Right-Winger Accuses Rhianna Of Satan Worship And It Ends Badly

Bet the lefties here missed this.

LEft is angry with Rihanna because she is a sell out.

The article posts a few quotes with absolutely no corroborating evidence any of them are "left".

The goals that those who kneeled are being worked towards. You don't Have to continue protesting when you are getting what you seek.
An issue we face today is our daily mass shootings. Progressives are at fault?
The agendas have driven people crazier. The dangerous ones are not dealt with as there is no Mental health hospitals like in the past that would mandate people to them if needed. With all of the expense and pushing of woke issues and then equity, these problems are worse. Children in schools seem to be still hazing each other and then one goes off and gets even as an example or commits suicide from the bullying. Single parent families are massive in numbers as well as what was called latch key kids in the past a parent stayed home to watch and take care of them. There is cause and effect for many so-called agendas.
If it was not the issues we face today due to the efforts of the Progressive Socialist Party I would agree with you. We have declined from some of the music 50 years ago. The Millennials and the follow-on generations are going to be poorer than what is in front of them. And are. Again. They are the first generation to be poorer than what was in front of them in American history. Globalism is carting off our wealth.
And all the progs want anyone to see are division. Kind of smells of Nero fiddling while the place burns down.

So this moron who has a long history of being a moron -- attempts to post a photo of Rhianna during her half time show and claim she is wearing a "Satanic pentagram" as a belt buckle....as to claim she is worshipping Satan...Which in and of itself is stupid.....because in the photo, it is clear what she's depicted as wearing has six points, not 5.....but to make it even more stupid, it isn't even a real photo....this is......

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It is a safety harness....not a Satanic belt buckle...and even tho right-winger purposely used a doctored photo, that he knew was doctored -- he still posts it, I assume because he knows his followers are bigger morons....and even tho he has totally made the shit up; there will be no retraction and he will get no flack from his followers for misleading them and totally making shit up......which makes me wonder...why do right-wing media figures have such little regard for the intellect of their followers??

I wont comment until Ted Crua has spoken about this threat. Ted is a modern Witchfinder General and is a leading expert on satan and her works.
This woman is worth 1.4 billion.......she is not only a talented singer, she is a brilliant businesswoman....in the span of about 15 years.....she became a self made billionaire.....

but since right-wingers hate any black woman who isn't a self-hating buck dancing c00n; they will try their hardest to deny her talent..and I will laugh at how stupid they look doing it...
That’s not saying much so are the Kardashian’s . Also talentless hacks. Apparently the new generations are easily bamboozled.
You folks literally based your whole entire reason for your Trump worship on him being a billionaire...

Even tho he was given 400 million by his father and it took him decades to so-called reach "billionaire" status..

Rhianna starts with zero and in the span of 15 years..she is a billionaire...

You folks literally based your whole entire reason for your Trump worship on him being a billionaire...

Even tho he was given 400 million by his father and it took him decades to so-called reach "billionaire" status..

Rhianna starts with zero and in the span of 15 years..she is a billionaire...
Nope. I thought Trump and his supporters were obnoxious while he was running for office. Stated it multiple times. Try again.

Money does not equal talent. However young people today have to take what they can get I suppose, since talent in the entertainment industry is very sparce.
She's pregnant, dipshit.

And if she's 250 lbs, then Trump must be 500.

Pregnancy doesn't give you a 40inch waist when it was 26
Pregnancy doesn't give you 30inch thighs....

She's gotten fat. So what?
And what the fuk does Trump have to do with it you cult sucking moron
So is George Soros......and scum of the Earth
If you place value on a person by the money they have you are a fool and worry too much about others opinions

This is some funny shit. I knew a few of you would go here.

Trump's main claim to fame running for POTUS was he was a billionaire....now all of a sudden that does not matter any longer
This is some funny shit. I knew a few of you would go here.

Trump's main claim to fame running for POTUS was he was a billionaire....now all of a sudden that does not matter any longer
Never mattered to me....chump
You're the one who thinks a persons value is a measure of how many zeros on their bank account (stupid as hell)
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Yeah...every pregnant woman gets 35inch thighs and gains 200lbs
Who cares. Just an observation. Not my problem if you can't handle facts.

She's chubby as hell, but I still like her.
Jesus motherfucking tap-dancing Christ!!! I was just telling you she is pregnant. Bugger off, you overly tightly wound lunatic!

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