Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Gosh...if only we had some sort of, oh, I don't know....a "barrier" of some type (a wall perhaps) at the border to prevent all these unauthorized illegals from entering our nation we wouldn't need these ad hoc militia groups forming to stem the human tide that constitutes an invasion of sorts.

I'm sure if Chuck and Nancy care about the country they might come to some sort of agreement with the president on the matter.
don't be illegals right wingers, enforce Constitutional law.

STFU you dumbass gnat motherfucker!
dumb bigot.
Cowards don’t protect women and children and babies. They don’t hold them at gunpoint. Next you’ll be telling us that the Sandyhook shooter was a hero.
It’s a shame really that Republicans don’t have the same concern for babies that they do for a fetus.
The greater shame was that your mom wasn't sufficiently pro choice enough.
don't be illegals right wingers, enforce Constitutional law.
:113: To say anything to a crank like you is to encourage you. But you will post your brainless nonsense whether anyone
encourages you or not because you are a real dumb fucker!

The Constitution gives to the federal government the duty of protecting the nation. Illegal immigration is a very real and pernicious threat to the nation. Period.
only illegals don't care about the law.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
Cowards don’t protect women and children and babies. They don’t hold them at gunpoint. Next you’ll be telling us that the Sandyhook shooter was a hero.
It’s a shame really that Republicans don’t have the same concern for babies that they do for a fetus.
We are protecting American babies that need a good education, that need to learn first class culture.
The "WELL REGULATED MALITIA" became the National Guard in each state. The rest of these "militias" are gangbangers with no authority whatsoever. They are impersonators.
No, they are Republicans.

A group of Americans who put on OD Greens and then hold children and babies at gunpoint.

It has to be Republicans. Who else would do such a thing?


Wow babies and children traveling by themselves. I'm impressed.

These are fighting men and gang members hiding behind a human shield of women and children.

Ohhhh you mean the real criminals are the kidnapping assholes pretending to be refugees... hmmmm....kinda what Trump already said.

Wow. We were just schooled into what a delusion looks like.

Yeah pay attention Mortimer....
You are a complicit human trafficking POS.

Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these types of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

As Ive been saying on here for 2 years...….we're gonna start seeing shit in this country like weve never seen before. And progressives are going to stand back on the sidelines with their thumbs up their asses and like it.:deal:
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.
They are invading us that is causing harm.. what don’t you get
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.

So you are on the side of an enemy invasion of America?
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.
New Mexico should take this group to court if they think assisting the Border Patrol is illegal. I'd love to see the Supreme Court issue a ruling.
If Nazis or Communists were swarming all over the Southwest and entering the nation would the New Mexico governor think that it was illegal for a militia to lend a hand?
so what.

States have no authority over entry into the Union since 1808.

Again, militias operate through the state to combat federal usurpers. That's it. See Federalist numbers 28 and 46. After that, come back here and I'll direct you to the Constitution so you're square on intent in relation to 28 and 46. If you wanna talk about the states' authority in terms of immigration, start a topic and I'll be glad to contribute to it. This thead is about an non state sanctioned militia operating outside of the parameters of how a militia is supposed to exist and function in order to justify its status as legitimate militia.
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.
They are invading us that is causing harm.. what don’t you get
it is a refugee problem not an invasion; it is Only an invasion in right wing fantasy.
so what.

States have no authority over entry into the Union since 1808.

Again, militias operate through the state to combat federal usurpers. That's it. If you wanna talk about the states' authority in terms of immigration, start a topic and I'll be glad to contribute to it. This thead is about an non sate sanctioned militia operating outside of the parameters of what a militia is supposed to do in order to justify its status as legitimate militia.
States have no authority over entry into the Union and have no basis to care if someone is from out of State or from out of state since 1808.
Again, militias operate through the state to combat federal usurpers. That's it. If you wanna talk about the states' authority in terms of immigration, start a topic and I'll be glad to contribute to it. This thead is about an non sate sanctioned militia operating outside of the parameters of what a militia is supposed to do in order to justify its status as legitimate militia.
Does Texas or Arizona reject a militia like this? If they don't but New Mexico does then it raises lots of questions about
how a pro sanctuary governor is politicizing the issue and thus, making her threats and actions politically motivated and
thereby not valid or truly legal.
The Sanctuary Governor is enabling these militias to operate by her policies, and an argument can be made to justify their existence. The State is illegally choosing not to cooperate with the Feds, and has created a vacuum. Guess what? Nature hates a vacuum.

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