Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.

Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.

As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.
The Ku Klux KIan held a rally in the 1980s in Georgia. According to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, the crowd size was at least 8,000 but not more than 10,000. One AJC story told of the thousands in the 70s, omitting the one in the 1980s:

The dwindling Klan has fallen on hard times

A lot of the news stories are gone with the wind, but one article says that Bill Wilkinson was the most popular Klan leader of that era - he had more members than David Duke (many he took from Duke when Duke tried to sell the membership list.)

Imperial Wizard Found 30 years after he Fled the USA

It's been so long ago that I cannot remember the year or the town, but a GBI agent is the one who told me their estimates at the time.

I also found this:

What was the largest KKK rally of modern times? Largest Black Panther?? - AR15.COM

Anything to do with the successes of white supremacists, right wingers, constitutionalists, etc. from the late 1970s to the year 2000 has been marginalized and sometimes even censored / erased so that it isn't easy to find on Google.

Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.

As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.
Last edited:
Sorry, none of your links support your claims.

The reason you can't find hard numbers on rally sizes, is because they are so pathetically small.

As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Only a fucktard would say a lie like that.

You ever say that to a republican's face, or are you only a complete asshole online?

I would say that it is more correct to state that bigots and racists are more attracted to the Republicans than they are Dems. Most GoPers aren't like that.

With the examples of IM2, and Paul on this very site you can say that? LOL!!!!!
Rogue lowlife criminal “militia”

Psychotic white supremacist trumpkins
As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that
Only a fucktard would say a lie like that.

You ever say that to a republican's face, or are you only a complete asshole online?

I would say that it is more correct to state that bigots and racists are more attracted to the Republicans than they are Dems. Most GoPers aren't like that.

With the examples of IM2, and Paul on this very site you can say that? LOL!!!!!
Rogue lowlife criminal “militia”

Psychotic white supremacist trumpkins

Psychos who held criminals for the police to show up?

Wow. What vile monsters.

Hey? Think Hollywood would make a movie about that? Imagine the TERROR.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

It is delusional and divisive to pretend that Trump's completely reasonable message on Trade and Immigration, that won him the Rust Belt, has anything to do with White Supremacy.

You are being a terrible person.
As was noted in one of the links, Wilkinson used to draw thousands. Regardless of what you can find in on the Internet, with much of the factual stuff being watered down by lefties, you have to bear in mind that the links (at least of them) admit that Wilkinson drew thousands.

David Duke, although a charlatan, was the godfather of the wallist / man the border movement. A lot of groups thought his Border Watch idea of the 1970s was a great thing and civilian militias took up that cause in the 1990s (along with fighting eminent domain abuses.) So if people want to credit Trump with the rallies, he is doing so on the coat tails of David Duke.

If I took the time to research Duke's history with crowds, I'd have to say he came close to Wilkinson in delivering on crowd size. When Duke ran for office, his support level was such that when he ran for governor of Louisiana, President Bush went there and endorsed the Democrat in order to keep Duke from winning. BTW, the Democrat was later convicted of corruption.

Trump may draw bigger crowds, but that is not the criteria upon which your post was made. Trump is simply promoting an idea he had no part in pioneering. Trump's agenda was first made popular by David Duke (a former nazi that founded his own version of the KKK) and Jim Gilchrst / Chris Simcox who were both racists and Simcox a proven nazi.

David Duke Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same Message

Former KKK leader David Duke: "Donald Trump is not a racist" - CBS News

Just like the far left is having extremists take down monuments, statues, plaques, and memorials to hide our history, they are busy scrubbing news stories that show how many people were in favor of things the left wants the public to hate enough to support liberals for.

I can assure you that I grew up only 15 miles from where the KKK had their national headquarters. Their yearly rallies in the 1980s and maybe up to the 1990s drew thousands when they were at Stone Mountain. On the week-ends you would see them on all the street corners and red lights in their robes, soliciting donations.

The media made a lot of false accusations against them from what I could tell. For example, though my over-all knowledge is limited, a Klan leader and I used the same printer. But, this is the basic story FWIW in one instance: One of the local KKK leaders was prosecuted for not committing perjury. Somehow, the other guy in the case committed perjury and lied about the Klan leader who would NOT commit perjury. Convoluted? Yep.

But, back in those days the LEO community would set up rival Klans and then pay members to con dumb asses into committing illegal acts. What we thought was amusing and a joke on tv back then is the same M.O. the media uses against Trump. That is why, now, though I don't like Trump or nazis, I still consider the words of founding father Thomas Paine:

"An avidity to punish is always dangerous to liberty. It leads men to stretch, to misinterpret, and to misapply even the best of laws. He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."
A Dissertation on the First Principles of Government (1795)

Correll, in both good and bad, the white people have a history. You cannot white wash it and ultimately the left won't be able to hide it forever. But it is what it is.

A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.
A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

When Correll is committed to the platform developed by people who themselves identify as being racists, it makes Correll's delusion even more bizarre.
Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

It is delusional and divisive to pretend that Trump's completely reasonable message on Trade and Immigration, that won him the Rust Belt, has anything to do with White Supremacy.

You are being a terrible person.

You are delusional beyond all belief. Trump got most of his votes on the promise of a silly wall around the United States. You cannot go to ANY discussion board and talk about Trump, individual Rights, the fight against National ID, or the size of government without the Trumpeteers bringing that damn wall into the discussion.

Since white supremacists control what you think politically, they're doing a pretty damn good job. White supremacists are the ones who conjured up the presupposed "need" for a wall. That is a simple fact that you cannot dispute. It is what it is, son.
A lot of typing to try to distract from the fact that you can't show one klan or nazi rally reaching into the hundreds of attendees in the last 50 years.

If, as you claim, that attending that rally showed that they are white supremacist supporters, then why have no other white supremacist rallies managed to get such numbers?

White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

When Correll is committed to the platform developed by people who themselves identify as being racists, it makes Correll's delusion even more bizarre.

Wanting a secure border, is not racist. Calling that racist is insane.
1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

It is delusional and divisive to pretend that Trump's completely reasonable message on Trade and Immigration, that won him the Rust Belt, has anything to do with White Supremacy.

You are being a terrible person.

You are delusional beyond all belief. Trump got most of his votes on the promise of a silly wall around the United States. You cannot go to ANY discussion board and talk about Trump, individual Rights, the fight against National ID, or the size of government without the Trumpeteers bringing that damn wall into the discussion.

Since white supremacists control what you think politically, they're doing a pretty damn good job. White supremacists are the ones who conjured up the presupposed "need" for a wall. That is a simple fact that you cannot dispute. It is what it is, son.

1. Building a Wall along a border that is massively violated by a shitty neighbor is completely reasonable and no person of good faith would call that racist.

2. Controlling a border is not government overreach. It is a core function of reasonable and limited government.

3. White supremacists are an irrelevant fringe that can't do shit.
1. Building a Wall along a border that is massively violated by a shitty neighbor is completely reasonable and no person of good faith would call that racist.
Who says the critics that use racism as a cynical form of attack are of good faith?
2. Controlling a border is not government overreach. It is a core function of reasonable and limited government.
Providing security for the nation is the government's primary function. Without a secure nation all other duties are pointless.

3. White supremacists are an irrelevant fringe that can't do shit.
They are a boogie man and just give leftists an excuse to attack and try to deconstruct America which is what they want anyway.
1. Building a Wall along a border that is massively violated by a shitty neighbor is completely reasonable and no person of good faith would call that racist.
Who says the critics that use racism as a cynical form of attack are of good faith?
2. Controlling a border is not government overreach. It is a core function of reasonable and limited government.
Providing security for the nation is the government's primary function. Without a secure nation all other duties are pointless.

3. White supremacists are an irrelevant fringe that can't do shit.
They are a boogie man and just give leftists an excuse to attack and try to deconstruct America which is what they want anyway.

Well said on all counts.
Now you ARE lying. Some of the links do show attendance at being in the thousands.

Interestingly, just last year 55 percent of whites believed that discrimination against whites exists.

The Invisible Empire: The History of the KKK and Why People Joined

So you get the Charlottesville rally and it's one and done. Where are the fruits of your labors other than a fat ass, rich , globalist that cost your the House of Representatives? You keep crowing and you keep losing.

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.
1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

When Correll is committed to the platform developed by people who themselves identify as being racists, it makes Correll's delusion even more bizarre.

Wanting a secure border, is not racist. Calling that racist is insane.

Dishonesty is your forte'. If your "secure border" plan involves making outrageous allegations you cannot sustain AND it involves proposed solutions thought up by National Socialists, then yes, it would be racism.
1. Building a Wall along a border that is massively violated by a shitty neighbor is completely reasonable and no person of good faith would call that racist.
Who says the critics that use racism as a cynical form of attack are of good faith?
2. Controlling a border is not government overreach. It is a core function of reasonable and limited government.
Providing security for the nation is the government's primary function. Without a secure nation all other duties are pointless.

3. White supremacists are an irrelevant fringe that can't do shit.
They are a boogie man and just give leftists an excuse to attack and try to deconstruct America which is what they want anyway.

Your post is both meaningless as well as wholly dishonest. Not everybody that opposes National Socialist solutions is a leftist.

You need a reality check. The nutty wall idea began with racists and socialists. Would you like for me to repeat the facts that we go over in each of these threads?

Now, don't you accuse the Democrats of being the first racists in the U.S.? Isn't part of your narrative one of selling people on the notion that Democrats are racists? Well, then besides National Socialists, WHO were the first people to begin suggesting the agenda you follow?

1. I didn't see any supporting evidence on "thousands". The biggest reference I saw in those links was 50, Please point it out to me. Cut and paste the important part.

2. White supremacy is a fringe movement of no importance. That you try to conflate it, with larger, far more mainstream movements and figures, is wrong of you.

3. Trump would have won the mid terms if he built the Wall.

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.
You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

When Correll is committed to the platform developed by people who themselves identify as being racists, it makes Correll's delusion even more bizarre.

Wanting a secure border, is not racist. Calling that racist is insane.

Dishonesty is your forte'. If your "secure border" plan involves making outrageous allegations you cannot sustain AND it involves proposed solutions thought up by National Socialists, then yes, it would be racism.

If I see a "national socialist" advocating for good dental hygiene, I'm not going to stop brushing my teeth.

Your games of six degrees of separation, does not actually address the fact of the issue. They are nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association and poorly done at that.

This nation has been flooded with immigrates over the last 50 years, and we need a period of assimilation.

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