Right Winger Kills Another Right Winger Because He Looked Muslim

Well, it sure as fuck wasn't a left-wing Progressive who stalked and murdered someone for looking "Muslim".

Just read the steaming piles of wisdom dropped by the Conservatives here and you'll see who is willing to kill other people who look "Muslim".

Thanks for once again showing the liberal bias. The US is assisignating Muslims with drones on an almost daily basis and I am quite sure you are OK with all of that. Even American born Muslims are, or were, on Obama's death list. So yes, liberals kill Muslims.
Americans kill everything that moves, and much that doesn't. Luckily, for the world, we are mostly back to normal, and just killing each other.
Only a victim of left wing propaganda would consider the incident to be political.

It very much is, this is the result of all the radical right wing brainwashing. They have turned droves of mindless fools into blind hate against a group of people with paranoia and propaganda.

Listen to you hate talking BS about hate. I wish some sense could be made out of your BS but all it is is left wing BS. It is hardly any wonder why people dislike liberals they are such dividers and haters.
CaféAuLait;8848449 said:
Only a victim of left wing propaganda would consider the incident to be political.

It very much is, this is the result of all the radical right wing brainwashing. They have turned droves of mindless fools into blind hate against a group of people with paranoia and propaganda.

The idea that Islam is a ‘peaceful religion hijacked by extremists’ is a fantasy, and is now a particularly dangerous fantasy for Muslims to indulge...

Quran, a book he cites time and again, before suggesting it be “flushed down the toilet without fear of violent reprisal.”

“Haven’t read Koran so couldn’t quote chapter and verse like I can for Bible. But often say Islam [is the] greatest force for evil today.”

Of course you can have an opinion about Islam without having read the Qur’an. You don’t have to read “Mein Kampf” to have an opinion about Nazism.”

“Islam is comforting? Tell that to a woman, dressed in a bin bag [trash bag], her testimony worth half a man’s and needing 4 male witnesses to prove rape.”

“Next gem from BBC Idiot Zoo: ‘Some women feel protected by the niqab.’” “Sexual apartheid. Maybe these odious religious thugs will get their come-uppance?”

Islam was a “wicked and vicious faith” and that Asian Muslims were turning Old Blighty into a multiracial purgatory.

Hundreds more of those quotes where they came from--- All Atheist quotes.

So start reeling in Atheists for their HATE AND BIGOTRY towards all religions!!! Instead of supporting them because they are more so recognized for their attacks on Christian faith in the news. Be it cross removal or what have you. The ugly bigoted side of Atheism is ignored!

Islam over history has had a similar amount of warring to Christianity. The Crusades where Christians travelled all the way across Europe to go and fight in what is now Israel because of what the bible said and the Muslims were expanding at the same time.
This is history

In the modern era, i'll start with the British Empire up until today, Muslims have been on the end of a lot of carp. You would have trouble finding many Muslim countries that didn't have the British or French empires interfering.

Take Iraq. First the British made it, and gave them a Saudi as king. They got rid of the Saudi and put in the Ba'ath party who then put in Saddam. Then the British and the Americans got rid of him and put in another govt but didn't have the balls to chop the country up as it never made sense and it still doesn't make sense.

Afghanistan is probably the worst example. The British went in there on the back of major successes in British India. However Afghanistan was another prospect. The Afghans stood no chance, but could cause major problems because of the terrain and so on. They took Jihad and made it the more modern version that exists today, in order to have the power to fight the British.
So the British left, went back, left, went back. Then the Soviets came and left. Then the US and the British came back AGAIN. And are getting kicked out again.

Without the interference from western countries, especially the British, Islam would probably have gone more secular. Their economies would have been better, not constantly trying to kill, and they'd have settled down and prospered. This would mean that the extremists, as there would always be extremists, Christianity has them, Buddhism has them and Islam has them, would have found it very difficult to recruit.

As the US got involved and the war on OPEC (sorry, i meant to say "terror") after 9/11 just made things much worse.

Islam's direction was not certain to be a religion of violence. This violence is clearly (if you actually want to look at the history and find the truth that is) a product of what has been going on for over 200 years.

Biggest recruiting agent for al Qaeda = George W. Bush. Every day after 9/11 he mentioned al Qaeda, the war on terror etc etc. He needed a new common enemy, like the USSR had been, and he got it.

He put the lives of US citizens at risk, he got 4000 killed in Iraq which had nothing to do with 9/11, others in Afghanistan and this doesn't include those who lost body parts or had serious injuries either.

And for what? Oil and making a new common enemy so the right can scare the hell out of people and keep them "in their place".

Would you not say the violence from the West is at least on par with that of Islam, if not more?

Number of Christian countries invaded by Muslims since 9/11 = 0.
Where's your PROOF of 'RightWinger'? Assume much?

Duh, it has to be a right winger because if a left winger gets within 5 feet of a gun, they burst into flames since guns are the purest of evil and nothing but pure love, peace, tolerance and most importantly, the purest of pure innocence exudes from all those on the left. It's a known fact so it has to be a right winger.

Correct! The liberal's means of killing is by drone from a bunker in Nevada. Or sending in an F-16. Up close and personal not so much.

So Bush didn't use drones?

Okay, he put more US troops lives in danger, how many died under his watch? How many had their lives screwed over on his watch?

Obama didn't start Afghanistan and he is ending it, he could have done it sooner, but he may have tried to sort out the mess left for him in the first place.

It's very hypocritical to take a stat or two and use it attack someone, when you know full well had a Republican won the presidency they'd have used drones and you'd have SUPPORTED IT.
The thread title should read:

Left Winger Murders Right Winger: Claims Because Right Winger Muslim

Then the body of the post should say:

Ultra liberal left wing whacko kills a peace loving right wing man in a parking lot because the ultra liberal left wing whacko can't understand how a Muslim man can be a Republican after the perceived love and tolerance that comes from the left.

Sounds good to me

Actually it should read "another opportunity for the right to attack the left and the left to attack the right, as if most posts aren't about that already. Sensible answers will be removed. Now f*** *** you (insert left or right) ******"
Duh, it has to be a right winger because if a left winger gets within 5 feet of a gun, they burst into flames since guns are the purest of evil and nothing but pure love, peace, tolerance and most importantly, the purest of pure innocence exudes from all those on the left. It's a known fact so it has to be a right winger.

Correct! The liberal's means of killing is by drone from a bunker in Nevada. Or sending in an F-16. Up close and personal not so much.

So Bush didn't use drones?

Okay, he put more US troops lives in danger, how many died under his watch? How many had their lives screwed over on his watch?

Obama didn't start Afghanistan and he is ending it, he could have done it sooner, but he may have tried to sort out the mess left for him in the first place.

It's very hypocritical to take a stat or two and use it attack someone, when you know full well had a Republican won the presidency they'd have used drones and you'd have SUPPORTED IT.

How many Americans did Bush kill with drones? How many 16 year old Americans, innocent 16 year olds did Bush kill? Obama raised the drone program epict proportions actually making him a war criminal.

So you supported Bush?

Obama voted for the war in Afghanistan, he had his surge, and he has admitted failure. That is after Bush had already achieved our objective of removing the Taliban and their haven in Afghanistan. And need I remind you that the deaths under Obama in Afghanistan far exceeded those under Bush.
The thread title should read:

Left Winger Murders Right Winger: Claims Because Right Winger Muslim

Then the body of the post should say:

Ultra liberal left wing whacko kills a peace loving right wing man in a parking lot because the ultra liberal left wing whacko can't understand how a Muslim man can be a Republican after the perceived love and tolerance that comes from the left.

Sounds good to me

Actually it should read "another opportunity for the right to attack the left and the left to attack the right, as if most posts aren't about that already. Sensible answers will be removed. Now f*** *** you (insert left or right) ******"

Good you posted this right after you went into attack mode.
with those middle eastern types it is better to be safe than sorry.

towel head chose the wrong country to live free or die.

Seeing as how many of you are confused about whether it was a right winger doing the Muslim shooting or a liberal doing the shooting, I thought we could have practice at identifying right and left wingers.

And the post above is the start.

Is the above post by a right winger or a lefty? Who wants to guess.

I ask because the above post seems to bear out the fear and hatred that right wingers have for Muslims. Therefore bearing out the idea that it was a right winger shooting the Muslim man in the Home Depot lot.

A liberal would have smothered him in food stamps and welfare checks.
How many Americans did Bush kill with drones? How many 16 year old Americans, innocent 16 year olds did Bush kill? Obama raised the drone program epict proportions actually making him a war criminal.

So you supported Bush?

Obama voted for the war in Afghanistan, he had his surge, and he has admitted failure. That is after Bush had already achieved our objective of removing the Taliban and their haven in Afghanistan. And need I remind you that the deaths under Obama in Afghanistan far exceeded those under Bush.

Obama raised the drone program, which I'm assuming has been going on for a while. He can't just have plucked them out of the air. They are the future of modern warfare. How many US troops did he not kill?

Seriously, Bush went into Afghanistan and Iraq and got potentially hundreds of thousands of people killed. Obama took over and instead of putting US soldiers's lives at risk, he used drones.
I can't say I support what he's doing, I think he should have tried to pull out. However he has a lot of considerations as president, and he would have been majorly attacked by the right for doing so.

As for whether the deaths under Obama exceeded those of Bush, I'd say that the situation there was very different after Bush left than after the initial "victory" when the Taliban were weakened and before the Pakistanis were sending loads of kids there and other countries were moving in like the Chechens etc.

Just throwing statistics around doesn't show you the major picture.

I don't support Obama or Bush's actions in Afghanistan and I'm not going to argue that Obama could and should have pulled out, but he didn't.

What do you think the US death toll there would have been had he not used drones?
with those middle eastern types it is better to be safe than sorry.

towel head chose the wrong country to live free or die.

Seeing as how many of you are confused about whether it was a right winger doing the Muslim shooting or a liberal doing the shooting, I thought we could have practice at identifying right and left wingers.

And the post above is the start.

Is the above post by a right winger or a lefty? Who wants to guess.

I ask because the above post seems to bear out the fear and hatred that right wingers have for Muslims. Therefore bearing out the idea that it was a right winger shooting the Muslim man in the Home Depot lot.

A liberal would have smothered him in food stamps and welfare checks.

Right, it seems the right like nationalism, which can also involve attacking others for no reason.

They need a common enemy, it allows the govt to make the people feel safe because they're doing something to combat the problems (which they made). Who would rather have the insecurity of not knowing there is a problem (because there isn't one)?

It's the same with crime, it's the same with a foreign enemy.

Bush made this happen, he wanted people to think like this. It's the same damn mentality as Jihad (which they claim they hate, but secretly they're jealous)
How many Americans did Bush kill with drones? How many 16 year old Americans, innocent 16 year olds did Bush kill? Obama raised the drone program epict proportions actually making him a war criminal.

So you supported Bush?

Obama voted for the war in Afghanistan, he had his surge, and he has admitted failure. That is after Bush had already achieved our objective of removing the Taliban and their haven in Afghanistan. And need I remind you that the deaths under Obama in Afghanistan far exceeded those under Bush.

Obama raised the drone program, which I'm assuming has been going on for a while. He can't just have plucked them out of the air. They are the future of modern warfare. How many US troops did he not kill?

Seriously, Bush went into Afghanistan and Iraq and got potentially hundreds of thousands of people killed. Obama took over and instead of putting US soldiers's lives at risk, he used drones.
I can't say I support what he's doing, I think he should have tried to pull out. However he has a lot of considerations as president, and he would have been majorly attacked by the right for doing so.

As for whether the deaths under Obama exceeded those of Bush, I'd say that the situation there was very different after Bush left than after the initial "victory" when the Taliban were weakened and before the Pakistanis were sending loads of kids there and other countries were moving in like the Chechens etc.

Just throwing statistics around doesn't show you the major picture.

I don't support Obama or Bush's actions in Afghanistan and I'm not going to argue that Obama could and should have pulled out, but he didn't.

What do you think the US death toll there would have been had he not used drones?

No offense but you seem to be very ignronat on the US drone program. The drones may be used on the battlefield, maybe. But what I am talking about is the strikes way off of the battlefield that takes out the "guilty" and the innoncent that maybe in the area. As for how many Americans did it save< I would venture the guess that it would be close to zero.

But do a google on the US drone program and see for yourself the real problems especially with how the are targeted. Plus how many strikes off the battlefield were solely on the world of the CIA? No trial, no due process nothing but the CIA.

Google drone 16 year old America and read what happened to him, THAT is the problem.
No offense but you seem to be very ignronat on the US drone program. The drones may be used on the battlefield, maybe. But what I am talking about is the strikes way off of the battlefield that takes out the "guilty" and the innoncent that maybe in the area. As for how many Americans did it save< I would venture the guess that it would be close to zero.

But do a google on the US drone program and see for yourself the real problems especially with how the are targeted. Plus how many strikes off the battlefield were solely on the world of the CIA? No trial, no due process nothing but the CIA.

Google drone 16 year old America and read what happened to him, THAT is the problem.

What is the "battlefield"? Often the battlefield is people's homes. Where people live.

How many innocent people have died at the hands of US soldiers's guns? Why is it somehow moral to kill civilians by the gun of a man, but not from a flying unmanned drone?

Listen, I'm not promoting the drone program, I don't like it. It's part of a war that I don't like and should never have happened but has been hundreds of years in the making and most, if not all the people involved are ignorant as hell of why it happened and refuse to learn the mistakes of what caused it in the first place.

There are plenty of problems with the drone program. War has plenty of problems. Iraq saw how many people killed because Bush and his team were complete idiots and made a power vacuum.

You can try and separate and pretend one things is good and the other bad, problem is it's all bad.
Right Winger Kills Another Right Winger Because He Looked Muslim

well....., has anyone yet proved the shooter was a right winger ?

leftards ALWAYS ASSume any shooting of one person by another is ALWAYS a Conservative or a RIGHT-WINGER.

Right Winger Kills Another Right Winger Because He Looked Muslim

well....., has anyone yet proved the shooter was a right winger ?

leftards ALWAYS ASSume any shooting of one person by another is ALWAYS a Conservative or a RIGHT-WINGER.


People who kill based on their race are generally what? Left or right wing?

Those on the far left don't kill based on race, they kill based on ideology, they kill based on money.

Those on the far right kill based more on race, more on nationalistic concepts, and being anti-Islamic right now, is part of the right's policy to control people.
Right Winger Kills Another Right Winger Because He Looked Muslim

well....., has anyone yet proved the shooter was a right winger ?

leftards ALWAYS ASSume any shooting of one person by another is ALWAYS a Conservative or a RIGHT-WINGER.


Hmmm, a gun toting radical right wing fanatic asking for "proof" of someone else that is just like them isn't a right winger :cuckoo:
Only a victim of left wing propaganda would consider the incident to be political.

It very much is, this is the result of all the radical right wing brainwashing. They have turned droves of mindless fools into blind hate against a group of people with paranoia and propaganda.

Nothing has been said one way or the other about what the shooter believes politically.

You mean like the radical left has done with the right wingers who are against President Obama policies and turned it into racism?

Right wingers know the difference between Radical Jihadists which us and the rest of the world is at war with and regular Muslims.
Right Winger Kills Another Right Winger Because He Looked Muslim

well....., has anyone yet proved the shooter was a right winger ?

leftards ALWAYS ASSume any shooting of one person by another is ALWAYS a Conservative or a RIGHT-WINGER.


People who kill based on their race are generally what? Left or right wing?

Those on the far left don't kill based on race, they kill based on ideology, they kill based on money.

Those on the far right kill based more on race, more on nationalistic concepts, and being anti-Islamic right now, is part of the right's policy to control people.

Who on the right has been doing all this killing in the last 6 years? there has been almost no racial killing of Muslims which is not what was predicted after 9/11. One nut bag kills someone and the OP lies about what he knows of his party and all of a sudden the Knights Templers ride again,,,,,BS.
So, Bush/Mccain/Palin/Money Neo-con/RHINO commited a hate murder. Ok.

Shall we talk about the SPLC terrorist? Or the blacks that kills whites, because they are white?

You see, most conservatives couldn't give a shit about race, therefore we don't talk about it until the race-obsessed lefties talk about it first.
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More peace and love from the hard right,...

A Muslim man who was gunned down in the parking lot of a Home Depot store in Sacramento, California, was targeted because of his religion, according to authorities.

Detectives believe Caylor’s stalked and killed Hassan Alawsi, 46, at a Home Depot store on March 16 because he had a “severe hatred” of people of Middle Eastern descent.

Alawsi was politically conservative, and a fan of both George W. Bush and Sarah Palin, according to his Facebook page. Alawsi studied art history at the University of Baghdad in Iraq before fleeing to the United States.

Conservative Iraq refugee who painted patriotic art gunned down for looking Muslim | The Raw Story

So, Bush/Mccain/Palin/Money Neo-con/RHINO commited a hate murder. Ok.

Shall we talk about the SPLC terrorist? Or the blacks that kills whites, because they are white?

You see, most conservatives couldn't give a shit about race, therefore we don't talk about it until the race-obsessed lefties talk about it first.
...and then try to blame the other side for their obvious racism...their projection is predictable. They have nothing else. Truth hides from them with a vengeance.

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