Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

As a courtesy, I'll repeat what I said. Since we're taking suggestions, I'd suggest you learn to read before you start poppin off.
And I suggest you find out what kidnapping is before you start spouting off politicized bullshit nonsense.
Your little comment suggests you are very much ignorant of some of the things you claim.
New Mexico militia detains migrants at gunpoint until Border Patrol arrives: report

Let’s get it going! Which one of you coward democrats want to stop us!?
/——/ If it hasn’t been posted yet, Mexico is pizzed Mexico warns of 'deep concern' over armed groups on U.S. border - Reuters
Here we go, I guess, with tit for tat. Trump is demanding Mexico get its cartels under control in the next year or we'll close the border. Mexico is now going to demand that Trump get our local locos under control or Mexico will stop graciously housing all the asylum seekers waiting patiently on their side of the border.
This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

I would advise that you beware of those of us already in place mr army of one.
A lot of stars and stripes patches out here, you might end up taking back a 4 fooot by 10 foot patch of ground.
I remember a European leader once said America would be impossible to invade because behind every tree and slope would be a armed trained American ready to defend her.

Looks like today we have been invaded by people that want us in jail to allow an invasion..

The ones that believe this tic toc
This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

I would advise that you beware of those of us already in place mr army of one.
A lot of stars and stripes patches out here, you might end up taking back a 4 fooot by 10 foot patch of ground.
I think you should go fetch me coffee and stfu before I make you find out how fast you can run
lol.....a lot of philosophers in here!! Nobody cares. When you're being invaded, philosophers always end up the biggest losers.:abgg2q.jpg:

Militias have no legal authority to act unless directed by the governor of a state. If a state says they are not being invaded, it is illegal for any select militia to act on its own. Period.

That is not really true.
Originally there were no police at all, so militia is what refers to when you protect your own home, when the municipality organizes a posse to catch bank robbers, when the state organizes a defense from a native attack, or when the state fulfills a federal request for a division of troops. Those are ALL called militia, even though they are all under very different jurisdictions and supervision. The state and federal levels usually are capitalized because they are organized and issued identifying uniforms. But if someone comes onto your property to steal something, and you arrest them, you are acting as a militia capacity and it is perfectly legal because you have jurisdiction on your property. You just can't try to enforce federal immigration law unless you have been called up by the president. Even the governor can not legally enforce federal law.
This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

I would advise that you beware of those of us already in place mr army of one.
A lot of stars and stripes patches out here, you might end up taking back a 4 fooot by 10 foot patch of ground.
I think you should go fetch me coffee and stfu before I make you find out how fast you can run

if i run, it will only be to lead you into a trap
I remember a European leader once said America would be impossible to invade because behind every tree and slope would be a armed trained American ready to defend her.

Looks like today we have been invaded by people that want us in jail to allow an invasion..

The ones that believe this tic toc
/——/ Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was rumored to say: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
Heh heh. Well, I'll simply have to spend more time reading your wisdom across the forum. I like to learn.
My research has been cited and given to you so you can do just that.

Whether you agree with Gov. Lujan-Grisham or not it's clear that kidnapping is not a crime you can rationally or honestly apply to the militia people.
ozro, was it you or Rigby who mentioned about the founders letters? I was gona respindto that but I forgot about it. Remember whe nI mentioned about the cnstitution and the federalst beingthe only real source we have? I forgot about the old letters completely.

It's one of my hobbies collecting those. Well, copies ofthem anyhow. There's some good stuff throughout.
This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

I would advise that you beware of those of us already in place mr army of one.
A lot of stars and stripes patches out here, you might end up taking back a 4 fooot by 10 foot patch of ground.
I think you should go fetch me coffee and stfu before I make you find out how fast you can run

if i run, it will only be to lead you into a trap
Your trap sounds lake a gay orgy.. I’m all set
I remember a European leader once said America would be impossible to invade because behind every tree and slope would be a armed trained American ready to defend her.

Looks like today we have been invaded by people that want us in jail to allow an invasion..

The ones that believe this tic toc
/——/ Japan’s Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto was rumored to say: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass."
Oops that’s the one I was referring to. Thanks
Heck if I know, daniel. I was thinking about building one of those stone houses in Ne Mexico, though, I dig those a lot.

Not sure about now, though, all thes cats on here talking about knockin on doors and shooting people. lol. Ho leesht. Probably gonna stick to the original plan of a little pad on a Mexican beach with the lil mrs.
No one said anything about shooting anyone except for invaders

Mexicans are not invaders.
When the US bought AZ, NM, CO, CA, UT, NV, TX, etc., we agreed to the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ensured free passage through the border to these lands full of Spanish land grants.
It is illegal to block them without voiding the treaty and having to give all these states back.
Sorry we did block them and we will continue to do so

We did not block then for the first 50 years or so, and blocking them is likely a violation of the original treaty.

I don't know if that is really relevant.

In the 1950s, the United States began a program called Operation Wetback. It was put into place in 1953 and in 1954 the government rounded up every Hispanic they could find and deported them.

In less than five years, our unemployment rate DOUBLED! Adding insult to injury, America's unemployment rate would not be at those 1950s level again until now. The wallists are arguing economics and history testifies against them.

Furthermore, the federal government, under the Constitution has little de jure / constitutional authority on this issue. So, we would need to study the Rule of Law in order figure out what it would take for those drunk on the liberals Kool Aid to listen to a legitimate method of addressing the issue. This is clearly a question of jurisdiction and the wallists are abusing the Hell out of it AND being put on notice that the blade will cut both ways. One day the Democrats will come back to power and the precedents being set by the wallists will be fodder for their own genocide.

If what you are saying is that low cost immigrant labor is almost like free energy and wealth for everyone else, then I would agree. It think low cost immigrant labor is a boon to the whole economy, not just those that profit from their labor directly, but also those who profit from selling them food, housing, etc.
This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

I would advise that you beware of those of us already in place mr army of one.
A lot of stars and stripes patches out here, you might end up taking back a 4 fooot by 10 foot patch of ground.
I think you should go fetch me coffee and stfu before I make you find out how fast you can run

if i run, it will only be to lead you into a trap
Your trap sounds lake a gay orgy.. I’m all set
You know that sound, eh? I’m not judging...
My research has been cited and given to you so you can do just that.

Whether you agree with Gov. Lujan-Grisham or not it's clear that kidnapping is not a crime you can rationally or honestly apply to the militia people.

Doesn't stop it from being investigated. As I said. Twice.

Now. Militias. They have one role. And only one role. And that is to be formed and called upon by the states in order to defend the states against federal usurpers.

There is no other constitutional support for militia other than that.

They had no business patrolling the border. That's the role of the federal government.

And that's where your kidnapping charge will have legs to stand on should they pursue it. They will investigate it. No doubt about it. These people were not detaining groups of Individuals under any governmental authority. None. That's aside from impersonating a federal employee and assuming their federal duties.
Last edited:
No one said anything about shooting anyone except for invaders

Mexicans are not invaders.
When the US bought AZ, NM, CO, CA, UT, NV, TX, etc., we agreed to the conditions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which ensured free passage through the border to these lands full of Spanish land grants.
It is illegal to block them without voiding the treaty and having to give all these states back.
Sorry we did block them and we will continue to do so

We did not block then for the first 50 years or so, and blocking them is likely a violation of the original treaty.

I don't know if that is really relevant.

In the 1950s, the United States began a program called Operation Wetback. It was put into place in 1953 and in 1954 the government rounded up every Hispanic they could find and deported them.

In less than five years, our unemployment rate DOUBLED! Adding insult to injury, America's unemployment rate would not be at those 1950s level again until now. The wallists are arguing economics and history testifies against them.

Furthermore, the federal government, under the Constitution has little de jure / constitutional authority on this issue. So, we would need to study the Rule of Law in order figure out what it would take for those drunk on the liberals Kool Aid to listen to a legitimate method of addressing the issue. This is clearly a question of jurisdiction and the wallists are abusing the Hell out of it AND being put on notice that the blade will cut both ways. One day the Democrats will come back to power and the precedents being set by the wallists will be fodder for their own genocide.

If what you are saying is that low cost immigrant labor is almost like free energy and wealth for everyone else, then I would agree. It think low cost immigrant labor is a boon to the whole economy, not just those that profit from their labor directly, but also those who profit from selling them food, housing, etc.
/——/ Let them in legally to work with green cards then go back to Mexico
ozro, was it you or Rigby who mentioned about the founders letters? I was gona respindto that but I forgot about it. Remember whe nI mentioned about the cnstitution and the federalst beingthe only real source we have? I forgot about the old letters completely.

i think nightson posted that

It's one of my hobbies collecting those. Well, copies ofthem anyhow. There's some good stuff throughout.

This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

I would advise that you beware of those of us already in place mr army of one.
A lot of stars and stripes patches out here, you might end up taking back a 4 fooot by 10 foot patch of ground.
I think you should go fetch me coffee and stfu before I make you find out how fast you can run

if i run, it will only be to lead you into a trap
Your trap sounds lake a gay orgy.. I’m all set
You know that sound, eh? I’m not judging...

I don't think he is my type.....

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