Right wing militia detains 200 migrants at gun point on New Mexico!! HELL YEAH!

A well armed militia does not have the authority to unilaterally decide what the law is and then become a separate LEO organization.

The highest ranking Executive Officer of the state is the governor. If that governor says a National Emergency does not exist; it does not exist.The state militia answers to the governor of that state.

These build the wall nutjobs are the very ones who allowed the government to set the legal precedent that undocumented foreigners have "civil rights"... AND that those civil rights trump the property owners private property rights. You've already duly noted that state and local officials cannot be forced to enforce federal immigration law. Furthermore, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that being in the United States without papers is not a crime.

That is the Rule of Law. I was an officer in this country's oldest and most continuous militia. The fact that we've been around longer than any existing civilian militia, having outlasted the rest should tell you that what I'm saying is NOT opinion. It is just the facts and any strategy used has to be employed subject to the parameters of the law.
Citizen's arrest.

What part of it is not a crime to be present without papers do you have a problem understand?

In order to do a citizen's arrest, you have to have a crime. While it is against the law to cross the border, if the officials don't witness the act, then NO CRIME EXISTS. It is a civil issue of which you cannot act.

But, go ahead. I've been advising militia groups not to try that stupid crap for well over three decades. I know a LOT of former militia folks doing time in federal prison. Feel free to ignore sound counsel. Maybe Trump will pardon you.
Hey you're the one who claims they can't be held accountable. Make up your dizzy mind.

What do you want people to be held accountable for? Coming here and taking a job willingly offered? Renting a house that a landlord willingly rented to them? You think it should be a crime to take a job and feed your kids?
I didn't say it. Your argument is with that busy bee poster.

I'm losing track of whose argument is what.
These weren't state or local officials. They were a well-armed militia.

They cannot take the law into their own hands. They are not trained in law enforcement nor can they be held accountable for their actions as law enforcement officers can be.
Can't be held accountable? Sounds like they get off scot free.

Would you mind explaining something to me? Put some thought into this. The Declaration of Independence says:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Now, here is court precedent on Rights:

The absolute rights of individuals may be resolved into the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. These rights are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable.” Atchison & N. R. Co. v. Baty, 6 Neb. 37, 40, 29 Am. Rep. 356 (1877)

A few more synonyms for those bolded words would be irrevocable, God given, untouchable. I could cite you a LOT of precedent.

If a man is born with an unalienable Right, and if Liberty is a Right bestowed upon us by a Creator, bearing in mind that the presupposition BEFORE such a thing as a citizen of the U.S. existed, who in the Hell is getting off scot free (sic) of anything?
Those who are said to be unaccountable. Derp.

What a fricking cowardly response! According to the Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration, 75 percent of the undocumented foreigners here pay the federal tax (they cannot possibly get around the other taxes.) That's pretty damn accountable.
So argue with busy bee about it.
Citizen's arrest.

What part of it is not a crime to be present without papers do you have a problem understand?

In order to do a citizen's arrest, you have to have a crime. While it is against the law to cross the border, if the officials don't witness the act, then NO CRIME EXISTS. It is a civil issue of which you cannot act.

But, go ahead. I've been advising militia groups not to try that stupid crap for well over three decades. I know a LOT of former militia folks doing time in federal prison. Feel free to ignore sound counsel. Maybe Trump will pardon you.
Hey you're the one who claims they can't be held accountable. Make up your dizzy mind.

What do you want people to be held accountable for? Coming here and taking a job willingly offered? Renting a house that a landlord willingly rented to them? You think it should be a crime to take a job and feed your kids?
I didn't say it. Your argument is with that busy bee poster.

I'm losing track of whose argument is what.
I can see that.
They cannot take the law into their own hands. They are not trained in law enforcement nor can they be held accountable for their actions as law enforcement officers can be.
Can't be held accountable? Sounds like they get off scot free.

Would you mind explaining something to me? Put some thought into this. The Declaration of Independence says:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Now, here is court precedent on Rights:

The absolute rights of individuals may be resolved into the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. These rights are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable.” Atchison & N. R. Co. v. Baty, 6 Neb. 37, 40, 29 Am. Rep. 356 (1877)

A few more synonyms for those bolded words would be irrevocable, God given, untouchable. I could cite you a LOT of precedent.

If a man is born with an unalienable Right, and if Liberty is a Right bestowed upon us by a Creator, bearing in mind that the presupposition BEFORE such a thing as a citizen of the U.S. existed, who in the Hell is getting off scot free (sic) of anything?
Those who are said to be unaccountable. Derp.

What a fricking cowardly response! According to the Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration, 75 percent of the undocumented foreigners here pay the federal tax (they cannot possibly get around the other taxes.) That's pretty damn accountable.
So argue with busy bee about it.

I did ask you a question. I'm not here to argue. I leave that to Correll. I love watching the guy dodge, duck, deflect, lie, misrepresent, and start strawman arguments (like claiming I said Trump is a racist.)
Can't be held accountable? Sounds like they get off scot free.

Would you mind explaining something to me? Put some thought into this. The Declaration of Independence says:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Now, here is court precedent on Rights:

The absolute rights of individuals may be resolved into the right of personal security, the right of personal liberty, and the right to acquire and enjoy property. These rights are declared to be natural, inherent, and unalienable.” Atchison & N. R. Co. v. Baty, 6 Neb. 37, 40, 29 Am. Rep. 356 (1877)

A few more synonyms for those bolded words would be irrevocable, God given, untouchable. I could cite you a LOT of precedent.

If a man is born with an unalienable Right, and if Liberty is a Right bestowed upon us by a Creator, bearing in mind that the presupposition BEFORE such a thing as a citizen of the U.S. existed, who in the Hell is getting off scot free (sic) of anything?
Those who are said to be unaccountable. Derp.

What a fricking cowardly response! According to the Chief Actuary of the Socialist Security Administration, 75 percent of the undocumented foreigners here pay the federal tax (they cannot possibly get around the other taxes.) That's pretty damn accountable.
So argue with busy bee about it.

I did ask you a question. I'm not here to argue. I leave that to Correll. I love watching the guy dodge, duck, deflect, lie, misrepresent, and start strawman arguments (like claiming I said Trump is a racist.)
The answer is they are unaccountable, according to that busy bee poster. You're talking in circles now.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.
Proud boys assulted anti Americans who are out to assault proud Americans. They protect us

You are so much bullshit. Typical far right wing nut.
Umm have you seen trump rallies.. women get attacked by democrats.
I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.

Said the man that could not cite another time that a whit supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

Because whtie supremacists are an insignificant fringe and you know it.

Your vile lies about Trump being racist, is just you being an asshole.

You are the one who is a vile liar. The fact is that since Trump's election, far right haters on the rise. They have committed numerous acts of violence by killing people and plotting to kill Trump's political opponents. Republicans refuse to hold Trump accountable.

You are the asshole who has his tongue so far up Trump's ass that you have blown your brains out.

One such example is Corey Stewart. He got the Republican nomination despite his ties to white supremacists. He still got 1,368,451 votes in losing. That is a huge number of people who ignored or supported him even with his ties to white supremacists.

1. THe claim that violence, at least from the right, is on the rise, is vile demagogue panic mongering.

2. Trump is not responsible for the little violence coming from the right.

3. My political support of Trump is quite reasonable, considering his policies support my interests and the nation's. You are an asshole.

4. Just review his wikapedia page. Saw no connections to white supremacists. Pointing out that "half the violence" at charlottesville was from the Left, is hardly "ties to white supremacists. Support your vile claim or apologize.
s if
The Proud Boys were assaulted and defended themselves. That is why no arrests were made that night.

It was not until vile dem politicians saw a change to punish people for daring to stand up to the lefty mob, that they were arrested, days later.

Wrong they reviewed the tape. Just because someone knocks a hat off your head does not give you the right to beat someone to a pulp. The force used has to be proportional. If it is not then it is felony assault.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.

It is not a miscarriage of justice. It is justice. You have proved that you re a part of the radical right wing so you are totally wrong.

I explained why I believed that arrests were a miscarriage of justice.

All you did, was cowardly avoid addressing my points, and repeated your initial position.

THat is the logical fallacy of Argument by Assertion. YOur post is invalid, and you lose.

My point stands.

They reviewed the tape and ignored the context of days of harassment, vandalism and threats of attacks. And as to being beaten to a pulp, medical care was offered and refused by the antifa supposedly beaten to a pulp "victims".

This is politically motivated arrests and prosecution and a gross miscarriage of justice.

You have stated your opinion. Try using the law. In claiming self defense, proportional force must be used. Someone's hat was knocked off. That does not allow someone to beat someone.

Proportional Response

Self-defense law requires the response to match the level of the threat in question. In other words, a person can only employ as much force as required to remove the threat. If the threat involves deadly force, the person defending themselves can use deadly force to counteract the threat. If, however, the threat involves only minor force and the person claiming self-defense uses force that could cause grievous bodily harm or death, the claim of self-defense will fail.

Self-Defense Law: Overview - FindLaw

I don't have to address your points because I understand the law. You do not.

Said the man still pretending to not know that the antifa mob had been harassing and threatening and attacking the Proud Boys for days leading up to this attack.
1. So it took some time for US to live up to our ideals. That does not change the fact that of the Ideals that we were founded on.

2. Race, religion, Oppression, ect. ect ect ect, was the norm at the time. You might as well say that nation was founded on the planting and eating of food. I reject your narrative of history. It is self serving and self defeating.

3 The tens of millions of illegals living in this country, prove that we do not have a secure border. I would be happy to militarize it, and see if that secures it. If not, I promise to apologize and admit I was wrong. We can then demilitarize it.

You've already been proven wrong. In 1953 Congress began talking about Operation Wetback. By 1954 they were rounding up every undocumented foreigner they could find. In less than five years, the unemployment rate doubled! .....

NOthing in my post made any point about employment. You brought that up to avoid addressing what I actually said.

No sir, YOU'VE been avoiding what I have asked.

I'm presuming we're a nation of laws and that even the illegally ratified laws are in place. You haven't been able to deal in reality. You don't understand the difference between what America was founded on what it evolved into (which, contrary to your opinion, is NOT a good thing.)

Your infantile analogies do not address the many links I've posted. You and I both know you don't know all the different sides to this. The bottom line, whether you like it or not, the Preamble to the Constitution reads:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I'm sorry that Constitution does not fit your narrative. You will watch your country go down in flames because you cannot make a simple connection. America cannot be a nation that is everything to everybody. Someone WILL be pushed out. This is the last president that is going to see it your way during your lifetime.

You are not making any sense.

You complain about the effects of Third World immigration, while attacking the idea of fighting against Third World immigration.

I am fighting against proposed SOCIALIST SOLUTIONS DREAMED UP BY NEO - NAZIS.

What in the Hell is it you don't understand about that? What is it that makes you unable to realize that you are handing this country over to the third world with a strategy designed to implode?

The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World.
I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Then when Muslims, gays, transvestites, and atheists march in civil rights marches organized by black people it makes all blacks Muslims, gays, transvestites and atheists. Logic has a funny way of working, don't it?

Granted, most of the people attracted to the nutty wall idea (neo-nazis) - which is what drew most people to that rally; however, there are other groups who are decent people, but have no real leadership. If you're making a left wing argument, then when it comes to traitors, be careful of who YOU keep company with. That guilt by association works both ways.

The fact is that when you don't care whether your party has been taken over by the far right, it is far more than guilt by association. The Republican Party has been taken over by the alt-right and neo-nazis. The people who refuse to stand up to this are guilty by association.

Yeah, so "far right" that they want to control the border, and send foreign nationals who are here against the law, home!

What radical terror!!!!



Legal (sic), "illegal"... WTH is the difference? If someone is here, a piece of paper issued by a corrupt government out of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is not going to make them anything except another subject of the NEW WORLD ORDER. As soon as that individual gets their citizenship, they will become a Democrat.

After that happens, they can tell Correll to shut his pie hole and shine their shoes. He'll do it with a smile on his face and joy in his heart... Correll just wants others to share in the Hell he's creating for himself and generations to come.

Your point about the legal vs illegal has some validity, and I would be happy to address it.

BUT, the post you hit reply to, was pointing out that lack of radical-ness in wanting to send the foreigners home.

That was the point, and you failed to address it. That was unreasonable and unfair of you.
I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Then when Muslims, gays, transvestites, and atheists march in civil rights marches organized by black people it makes all blacks Muslims, gays, transvestites and atheists. Logic has a funny way of working, don't it?

Granted, most of the people attracted to the nutty wall idea (neo-nazis) - which is what drew most people to that rally; however, there are other groups who are decent people, but have no real leadership. If you're making a left wing argument, then when it comes to traitors, be careful of who YOU keep company with. That guilt by association works both ways.

The fact is that when you don't care whether your party has been taken over by the far right, it is far more than guilt by association. The Republican Party has been taken over by the alt-right and neo-nazis. The people who refuse to stand up to this are guilty by association.

Yeah, so "far right" that they want to control the border, and send foreign nationals who are here against the law, home!

What radical terror!!!!



It has nothing to do with controlling the border. The reason you fear them is they are likely to be Democrat supporters. You people fear anyone who is not white. You also use the same tactics that evil people like Hitler used. Attempt to dehumanize them. Blame them and others like Muslims for the problems this country.
Try to use fear that somehow unarmed women and children are a threat to this country.

Trump tried to use these scare tactics in the 2018 election. The result was a Republican loss of the House and a smaller than expected gain in the Senate. Voters do not support a wall, support asylum laws as they currently are and support dreamers. They reject your right wing hatred.

California is a good example of the Republican Party's future under Trump. Whites are a smaller majority with a significant number of minorities such as Asians, blacks and hispanics. Republicans lost Asians, Blacks and Hispanics in the 2018 midterms.

So, I point out that you are panic mongering about simply sending people here illegally HOME, and you call us nazis?

That completely makes my point, thanks.

Also, you are all over the place. You accuse me of only being afraid of them because of race, and then gloat because they will lead to massive political change against my interests. Are you truly that lacking in self awareness or simply being dishonest?

Voters do not support the Wall, because they have been race demagogued by people like you, over and over again. Massive, rapid political and cultural change is not to be embraced without consideration on whether or not is it change for the GOOD. and that is what we are doing.

(and don't deny the change, after just gloating on it, in your last post, libby)

You are a race baiting asshole.
You are factually wrong.. it’s on video

You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.

Such disproportionate force that not one injury was recorded or treated.

Your support of antifa, makes you the fascist.

To attack anyone physically for knocking off a hat is clearly disproportionate force.

You are a fascist and a criminal. Antifa is your boogeyman. How many people has Antifa killed vs right wing extremists like yourself.

Antifa has been very lucky in their use of force, not aware of anyone dying yet. Other lefties, such as black lives matter, or lone wolf types, not so much.

If you want to pretend that only DEATH counts, then tell me how many people the Proud Boys have killed? lol!!!

Antifa has openly stated that they use violence to suppress political speech they don't like.

THe Proud Boys have stated that they will defend themselves.

Even you don't claim that the Proud BOys instigated the physical confrontation in NYC.

Antifa did. As is their stated norm.
I am not a Trump supporter, so don't go there when I tell you that you are wrong here.

The people who created the wallist religion (the whole wall worship thing) ARE nazis. That is a fact beyond any dispute. It is also a fact that the wallist religion predominates the effort that was made in Charlottesville.

Not all of the whites who attended the Charlottesville rally were violent white supremacists. That is made self evident that the Charlottesville rally was a one and done event. Contrast that to when the black community has their people shot or beaten in the streets. The outcry and rallies are constant.

We do have a problem with foreigners coming to this country. It is, however, one of our making. But, the people have a RIGHT to protest and seek out change. For anyone to say that all the Charlottesville protesters were white supremacists and so forth would be to claim that all black people are homosexuals just because the gay community marches with blacks when the black people feel their civil rights are being trampled on.

I wholly disagree with the neo nazis that are in charge of the nutty wall idea and I reject the principles of National Socialism. At the same time, I care about my country, my race, my culture and the destiny of this nation. I'm just not willing to step on the back of others to make my lot in life more pleasant. Once you learn that, it will put us closer to sitting down and having a civil conversation that will lead to a solution all sides can live with.

I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.

Said the man that could not cite another time that a whit supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

Because whtie supremacists are an insignificant fringe and you know it.

Your vile lies about Trump being racist, is just you being an asshole.

Okay, I'll give you your little point, but it comes at a price. If we believe the media, Trump's big rallies were virtually empty streets because the MSM said so.

I know that the white supremacists own you lock, stock and barrel. You can't get a fresh of breath of fresh air until one of them farts because you have your nose that far up their ass.

You are also a pathological liar. I've stated the fact that Trump is riding the coat-tails of neo nazis. I've NEVER said the man is a racist. He's playing racists just like you. I wonder whether it's worse being an asshole OR a complete dumb ass like you.

Here is a picture of a Trump rally with hundreds, if not thousands of supporters. It took me seconds to find.


FUnny, how different that looks from a normal white supremacist rally.


Weird how different they look. Strange how the neo nazis themselves can't get more than a few dozens, while Trump, supposedly drawing on them as a based, gets thousands...


You are factually incorrect. The Proud Boys assaulted several people. That is why they were arrested.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.
Proud boys assulted anti Americans who are out to assault proud Americans. They protect us

You are so much bullshit. Typical far right wing nut.
Umm have you seen trump rallies.. women get attacked by democrats.

Umm have you seen people killed in mosques and synagogues by far right wing extremists.
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.
Proud boys assulted anti Americans who are out to assault proud Americans. They protect us

You are so much bullshit. Typical far right wing nut.
Umm have you seen trump rallies.. women get attacked by democrats.

Umm have you seen people killed in mosques and synagogues by far right wing extremists.
Women attacked at trump , and free speech rallies happens all the time.. mosques are opens daily preaching to cut the heads off Americans.. doesn’t surprise me Americans fight back
And they were assulted .. they confronted the racist militant kkk groups now called antifia. They protect free speech

The Proud Boys did the assault. They used disproportionate force against the protestors. If they had called the police, then the protestors might have been guilty of misdemeanor assault. However they took the law into their own hands and committed felony assault.
Proud boys assulted anti Americans who are out to assault proud Americans. They protect us

You are so much bullshit. Typical far right wing nut.
Umm have you seen trump rallies.. women get attacked by democrats.

Umm have you seen people killed in mosques and synagogues by far right wing extremists.
Anyone saying to kill Americans in terrorist attacks should be killed no?
I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.

Said the man that could not cite another time that a whit supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

Because whtie supremacists are an insignificant fringe and you know it.

Your vile lies about Trump being racist, is just you being an asshole.

You are the one who is a vile liar. The fact is that since Trump's election, far right haters on the rise. They have committed numerous acts of violence by killing people and plotting to kill Trump's political opponents. Republicans refuse to hold Trump accountable.

You are the asshole who has his tongue so far up Trump's ass that you have blown your brains out.

One such example is Corey Stewart. He got the Republican nomination despite his ties to white supremacists. He still got 1,368,451 votes in losing. That is a huge number of people who ignored or supported him even with his ties to white supremacists.

1. THe claim that violence, at least from the right, is on the rise, is vile demagogue panic mongering.

2. Trump is not responsible for the little violence coming from the right.

3. My political support of Trump is quite reasonable, considering his policies support my interests and the nation's. You are an asshole.

4. Just review his wikapedia page. Saw no connections to white supremacists. Pointing out that "half the violence" at charlottesville was from the Left, is hardly "ties to white supremacists. Support your vile claim or apologize.

Did it ever dawn on you that you can never make your point without being the first to start name calling? Did you ever think that maybe you're projecting and it's really YOU that is an asshole? Of course you didn't. You didn't think. That's why you still support Trump after he took a giant dump on the Constitution.

If not for white supremacists, Trump would have NO support for the nutty wall idea which is the
You've already been proven wrong. In 1953 Congress began talking about Operation Wetback. By 1954 they were rounding up every undocumented foreigner they could find. In less than five years, the unemployment rate doubled! .....

NOthing in my post made any point about employment. You brought that up to avoid addressing what I actually said.

No sir, YOU'VE been avoiding what I have asked.

I'm presuming we're a nation of laws and that even the illegally ratified laws are in place. You haven't been able to deal in reality. You don't understand the difference between what America was founded on what it evolved into (which, contrary to your opinion, is NOT a good thing.)

Your infantile analogies do not address the many links I've posted. You and I both know you don't know all the different sides to this. The bottom line, whether you like it or not, the Preamble to the Constitution reads:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I'm sorry that Constitution does not fit your narrative. You will watch your country go down in flames because you cannot make a simple connection. America cannot be a nation that is everything to everybody. Someone WILL be pushed out. This is the last president that is going to see it your way during your lifetime.

You are not making any sense.

You complain about the effects of Third World immigration, while attacking the idea of fighting against Third World immigration.

I am fighting against proposed SOCIALIST SOLUTIONS DREAMED UP BY NEO - NAZIS.

What in the Hell is it you don't understand about that? What is it that makes you unable to realize that you are handing this country over to the third world with a strategy designed to implode?

The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World.

It's YOUR side that wants to make citizens out of them; it's YOUR side that let the precedent stand that undocumented foreigners had civil rights that trumped private property owners rights. It was YOUR side that lost the United States Supreme Court case wherein the high Court ruled that being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. Additionally Printz v. U.S. was started by conservative right wingers and the United States Supreme Court ruled in that case that state and local governments cannot be forced into enforcing federal laws.

So, we're agreed on the problem, but you think you're entitled to avoid being held accountable for the strategies of YOUR side???

Immigration = citizenship. That is how the third world is taking over and THAT is the primary disagreement we have.
I will tell you that you are wrong. The fact is that the white supremacists and neo-nazis were at the rally. If you rally alongside of them then you support them. The fact is that as long as you associate with neo-nazis and white supremacists, you support them. The Charlottesville protestors were laregely neo-nazis and white supremacists.

Then when Muslims, gays, transvestites, and atheists march in civil rights marches organized by black people it makes all blacks Muslims, gays, transvestites and atheists. Logic has a funny way of working, don't it?

Granted, most of the people attracted to the nutty wall idea (neo-nazis) - which is what drew most people to that rally; however, there are other groups who are decent people, but have no real leadership. If you're making a left wing argument, then when it comes to traitors, be careful of who YOU keep company with. That guilt by association works both ways.

The fact is that when you don't care whether your party has been taken over by the far right, it is far more than guilt by association. The Republican Party has been taken over by the alt-right and neo-nazis. The people who refuse to stand up to this are guilty by association.

Yeah, so "far right" that they want to control the border, and send foreign nationals who are here against the law, home!

What radical terror!!!!



Legal (sic), "illegal"... WTH is the difference? If someone is here, a piece of paper issued by a corrupt government out of Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption is not going to make them anything except another subject of the NEW WORLD ORDER. As soon as that individual gets their citizenship, they will become a Democrat.

After that happens, they can tell Correll to shut his pie hole and shine their shoes. He'll do it with a smile on his face and joy in his heart... Correll just wants others to share in the Hell he's creating for himself and generations to come.

Your point about the legal vs illegal has some validity, and I would be happy to address it.

BUT, the post you hit reply to, was pointing out that lack of radical-ness in wanting to send the foreigners home.

That was the point, and you failed to address it. That was unreasonable and unfair of you.

I don't know what kind of answer you want. We've discussed this umpteen times. When the Declaration of Independence was signed, it contained the following:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

Either you believe in those foundational principles or you don't. It's not multiple choice. Either man derives his Rights (especially Liberty in this case) from a Creator or he does not. Which is it? An unalienable Right is not given by government. Unalienable Rights are absolute and above the law. It is the meaning of the word, sir.

Unalienable Rights cannot apply to citizens only. The reason being, when the Declaration of Independence was signed, there were NO American Citizens. Not one, single solitary citizen signed that document. It says ALL men are created equal and ALL men have those Rights conferred upon them by a Creator.

When people come here to partake of opportunities willingly offered; to work a job; to buy and sell, I see no problem. When people like you think that means these people must become a part of the body politic, THAT is where we part company. But, right now you should focus on the Rights of man. Either you believe in Liberty or you don't. Citizenship and being part of the body politic are privileges controlled by government. For that reason, I do not agree with the assault on private property Rights your sides supports. I don't think the children of non-citizens have any "right" to a free public education. I don't support wholesale citizenship as your side does.

So, what answer, exactly are you looking for?
Name one other time, in the last 50 years. that a white supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

There has been a marked rise in right wing hate groups since Trump's election. These groups have been mainlined. The Republicans are forced to march to Trump's march and that is decidedly racist.

Said the man that could not cite another time that a whit supremacist rally got hundreds of attendees.

Because whtie supremacists are an insignificant fringe and you know it.

Your vile lies about Trump being racist, is just you being an asshole.

You are the one who is a vile liar. The fact is that since Trump's election, far right haters on the rise. They have committed numerous acts of violence by killing people and plotting to kill Trump's political opponents. Republicans refuse to hold Trump accountable.

You are the asshole who has his tongue so far up Trump's ass that you have blown your brains out.

One such example is Corey Stewart. He got the Republican nomination despite his ties to white supremacists. He still got 1,368,451 votes in losing. That is a huge number of people who ignored or supported him even with his ties to white supremacists.

1. THe claim that violence, at least from the right, is on the rise, is vile demagogue panic mongering.

2. Trump is not responsible for the little violence coming from the right.

3. My political support of Trump is quite reasonable, considering his policies support my interests and the nation's. You are an asshole.

4. Just review his wikapedia page. Saw no connections to white supremacists. Pointing out that "half the violence" at charlottesville was from the Left, is hardly "ties to white supremacists. Support your vile claim or apologize.

Did it ever dawn on you that you can never make your point without being the first to start name calling? Did you ever think that maybe you're projecting and it's really YOU that is an asshole? Of course you didn't. You didn't think. That's why you still support Trump after he took a giant dump on the Constitution.

If not for white supremacists, Trump would have NO support for the nutty wall idea which is the
NOthing in my post made any point about employment. You brought that up to avoid addressing what I actually said.

No sir, YOU'VE been avoiding what I have asked.

I'm presuming we're a nation of laws and that even the illegally ratified laws are in place. You haven't been able to deal in reality. You don't understand the difference between what America was founded on what it evolved into (which, contrary to your opinion, is NOT a good thing.)

Your infantile analogies do not address the many links I've posted. You and I both know you don't know all the different sides to this. The bottom line, whether you like it or not, the Preamble to the Constitution reads:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I'm sorry that Constitution does not fit your narrative. You will watch your country go down in flames because you cannot make a simple connection. America cannot be a nation that is everything to everybody. Someone WILL be pushed out. This is the last president that is going to see it your way during your lifetime.

You are not making any sense.

You complain about the effects of Third World immigration, while attacking the idea of fighting against Third World immigration.

I am fighting against proposed SOCIALIST SOLUTIONS DREAMED UP BY NEO - NAZIS.

What in the Hell is it you don't understand about that? What is it that makes you unable to realize that you are handing this country over to the third world with a strategy designed to implode?

The massive immigration is handing this country over to the Third World.

It's YOUR side that wants to make citizens out of them; it's YOUR side that let the precedent stand that undocumented foreigners had civil rights that trumped private property owners rights. It was YOUR side that lost the United States Supreme Court case wherein the high Court ruled that being in the United States without documentation is not a crime. Additionally Printz v. U.S. was started by conservative right wingers and the United States Supreme Court ruled in that case that state and local governments cannot be forced into enforcing federal laws.

So, we're agreed on the problem, but you think you're entitled to avoid being held accountable for the strategies of YOUR side???

Immigration = citizenship. That is how the third world is taking over and THAT is the primary disagreement we have.
with a record like theirs democrats should never complain about others shitting on the constitution,,,

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