Right-Winger Accuses Rhianna Of Satan Worship And It Ends Badly

You're getting news from TikTok and Twitter and you are questioning someone else's intellect? SMFH.
Thanks for letting me know the guy who brought you films like "Watch The Water" and "Died Suddenly" isn't someone you right-wingers take seriously...

I will remember that the next time you folks are parroting his bullshit anti-vax talking points....
Thanks for letting me know the guy who brought you films like "Watch The Water" and "Died Suddenly" isn't someone you right-wingers take seriously...

I will remember that the next time you folks are parroting his bullshit anti-vax talking points....
You are making assumptions and accusations about unsubstantiated bullshit that you visualize on your TikTok, Twitter news source. Please expand your knowledge base.
You are making assumptions and accusations about unsubstantiated bullshit that you visualize on your TikTok, Twitter news source. Please expand your knowledge base.
I am posting an attempt by one of the many rightwing grifters (whose talking points you parrot) at trying to smear Rhianna as doing something she is clearly not.....and dic suckers like you deflecting because that is all you cowards do
If it was not the issues we face today due to the efforts of the Progressive Socialist Party I would agree with you. We have declined from some of the music 50 years ago. The Millennials and the follow-on generations are going to be poorer than what is in front of them. And are. Again. They are the first generation to be poorer than what was in front of them in American history. Globalism is carting off our wealth.
An issue we face today is our daily mass shootings. Progressives are at fault?
Even though it is a lie, that will equate to a lot of click bait revenue earnings as salivating Trumpers click to fuel their rage.

The sad thing is we can expect to hear how Rhianna is a devil worshipper for years now.
if they don't want to be seen that way they shouldn't be using red (like biden did, remember that) and occult symbols and you cannot deny that many of them do.
if they don't want to be seen that way they shouldn't be using red (like biden did, remember that) and occult symbols and you cannot deny that many of them do.
It's photoshopped. Their was no occult symbol lol.

Besides isn't red the Republican color? Isn't it a color on our flag...one of only three?

Is the Trump party really going to cancel culture the color red now? Woke fucks.
it's not disparage..it is a critique of her talent. Wow you guys sure get defensive. LOLOLOL

As I said, not a fan of her music but I did hear her sing. She can sing which puts her talent above mine in that area.

How many downloads of you singing have you sold?

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