Right-Winger Accuses Rhianna Of Satan Worship And It Ends Badly


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

So this moron who has a long history of being a moron -- attempts to post a photo of Rhianna during her half time show and claim she is wearing a "Satanic pentagram" as a belt buckle....as to claim she is worshipping Satan...Which in and of itself is stupid.....because in the photo, it is clear what she's depicted as wearing has six points, not 5.....but to make it even more stupid, it isn't even a real photo....this is......


It is a safety harness....not a Satanic belt buckle...and even tho right-winger purposely used a doctored photo, that he knew was doctored -- he still posts it, I assume because he knows his followers are bigger morons....and even tho he has totally made the shit up; there will be no retraction and he will get no flack from his followers for misleading them and totally making shit up......which makes me wonder...why do right-wing media figures have such little regard for the intellect of their followers??
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So this moron who has a long history of being a moron -- attempts to post a photo of Rhianna during her half time show and claim she is wearing a "Satanic pentagram" as a belt buckle....as to claim she is worshipping Satan...Which in and of itself stupid.....because in the photo, it is clear what she's depicted as wearing has six points, not 5.....but to make it even more stupid, it isn't even a real photo....this is......

View attachment 756544

It is a safety harness....not a Satanic belt buckle...and even tho right-winger purposely used a doctored photo, that he knew was doctored -- he still posts it, I assume because he knows his followers are bigger morons....and even tho he has totally made the shit up; there will be no retraction and he will get no flack from his followers for misleading them and totally making shit up......which makes me wonder...why do right-wing media figures have such little regard for the intellect of their followers??

Even though it is a lie, that will equate to a lot of click bait revenue earnings as salivating Trumpers click to fuel their rage.

The sad thing is we can expect to hear how Rhianna is a devil worshipper for years now.
One of my relatives went out to dinner with a bunch of people not of her church but some sort of social function she attended, a friends birthday party I think several years ago. They had it at a moderately expensive dinner theater sort of thing. This place has a piano player, music, skits or some sort of entertainment on Friday and Saturday nights. My relative was there on Magic night. She was sure, when she got home and was freaking out to my Mom, Satan worked at that restaurant and was stealing souls or something like that. Otherwise she appears to be of normal intelligence.
I guess the GOP doesn't realize that red is their color too
It used to be blue. Satan (the media) changed it to deceive the masses. :dev3:

Actually, the show was a good depiction of Lucifer coming down (cast down) to earth along with his demons. As expected, Rhianna teased with some sexual moves as well such as she could do while tethered to that platform. Even that was a good metaphor for Satan being limited.
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NFL just announced next years Halftime Show star….

View attachment 756555
If it was not the issues we face today due to the efforts of the Progressive Socialist Party I would agree with you. We have declined from some of the music 50 years ago. The Millennials and the follow-on generations are going to be poorer than what is in front of them. And are. Again. They are the first generation to be poorer than what was in front of them in American history. Globalism is carting off our wealth.
and even tho right-winger purposely used a doctored photo, that he knew was doctored -- he still posts it, I assume because he knows his followers are bigger morons....and even tho he has totally made the shit up; there will be no retraction and he will get no flack from his followers for misleading them and totally making shit up......which makes me wonder...why do right-wing media figures have such little regard for the intellect of their followers??
Talk about making shit up. . You take the cake.

So this moron who has a long history of being a moron -- attempts to post a photo of Rhianna during her half time show and claim she is wearing a "Satanic pentagram" as a belt buckle....as to claim she is worshipping Satan...Which in and of itself is stupid.....because in the photo, it is clear what she's depicted as wearing has six points, not 5.....but to make it even more stupid, it isn't even a real photo....this is......

View attachment 756544

It is a safety harness....not a Satanic belt buckle...and even tho right-winger purposely used a doctored photo, that he knew was doctored -- he still posts it, I assume because he knows his followers are bigger morons....and even tho he has totally made the shit up; there will be no retraction and he will get no flack from his followers for misleading them and totally making shit up......which makes me wonder...why do right-wing media figures have such little regard for the intellect of their followers??

The doctored photo has a Star of David. Maybe that dope is just an anti-Semite?

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