Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

daniel, I took you off my ignore list a week or so ago. I'm that kinda guy. Ya know? I hate doin that, I really do. I believe in givin a feller a second chance if he does dumb stuff all the time. But now I remember why I had you on there in the first place. You're annoying.
The Sanctuary Governor is enabling these militias to operate by her policies, and an argument can be made to justify their existence. The State is illegally choosing not to cooperate with the Feds, and has created a vacuum. Guess what? Nature hates a vacuum.
Organize those gun lovers and send them to Dallas County, Texas to solve that problem!
daniel, I took you off my ignore list a week or so ago. I'm that kinda guy. Ya know? I hate doin that, I really do. I believe in givin a feller a second chance if he does dumb stuff all the time. But now I remember why I had you on there in the first place. You're annoying.
There is no such Thing as any form of well regulated militia of Individuals in our Republic.

To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces;
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.

So you are on the side of an enemy invasion of America?
Sure. I'm a commie, maoist, statist, Venezuelan, Nazi, whatever.
There. Is. No. Invasion.
I will happily discuss the problem with you if you call it a surge of asylum seekers or something similar. It. Is. Not. An. Invasion. And. We. Are. Not. Entitled. To. Treat. Them. As. Enemy. Combatants.
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.

So you are on the side of an enemy invasion of America?
Sure. I'm a commie, maoist, statist, Venezuelan, Nazi, whatever.
There. Is. No. Invasion.
I will happily discuss the problem with you if you call it a surge of asylum seekers or something similar. It. Is. Not. An. Invasion. And. We. Are. Not. Entitled. To. Treat. Them. As. Enemy. Combatants.
How’s my sandwich coming along
Organize those gun lovers and send them to Dallas County, Texas to solve that problem!

Not if they're on their own property, you can't. They do have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on their private property. The article made no mention of that. But then again, it's a Fox screed, it's the war channel, so they're gonna be strategically selective with what they choose to report as well as equally selective in how they choose to report it. They called them a "New Mexico Militia" for one thing. It's a clever spin on words to solicit a prescribed response from the gun nuts who are already just jonesing to kill some em r mexee cans. It also forwards an intellectual falsehood in a clever way. The only way there could be a legit "New Mexico Militia" is if they were operating through the state to combat federal usurpers. Which they aren't in either case.

They can't call themselves a militia, militia doesn't work that way at all. Not in America. The way they're playing militia is like an arbitrary fad type of fan boy stuff. So, no, that's a naw naw.

If hell ever did break out, they're the first ones you wanna watch out for. Look how some of em act and talk. That's not what men do. Huh uh.
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I quoted our federal Constitution.

Yes, I know. But why? What's it have to do with the thread. I'd like to expand on it if you'd forward the courtesy of supporting your paste in some coherent sort of context. That's how functional debat works, daniel. So, again, explain, please. Thanks!

It's probably gonna be your last chance, btw. If you keep screwing around I'm gonna put you back on ignore and start new threads myself, that way I know it'll be discussed right. It's a win/win for me, daniel. Ya know? So quit fukin around and support yourself in a way that's relative to some point, any point, I don't even care, daniel. Just pick one.
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Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.

Sweetie......youre not quite getting it. In short order, we are going to be playing Cowboys and Liberals. That's what this story is essentially about.:113::113:
Im laughing......check out the explosion of posts on this thread. Nothing gets limpwristers more disturbed than shit like this. Pooping the pants disturbed....because progressives are a bunch of fags and they know it.

There are Americans out there...….lots and lots of them that aren't going to let their country become a shithole. And lets face it...….progressives don't want to be losing all their shit when the Alinksy strategy starts going south like it is now. They are not equipped to deal.

Are progressive groups going to show up to defend the illegals in the face of these typos of militia groups?

I don't think so!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
They already have--the internet funding sources have been shut off and the State of New Mexico is investigating UCP and arrests will be forthcoming--particularly if they don't desist. That's called the grown up way to "defend the illegals," in other words, to protect unarmed human beings from armed cowboys.

Sweetie......youre not quite getting it. In short order, we are going to be playing Cowboys and Liberals. That's what this story is essentially about.:113::113:
Organize those gun lovers and send them to Dallas County, Texas to solve that problem!

Not if they're on their own property, you can't. They do have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on their private property. The article made no mention of that. But then again, it's a Fox screed, it's the war channel, so they're gonna be strategically selective with what they choose to report as well as equally selective in how they choose to report it. They called them a "New Mexico Militia" for one thing. It's a clever spin on words to solicit a prescribed response from the gun nuts who are already just jonesing to kill some em r mexee cans. It also forwards an intellectual falsehood in a clever way. The only way there could be a legit "New Mexico Militia" is if they were operating through the state to combat federal usurpers. Which they aren't in either case.

They can't call themselves a militia, militia doesn't work that way at all. Not in America. The way they're playing militia is like an arbitrary fad type of fan boy stuff. So, no, that's a naw naw.

If hell ever did break out, they're the first ones you wanna watch out for. Look how some of em act and talk. That's not what men do. Huh uh.
what price point in property crimes do New Mexico district attorneys no longer prosecute?
I quoted our federal Constitution.

Yes, I know. But why? What's it have to do with the thread. I'd like to expand on it if you'd forward the courtesy of supporting your paste in some coherent sort of context. That's how functional debat works, daniel. So, again, explain, please. Thanks!

It's probably gonna be your last chance, btw. If you keep screwing around I'm gonna put you back on ignore and start new threads myself, that way I know it'll be discussed right. It's a win/win for me, daniel. Ya know? So quit fukin around and support yourself in a way that's relative to some point, any point, I don't even care, daniel. Just pick one.
I simply understand the concepts. Congress has power over the land and naval forces; there is no such Thing as "well regulated militia of Individuals, in our Republic", you are either well regulated or unorganized militia.
I simply understand the concepts. Congress has power over the land and naval forces; there is no such Thing as "well regulated militia of Individuals, in our Republic", you are either well regulated or unorganized militia.

Okay. But if you're not a legitimate militia, then what? How is anything you pasted from the Constitution relevant here, daniel?

That's a discussion that could be had by itself, it's just not relevant here.
I quoted our federal Constitution.

Yes, I know. But why? What's it have to do with the thread. I'd like to expand on it if you'd forward the courtesy of supporting your paste in some coherent sort of context. That's how functional debat works, daniel. So, again, explain, please. Thanks!

It's probably gonna be your last chance, btw. If you keep screwing around I'm gonna put you back on ignore and start new threads myself, that way I know it'll be discussed right. It's a win/win for me, daniel. Ya know? So quit fukin around and support yourself in a way that's relative to some point, any point, I don't even care, daniel. Just pick one.
I simply understand the concepts. Congress has power over the land and naval forces; there is no such Thing as "well regulated militia of Individuals, in our Republic", you are either well regulated or unorganized militia.
When we are knocking on your door don’t worry we don’t exist lol
I quoted our federal Constitution.

Yes, I know. But why? What's it have to do with the thread. I'd like to expand on it if you'd forward the courtesy of supporting your paste in some coherent sort of context. That's how functional debat works, daniel. So, again, explain, please. Thanks!

It's probably gonna be your last chance, btw. If you keep screwing around I'm gonna put you back on ignore and start new threads myself, that way I know it'll be discussed right. It's a win/win for me, daniel. Ya know? So quit fukin around and support yourself in a way that's relative to some point, any point, I don't even care, daniel. Just pick one.
I simply understand the concepts. Congress has power over the land and naval forces; there is no such Thing as "well regulated militia of Individuals, in our Republic", you are either well regulated or unorganized militia.

The term "well regulated" means well practiced, familiar with weapons, and not in need of weapons training.
The word regular means timely and well functioning, like a regulator clock or regular bowels.
All militia is both well regulated AND unorganized initially.
It is ONLY when the unorganized militia is called up for emergencies by the federal government, that is becomes the organized Militia.
The whole point of the 2nd amendment is to ensure everyone is armed and practiced, so therefore is well regulated in arms.
So everyone is well regulated as long as the 2nd amendment is followed.
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Organize those gun lovers and send them to Dallas County, Texas to solve that problem!

Not if they're on their own property, you can't. They do have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness on their private property. The article made no mention of that. But then again, it's a Fox screed, it's the war channel, so they're gonna be strategically selective with what they choose to report as well as equally selective in how they choose to report it. They called them a "New Mexico Militia" for one thing. It's a clever spin on words to solicit a prescribed response from the gun nuts who are already just jonesing to kill some em r mexee cans. It also forwards an intellectual falsehood in a clever way. The only way there could be a legit "New Mexico Militia" is if they were operating through the state to combat federal usurpers. Which they aren't in either case.

They can't call themselves a militia, militia doesn't work that way at all. Not in America. The way they're playing militia is like an arbitrary fad type of fan boy stuff. So, no, that's a naw naw.

If hell ever did break out, they're the first ones you wanna watch out for. Look how some of em act and talk. That's not what men do. Huh uh.

Good post. I tend to agree.

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