Right Wing "patriot" arrested and charged

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

A man has been charged after a man was photographed apparently urinating at the Westminster memorial dedicated to PC Keith Palmer.
The incident is believed to have taken place on Saturday afternoon.
Andrew Banks, aged 28, of Stansted, Essex has been charged with outraging public decency, the Metropolitan Police said.

He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Well I think this is just the start of this chaps problems. I suspect his job will soon be history and his life will become more and more difficult. I bet the Met worked overnight for no pay in order to nail this shit.
Who would have thought that pissing on a memorial to a national hero would have consequences. Right wing values on display here,

A man has been charged after a man was photographed apparently urinating at the Westminster memorial dedicated to PC Keith Palmer.
The incident is believed to have taken place on Saturday afternoon.
Andrew Banks, aged 28, of Stansted, Essex has been charged with outraging public decency, the Metropolitan Police said.

He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Well I think this is just the start of this chaps problems. I suspect his job will soon be history and his life will become more and more difficult. I bet the Met worked overnight for no pay in order to nail this shit.
Who would have thought that pissing on a memorial to a national hero would have consequences. Right wing values on display here,
If he was in Oregon, Washington, or Californication, he would be just another liberal citizen...

A man has been charged after a man was photographed apparently urinating at the Westminster memorial dedicated to PC Keith Palmer.
The incident is believed to have taken place on Saturday afternoon.
Andrew Banks, aged 28, of Stansted, Essex has been charged with outraging public decency, the Metropolitan Police said.

He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Well I think this is just the start of this chaps problems. I suspect his job will soon be history and his life will become more and more difficult. I bet the Met worked overnight for no pay in order to nail this shit.
Who would have thought that pissing on a memorial to a national hero would have consequences. Right wing values on display here,
I don´t see anything about his views in the article. Maybe he didn´t even know.
Those who import murderers and rapists should be charged and sent to a nice labor camp.
It was my first time in the UK, and I was drunk.
This character will have been swilling beer all day before displaying his right wing values. They should let him off.
Hell , when i was in Saudi Arabia, those rag head camel jockey's would be dropping trou and urinate right in front of British women, who just happened to be walking by. Saudi's thought because of western movies that all western women were whores, especially the British, because the Brits didnt want to offend those Muzzies....

A man has been charged after a man was photographed apparently urinating at the Westminster memorial dedicated to PC Keith Palmer.
The incident is believed to have taken place on Saturday afternoon.
Andrew Banks, aged 28, of Stansted, Essex has been charged with outraging public decency, the Metropolitan Police said.

He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday.

Well I think this is just the start of this chaps problems. I suspect his job will soon be history and his life will become more and more difficult. I bet the Met worked overnight for no pay in order to nail this shit.
Who would have thought that pissing on a memorial to a national hero would have consequences. Right wing values on display here,
Sooooo.....the article only said he was arrested for urinating in public. How does this make someone right-wing, left-wing, or any wing for that matter, since no political stance was mentioned? I'm assuming he was either inebriated or there was no public loo immediately available.
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
For reporting non Muslims that the media refused to cover? Haha
14 days jail is about right I think.

Prosecutor Michael Mallon said Banks, a Tottenham Hotspur fan, was in central London to "protect statues", but admitted he did not know which statues.

He was said to have drunk 16 pints during Friday night into Saturday morning, and had not been to sleep.

Pretty standard right wing trash, drunk and stupid.
14 days jail is about right I think.

Prosecutor Michael Mallon said Banks, a Tottenham Hotspur fan, was in central London to "protect statues", but admitted he did not know which statues.

He was said to have drunk 16 pints during Friday night into Saturday morning, and had not been to sleep.

Pretty standard right wing trash, drunk and stupid.
Good thing he didnt try to resist arrest or else those Bobbies would of turned tail and ran like the cowards the Brits are...
14 days jail is about right I think.

Prosecutor Michael Mallon said Banks, a Tottenham Hotspur fan, was in central London to "protect statues", but admitted he did not know which statues.

He was said to have drunk 16 pints during Friday night into Saturday morning, and had not been to sleep.

Pretty standard right wing trash, drunk and stupid.
Good thing he didnt try to resist arrest or else those Bobbies would of turned tail and ran like the cowards the Brits are...
Says the snowflake who was too scared to visit London. STFU half man.
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
For reporting non Muslims that the media refused to cover? Haha

This idiot robinson yaxley whatever didn't realize that he would cause a mistrial and free the Muslims whom he can't stand, not because of the crimes for which they stood accused, but because of their religious/ethnic background. It was funny, actually.
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
For reporting non Muslims that the media refused to cover? Haha

This idiot robinson yaxley whatever didn't realize that he would cause a mistrial and free the Muslims whom he can't stand, not because of the crimes for which they stood accused, but because of their religious/ethnic background. It was funny, actually.
You think raping girls in funny?
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
For reporting non Muslims that the media refused to cover? Haha

This idiot robinson yaxley whatever didn't realize that he would cause a mistrial and free the Muslims whom he can't stand, not because of the crimes for which they stood accused, but because of their religious/ethnic background. It was funny, actually.
He did know about this. He had been warned at a previous trial where he used similar antics.
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
For reporting non Muslims that the media refused to cover? Haha

This idiot robinson yaxley whatever didn't realize that he would cause a mistrial and free the Muslims whom he can't stand, not because of the crimes for which they stood accused, but because of their religious/ethnic background. It was funny, actually.
He did know about this. He had been warned at a previous trial where he used similar antics.

Right-wingers will accuse us all of thinking that rape and sex trafficking is okay and we hate women and girls if we are against people like robinson,. But they don't protest EVERY rapist, rapist-murderer, or trafficker and take to the streets, just those of religions or ethnic backgrounds they don't like. Here in the States they will make a very big deal over any non-white man who dares to do anything to "our women" (white, of course), but not a peep is heard from them if a white man rapes, beats up, traffics, or kills a white woman. They've been slinging this bullshit for centuries.

The fact is that they don't care about women. Unless the woman dies, "it's a family affair." There was a case in the 1970s(?) involving the City of Torrington, Connecticut. A cop stood by and watched as this woman's husband stabbed her after the cop just advised him to take a walk around the block and cool off. She's spent the whole rest of her life in a wheelchair. The rightees here still bring up the killing of Kate Steinle, who was shot while walking on a San Francisco pier at the Embarcadero because the man who was handling the gun at the time was an undocumented immigrant. If he had been a white American guy, they would have forgotten all about her.
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynched
Tommy Robinson is a member of an
I can’t Believe they put tommy Robinson in jail for reporting on Muslims raping little girls ,, whites are getting Lynche

Tommy Robinson appears to be a member of an international terrorist conspiracy to undermine both the US and the UK, and perhaps Canada. He is backed by hoodlums from the US and Canada. Robinson was jailed for violating court rules and attempting to obtain a mistrial to free the Muslim defendants.
For reporting non Muslims that the media refused to cover? Haha

This idiot robinson yaxley whatever didn't realize that he would cause a mistrial and free the Muslims whom he can't stand, not because of the crimes for which they stood accused, but because of their religious/ethnic background. It was funny, actually.
He did know about this. He had been warned at a previous trial where he used similar antics.

Right-wingers will accuse us all of thinking that rape and sex trafficking is okay and we hate women and girls if we are against people like robinson,. But they don't protest EVERY rapist, rapist-murderer, or trafficker and take to the streets, just those of religions or ethnic backgrounds they don't like. Here in the States they will make a very big deal over any non-white man who dares to do anything to "our women" (white, of course), but not a peep is heard from them if a white man rapes, beats up, traffics, or kills a white woman. They've been slinging this bullshit for centuries.

The fact is that they don't care about women. Unless the woman dies, "it's a family affair." There was a case in the 1970s(?) involving the City of Torrington, Connecticut. A cop stood by and watched as this woman's husband stabbed her after the cop just advised him to take a walk around the block and cool off. She's spent the whole rest of her life in a wheelchair. The rightees here still bring up the killing of Kate Steinle, who was shot while walking on a San Francisco pier at the Embarcadero because the man who was handling the gun at the time was an undocumented immigrant. If he had been a white American guy, they would have forgotten all about her.
Pretty much it. Their rape concerns are all wrapped up in their racism.

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