for BP anyway.
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
More empty threats from the conservitard peanut gallery.

images (3).jpeg
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....

Too bad if I sprint and slam your sorry ass for why not, huh?
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....
Terrifying aren't they?
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
More empty threats from the conservitard peanut gallery.

View attachment 256821

I dream about punching faggots like you in the face. Tired of your bullshit, seriously.
If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....

Too bad if I sprint and slam your sorry ass for why not, huh?
The only thing you will be slamming is a 3-day old PBR you stole off Meemaw's headboard.
If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....

Too bad if I sprint and slam your sorry ass for why not, huh?
tenor (7).gif
If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....
Terrifying aren't they?
I'm paralyzed with fear. Or laughter.
Ohhh they found them.. in the form of a militia.. be careful young Mexicans we shoot.. cowboy up

If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....

What are you going to bring to the conflict? Apparently you want one, dick cheese. FYI, I am well-versed in dumping you on your neck, faggot. Also putting bullets right between your eyes, cocksucker. You don't stand a chance, faggot, you better seek another avenue of doing, boy.

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