Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

The term "well regulated" means well practiced, familiar with weapons, and not in need of weapons training.
The word regular means timely and well functioning, like a regulator clock or regular bowels.
All militia is both well regulated AND unorganized initially.
It is ONLY when the unorganized militia is called up for emergencies by the federal government, that is becomes the organized Militia.
The whole point of the 2nd amendment is to ensure everyone is armed and practices, so therefore is well regulated in arms.
So everyone is well regulated.

That's the common debate. Gonna have to support it in constitutional context, though. And the only thing we have are the Federalist and the Constitution. The Federalst being, of course, the blueprint for the Constitution. It's a good discussion if you could keep the children outta the thread, it's an intellectual discussion. A good one.
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New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
‘New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday lashed out at members of a militia group who are stopping migrants at the border, declaring "regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone."


"It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone," she said. "My office and our state police are coordinating with the Attorney General's Office and local police to determine what has gone on and what can be done."


The ACLU of New Mexico raised the alarm about the arrests in a letter sent Thursday to Grisham and Balderas.

The letter said that on Tuesday members of the group arrested nearly 300 people near Sunland Park, New Mexico. The ACLU posted excerpts of the letter on its website with video that appeared to have been made by one of the militia members.

“The Trump administration’s vile racism has emboldened white nationals and fascists to flagrantly violate the law,” the ACLU said. “This has no place in our state: We cannot allow racist and armed vigilantes to kidnap and detain people seeking asylum. We urge you to immediately investigate this atrocious and unlawful conduct."’

'No authority': New Mexico governor tells militia to stop arresting migrants at border


Indeed, it’s the bigoted, hateful militia members who are in violation of the law, not those lawfully seeking asylum.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
‘New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Friday lashed out at members of a militia group who are stopping migrants at the border, declaring "regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone."


"It should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone," she said. "My office and our state police are coordinating with the Attorney General's Office and local police to determine what has gone on and what can be done."


The ACLU of New Mexico raised the alarm about the arrests in a letter sent Thursday to Grisham and Balderas.

The letter said that on Tuesday members of the group arrested nearly 300 people near Sunland Park, New Mexico. The ACLU posted excerpts of the letter on its website with video that appeared to have been made by one of the militia members.

“The Trump administration’s vile racism has emboldened white nationals and fascists to flagrantly violate the law,” the ACLU said. “This has no place in our state: We cannot allow racist and armed vigilantes to kidnap and detain people seeking asylum. We urge you to immediately investigate this atrocious and unlawful conduct."’

'No authority': New Mexico governor tells militia to stop arresting migrants at border


Indeed, it’s the bigoted, hateful militia members who are in violation of the law, not those lawfully seeking asylum.
Come and stop us
what price point in property crimes do New Mexico district attorneys no longer prosecute?

Heck if I know, daniel. I was thinking about building one of those stone houses in New Mexico, though, I dig those a lot.

Not sure about now, though, all thes cats on here talking about knockin on doors and shooting people. lol. Ho leesht. Probably gonna stick to the original plan of a little pad on a Mexican beach with the lil mrs.
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what price point in property crimes do New Mexico district attorneys no longer prosecute?

Heck if I know, daniel. I was thinking about building one of those stone houses in Ne Mexico, though, I dig those a lot.

Not sure about now, though, all thes cats on here talking about knockin on doors and shooting people. lol. Ho leesht. Probably gonna stick to the original plan of a little pad on a Mexican beach with the lil mrs.
No one said anything about shooting anyone except for invaders
what price point in property crimes do New Mexico district attorneys no longer prosecute?

Heck if I know, daniel. I was thinking about building one of those stone houses in Ne Mexico, though, I dig those a lot.

Not sure about now, though, all thes cats on here talking about knockin on doors and shooting people. lol. Ho leesht. Probably gonna stick to the original plan of a little pad on a Mexican beach with the lil mrs.
No one said anything about shooting anyone except for invaders
what price point in property crimes do New Mexico district attorneys no longer prosecute?

Heck if I know, daniel. I was thinking about building one of those stone houses in Ne Mexico, though, I dig those a lot.

Not sure about now, though, all thes cats on here talking about knockin on doors and shooting people. lol. Ho leesht. Probably gonna stick to the original plan of a little pad on a Mexican beach with the lil mrs.
No one said anything about shooting anyone except for invaders

Mexicans are not invaders.
When the US bought AZ, NM, CO, CA, UT, NV, TX, etc., we agreed to the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ensured free passage through the border to these lands full of Spanish land grants.
It is illegal to block them without voiding the treaty and having to give all these states back.
The term "well regulated" means well practiced, familiar with weapons, and not in need of weapons training.
The word regular means timely and well functioning, like a regulator clock or regular bowels.
All militia is both well regulated AND unorganized initially.
It is ONLY when the unorganized militia is called up for emergencies by the federal government, that is becomes the organized Militia.
The whole point of the 2nd amendment is to ensure everyone is armed and practices, so therefore is well regulated in arms.
So everyone is well regulated.

That's the common debate. Gonna have to support it in constitutional context, though. And the only thing we have are the Federalist and the Constitution. The Federalst being, of course, the blueprint for the Constitution. It's a good discussion if you could keep the children outta the thread, it's an intellectual discussion. A good one.

We also have writings by Jefferson, Washington, etc., saying how they wanted citizens soldiers instead of professional military.
But since the whole Bill of Rights is only about restrictions on the federal government, added due to reluctance of states to sign on, the 2nd amendment can't be to stop the federal government from disarming its own National Guard.
The goal had to either be for the states, municipalities, or individuals.
Again, militias operate through the state to combat federal usurpers. That's it. If you wanna talk about the states' authority in terms of immigration, start a topic and I'll be glad to contribute to it. This thead is about an non sate sanctioned militia operating outside of the parameters of what a militia is supposed to do in order to justify its status as legitimate militia.
Does Texas or Arizona reject a militia like this? If they don't but New Mexico does then it raises lots of questions about
how a pro sanctuary governor is politicizing the issue and thus, making her threats and actions politically motivated and
thereby not valid or truly legal.

I can tell you that any paramilitary or miltia group can only operate legally in Arizona with authority of the governor. This excludes licensed private security guards. Militas may be formed, and drill on private property.

Anything else is in violation of AZ law.
I can tell you that any paramilitary or miltia group can only operate legally in Arizona with authority of the governor. This excludes licensed private security guards. Militas may be formed, and drill on private property.

Anything else is in violation of AZ law.
I haven't disputed that...only the propriety of a sanctuary state governor outlawing a militia purely because she believes
she has the right to ignore federal law and do whatever the fck she wants, just like Jim Crow era governors.

The hypocrisy and sanctimony stinks like a skunk carcass left out in the midday sun.
I can tell you that any paramilitary or miltia group can only operate legally in Arizona with authority of the governor. This excludes licensed private security guards. Militas may be formed, and drill on private property.

Anything else is in violation of AZ law.
I haven't disputed that...only the propriety of a sanctuary state governor outlawing a militia purely because she believes
she has the right to ignore federal law and do whatever the fck she wants, just like Jim Crow era governors.

The hypocrisy and sanctimony stinks like a skunk carcass left out in the midday sun.

I cannot dispute what it stinks like. I agree with you on that.

The gov still retains all the power afford her position under the law, and subject to penalty if found in deliction ect.

An investigation into ger actions is the rule of law. We need the rule of law, and history shows several examples of the slippery slope to despotism and or anarchy.
I cannot dispute what it stinks like. I agree with you on that.

The gov still retains all the power afford her position under the law, and subject to penalty if found in deliction ect.

An investigation into ger actions is the rule of law. We need the rule of law, and history shows several examples of the slippery slope to despotism and or anarchy.
Absolutely. Granted William Barr is busy, but an inquiry into the legality of gov. Michele Lujan Grisham's actions
with regards to sanctuary policy, and all sanctuary entities throughout the country, would be very welcome news.
Indeed, it’s the bigoted, hateful militia members who are in violation of the law, not those lawfully seeking asylum.
People wandering around on this side of the border are not lawfully seeking asylum. People "lawfully" seeking asylum would be at the US embassy in Mexico or putting themselves under the authority of Border Patrol agents so they can make their legal asylum claims.

Whether out of pure stupidity or deceitful malevolence you are perpetuating a lie. The left are good at that.
what price point in property crimes do New Mexico district attorneys no longer prosecute?

Heck if I know, daniel. I was thinking about building one of those stone houses in Ne Mexico, though, I dig those a lot.

Not sure about now, though, all thes cats on here talking about knockin on doors and shooting people. lol. Ho leesht. Probably gonna stick to the original plan of a little pad on a Mexican beach with the lil mrs.
No one said anything about shooting anyone except for invaders

Mexicans are not invaders.
When the US bought AZ, NM, CO, CA, UT, NV, TX, etc., we agreed to the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ensured free passage through the border to these lands full of Spanish land grants.
It is illegal to block them without voiding the treaty and having to give all these states back.
Sorry we did block them and we will continue to do so
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?

Leave it to a Trumpbot to comment about a seemingly decent act (though I would like to hear more details from a source other then Fox News) and turn it into sounding like someone who should be under psychiatric care.

Man...you need to get more exercise or get laid or take more meds...or something.

You sound 'unbalanced'.
Mexicans are not invaders.
The ones illegally crossing our border and residing in the U.S. are. Reconquista, amigo.
Wise up.

When the US bought AZ, NM, CO, CA, UT, NV, TX, etc., we agreed to the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ensured free passage through the border to these lands full of Spanish land grants.
It is illegal to block them without voiding the treaty and having to give all these states back.
All Mexican citizens are free to enter the country legally as much as they wish. They are NOT free to illegally enter the country or stay here without
obtaining citizenship or some other legal authorization.

I'll bet you thought you really had a clever point when you made your post, didn't you. LOL...
what is so hard about the rule of law.

one cannot argue that breaking one law, like crossing the border, jusitfies breaking another law, ie: operating as an armed miltia without legal authority.

it is that simple

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