Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

They held them for bp. That doesn't always happen. There are actually those that will kill them, knowing it is damn near impossible to get caught.

fix the border already, it's the right thing to do
What is wrong with repelling an invading horde of diseased criminals from our country? If killing a few thousand stops the migration, that would be a good thing...Those that die in the desert are far worse, so show those who are willing to make the arduous trek, that it isnt worth it, and save even more lives, by killing a few...The needs of the many out way the needs of the few.

Then a dozen wetback smugglers with AK’s show up and kill all the dumb honkys. I don’t see all the joy here. The illegals they held up just got processed through the system and released into the US. So all these guys did was risk their lives getting these illegals into the interior.
You give me four things to respond to and then bitch because the responses are over ten paragraphs. That is why I don't normally respond to them.

Second point, your first post directed at me on this thread was to call me a moron. What kind of response did you expect in return?

We all listened to Trump. But Trump proved to be a liar. Since he's really buddy buddy with the Clintons I'm not so sure now that he's the lesser of two evils, but in any event, none of us should extol the virtues of Trump when we know what he is. Not that you should have known this, but maybe had Hillary won the Republicans would rebel against unconstitutional power grabs.

In the 1990s my generation almost got rid of the income tax, the IRS and the 16th Amendment. There was no requirement that one get a Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number" and, without one, you could not be forced into the system and required to pay what was then a voluntary tax.

My own U.S. Congressman introduced the most researched legislation in U.S. history which would have repealed the 16th Amendment and eliminate the income tax. Had we done that, you could not say undocumented foreigners didn't pay the tax since the new system would have everybody paying a tax consistent with what they made - no loopholes, no B.S.

The people of my generation were challenging and winning the effort to regain their status as freemen by rescinding their contracts with the government. We knew the difference between a Preamble citizen and a 14th Amendment citizen. By reclaiming our status as freemen, it was nullifying the 14th Amendment incrementally. Your generation needed that Amendment to have something to bitch about (i.e. mythical "anchor babies.") AND your generation wanted Orwellian National ID (Hitler's tattoo idea on steroids) based upon the Socialist Surveillance Number (SSN.)

We were making taxes a non-issue, taking the anchor baby argument out of the equation, dealing immigration in general a heavy blow, restoring your Rights as individuals so that employers could hire whomever they wanted (which means that given a choice a lot of small companies - which should be the most representative in America - would be hiring their families, neighbors and people from the neighborhood.

I personally wrote a bill that would give businesses an opportunity to earn their tax breaks: a tax incentive for companies to hire an all American staff, another to bring jobs back to America, a tax incentive to have a pay scale with percentages above the poverty scale (the bigger the percentage, the greater the incentive.) There would be additional tax write offs for employers to take people off unemployment, welfare, and disability. There was more to it than that, but I'm just trying to fit all our efforts into a small enough post that you don't get confused by ten paragraphs. Heaven forbid you don't get a history lesson in twenty words or less.

1. I grant the many benefits of getting rid of the IRS.

2. But how do you consider that winning the immigration issue?

And you wonder why I call you stupid!

Most of the pretexts used in wallist theology is that foreigners don't pay taxes. You and me realize right now that is bullshit. Otherwise, you would not have asked that.

If you eliminate the pretext, if it has any merit, it deters foreigners from coming here. You and I realize that is not the case. I'm going to presume, for the moment, your IQ is at least a couple of digits higher than your shoe size.

So, if foreigners cannot avoid the income tax and Americans are being incentivized to hire their fellow Americans... and if you take the feds out of welfare, then you've removed most of the reasons your side claims the foreigners are coming here. It ain't rocket science, bro.

I'm more concerned with the downward pressure on wages, and the cultural and political impact of immigration.

But I will grant you the tax angle, though I think that claiming that that would be winning the immigration issue is vastly overstating it.

If the Fair Tax had been debated and if the discussion ended with tax reform of which foreigners, regardless of so - called "legal status" were forced to pay, they would have to make more money.

You limited your argument to the 16th Amendment when, like it or not, believe it or not, some patriots made significant inroads against the 14th Amendment as well.

"making more money" would only have slightly decreased the impact of unlimited Third World labor on the US labor market and thus US wages.

AND, still does not change the cultural and political issues of Immigration.

What DOES change our cultural and political issues regarding immigration is the illegally ratified 14th Amendment.

To give you the bare bones, what the 14th Amendment did was to create two classes of citizens: Preamble Citizens and 14th Amendment citizens. The people I've been referring to as wallists took away all the wins patriots had racked up in their quest to fight so - called "illegal immigration."

People can tell me all day long about conspiracy theories, nutjobs, etc. but at the end of the day we used to hold twice monthly meetings (and generally I financed them out of pocket.) A lot of people would come, talking about what had worked and what didn't.

In those days it was established fact that you did not have to have an SSN. I even had a personal letter from the head of the SSA that said whether you ever produced an SSN for an employer, it was a private matter between employer and emloyee. Yeah they had an I-9 back then. The problem was the I - 9 had an OMB (Office of Management and Budget Number on it.) That OMB number would let you know who was doing the "requiring." In this case, the Immigration and Naturalization Service and they had exactly ZERO jurisdiction in Social Security matters. So, they could "require" all they wanted. I had family and friends that had rescinded the SSN. The advantage being, the 14th Amendment took away your unalienable Rights, replacing them with "privileges and immunities."

As patriots were chipping away at the illegally passed 14th Amendment, they were reclaiming their Rights as guaranteed in the Bill of Rights along with the unalienable Rights contemplated in the Declaration of Independence. With the 14th Amendment, you're nothing special. That Amendment gives the "equal protection of the laws" to all persons... and if you read the 14th very carefully, it describes the difference between a Citizen and a "person." So, the people the wallists call "illegal aliens" have the same Rights as everybody else. I can't change facts to fit your theology.

Your real problem is the 14th Amendment. It is at the core of most of the problems you have relative to immigration and the assaults on culture. When the wallists lobbied for and introduced legislation requiring us to have the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops, "Social Security Number," for National ID, it erased our wins and it now made it mandatory to have an SSN (prima facie evidence in Uncle Scam's eyes that you are now subject to the 14th Amendment.)

Without the SSN, you were not subject to the income tax; you retained your Preamble status as a Citizen; you could not be forced to carry a National ID Card. People rescinded their SSN. My father did it and when he passed away, he willed him million dollar plus estate off to derelicts and low lifes (in my opinion.) That money ended up where it was supposed to - so there isn't a swinging soul that can tell me what we were doing wasn't working.

If the federal government could not tax your wages, deprive you of your natural, inherent, God given, unalienable, irrevocable, absolute Rights, and claim jurisdiction over you via the 14th Amendment, then they had a REAL problem. For then they would have to tax foreigners whether you call them legal or illegal. And enough people were beginning to use passive resistance and civil disobedience against the 14th Amendment so as to seriously jeopardize it. It even led to a near successful challenge to the 16th Amendment.

If people understood the dangers of the 14th Amendment and forced it to collapse, you would not have so - called "anchor babies" and there would be a dramatic drop in immigration. Of course, if you went back to the times of pre-14th Amendment... well, you should read the entire case of Dred Scott v. Sanford to see where we stood. Yeah, if the 14th Amendment began to collapse (since it was illegally ratified), some may think we would go backward. Instead, Congress would begin passing laws to protect some of what they created, but they would have to be mindful of the culture that they have been trying to deliberately obliterate.
No cherry, I was trying to have a civil conversation with you. But, your shoe size is larger than your IQ so it's best we don't address each other.

i don't think you realize how insulting your constant use of terms like "Nazi" or even "Wallist" is.

Not to mention your overall style of dismissing the arguments of those who you are discussing with.


I spent the better part of FOUR DECADES learning what I know. I manned the border, went into courtrooms, went to marches, spoke out publicly (was on tv, radio, newspapers, magazines); even organized groups and financed the meeting places to discuss this and related issues.

I worked in think tanks, went to school and studied law so as to be able to apply it to these situations. I was elected as a Justice of the Peace and did research for the top names in wallist theology. Not wanting to be accused of prejudice, racism, etc. I worked in immigration law for a few years. So, I've been on ALL sides of the issue.

Now, when I sit at a table or go somewhere to speak, people either respect me and don't say silly shit like you and those of your ilk do OR they are genuinely afraid of me (and that is entirely plausible. too - good reason for it.) On the Internet, just like you, many wallists start out with a disrespectful tone AND, instead of asking questions, they make assumptions and start insulting people. Then you have the unmitigated gall to think you are due something you were not willing to give. I earned my spot in this discussion. I've been beaten, shot, jailed, run through the criminal justice system, threatened by the most powerful agencies in the government AND the biggest names in political organizations. I've been in court at least once for every year you've lived.

I'm not going to earn your respect on the Internet. I can tell people that your philosophy gets people killed - maybe imprisoned if you're lucky. But, I will continue to call you a wallist because it is a religion and if I don't chant the mantra, you will call me names that you would never do publicly. In all your arrogance, you do not understand the law and how one action impacts another. For example:

The wallists demanded the National ID / REAL ID Act - E Verify in order to find so - called "illegal aliens" and punish employers that hire these mythical "illegal aliens." What you guys did pretty much fucked your own people - NOT the foreigners. You cannot target foreigners with the National ID without targeting Americans. So, the background checks you supported keep Americans unemployed. Some poor sap got busted on a misdemeanor rap five years ago and now because he smoked a joint, he can't even work at Mickey Ds.

Instead of owning up to the mistake your side made, you start bullshit arguments about protecting kids from pedophiles in school - well Hell son, if an employer can show a relevancy to the job and info the government has, there has NEVER been a problem. But, when everybody's information is out there for everybody else, then we could never mount a resistance to a tyrannical government. Benjamin Franklin said that those who trade essential Liberty for the promise of temporary Safety deserved neither Liberty nor Safety. You simply don't understand the dynamics involved nor how one precedent will impact another.

The simple minded answers are "well this country (insert the name) built a wall and it works." Really? Is that country racially / religiously homogeneous? Does it have the influence we had? Until you guys screwed America we were the the world's superpower. Does that country guarantee foreigners the equal protection of the laws as does our 14th Amendment? I think the 14th Amendment is illegal, but I still have to work within its parameters. In short, you cannot look past your wall to see the big picture and the dynamics at play. You don't know how you're being conned by the left. You want respect, start showing respect. I believe that the government big enough to give you your daily bread is big enough to take it from you. That does not mean I'm on the right or the left... but I've never been left and you have. It might have been unintentional, but you are deaf, dumb, blind and stupid with regards as to how this system is letting the whites commit genocide.

I followed your reasoning, (not saying I agreed) up to.,

"letting whites commit genocide"?

Who are we supposedly committing genocide against?

Whites are unilaterally committing genocide against themselves.

Yet you seem more upset about ids, and land rights than genocide.

Without privacy and personal property, all you have is governmental control and they can control the population with those two powers.
The Governor does not have the legal power to disregard the laws of this nation. That is not his job.
Leftist shitbags rationalize sanctuary policy by saying it's not their job to enforce federal law but that's not really the issue at all. No one is asking the governor of New Mexico to conduct ICE raids or check the status of suspected illegals.
It's an absurd straw man lie.

When a state directly orders employees NOT to speak or communicate with federal immigration officers under any circumstances, for instance, that crosses a line and sanctuary officials have gone from a hands off stance to actively
opposing US federal law.

MIchelle Lujan Grisham doesn't get to decide which laws she wants to follow or not. That's what Jim Crow politicians did.
She isn't entitled to pick and choose in an ala carte manner which laws she will deign to observe.

That's an absolute break down of law and order and the matter should be brought up to the Supreme Court. I can't believe it isn't illegal and improper to simply ignore the laws you don't wish to obey. Fucking leftists liars!

Local officials are under no obligation to enforce federal laws. The Supreme Court made it clear that immigration enforcement is a federal responsibility. It has nothing to do with Jim Crow laws.

They arrested people that were helping to enforce the laws. That is more than just NOT enforcing them, that is actively undermining them.

No one says that these militias can enforce any laws. They are not trained in law enforcement and they are accountable to no one. Vigilantes should be arrested.

I take it you've never heard of a "citizens arrest".

They have no authority to arrest anyone.
You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.
You are the lying little asshole., Filth like you is a national disgrace.

You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.
You are the only moron that I see except for your fellow Trump supporters. The Constitution does not require local law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws. They can be deputized by the federal government only if they agree to do so. They cannot be forced to do so. A sanctuary city or state means that they do not cooperate with federal immigration authorities not that they hide illegals.
Yeah, I've heard all that blullshit a hundred times now. It's a meme that justifies nothing.

Sanctuary cities knowingly assist people who are breaking the law. Let me know when you've figured out a way to square that with the law. By declaring themselves to be sanctuary destinations those cities, counties and states
are telling actual federal law breakers they will give them shelter and not rat these people out.
What would happen to a person who declared he was going to help out drug dealers by giving them a place to stay and he would not divulge their location to police?

You aren't bright enough to realize you've gone beyond simply not helping federal immigration officers to actively thwarting them by hiding out criminals in sanctuary cities.

It does not matter what they call themselves. They are doing nothing illegal. The Supreme Court stated that states have limited powers in enforcing immigration law. In the 1930's Dillinger robbed banks yet because he did it in 1 state, the FBI was unable to arrest him because he did not violate any federal laws only state laws.
Aiding and abetting criminal activity is illegal no matter how dishonestly you rationalize things. Aiding and Abetting/Accessory - FindLaw
You are simply an updated Jim Crow advocate. You think you can pick and chose the laws you will support and not.
Only a dishonest imbecile thinks that's okay.
You are the liar. You cannot stand the truth so you have to lie like the weasel that you are. You are3 the asshole and fascist pig.
If only you were half as smart and ethical as you are hate filled and vile you'd be almost right.

The truth is the truth whether you like it or not. You can call it bullshit but you are the bullshit artist around here.

Sanctuary cities do not assist people in breaking the law. They are not required to ask someone if they are citizens or not nor are they required to ask for their papers. Trump's lawsuit against California has been largely thrown out.

You are the dumb one as you clearly do not iunderstand the Constitution.

You are the dishonest imbecile. It is not illegal to not ask about someone's immigration status or their papers. You have no idea what a Jim Crow law is. These laws were declared illegal by the court. The courts have not said that states and local governments have to enforce immigration laws. They are not violating any court order.

You are the one that is uneducated and imbecilic. You are not even close to being right.
The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.
You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.
The truth is the truth whether you like it or not. You can call it bullshit but you are the bullshit artist around here.
Your bullshit-ery is far greater than mine, if indeed I bullshit at all.

Sanctuary cities do not assist people in breaking the law. They are not required to ask someone if they are citizens or not nor are they required to ask for their papers. Trump's lawsuit against California has been largely thrown out.
The very fact sanctuary cities exist is proof you are just blowing smoke out of your backside whether you know it or not and I'm sure you have hypnotized yourself so as not to question the inherent illegality of a sanctuary refuge.
Sanctuary hiding places serve no other purpose than to give people who are here illegally a place where they won't be ratted out by I put this in nice bright letters so you wouldn't be able to avoid the truth.

The governor of California, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, etc. aren't allowed special dispensation so they can ignore the laws they don't want to follow. This isn't Jim Crow Alabama. They know what they do gives illegal immigrants vital assistance in avoiding the consequences of their illegal actions.
They are willing and eager accomplices to crime. Here...I helped you out again.

You are the dumb one as you clearly do not understand the Constitution.
That's just extra special stupid. The Constitution doesn't give anyone, especially public officials who all must take oaths of office swearing they will uphold the law, permission to pick and choose the laws they want to enforce and they ones they will ignore like they are ordering off an ala carte menu. Don't insult me with your imbecilic garbage!

You are the dishonest imbecile.
Says the dishonest imbecile, most ironically.

It is not illegal to not ask about someone's immigration status or their papers. You have no idea what a Jim Crow law is. These laws were declared illegal by the court. The courts have not said that states and local governments have to enforce immigration laws. They are not violating any court order.

You are the one that is uneducated and imbecilic. You are not even close to being right.
I feel sorry for anyone that enters your brain damaged aura.
I have already pointed out that merely by making yourself a sanctuary for criminals you are already declaring you are enabling and assisting people who are breaking the law. Hey, come and live here, you are saying to illegal immigrants...we won't tell La Migra you are here. You might as well be the gangster's girl friend who gives everybody a place to hide from the cops.

Nobody asks the Seattle City Council to check I.D.s or demand papers from anyone. That's a bullshit red herring.
I would say it's beneath you, but it's really not.

I know exactly what Jim Crow era policy was...ignoring civil rights laws that ended segregation because you didn't want to follow those laws! It is precisely like sanctuary city policy...we will follow the laws we like and ignore the ones we don't like. So bend over and shove that up your bumble bee.
You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Then when Muslims, gays, transvestites, and atheists march in civil rights marches organized by black people it makes all blacks Muslims, gays, transvestites and atheists. Logic has a funny way of working, don't it?

Granted, most of the people attracted to the nutty wall idea (neo-nazis) - which is what drew most people to that rally; however, there are other groups who are decent people, but have no real leadership. If you're making a left wing argument, then when it comes to traitors, be careful of who YOU keep company with. That guilt by association works both ways.
You know what would have made that post really powerful?

If you had backed up your claim that I was lying, with a link proving that my claim,

ie, that "With supremacists" and "neo nazis" are an irrelevant fringe in this society and only a lying asshole would claim otherwise.

to some study or something that proved that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America.

Funny you didn't do that....

Almost as though you know that you CAN'T.

To be clear, for the slower among us,

I challenge you to back up your shit claim, that white supremacists and neo nazis are a major force in America..

I look forward to seeing whether you do the norm lib response, and dodge or deflect, or whether you are stupid enough to even TRY to back up this shit, and if so, what incredible shit you post to try to do so.

FUn times.

The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.
Knock my hat off? Lol yea you will get knocked out
The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.
Last edited:
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.

Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.
1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.

Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.

As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.
I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.

Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.

As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.
I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.

Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.

As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

Correll you are the most self hating white activist wannabe I ever met. You think Trump is God and you look down on the right wing conservatives from the past AND you're unable to appreciate the pioneers of the political agenda you subscribe to.

Do you consider that Trump, with all the support you think he has, cannot win a single court case and the Mueller report just sits there in limbo. One of the pioneers of YOUR cause once faced a jury. The charge was sedition. You know damn well the feds brought their very best prosecutors to town. It was 1988. Among the defendants was Louis Beam. He represented himself. He was acquitted. So, he can win his case and Trump cannot get a clear cut victory on a damn thing he does. Rich globalist with million dollar lawyers and you guys are still stuck in the mud.

Fort Smith sedition trial - Wikipedia

You can argue with me all day long, but you just suck up to the MSM when it's convenient. The problem you have is you are trying to marginalize the very people that pioneered your agenda into more worship for a total dumb ass that can automatically get major headlines in an atmosphere wherein mover half the whites think they get discriminated against, but fewer are willing to support him on that issue than they were willing to support the KKK when the Klan approval ratings were much lower. Your man is a loser.

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