Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

You can blow smoke up peoples ass, but they don't buy it. Neither do I because, unlike you, I was there and you weren't. I don't need supporting evidence to see what I saw.

In the 1980s and 1990s the left wing media tried to marginalize everything the right did. Once there was a white's rights rally a county over from me. Our local paper said between two and three hundred people attended. I called the guy who wrote the story. I asked him if he were drunk that Saturday. The rally was roped off and you had to pass by LEOs to get in. Outside the actual rally was the general public. Our church group passed out over 800 flyers to those who went INTO the rally site past the police lines. We gave out quite a few to the people that did not go beyond the police lines.

There are barely any records of the many protests and counter protests! But, honestly son, I don't need no stinking link. Those people who heard about the barren streets when Trump came to town and thousands actually attended should be intelligent enough to understand what is going on.

Your persistent efforts to promote a false narrative do more to discredit what you say than any effort the left can come up with. America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You cannot talk about your culture without addressing that FACT. For that reason, you see white racists, separatists, and even supremacists of every sort embedded in every effort that is aimed at preserving our culture. The John Birch Society, Young Republicans Club, and the Conservative Caucasus all like the Republican Party have had white supremacists in them for as long as I've been alive.

Hell, the last living klansman of the original KKK when it was rebirthed atop Stone Mountain was a Mason and Masons met routinely on his property and in his buildings. You are either ignorant or a pathological liar to dismiss the working relationship. Man, we aren't recruiting people for anything on this site, so it is quite disingenuous to claim that people like David Duke and neo nazis are some kind of "fringe movement." Duke pioneered the idea of Border Watch which was adopted by Jim Gilchrist and Chris Simcox. Gilchrist was a proven liar while Duke and Simcox are former nazis. Without them, there would never have been an actual effort to man the border and then suggest build a wall. They preceded Trump, who took up the banner - and even had the gall to claim he didn't know David Duke. It's been proven over and over and over again, that is a LIE. Trump's known Duke for years!

I would hold meetings and they were pretty well infiltrated by the National Alliance, neo - nazis, and KKK types. BEFORE the media and LEOs began underwriting the nazis and that idiotic build a wall idea, we were converting a lot of the people those organizations sent in to infiltrate the constitutionalists. Dude, all you guys have a commonality with what you dishonestly call "fringe groups." Without them, you wouldn't even have a movement.

I disagree with you because you represent their socialist solutions. If you don't know the history of who you're following and the political road that led to Trump, then you need someone to guide you through that maze. I agree with a lot of the people who have DISHONESTLY been identified as white supremacists when their only political crime is to want to protect, preserve, and advance our culture... which cannot be done without defending the race. It simply cannot be done. You cannot whitewash history enough to deny that fact. The real issue is, if you build your culture on lies AND on the backs of other races and cultures, you will fail. Know that because the reign of Trump coming to an end IS going to happen and I don't see you guys having any credible leadership once ol' moneybags is history.

What I do see, however, is people like you being duped into a strategy that is counterproductive to Freedom and Liberty. You're not going to win without a fight. You are so caught up in believing your own lies that you don't have a plan B for when the SHTF. So, you don't see the need for property Rights and the Right to Privacy... and the CIA is always saying that "information is the ultimate weapon." I'm going to tell you something for your own good: Without the ability to resist tyranny, you will lose this country. Talk shit about me all you like, but it's idiotic strategies like yours that is making resistance impossible. You are your own worst enemy; fighting to destroy those who can do the most to help you. You participate in your own genocide - though now you cannot feign ignorance. If you're refusing to wake up, it's now just plain stupidity. Rant over.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.

You'd argue with a tree stump. The blacks are going to argue with you and say they weren't equal when the Constitution was ratified. The Chinese, who built the Transcontinental Railroad will argue with you. So will other races that were unable to become citizens.

ALL men are created equal, in the sense that God bestowed upon them unalienable Rights. Those Rights, however, did not extend to the privileges of citizenship. Consequently America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.

You are conflating a militarized border with a secure border. They are not the same thing.
1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.
Donald has proven they are not the fringe of the trump party.

It is delusional to ignore that

When Correll is committed to the platform developed by people who themselves identify as being racists, it makes Correll's delusion even more bizarre.

Wanting a secure border, is not racist. Calling that racist is insane.

Dishonesty is your forte'. If your "secure border" plan involves making outrageous allegations you cannot sustain AND it involves proposed solutions thought up by National Socialists, then yes, it would be racism.

If I see a "national socialist" advocating for good dental hygiene, I'm not going to stop brushing my teeth.

Your games of six degrees of separation, does not actually address the fact of the issue. They are nothing but the logical fallacy of guilt by association and poorly done at that.

This nation has been flooded with immigrates over the last 50 years, and we need a period of assimilation.

If I see a dental hygienist advocating that I brush my teeth with drano because it will make my teeth whiter, I'm not likely to be duped as easily as you are by white supremacists. You're being silly. There are no six degrees of separation. Hell man, I know David Duke personally. I'm not going to be like Trump. The difference between Trump and yours truly - I'm not buying the National Socialist solution. You are.
1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. The white supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.

You'd argue with a tree stump. The blacks are going to argue with you and say they weren't equal when the Constitution was ratified. The Chinese, who built the Transcontinental Railroad will argue with you. So will other races that were unable to become citizens.

ALL men are created equal, in the sense that God bestowed upon them unalienable Rights. Those Rights, however, did not extend to the privileges of citizenship. Consequently America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.

You are conflating a militarized border with a secure border. They are not the same thing.

1. So it took some time for US to live up to our ideals. That does not change the fact that of the Ideals that we were founded on.

2. Race, religion, Oppression, ect. ect ect ect, was the norm at the time. You might as well say that nation was founded on the planting and eating of food. I reject your narrative of history. It is self serving and self defeating.

3 The tens of millions of illegals living in this country, prove that we do not have a secure border. I would be happy to militarize it, and see if that secures it. If not, I promise to apologize and admit I was wrong. We can then demilitarize it.
Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.

You'd argue with a tree stump. The blacks are going to argue with you and say they weren't equal when the Constitution was ratified. The Chinese, who built the Transcontinental Railroad will argue with you. So will other races that were unable to become citizens.

ALL men are created equal, in the sense that God bestowed upon them unalienable Rights. Those Rights, however, did not extend to the privileges of citizenship. Consequently America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.

You are conflating a militarized border with a secure border. They are not the same thing.

1. So it took some time for US to live up to our ideals. That does not change the fact that of the Ideals that we were founded on.

2. Race, religion, Oppression, ect. ect ect ect, was the norm at the time. You might as well say that nation was founded on the planting and eating of food. I reject your narrative of history. It is self serving and self defeating.

3 The tens of millions of illegals living in this country, prove that we do not have a secure border. I would be happy to militarize it, and see if that secures it. If not, I promise to apologize and admit I was wrong. We can then demilitarize it.

You've already been proven wrong. In 1953 Congress began talking about Operation Wetback. By 1954 they were rounding up every undocumented foreigner they could find. In less than five years, the unemployment rate doubled!

Race and religion is the norm today. Many political leaders, including John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan have had speech writers quote parts of a sermon delivered in 1630 aboard the Arbella as it sailed for the New World. You should take some time from your day, give posting a rest and read that sermon:

http://www.casa-arts.org/cms/lib/PA01925203/Centricity/Domain/50/A Model of Christian Charity.pdf

There is a reason that the people who made the 14 part documentary about the Civil Rights Movement entitled their work "Eyes on the Prize." Many in America don't know what they know. IF you get bold enough, there was a reason I told you about the most popular sermon every preached relative to our founding AND the black peoples ultimate objective, so I'm leaving you some links so you might figure it out:


The Old Jerusalem is Not the New JerUSAlem

Welcome to "New JerUSAlem"

Our Father's Kingdom of America: America the New Jerusalem


General Convention of the New Jerusalem in the United States of America | The Online Books Page

I could cite you many other sources that would add to that, but those show that the sentiment crosses over many denominational lines and is as old as this country.

Finally, it is YOU who cannot explain that founding of America was built on the twin pillars of race and religion. You run from the FIRST naturalization law passed in the U.S.; ignore the many Compacts, Charters, and even the wording in the FIRST state constitutions that limited citizenship, voting privileges, and the privilege of holding public office to whites. For you, you have been programmed, Pavlovian style, to stomp your feet, deny your history and proclaim such to be racist.

It is YOU calling it racist. Wait a minute here. It's perfectly kosher for Japan to call itself the most racially pure nation in the world. with 98.5 percent of its 127 million people being Japanese. So, practice what you preach. If racism as you call it is so bad, get rid of all the Japanese products in your home. They're racists you know.

There are more Chinese in China than there are white people on the face of the earth. Of the nearly BILLION AND A HALF Chinese, 91.5 percent are Han Chinese. How much junk is in your house that was made in China? Damn dirty racists. They have no Jews, Blacks, or Mexicans running their government so why are you supporting them?

North Korea is the most homogenous nation in the world. How much stuff in your house says made in Korea on it? Which one... North or South?

The United States spends BILLIONS of dollars per year to make sure the Israelis have their own homeland. We're as quiet as a church mouse while the blacks in Zimbabwe commit genocide against the whites there. Zimbabwe is 97.5 percent black today.

America was built on the presupposition that all men are created equal and all of us have unalienable Rights. So, when you start trying to deflect and call America a racist nation because the whites sought their own homeland, you are being hypocritical. We support that Right for every nation in the world except our own. Furthermore, that part of your argument is that you'd allow the world to come here "legally" is a load of horseshit.

WHEN the non-whites become the majority, they will kick your kind out of office, take what you have, demand reparations, force you out of existence by letting you overdose on drugs, marry outside your race, or be killed for your supposed racism. Let's face it dude. You are genuinely screwed up.

Just between you and I: I have never walked on the back of another man because he was the better man for a job. I've never been so inferior that I needed an unfair advantage (the other guy didn't come here "legally.") When you go to put on that halo and think you're going to put me in my place, you bear in mind that any laws which gives some foreigners the ability to work a job willingly offered and excludes others over a fricking piece of paper is plain damn wrong and it violates the 14th Amendment - unless you're about to admit that Amendment was illegally ratified.
1. This country was not founded on racism.

2. White supremacists are a fringe that can't do shit.

You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.

You'd argue with a tree stump. The blacks are going to argue with you and say they weren't equal when the Constitution was ratified. The Chinese, who built the Transcontinental Railroad will argue with you. So will other races that were unable to become citizens.

ALL men are created equal, in the sense that God bestowed upon them unalienable Rights. Those Rights, however, did not extend to the privileges of citizenship. Consequently America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.

You are conflating a militarized border with a secure border. They are not the same thing.

1. So it took some time for US to live up to our ideals. That does not change the fact that of the Ideals that we were founded on.

2. Race, religion, Oppression, ect. ect ect ect, was the norm at the time. You might as well say that nation was founded on the planting and eating of food. I reject your narrative of history. It is self serving and self defeating.

3 The tens of millions of illegals living in this country, prove that we do not have a secure border. I would be happy to militarize it, and see if that secures it. If not, I promise to apologize and admit I was wrong. We can then demilitarize it.

You've already been proven wrong. In 1953 Congress began talking about Operation Wetback. By 1954 they were rounding up every undocumented foreigner they could find. In less than five years, the unemployment rate doubled! .....

NOthing in my post made any point about employment. You brought that up to avoid addressing what I actually said.
You already said that. If you can keep repeating your errors, I can keep repeating the truth:

Who said that this country was founded on racism?

White supremacists are NOT a fringe group. They developed the political agenda that you follow.

Here is a FACT:

The FIRST naturalization law was passed within six months of the ratification of the Constitution. Here is the wording of that law:

"Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That any Alien being a free white person, who shall have resided within the limits and under the jurisdiction of the United States for the term of two years, may be admitted to become a citizen thereof..."

naturalization laws 1790-1795

You can repeat a lie a thousand times, but it will NOT erase a simple fact. This country was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion. IF that means racism to you, then that is YOUR PERSONAL DEFINITION. It most assuredly is not mine, but I am telling you the truth.

This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.

You'd argue with a tree stump. The blacks are going to argue with you and say they weren't equal when the Constitution was ratified. The Chinese, who built the Transcontinental Railroad will argue with you. So will other races that were unable to become citizens.

ALL men are created equal, in the sense that God bestowed upon them unalienable Rights. Those Rights, however, did not extend to the privileges of citizenship. Consequently America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.

You are conflating a militarized border with a secure border. They are not the same thing.

1. So it took some time for US to live up to our ideals. That does not change the fact that of the Ideals that we were founded on.

2. Race, religion, Oppression, ect. ect ect ect, was the norm at the time. You might as well say that nation was founded on the planting and eating of food. I reject your narrative of history. It is self serving and self defeating.

3 The tens of millions of illegals living in this country, prove that we do not have a secure border. I would be happy to militarize it, and see if that secures it. If not, I promise to apologize and admit I was wrong. We can then demilitarize it.

You've already been proven wrong. In 1953 Congress began talking about Operation Wetback. By 1954 they were rounding up every undocumented foreigner they could find. In less than five years, the unemployment rate doubled! .....

NOthing in my post made any point about employment. You brought that up to avoid addressing what I actually said.

No sir, YOU'VE been avoiding what I have asked.

I'm presuming we're a nation of laws and that even the illegally ratified laws are in place. You haven't been able to deal in reality. You don't understand the difference between what America was founded on what it evolved into (which, contrary to your opinion, is NOT a good thing.)

Your infantile analogies do not address the many links I've posted. You and I both know you don't know all the different sides to this. The bottom line, whether you like it or not, the Preamble to the Constitution reads:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I'm sorry that Constitution does not fit your narrative. You will watch your country go down in flames because you cannot make a simple connection. America cannot be a nation that is everything to everybody. Someone WILL be pushed out. This is the last president that is going to see it your way during your lifetime.
This country was founded on the concepts of the Enlightenment thinking of the Founding Fathers, including the concept of God Given Rights and all men being created equal.

A secure border is the goal of any healthy nation, not the creation of a fringe group.

You'd argue with a tree stump. The blacks are going to argue with you and say they weren't equal when the Constitution was ratified. The Chinese, who built the Transcontinental Railroad will argue with you. So will other races that were unable to become citizens.

ALL men are created equal, in the sense that God bestowed upon them unalienable Rights. Those Rights, however, did not extend to the privileges of citizenship. Consequently America was founded on the twin pillars of race and religion.

You are conflating a militarized border with a secure border. They are not the same thing.

1. So it took some time for US to live up to our ideals. That does not change the fact that of the Ideals that we were founded on.

2. Race, religion, Oppression, ect. ect ect ect, was the norm at the time. You might as well say that nation was founded on the planting and eating of food. I reject your narrative of history. It is self serving and self defeating.

3 The tens of millions of illegals living in this country, prove that we do not have a secure border. I would be happy to militarize it, and see if that secures it. If not, I promise to apologize and admit I was wrong. We can then demilitarize it.

You've already been proven wrong. In 1953 Congress began talking about Operation Wetback. By 1954 they were rounding up every undocumented foreigner they could find. In less than five years, the unemployment rate doubled! .....

NOthing in my post made any point about employment. You brought that up to avoid addressing what I actually said.

No sir, YOU'VE been avoiding what I have asked.

I'm presuming we're a nation of laws and that even the illegally ratified laws are in place. You haven't been able to deal in reality. You don't understand the difference between what America was founded on what it evolved into (which, contrary to your opinion, is NOT a good thing.)

Your infantile analogies do not address the many links I've posted. You and I both know you don't know all the different sides to this. The bottom line, whether you like it or not, the Preamble to the Constitution reads:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I'm sorry that Constitution does not fit your narrative. You will watch your country go down in flames because you cannot make a simple connection. America cannot be a nation that is everything to everybody. Someone WILL be pushed out. This is the last president that is going to see it your way during your lifetime.

You are not making any sense.

You complain about the effects of Third World immigration, while attacking the idea of fighting against Third World immigration.
The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.
s if
1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.

It is not a miscarriage of justice. It is justice. You have proved that you re a part of the radical right wing so you are totally wrong.
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.

Said the man that could not cite another time that a whit supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

Because whtie supremacists are an insignificant fringe and you know it.

Your vile lies about Trump being racist, is just you being an asshole.
s if
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.

It is not a miscarriage of justice. It is justice. You have proved that you re a part of the radical right wing so you are totally wrong.

I explained why I believed that arrests were a miscarriage of justice.

All you did, was cowardly avoid addressing my points, and repeated your initial position.

THat is the logical fallacy of Argument by Assertion. YOur post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.
The truth is the truth whether you like it or not. You can call it bullshit but you are the bullshit artist around here.
Your bullshit-ery is far greater than mine, if indeed I bullshit at all.

Sanctuary cities do not assist people in breaking the law. They are not required to ask someone if they are citizens or not nor are they required to ask for their papers. Trump's lawsuit against California has been largely thrown out.

The very fact sanctuary cities exist is proof you are just blowing smoke out of your backside whether you know it or not and I'm sure you have hypnotized yourself so as not to question the inherent illegality of a sanctuary refuge.
Sanctuary hiding places serve no other purpose than to give people who are here illegally a place where they won't be ratted out by I put this in nice bright letters so you wouldn't be able to avoid the truth.

The governor of California, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, etc. aren't allowed special dispensation so they can ignore the laws they don't want to follow. This isn't Jim Crow Alabama. They know what they do gives illegal immigrants vital assistance in avoiding the consequences of their illegal actions.
They are willing and eager accomplices to crime. Here...I helped you out again.

You are the dumb one as you clearly do not understand the Constitution.
That's just extra special stupid. The Constitution doesn't give anyone, especially public officials who all must take oaths of office swearing they will uphold the law, permission to pick and choose the laws they want to enforce and they ones they will ignore like they are ordering off an ala carte menu. Don't insult me with your imbecilic garbage!

You are the dishonest imbecile.
Says the dishonest imbecile, most ironically.

It is not illegal to not ask about someone's immigration status or their papers. You have no idea what a Jim Crow law is. These laws were declared illegal by the court. The courts have not said that states and local governments have to enforce immigration laws. They are not violating any court order.

You are the one that is uneducated and imbecilic. You are not even close to being right.
I feel sorry for anyone that enters your brain damaged aura.
I have already pointed out that merely by making yourself a sanctuary for criminals you are already declaring you are enabling and assisting people who are breaking the law. Hey, come and live here, you are saying to illegal immigrants...we won't tell La Migra you are here. You might as well be the gangster's girl friend who gives everybody a place to hide from the cops.

Nobody asks the Seattle City Council to check I.D.s or demand papers from anyone. That's a bullshit red herring.
I would say it's beneath you, but it's really not.

I know exactly what Jim Crow era policy was...ignoring civil rights laws that ended segregation because you didn't want to follow those laws! It is precisely like sanctuary city policy...we will follow the laws we like and ignore the ones we don't like. So bend over and shove that up your bumble bee.

You are the bullshit around here.

1. State and local officials cannot be required to enforce immigration law. Not asking someone's immigration status is not unlawful. The fact is that there is a clear boundary between the jurisdiction of federal and state law enforcement. The Supreme Court affirmed this in the Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012). They set clear limits on states' ability to enforce federal immigration law even if a state wishes to do so. Your opinion has not been affirmed in any court.

2. Your brain does not exist so anyone looking for it would be lost forever. Voters do not support Trump on immigration policy. The states that defied Jim Crow policies were defending policies that had been declared illegal by the courts. Not one court has called sanctuary cities illegal because they understand it does not break any laws. Your opinion has not been endorsed in any court of law as a federal judge tossed most of Trump's lawsuit against California.,
The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Then when Muslims, gays, transvestites, and atheists march in civil rights marches organized by black people it makes all blacks Muslims, gays, transvestites and atheists. Logic has a funny way of working, don't it?

Granted, most of the people attracted to the nutty wall idea (neo-nazis) - which is what drew most people to that rally; however, there are other groups who are decent people, but have no real leadership. If you're making a left wing argument, then when it comes to traitors, be careful of who YOU keep company with. That guilt by association works both ways.

The fact is that when you don't care whether your party has been taken over by the far right, it is far more than guilt by association. The Republican Party has been taken over by the alt-right and neo-nazis. The people who refuse to stand up to this are guilty by association.
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Then when Muslims, gays, transvestites, and atheists march in civil rights marches organized by black people it makes all blacks Muslims, gays, transvestites and atheists. Logic has a funny way of working, don't it?

Granted, most of the people attracted to the nutty wall idea (neo-nazis) - which is what drew most people to that rally; however, there are other groups who are decent people, but have no real leadership. If you're making a left wing argument, then when it comes to traitors, be careful of who YOU keep company with. That guilt by association works both ways.

The fact is that when you don't care whether your party has been taken over by the far right, it is far more than guilt by association. The Republican Party has been taken over by the alt-right and neo-nazis. The people who refuse to stand up to this are guilty by association.

Yeah, so "far right" that they want to control the border, and send foreign nationals who are here against the law, home!

What radical terror!!!!


The Proud Boys were invited to speak by Republicans in NY
2018 Virginia Republican Senate candidate Corey Stewart had ties to white supremacists
Stephen King R-Iowa
Trump's refusal to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis in Charlottesville
Tennessee Republicans block a bill to condemn white supremacists and neo-nazis

1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.
Proud boys assulted anti Americans who are out to assault proud Americans. They protect us
1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.

I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.

Said the man that could not cite another time that a whit supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

Because whtie supremacists are an insignificant fringe and you know it.

Your vile lies about Trump being racist, is just you being an asshole.

You are the one who is a vile liar. The fact is that since Trump's election, far right haters on the rise. They have committed numerous acts of violence by killing people and plotting to kill Trump's political opponents. Republicans refuse to hold Trump accountable.

You are the asshole who has his tongue so far up Trump's ass that you have blown your brains out.

One such example is Corey Stewart. He got the Republican nomination despite his ties to white supremacists. He still got 1,368,451 votes in losing. That is a huge number of people who ignored or supported him even with his ties to white supremacists.
Last edited:
1. The Proud Boys are not neo nazis.

2. Trump did condemn the white supremacists and neo nazis in charlottesville repeatedly. That you lie about that, shows that you know you need to lie.

1. They are a neo-Nazi group.

2. All you have to look at is then Chief of Staff General Kelly with his face buried in his hands. Trump tried to equate neo-nazis and white supremacists with peaceful protestors who were assaulted with 1 killed.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.

Such disproportionate force that not one injury was recorded or treated.

Your support of antifa, makes you the fascist.
The truth is the truth whether you like it or not. You can call it bullshit but you are the bullshit artist around here.
Your bullshit-ery is far greater than mine, if indeed I bullshit at all.

Sanctuary cities do not assist people in breaking the law. They are not required to ask someone if they are citizens or not nor are they required to ask for their papers. Trump's lawsuit against California has been largely thrown out.

The very fact sanctuary cities exist is proof you are just blowing smoke out of your backside whether you know it or not and I'm sure you have hypnotized yourself so as not to question the inherent illegality of a sanctuary refuge.
Sanctuary hiding places serve no other purpose than to give people who are here illegally a place where they won't be ratted out by I put this in nice bright letters so you wouldn't be able to avoid the truth.

The governor of California, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors, etc. aren't allowed special dispensation so they can ignore the laws they don't want to follow. This isn't Jim Crow Alabama. They know what they do gives illegal immigrants vital assistance in avoiding the consequences of their illegal actions.
They are willing and eager accomplices to crime. Here...I helped you out again.

You are the dumb one as you clearly do not understand the Constitution.
That's just extra special stupid. The Constitution doesn't give anyone, especially public officials who all must take oaths of office swearing they will uphold the law, permission to pick and choose the laws they want to enforce and they ones they will ignore like they are ordering off an ala carte menu. Don't insult me with your imbecilic garbage!

You are the dishonest imbecile.
Says the dishonest imbecile, most ironically.

It is not illegal to not ask about someone's immigration status or their papers. You have no idea what a Jim Crow law is. These laws were declared illegal by the court. The courts have not said that states and local governments have to enforce immigration laws. They are not violating any court order.

You are the one that is uneducated and imbecilic. You are not even close to being right.
I feel sorry for anyone that enters your brain damaged aura.
I have already pointed out that merely by making yourself a sanctuary for criminals you are already declaring you are enabling and assisting people who are breaking the law. Hey, come and live here, you are saying to illegal immigrants...we won't tell La Migra you are here. You might as well be the gangster's girl friend who gives everybody a place to hide from the cops.

Nobody asks the Seattle City Council to check I.D.s or demand papers from anyone. That's a bullshit red herring.
I would say it's beneath you, but it's really not.

I know exactly what Jim Crow era policy was...ignoring civil rights laws that ended segregation because you didn't want to follow those laws! It is precisely like sanctuary city policy...we will follow the laws we like and ignore the ones we don't like. So bend over and shove that up your bumble bee.

You are the bullshit around here.

1. State and local officials cannot be required to enforce immigration law. Not asking someone's immigration status is not unlawful. The fact is that there is a clear boundary between the jurisdiction of federal and state law enforcement. The Supreme Court affirmed this in the Arizona v. United States, 567 U.S. 387 (2012). They set clear limits on states' ability to enforce federal immigration law even if a state wishes to do so. Your opinion has not been affirmed in any court.

2. Your brain does not exist so anyone looking for it would be lost forever. Voters do not support Trump on immigration policy. The states that defied Jim Crow policies were defending policies that had been declared illegal by the courts. Not one court has called sanctuary cities illegal because they understand it does not break any laws. Your opinion has not been endorsed in any court of law as a federal judge tossed most of Trump's lawsuit against California.,
These weren't state or local officials. They were a well-armed militia.
s if
You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.

The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.

It is not a miscarriage of justice. It is justice. You have proved that you re a part of the radical right wing so you are totally wrong.

I explained why I believed that arrests were a miscarriage of justice.

All you did, was cowardly avoid addressing my points, and repeated your initial position.

THat is the logical fallacy of Argument by Assertion. YOur post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.

You have stated your opinion. Try using the law. In claiming self defense, proportional force must be used. Someone's hat was knocked off. That does not allow someone to beat someone.

Proportional Response

Self-defense law requires the response to match the level of the threat in question. In other words, a person can only employ as much force as required to remove the threat. If the threat involves deadly force, the person defending themselves can use deadly force to counteract the threat. If, however, the threat involves only minor force and the person claiming self-defense uses force that could cause grievous bodily harm or death, the claim of self-defense will fail.

Self-Defense Law: Overview - FindLaw

I don't have to address your points because I understand the law. You do not.

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