Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

The sad fat Japanese. Isn't it racist to make fun of them?

The invaders should not be shot. Get horses and ATVs. Take all food and water they might have. Break up the groups and drive them into the desert away from the trails. Chase them until they drop.

Let the desert take care of them in a natural way.
If they had shot them they would be in jail. This ain't the wild west kid.
It’s the West and it’s wild... your liberal laws can’t stop what’s going to happen
This is America son, we don't shoot people for misdemeanor offenses, and murder is murder no matter what color the victim is.

Not if it's traitors like you n FFI, faggots! Keep on being POS traitors all you want, just know that someday there may be a reckoning.
Oooh,scary. Fat redneck called me a faggot while spitting cheetohs on himself. Oh no, I might have to break into a brisk walk to escape....

What are you going to bring to the conflict? Apparently you want one, dick cheese. FYI, I am well-versed in dumping you on your neck, faggot. Also putting bullets right between your eyes, cocksucker. You don't stand a chance, faggot, you better seek another avenue of doing, boy.
Stay off my lawn!!!!

wait, I don't have a lawn.

Well stay off my dirt, walk on the dirt on your side of my gate dammit.

I do have a lawn, if asshole here appears on it, he'll most likely be perforated. I have a gun in my pocket right now. I'm not messing around with faggots like this.
Stay off my lawn!!!!

wait, I don't have a lawn.

Well stay off my dirt, walk on the dirt on your side of my gate dammit.

I do have a lawn, if asshole here appears on it, he'll most likely be perforated. I have a gun in my pocket right now. I'm not messing around with faggots like this.

Oh I don't doubt it. I really do mean it when i tell people to stay on their side of my gate.
If the dogs leave a big enough piece, then I would shoot them
I have a gun in my pocket right now.
Oooh, scary! A redneck with a gun! A/k/a, a redneck. When you piss yourself with fear and shoot your remaining nut off, would it be fair if i still punched a hole through your face? I don't think it would.

Sucks for you I know how to bob and weave and smash your face right into the back of your empty skull, punk.

1 time this younger guy swung at me 9X and I dodged them all and laughed. He was seriously trying to hurt me. It didn't happen like that. :abgg2q.jpg:
Let me put it this way. I live close to the border. I am an American citizen. I pack a 9MM. Let's say that I am a Latino, for the sake of discussion. Now, if some asshole wearing camies with no legal authority to do so, points a gun at me, I would be within my legal rights to shoot him dead, at worst, or sue him for false imprisonment, at least. And, I definitely would do one or the other.
If we are in a crisis why wouldn’t you put you hands up and be civil and show identification until the crisis is over?? Seems like you want to provoke

If someone I do not know who is not an authorized officer of the law is pointing a gun at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later.

With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.

I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never been harassed by illegal immigrants, either, but they don't go around brandishing rifles and playing Rambo.
If we are in a crisis why wouldn’t you put you hands up and be civil and show identification until the crisis is over?? Seems like you want to provoke

If someone I do not know who is not an authorized officer of the law is pointing a gun at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later.

With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.

I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never been harassed by illegal immigrants, either, but they don't go around brandishing rifles and playing Rambo.

You're probably a cuck bitch. :dunno:
If someone I do not know who is not an authorized officer of the law is pointing a gun at me, I would shoot first and ask questions later.

With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.

I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never been harassed by illegal immigrants, either, but they don't go around brandishing rifles and playing Rambo.

You're probably a cuck bitch. :dunno:

I grew up in the deep South in the 1950's. We had "militia's" too. Only they wore white sheets.
It's sad to see Republicans so terrified of women and babies.

Poor Americans are scared and are struggling because of the resources being taken away by illegals.. are you ok with this??
You mean like the 20 million people living in Appalachia. The very center of the Republican Party. Some of them don’t even have electricity or running water.
So Republicans, being the kind of people they are, gave a $1.5 trillion tax cut to needy billionaires.
See Republicans have a heart of gold. Seriously, where their heart should be, is a coin.
I’d give up all that shit If I could.. id rather be free then have a Dime.. You need some diversity in your life
Sorry, I rather have both.

And if you have some coin, you can buy a lot of freedom.
Rightwing fear, hate, and bigotry.
Left wing duplicity, idiocy, treachery and back stabbing.

Left wing duplicity, idiocy, treachery and back stabbing.

I don't understand how those are left wing.

Especially the back stabbing. Isn't that what Republicans do? Remember when Trump told the coal miners their jobs were coming back and they would have the best healthcare? I remember.

Trump Promised Coal Miners the World. He's Made Their Lives Worse in Every Way That Matters.
This is not, as the article claims, a "New Mexico militia."
A "New Mexico militia" would act through the state.
Just because some dolts wanna play cowboy and happen to be in New Mexico doesn't make it a "New Mexico militia."

Some interpret the Constitution differently.

I don't believe that, having waged war against Great Britain, that the intent was to limit armed opposition to only government entities.

The Right to Bear Arms implies that We The People shall have possession of the power and means to defend against government tyranny, where ever it originates, and that that right Shall Not Be Infringed by the Federal Government NOR any State Government.

We The People are specifically empowered by the Constitution to form militias independent of any government sanctioning.

Think about it. If we have to be "Allowed" to form militias by government authorities, that negates the entire spirit of the 2nd Amendment.

Does that mean that any armed group can just band together and undertake actions normally delegated to government authorities?


But when such groups have formed to carry out those actions stated within the Constitution, then it overrides any government authority. Again, that is the spirit of the 2nd amendment and the Constitution in it's entirety as iot is a document specifically designed to LIMIT the powers of the Federal government, but also state governments by proxy.

Militias are empowered to function through the state.

And you already negated to second amendment when you relinquished your first, fifth and tenth amendments in order to require a gun. Go try to buy one and when they ask you for your name to run the background check, tell em no and see if the government lets you leave there exercising your second amendment right with a gun.

Oy.....another philosopher guy in here!:2up:

As I've said numerous times in recent month....we are going to be seeing shit we've never seen before leading up to late 2020. This is an example s0ns....people out there are not going to tolerate their country being turned into a shithole. This is not Europe! You'll see.....:deal::deal:.....others in this country are going to ( the hard way ) come to understand embracing limpwristedness was really not worth it at all!:fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

We do not have to condone murder. ever.
Murder isnt defending your borders from diseases that want to cross into our country and kill US. Murder isnt defending yourself from criminals with the intent to rape our women and kill US. Is it really that hard to see why we need to "Shoot" people who shouldn't belong here? They are dying in the 10 of 1000s crossing into areas that will kill them anyway. Why aren't we just euthanizing them out of their misery...Call it "Post Birth Abortions"..

“Thou shalt not kill.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Anyone at our borders who is carrying arms and holding themselves out to be law-enforcement officers when they are not should be jailed and tried as criminals.They have absolutely NO AUTHORITY to represent anyone.
With what, Mr. Shooter McShooterton? Pew Pew Pew?

Well, Pilgrim, I pack a 9 MM when I am in the AZ desert on my motorcycle, since I do not want to be at the mercy of a drug trafficker, or a right wing radical militia man if I break down out there.

Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.

I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never been harassed by illegal immigrants, either, but they don't go around brandishing rifles and playing Rambo.

You're probably a cuck bitch. :dunno:

I grew up in the deep South in the 1950's. We had "militia's" too. Only they wore white sheets.

So what? That has absolutely no bearing today. I grew up in the city where Blacks kill each other to this day in large numbers. Total non sequitur.

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