Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

what is so hard about the rule of law.

one cannot argue that breaking one law, like crossing the border, jusitfies breaking another law, ie: operating as an armed miltia without legal authority.

it is that simple

It is not that simple.
The rules that were negotiated between Mexico and the US when those states were transfered, can not legally be changed.
And those rules do not include keeping Mexicans out.
So it is changing the laws and excluding free travel by Mexicans that is contrary to the rule of law.

But while it is legal to operate an armed militia, that militia can not have any more than the jurisdiction of any private citizens, without being authorized by some larger entity. A private militia can defend an individuals home or property, but can't ;ega;;u enforce state or federal law without being authorized by the governor or president.
I don't argue the lack of access to previous land holdings is, or seems to be aan illegal act.
I also know, from seeing it, that if these folks drive accross the border at their ranch, they might be stopped and checked, but let go.
I have a friend in saint johns, az that is a Pena family member. He still has family in mexico and his wife is a mexican citizen. They load up the whole family regularly for visits and the southern family members do the same. they dont seem to encounter any issues

edited to add that my buddy's f amily has claim to portions of the Baca Float.....which does not indicate its an island.

What I was thinking of is that when the US purchased these states, the Mexicans who owned almost all of the land in these states, depended on migrant Mexican farm workers. It would seem a violation of the treaty to suddenly prevent access by these Mexicans owning land in what is now US states, to their rightful migrant Mexican workers.
One of the ways Mexican land owners were illegally forced off their land in states purchased by the US, was deliberate interference in their ability to do business.

2 things, one is the concept of land ownership in mexico at the time of the hildago purchase was nothing like our concept of ownership in modern america.
two, even if it was, the mexican government itself nulified most nonchurch land grants from spain when they pitched spain out.
land was owned by a quasinoble and everyone else lived and worked on his land at his pleasure. in other words, a fuedal system.
You are all confused. There is no Hidalgo purchase. You have to be thinking of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo which was a peace treaty to end the war. Five years later there was a land purchase, the Gadsden Purchase. So what is it you mean?
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.
I think your meds must be wearing off.
The "WELL REGULATED MALITIA" became the National Guard in each state. The rest of these "militias" are gangbangers with no authority whatsoever. They are impersonators.
No, they are Republicans.

A group of Americans who put on OD Greens and then hold children and babies at gunpoint.

It has to be Republicans. Who else would do such a thing?

As with all self hating white shitlibs...I can only pray that you get the opportunity to be truly...'enriched' by those you seek to place in the victim category. You are the worst and most dangerous type of American. You are truly disgusting.
The "WELL REGULATED MALITIA" became the National Guard in each state. The rest of these "militias" are gangbangers with no authority whatsoever. They are impersonators.
No, they are Republicans.

A group of Americans who put on OD Greens and then hold children and babies at gunpoint.

It has to be Republicans. Who else would do such a thing?

As with all self hating white shitlibs...I can only pray that you get the opportunity to be truly...'enriched' by those you seek to place in the victim category. You are the worst and most dangerous type of American. You are truly disgusting.

Who hates oneself? Explain, please. Loyal Americans do not accept self-appointed vigilante gangs. We do not accept or glorify gangsters. Law-enforcement authority only exists when We The People grant it, and it can be stripped if any individual who has been given it mis-uses it.

The people whom you are defending have not gone through any legitimate process to obtain lawful authority. They are criminals.
lol.....a lot of philosophers in here!! Nobody cares. When you're being invaded, philosophers always end up the biggest losers.:abgg2q.jpg:

Militias have no legal authority to act unless directed by the governor of a state. If a state says they are not being invaded, it is illegal for any select militia to act on its own. Period.

Again.....philosophy is ghey. When the government isnt protecting its citizens, community message board banter means very little. Buckle up s0n....we're going to soon be seeing shit we've never seen before. The hate-America folks will be l0sInG!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I think you have me confused with someone else. I am IN a militia and I've been IN the militia since 1987. The times I've been in court-rooms, written legal briefs, testified, and been a part of legal actions would amount to more time alone than all your studies combined! That's not bragging; that is fact.

IF America is in the condition you claim, there IS a blueprint to follow. No point in criticizing it. I've been doing it for 32 years now and have yet to meet anyone who has spent the night in jail or even arrested for following the script:

How do we effect change?

The author of that has recruited more people into the militia than any other civilian militia in existence today.

That guy is a nut. You're a nut.

If he has all the answers, and he is so damned certain that he has the moral and legal high ground, why doesn't he tell us all his fucking name?

I am always amused by nutbags who think they can start a revolution without anyone ever knowing who they are.
That being the case, employers WELCOME foreign workers. You aren't being invaded. The American people are sitting on their ass, giving the country away. Adding insult to injury, it is of no big consequence to most of the people in the U.S. since we are at what economists consider to be statistical ZERO unemployment.
Tens of millions of illegals have entered this country and reside here siphoning off the social services intended for citizens, filling the class rooms with ESL students over burdening our education system, our hospitals are HMOs for illegals,
they fill our jails with felons who clog the justice system, and they cost tax payers billions of dollars every year and so much more.

I left a county in Northern California where illegals are violating so many laws and city/county ordinances every single day it would make your head spin. But the blind eye is very active in a place where wealthy winery owners need the cheap labor they provide. So yes, I consider that an invasion.
I have no problem with Mexicans having to follow legal procedures when crossing the border.
But there really can be no restrictions on temporary agricultural workers, visitors, etc., and there were about half a million Mexicans murdered or illegally chased off their land in what is now the US, but used to be Mexico.
The clever point is that people need to remember that CA, AZ, UT, NV, CO, NM, TX, etc., were once part of Mexico, and that Mexicans must still be able to freely access these states. The Mexican citizens who owned land in these states, (almost all of the land in these states), were not required to become US citizens.
The point is that those looking at this like a Mexican invasion have it wrong.
By law these states are supposed to retain almost exclusive land ownership by Mexicans.
You are simply mistaken and all Mexican nationals living in lands transferred over to the US by Guadalupe Hidalgo had one year to declare if they would stay in the US or leave for Mexico.
Ninety percent decided to stay and they became citizens of the US.

Once more Mexicans can travel freely anywhere in the nation, the same as any other nationals visiting here, provided they are here legally.

And unless those former Mexican nationals transferred their land holdings voluntarily through sale they still hold their land. But the idea that a state like New Mexico is "supposed" to retain land ownership by Mexicans is absurd. Anyone can buy a piece of what was formerly Mexico
by simply making a real estate purchase, the same as anywhere else.
Who hates oneself? Explain, please. Loyal Americans do not accept self-appointed vigilante gangs.

What is one supposed to do when the nation state is not protecting the interior? What are citizens supposed to do when the country has, by some estimates 20M illegal immigrants?

We do not accept or glorify gangsters. Law-enforcement authority only exists when We The People grant it, and it can be stripped if any individual who has been given it mis-uses it.

Authorities? Who do not have the authority to deport based upon a technicality? Would you expect the state to come to your house and eradicate a pest infestation? How is the US not your home?

The people whom you are defending have not gone through any legitimate process to obtain lawful authority. They are criminals

Yes...because those vetted and vested with authority are able, willing or vested with enough authority to do it effectively?

I am not stating that what they are doing will result in a reduction of anything but more catch and release. However, what they are doing is being proactive. They ARE taking the steps they feel are needed to protect their home. However you cannot understand this because you have been conditioned to bow, and pray to the state. You are an automaton. You are a fucking robot. Yet YOU will curse the very state who you are defending when your life goes upside down at the hands of one of these intruders.
They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

There is no invasion. It is lawful for them to come to the US to declare asylum. Kill them and there is something called murder.
Sorry, Trumpetts. Anarchy is not on the menu, and the Constitution and the rule of law still prevail.
Did you intend for your words to be such an ironic joke? Or did it escape your ability to see that clearly there wouldn't be
people in New Mexico trying to assist the Border Patrol if the Constitution and rule of law truly did prevail?

You wouldn't have the leftist governor of New Mexico only interested in enforcing the laws she wants enforced while ignoring the others (like US immigration law Bill would make NM sanctuary state) if the law and Constitution truly mattered in that state.

Clearly you are yourself a fan of anarchy and ala carte law enforcement and are too dumb or dishonest to admit it.
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