Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Then they will be spending a lot of time in jail. They are not allowed to enforce border security.

Why not?

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us
Just as soon as you save enough quarters in your tip jar for a bus ticket out of Boston? Or are you gonna go Rambo at the Cracker Barrel?
More ad hominem from a female mad her world is about to have have men telling here what to do again lol
Yes, that was kinda mean of me. Report it and a mod will pull it for you.

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us
Just as soon as you save enough quarters in your tip jar for a bus ticket out of Boston? Or are you gonna go Rambo at the Cracker Barrel?
More ad hominem from a female mad her world is about to have have men telling here what to do again lol
Yes, that was kinda mean of me. Report it and a mod will pull it for you.
I never report, words don’t bother me I’m not a female lol
And yet you prattled on with your nonsense.
Well this is entirely your own biased and personalized view of things and as such I give it almost zero credence.
That's what happens when you claim things without any supporting evidence whatsoever but old habits are hard to break for you, it seems.

You also seem utterly ignorant of the images and video showing their guns drawn. So it appears someone needs to hold your hand for you.
If you have a video that no one has seen that you think proves something present it or stop flapping your virtual lips endlessly. Have a nice pointless troll day.
The leader of this gang is a convicted felon, who has been arrested for, among other reasons, simply carrying a gun, which he is prohibited to do. Consequently, it is academic as to whether or not he pointed a gun at anybody. As for the others, if they do point their guns at anyone, they can be arrested for "brandishing a firearm" which is illegal in most states.
So, I wonder who the fed is here--what's the clever screen name?
When I fly, I like to play "Who's the Spy" while I sit in the airport. Now I'm gonna be playing "Who's the fed?"
It will drive me crazy.

lol. It's not even important enough to worry about, OL. You've got nothing to worry about I've never seen you openly contend that you and your group are coming to knock on doors in the same context with shooting people and that people should expect them. If somebody ever did end up in court for dumb stuff like that nobody here would ever even know anything about it anyway. And that's the way it should be.

It's just the way things are in this day and age. It should just be expected. There have been a couple of bills that passed in the last few years that were about that very thing, basically the bills said watch what you say on the web because we'll be watching for suspicious activity or any dialogue that could be considered a vague or even direct threat to Individual or public safety. I always say that liberty should never ever be spoken or written absent the word responsibility. And for good reason. But that's a thread of its own, unfortunately.
All in good fun, NC. No worries here; I don't even belong to a "group" as kosher as the Democrats.

I always say that liberty should never ever be spoken or written absent the word responsibility.
The leader of this gang is a convicted felon, who has been arrested for, among other reasons, simply carrying a gun, which he is prohibited to do. Consequently, it is academic as to whether or not he pointed a gun at anybody. As for the others, if they do point their guns at anyone, they can be arrested for "brandishing a firearm" which is illegal in most states.

It'll guarantee open new invesitigations, though. Kidnapping, impersonating a police officer, impersonating a federal employee, etc. That's just for starters.
The leader of this gang is a convicted felon, who has been arrested for, among other reasons, simply carrying a gun, which he is prohibited to do. Consequently, it is academic as to whether or not he pointed a gun at anybody. As for the others, if they do point their guns at anyone, they can be arrested for "brandishing a firearm" which is illegal in most states.

It'll guarantee open new invesitigations, though. Kidnapping, impersonating a police officer, impersonating a federal employee, etc. That's just for starters.
Don’t break the law don’t protect the law breakers ..

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us
Just as soon as you save enough quarters in your tip jar for a bus ticket out of Boston? Or are you gonna go Rambo at the Cracker Barrel?
More ad hominem from a female mad her world is about to have have men telling here what to do again lol
Yes, that was kinda mean of me. Report it and a mod will pull it for you.

There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us
Just as soon as you save enough quarters in your tip jar for a bus ticket out of Boston? Or are you gonna go Rambo at the Cracker Barrel?
More ad hominem from a female mad her world is about to have have men telling here what to do again lol
Yes, that was kinda mean of me. Report it and a mod will pull it for you.

I see that you are still poking Jit in the ribs. I put him on "ignore" myself, until he reaches 21, which I figure will be in 2025. In the meantime, I don't see Captain America's posts.
no sir, it is a valid comparison.
You are trying to compare war time guerilla fighters who were what would be called today massacring terrorists to this small band of militia members who simply interdicted some illegals and held them for Border Patrol pick up.

That is absolutely insane and totally devoid of any rational semblance of reality. You are on my list of people not worth responding to.
no sir, it is a valid comparison.
You are trying to compare war time guerilla fighters who were what would be called today massacring terrorists to this small band of militia members who simply interdicted some illegals and held them for Border Patrol pick up.

That is absolutely insane and totally devoid of any rational semblance of reality. You are on my list of people not worth responding to.

the prrinciple is the same, and the law remains the same
Militias have no legal authority to act unless directed by the governor of a state. If a state says they are not being invaded, it is illegal for any select militia to act on its own. Period.

Again.....philosophy is ghey. When the government isnt protecting its citizens, community message board banter means very little. Buckle up s0n....we're going to soon be seeing shit we've never seen before. The hate-America folks will be l0sInG!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I think you have me confused with someone else. I am IN a militia and I've been IN the militia since 1987. The times I've been in court-rooms, written legal briefs, testified, and been a part of legal actions would amount to more time alone than all your studies combined! That's not bragging; that is fact.

IF America is in the condition you claim, there IS a blueprint to follow. No point in criticizing it. I've been doing it for 32 years now and have yet to meet anyone who has spent the night in jail or even arrested for following the script:

How do we effect change?

The author of that has recruited more people into the militia than any other civilian militia in existence today.

That guy is a nut. You're a nut.

If he has all the answers, and he is so damned certain that he has the moral and legal high ground, why doesn't he tell us all his fucking name?

I am always amused by nutbags who think they can start a revolution without anyone ever knowing who they are.

I flipped through the link. Which shoudn't be posted here in the first place if we're gonna stick to forum rules.

The guy whines like a little baby in pretty much all of his threads. Same repetitive arbitrary victim status malarchy.

Seems like he's on a recruiting campaign on all of the sites he hasn't yet been banned from.

The only thing he was right about in that specific regard is that, yes, the feds do populate Internet message boards under clever screen names. I know that from experience. Apparently, they've got his number every place he goes recruiting. Heh heh.

Guess this is the next place on the list of boards he and his minions wanna flock to in their little recruiting gig, seems like it. I've seen a few of em elsewhere on web platforms. Same screen names for the most part. Same reckless posting style. And definitely the same chips on their shoulders.

They should thank their lucky stars I don't run this joint. lol.
So, I wonder who the fed is here--what's the clever screen name?
When I fly, I like to play "Who's the Spy" while I sit in the airport. Now I'm gonna be playing "Who's the fed?"
It will drive me crazy.

Pssssst! Pssssst! It might be me. Then again, it might not be.
It'll guarantee open new invesitigations, though. Kidnapping, impersonating a police officer, impersonating a federal employee, etc. That's just for starters.
I'll just add your name to the list of people who don't seem to know what kidnapping really is.
It's not something you can pull out of the air as a convenient political cudgel and if you want a real legal definition I suggest you look at my post on the matter (post #468).

Note the highlighted portions that show kidnapping is not what you seem to think it is with regards to these militia guys. Nor is there any evidence they impersonated federal employees or police officers. That seems to be wishful thinking.
Last edited:
There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us
Just as soon as you save enough quarters in your tip jar for a bus ticket out of Boston? Or are you gonna go Rambo at the Cracker Barrel?
More ad hominem from a female mad her world is about to have have men telling here what to do again lol
Yes, that was kinda mean of me. Report it and a mod will pull it for you.
There is no law that grants them that power. These people are completely unregulated.
What do you think is going to happen to you democrats disrespecting America we just gonna take it.. you will be seeing a lot more of us
Just as soon as you save enough quarters in your tip jar for a bus ticket out of Boston? Or are you gonna go Rambo at the Cracker Barrel?
More ad hominem from a female mad her world is about to have have men telling here what to do again lol
Yes, that was kinda mean of me. Report it and a mod will pull it for you.

I see that you are still poking Jit in the ribs. I put him on "ignore" myself, until he reaches 21, which I figure will be in 2025. In the meantime, I don't see Captain America's posts.
Yes, I seldom stoop to ad homs but Jits brings out the devil in me. I'm trying hard to feel ashamed.
I'll just add your name to the list of people who don't seem to know what kidnapping really is.
It's not something you can pull out of the air as a convenient political cudgel and if you want a real legal definition I suggest you look at my post on the matter (post #468).

As a courtesy, I'll repeat what I said. Since we're taking suggestions, I'd suggest you learn to read before you start poppin off.

It'll guarantee open new invesitigations, though. Kidnapping, impersonating a police officer, impersonating a federal employee, etc. That's just for starters.
Again.....philosophy is ghey. When the government isnt protecting its citizens, community message board banter means very little. Buckle up s0n....we're going to soon be seeing shit we've never seen before. The hate-America folks will be l0sInG!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I think you have me confused with someone else. I am IN a militia and I've been IN the militia since 1987. The times I've been in court-rooms, written legal briefs, testified, and been a part of legal actions would amount to more time alone than all your studies combined! That's not bragging; that is fact.

IF America is in the condition you claim, there IS a blueprint to follow. No point in criticizing it. I've been doing it for 32 years now and have yet to meet anyone who has spent the night in jail or even arrested for following the script:

How do we effect change?

The author of that has recruited more people into the militia than any other civilian militia in existence today.

That guy is a nut. You're a nut.

If he has all the answers, and he is so damned certain that he has the moral and legal high ground, why doesn't he tell us all his fucking name?

I am always amused by nutbags who think they can start a revolution without anyone ever knowing who they are.

I flipped through the link. Which shoudn't be posted here in the first place if we're gonna stick to forum rules.

The guy whines like a little baby in pretty much all of his threads. Same repetitive arbitrary victim status malarchy.

Seems like he's on a recruiting campaign on all of the sites he hasn't yet been banned from.

The only thing he was right about in that specific regard is that, yes, the feds do populate Internet message boards under clever screen names. I know that from experience. Apparently, they've got his number every place he goes recruiting. Heh heh.

Guess this is the next place on the list of boards he and his minions wanna flock to in their little recruiting gig, seems like it. I've seen a few of em elsewhere on web platforms. Same screen names for the most part. Same reckless posting style. And definitely the same chips on their shoulders.

They should thank their lucky stars I don't run this joint. lol.
So, I wonder who the fed is here--what's the clever screen name?
When I fly, I like to play "Who's the Spy" while I sit in the airport. Now I'm gonna be playing "Who's the fed?"
It will drive me crazy.

Pssssst! Pssssst! It might be me. Then again, it might not be.
I thought I knew you from somewhere!
This is just the beginning. I promot more militias to be created with out permission. Lets take our country back!

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