Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

The "rules" are this way because the pols find it more expedient to ignore the laws and to cripple the agency tasked with enforcing them.
The rules are this way because the people in power want things...
Dems want more 'people of color' whose predilection for 'gibs me dats' voting patterns will keep them in power
Reps need to make their true constituents 'big business' fed with lots of cheap labor.

NOTHING is going to get done...there will be no wall...no true reform...no one in any power position will ever get locked up...just a slow cancer to the bottom.

Fie on your negativity! There will be a wall and deportations!

American blacks in the south need this to happen.

They are Americans.
Sorry, there will be no wall. Blacks have no real power in this country. They are, when compared to other groups, the poorest, the most crime ridden, the least educated. Blacks are simply a voting block that Dems have exploited for votes. Dems do not care about blacks and black politicians who have the bully pulpit are too corrupt to genuinely care about their constituencies. Doubt me? Name me one prominent black Democrat who has spoken out against the southern invasion? They haven't...they won't...and if they want those dirty dollars to keep flooding in, they had better do their job and keep the blacks focused on the boogey man...whites.

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This is why a wall needs to be taller and concrete.
The "WELL REGULATED MALITIA" became the National Guard in each state. The rest of these "militias" are gangbangers with no authority whatsoever. They are impersonators.
No, they are Republicans.

A group of Americans who put on OD Greens and then hold children and babies at gunpoint.

It has to be Republicans. Who else would do such a thing?


Wow babies and children traveling by themselves. I'm impressed.

New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?

The Unorganized Militia are not vigilantes. It exists legitimately under U.S. Code. They are doing what they are supposed to do when people try to illegally invade the U.S.

10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
the unorganized militia has no federal authority; they should be locked up.

Why? The government obviously is not doing their job. Fuck that shit, I want a tax reduction!
Gosh...if only we had some sort of, oh, I don't know....a "barrier" of some type (a wall perhaps) at the border to prevent all these unauthorized illegals from entering our nation we wouldn't need these ad hoc militia groups forming to stem the human tide that constitutes an invasion of sorts.

I'm sure if Chuck and Nancy care about the country they might come to some sort of agreement with the president on the matter.
As soon as you revolutionaries came to my house bearing torches and a bucket of tar and sack of feathers, though, I would have taken your side fast.

check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.
Who said that these men don’t? Do you have a name? Do you know anything about them?? Stop your ad hominem.
Where did you get a personal insult out of that post?
I'm going by what ozro, who ACTUALLY works on the border, says. You work as a waiter in Boston. What do YOU know about them? The town militias in the 1700's were commanded by Captains who were selected and instructed by the government.
Please stay home make a sandwich you are clueless what is real men do
check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.
Who said that these men don’t? Do you have a name? Do you know anything about them?? Stop your ad hominem.
Where did you get a personal insult out of that post?
I'm going by what ozro, who ACTUALLY works on the border, says. You work as a waiter in Boston. What do YOU know about them? The town militias in the 1700's were commanded by Captains who were selected and instructed by the government.
Please stay home make a sandwich you are clueless what is real men do


check your history jt, even the colonial militia operated with authority. it may not have been legal as the king wasnt the authority, but it was a chain of command
Yes, every town had a Captain that kept the militia in order; they trained regularly, too. I have read a lot of 1700's town records. Each had its well organized militia and it definitely had a command structure.
Who said that these men don’t? Do you have a name? Do you know anything about them?? Stop your ad hominem.
Where did you get a personal insult out of that post?
I'm going by what ozro, who ACTUALLY works on the border, says. You work as a waiter in Boston. What do YOU know about them? The town militias in the 1700's were commanded by Captains who were selected and instructed by the government.
Please stay home make a sandwich you are clueless what is real men do

He's gotta be a faggot. I could get all that on 1 arm.
Were you ever harassed by "right wing radical militia"? Bottom line, for whatever reason our government can not keep up with all the hordes of illegal aliens, drug traffickers, coyotes, etc so THE PEOPLE need to pick up the slack.

I live 30 miles from the border, and I have never been harassed by illegal immigrants, either, but they don't go around brandishing rifles and playing Rambo.

You're probably a cuck bitch. :dunno:

What is a "cuck bitch"? Sounds like gang speech. john wayne, are you a gang-banger?

A pusilanimous type of individual.

I am not so impressed with your erudition that I cannot ask if you are a gangbanger. You sound like you are.

I am not affiliated with any gang.
The "WELL REGULATED MALITIA" became the National Guard in each state. The rest of these "militias" are gangbangers with no authority whatsoever. They are impersonators.
No, they are Republicans.

A group of Americans who put on OD Greens and then hold children and babies at gunpoint.

It has to be Republicans. Who else would do such a thing?


I worry that there are groups of Americans who do not have any legitimate authority are running around trying to pretend that they have any authority to represent the people of the United States. Referring to their gangs as "militias" does not add any legitimacy to their gang-banger actions. These "play soldier" gangs need to be stopped.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
right wing bigots? There is no such Thing as well regulated militia of Individuals in our Republic.

And, entry into the Union is a sovereign federal power; the States gave up that power after 1808 and Individuals are just plain criminals attempting to exercise that power as Individuals.
These men and more like them are going to be in your life very soon, we will be looking for communist racist materials ..noth you can do about it
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?

The Unorganized Militia are not vigilantes. It exists legitimately under U.S. Code. They are doing what they are supposed to do when people try to illegally invade the U.S.

10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
the unorganized militia has no federal authority; they should be locked up.
Come and stop us
She's a committed leftist shill. I'm not surprised.

But is it illegal to detain someone in the commission of a crime? Not that I know of.
Can I stop an arsonist after burning a house down and hold him for the police? I sure can.

Eric, don't give up your day job to practice law.
She's a committed leftist shill. I'm not surprised.

But is it illegal to detain someone in the commission of a crime? Not that I know of.
Can I stop an arsonist after burning a house down and hold him for the police? I sure can.

Eric, don't give up your day job to practice law.

Just because they are "LAWS" doesn't mean they are moral, Constitutional, or just. Slavery was legal once. That was a law too.
The "WELL REGULATED MALITIA" became the National Guard in each state. The rest of these "militias" are gangbangers with no authority whatsoever. They are impersonators.
No, they are Republicans.

A group of Americans who put on OD Greens and then hold children and babies at gunpoint.

It has to be Republicans. Who else would do such a thing?


Wow babies and children traveling by themselves. I'm impressed.

These are fighting men and gang members hiding behind a human shield of women and children.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?

The Unorganized Militia are not vigilantes. It exists legitimately under U.S. Code. They are doing what they are supposed to do when people try to illegally invade the U.S.

10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
the unorganized militia has no federal authority; they should be locked up.
Come and stop us

Just who are this "us"? I suspect that you are a gangster.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Vigilante justice seldom goes well. What happened to the thousands of National Guard and military personnel Trump ordered to the border? Was that completely ineffective? What are those people doing?

The Unorganized Militia are not vigilantes. It exists legitimately under U.S. Code. They are doing what they are supposed to do when people try to illegally invade the U.S.

10 U.S. Code § 246 - Militia: composition and classes
the unorganized militia has no federal authority; they should be locked up.
Come and stop us

I just joined up with this group and asked if I could join, within 20 mins I was in uniform holding AK to the temple of an illegal called jeasus .. I plan to be here in the Desert for a good 25 days. I’ll do what ever it takes to defend America!

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