Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.
Good thing you tow weren’t around for the revolution you would have threw John Adams in jail or killed him lol
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.
Who said that these men don’t? Do you have a name? Do you know anything about them?? Stop your ad hominem.
Where did you get a personal insult out of that post?
I'm going by what ozro, who ACTUALLY works on the border, says. You work as a waiter in Boston. What do YOU know about them? The town militias in the 1700's were commanded by Captains who were selected and instructed by the government.
Why are they wearing masks?
If the United Constitutional Patriots are so great, why are they all wearing masks? Pro Tip: If you belong to an organization where it is necessary to hide your face, you are in the wrong organization.

It looks like the nm gov did not authorize this group.
no chain of command.
With no chain of command it is nothing more than a vigilant group.
Yup, a roving band of heavily armed men tracking "enemies" in the desert and making up all their own rules as they go along--what could possibly go wrong?
Instead of spending his time vilifying these dispossessed, poor, and powerless people, maybe Trump could have spent his energy pulling together folks who could do something about this. We need changes made yesterday today our immigration laws, but this administration is just making it harder for people to share ideas and come to a workable compromise. Instead, we get vigilantes roving the border with guns and extremists here screaming for blood. We are getting farther and farther away from a solution.
Good thing you tow weren’t around for the revolution you would have threw John Adams in jail or killed him lol
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

Lady, you seem to have a very jaded view of your nation's history. Maybe you'd be better off moving to another country for a few years for a reality adjustment. Only question will be how long before you are glad to come back here.
The Tories were driven out of town, out of the country, for even being "neutral" toward the British or continuing to earn their livelihood by doing business with them. There is nothing jaded about my view.
I tried to catch up on this thread, but I didn't have the heart to read all 8 pages I'd missed.

There is just too much hate here.
"They Killed Us": Crowdfunding Sites Have Cut Off An Armed Militia Detaining Migrants At The Border

The militia detained hundreds of migrants at gunpoint this week and is accused of violating the crowdfunding sites' policy on the promotion of hate or violence.

A right-wing “patriot” group that detained hundreds of migrants at gunpoint at the southern border this week after raising thousands of dollars online was notified by crowdfunding giants PayPal and GoFundMe that its fundraising campaigns have been shut down, dealing a major blow to the militia's operation.

Known as the United Constitutional Patriots (UCP), the militia has been patrolling a remote stretch of the New Mexico desert near the Mexico border for months with heavily armed members reportedly detaining dozens of migrants a day.

The group has used the thousands of dollars donated online to supply food, gasoline, propane, and a portable toilet at a camp in Sunland, New Mexico, but by Friday members of the militia learned they would no longer be able to use PayPal or GoFundMe to raise money.
Well of course. Paypal and GoFundMe are owned and operated by Far Left Progressives that hate America, and want Open Borders.
I tried to catch up on this thread, but I didn't have the heart to read all 8 pages I'd missed.

There is just too much hate here.

Some of the dialogue in threads like these attract the feds. I've seen it before, then you have to turn over everybody's names, ip addresses and all sorts of stuff. I've only seen extremist commentary from two people that contained direct threats, but it only takes one report.

How stupid are people? Ya know? I wouldn't let those whacko birds lead a lunch line. Gosh.

Then they wanna whine about oh nos, muh gun rights, well shit like this is why all of us have to be wrung through the wringer whenever we require one for whatever reason.
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I tried to catch up on this thread, but I didn't have the heart to read all 8 pages I'd missed.

There is just too much hate here.

Some of the dialogue in threads like these attract the feds. I've seen it before, then you have to turn over everybody's names, ip addresses and all sorts of stuff. I've only seen extremist commentary from two people, but it only takes one report.

How stupid are people? Ya know?

Then they wanna whine about oh nos, muh gun rights, well shit like this is why all of us have to be wrung through the wringer whenever we require one for whatever reason.

Lol....whatever you say s0n!:113:
Lol....whatever you say s0n!:113:

Heh heh. You're a badass, are ya? I'll tell you something. And listen to me here, dipshit. You're talking to a trained killer. Okay? You're talking to somebody who's been dropped in a desert a couple times.

You lack discipline. You lack maturity. You're reckless. And you're a moron on top of that, you don't even understand liberty, much less purport to defend it responsibly, I've read your posts. Nobody in their right mind who holds any position of responsible leadership would let a half-wit wanna be a cowboy shit talking dweeb like you within a hundred miles of confrontation. And they sure as shit wouldn't ask for your opinion or physical input. By your own words and the way you carry yourself you've proven yourself to be not only irresponsible with a deadly weapon, you've proven you aren't capable of thinking and reasoning responsibly without supervision. You're led by your emotion, similar to the many mass shooters who have acted on the same emotional presence you're forwarding here.

Stick to watching Bonanza or The Lone Ranger or plinking off pigeons in your back yard or whatever the fuck else you entertain yourself with to make yourself feel like a cowboy. Leave the hard stuff to responsible people who are qualified and who have the training, authority and duty to police the nation's border.

You're reckless in your thinking, you're reckless in your language and you carry yourself like you're twelve. I know militiamen, both male and female, who belong to legitimate, known militia groups. Many of them. Most are active duty and retired police, firemen, emt, and military personnel. These are responsible, experienced, trained people who understand 1- the proper role of government and 2- the proper role of militia. They don't carry themselves the way you carry yourself. They don't pop their pie holes off in the same reckless manner in which you do. They don't go around on publicy accessible web platforms talking about pointing a gun and shooting people. Shit like that is why they want our social media accounts in order to require a gun now. Ya stupid fuck. Go ahead an give yourself a pat on the back. Heck, I'll go on a hunch and contend that you're likely not even physically fit to hump through weeds and desert with a load on your back anyway, Mr. 30,000 posts. lol. The only thing they'd likely find any use for you for is a donation once a week. Maybe they'll send you a hat or a tee shirt or something. You can march around the mall sucking on a pretzel dog and a mountain dew with your chest pushed out or something.
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When the Government continues to put American Citizens at risk by allowing criminals, potential terrorists, and drug traffickers into the country in large numbers then THE PEOPLE have a right to act to defend themselves from these threats.
Good thing you tow weren’t around for the revolution you would have threw John Adams in jail or killed him lol
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.
Who said that these men don’t? Do you have a name? Do you know anything about them?? Stop your ad hominem.
Where did you get a personal insult out of that post?
I'm going by what ozro, who ACTUALLY works on the border, says. You work as a waiter in Boston. What do YOU know about them? The town militias in the 1700's were commanded by Captains who were selected and instructed by the government.
Please stay home make a sandwich you are clueless what is real men do
Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.

I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never been harassed by illegal immigrants, either, but they don't go around brandishing rifles and playing Rambo.

You're probably a cuck bitch. :dunno:

I grew up in the deep South in the 1950's. We had "militia's" too. Only they wore white sheets.

So what? That has absolutely no bearing today. I grew up in the city where Blacks kill each other to this day in large numbers. Total non sequitur.

Oh, well, then, never mind. It is ok, then.
When the Government continues to put American Citizens at risk by allowing criminals, potential terrorists, and drug traffickers into the country in large numbers then THE PEOPLE have a right to act to defend themselves from these threats.
...will say no judge, anywhere, ever, regarding this.
Dear tyrannical oppressive government may we please make a milita so that one day we can defeat you? Lol
Dear tyrannical oppressive government may we please make a milita so that one day we can defeat you? Lol

We have corrupt courts upholding unconstitutional laws passed by corrupt politicians which has enabled Government to once again become Tyrannical.
Dear tyrannical oppressive government may we please make a milita so that one day we can defeat you? Lol

We have corrupt courts upholding unconstitutional laws passed by corrupt politicians which has enabled Government to once again become Tyrannical.
Haha...so you want the laws enforced, but all the laws are corrupt. You mentally ill freaks don't even know what you are going to say next, do you?
Dear tyrannical oppressive government may we please make a milita so that one day we can defeat you? Lol

We have corrupt courts upholding unconstitutional laws passed by corrupt politicians which has enabled Government to once again become Tyrannical.
Haha...so you want the laws enforced, but all the laws are corrupt. You mentally ill freaks don't even know what you are going to say next, do you?
You are deeply flawed in your thinking
Dear tyrannical oppressive government may we please make a milita so that one day we can defeat you? Lol

We have corrupt courts upholding unconstitutional laws passed by corrupt politicians which has enabled Government to once again become Tyrannical.
Haha...so you want the laws enforced, but all the laws are corrupt. You mentally ill freaks don't even know what you are going to say next, do you?

Said like a good little Progressive, Statist Stooge. I never said all laws were unconstitutional. Duh. Stop lying.

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