Right Wingers and the US Constitution

Left wingers not only lack perspective but they are ignorant as well. If it wasn't for Huff and MM supplying them with talking points every day they would be in a corner somewhere sucking their thumb.
Dante, using Right Winger as a pejorative is as sensible as Left Winger. Most of those right of center and right winger are very knowledgeable of the Constitution.

However, if you used the term 'reactionary' or the identifier 'Tea Party Movement', you will be more accurate.
Right Winger .. Left Winger?
Fringe both.

Very knowledgeable? :rofl:

Believing something to be true does not make it so. Most everyone on the right who uses the US Constitution as a shield in argument is as ignorant as the old right wingers who used patriotism as a shield.

Fringe people are reactionaries, but reading and carrying around a copy of the US Constitution in ones pocket does not guarantee reading and comprehension skills or understanding of concepts necessary for informed and intelligent conversation, let alone debate
Your unabashed ignorance is remarkable.

coming from an ignoramus as big as you, I'm flabbergasted.

thanks, this hasn't happened in ages :clap2:
Right Wingers and the US Constitution

they tend to talk about it lots and supposedly carry pocket versions, but yet they still have issues with comprehension?

I hear right wingers say so many things about our form of government and system of politics, and most of them are distorted versions of truth or outright bogus lies. Now we have more than one right winger @ usmb shouting out their ignorance for all the world to see


crazy. It's crazy that anyone takes a right winger seriously

The thing is, I was acquainted first with right-wing ideology growing up.

It just became burned into my mind that the 2nd Amendment means you can arm yourself up to the tits with pretty much anything you want.

But then I grew up and actually read the Constitution and studied it, and I learned that it's the only Amendment in the Constitution to use the words "well regulated", and the guns the framers of the Constitution were talking about were muskets. They could not have possibly been talking about semi-automatic weapons that can kill a whole classroom of kids in under 5 minutes.

I've learned that, like the bible, many right-wingers profess to know the truth about everything, but really they're just talking out of their asses.

:eusa_silenced:Almost like Ubanzocare. The left believe they know all about it...even without reading it. Must be a some kind of power.

Because we ALL know that experts like the people who carry around pocket editions of the Good News Bibles, carry around pocket editions of the Constitution

What is it specifically about the Constitution that turns left wing Americans into slobbering idiots? Does it get in the way of the progressive agenda? Look at the stuff the mad left wing anti-war idiots were saying about the former president.
Right Wingers and the US Constitution

they tend to talk about it lots and supposedly carry pocket versions, but yet they still have issues with comprehension?

I hear right wingers say so many things about our form of government and system of politics, and most of them are distorted versions of truth or outright bogus lies. Now we have more than one right winger @ usmb shouting out their ignorance for all the world to see


crazy. It's crazy that anyone takes a right winger seriously

The thing is, I was acquainted first with right-wing ideology growing up.

It just became burned into my mind that the 2nd Amendment means you can arm yourself up to the tits with pretty much anything you want.

But then I grew up and actually read the Constitution and studied it, and I learned that it's the only Amendment in the Constitution to use the words "well regulated", and the guns the framers of the Constitution were talking about were muskets. They could not have possibly been talking about semi-automatic weapons that can kill a whole classroom of kids in under 5 minutes.

I've learned that, like the bible, many right-wingers profess to know the truth about everything, but really they're just talking out of their asses.

and they not only know the truth, they know others do not know the truth :laugh2:

right wingers have their very own versions of the bible, the constitution and reality
Did the framers make the constitution so vague, so short, so difficult to amend, and so lacking in details in many parts, because they expected later generations to fill in details to fit changing conditions?
Did the framers make the constitution so vague, so short, so difficult to amend, and so lacking in details in many parts, because they expected later generations to fill in details to fit changing conditions?

they drank a lot. but besides that point, the framers gave no power to the document. It had to be ratified. The people who voted to ratify the document gave it legitimacy and power
Dante, using Right Winger as a pejorative is as sensible as Left Winger. Most of those right of center and right winger are very knowledgeable of the Constitution.

However, if you used the term 'reactionary' or the identifier 'Tea Party Movement', you will be more accurate.
Right Winger .. Left Winger?
Fringe both.

Very knowledgeable? :rofl:

Believing something to be true does not make it so. Most everyone on the right who uses the US Constitution as a shield in argument is as ignorant as the old right wingers who used patriotism as a shield.

Fringe people are reactionaries, but reading and carrying around a copy of the US Constitution in ones pocket does not guarantee reading and comprehension skills or understanding of concepts necessary for informed and intelligent conversation, let alone debate

The only thing that guarantees comprehension skills is comprehension skills.

There are two forms to the United States Constitution. The original itself, and the one created by two hundred plus years of political interpretation and judicial activism. The original is easy to read and comprehend by anyone with normal skills. The second is a contorted version that requires highly specialized constitutional lawyers to read and comprehend.
Dante, using Right Winger as a pejorative is as sensible as Left Winger. Most of those right of center and right winger are very knowledgeable of the Constitution.

However, if you used the term 'reactionary' or the identifier 'Tea Party Movement', you will be more accurate.
Right Winger .. Left Winger?
Fringe both.

Very knowledgeable? :rofl:

Believing something to be true does not make it so. Most everyone on the right who uses the US Constitution as a shield in argument is as ignorant as the old right wingers who used patriotism as a shield.

Fringe people are reactionaries, but reading and carrying around a copy of the US Constitution in ones pocket does not guarantee reading and comprehension skills or understanding of concepts necessary for informed and intelligent conversation, let alone debate

The only thing that guarantees comprehension skills is comprehension skills.

There are two forms to the United States Constitution. The original itself, and the one created by two hundred plus years of political interpretation and judicial activism. The original is easy to read and comprehend by anyone with normal skills. The second is a contorted version that requires highly specialized constitutional lawyers to read and comprehend.

then you are saying most Americans and especially reactionary Americans, lack the most basic normal skills? :clap2: there is hope for you yet
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDvBmWOf8m0]"Keep The Change" - Hank Jr. - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2aMMsBq9Ik]Most IDIOTIC thing ever said to Congress!! One of Obama's DEMOCRATS! - YouTube[/ame]

Guam to tip over. Dem Congressman.

Dainty sharing his critical opinion of others who address the Constitution is like a gerbil sharing an opinion on quantum physics.

He can certainly make his generalized claim, but he cannot support it.

Folks like Dainty simply do not comprehend the purposes of the Constitution or its meaning.
Dante, using Right Winger as a pejorative is as sensible as Left Winger. Most of those right of center and right winger are very knowledgeable of the Constitution.

However, if you used the term 'reactionary' or the identifier 'Tea Party Movement', you will be more accurate.
Right Winger .. Left Winger?
Fringe both.

Very knowledgeable? :rofl:

Believing something to be true does not make it so. Most everyone on the right who uses the US Constitution as a shield in argument is as ignorant as the old right wingers who used patriotism as a shield.

Fringe people are reactionaries, but reading and carrying around a copy of the US Constitution in ones pocket does not guarantee reading and comprehension skills or understanding of concepts necessary for informed and intelligent conversation, let alone debate
What is clear is that the only comprehension that most radical left-wingers have on the Constitution is that it stands in the way of their agenda and power grab. For you to denigrate an individual on their comprehension of the Constitution given your ideological belief is amusing at best.
And Darkwind gives the typical far right reactionary defense to cover their own agenda and grab for power.

The extremes threaten America now more than in 1860m
Dante, using Right Winger as a pejorative is as sensible as Left Winger. Most of those right of center and right winger are very knowledgeable of the Constitution.

However, if you used the term 'reactionary' or the identifier 'Tea Party Movement', you will be more accurate.
Right Winger .. Left Winger?
Fringe both.

Very knowledgeable? :rofl:

Believing something to be true does not make it so. Most everyone on the right who uses the US Constitution as a shield in argument is as ignorant as the old right wingers who used patriotism as a shield.

Fringe people are reactionaries, but reading and carrying around a copy of the US Constitution in ones pocket does not guarantee reading and comprehension skills or understanding of concepts necessary for informed and intelligent conversation, let alone debate
What is clear is that the only comprehension that most radical left-wingers have on the Constitution is that it stands in the way of their agenda and power grab. For you to denigrate an individual on their comprehension of the Constitution given your ideological belief is amusing at best.

your comprehension skills, or truer your lack of any, have kept you from knowing Dante's publicly stated ideological bent. Dante did not vote for Obama until 2012 which means he did not vote for Obama in either the primary or general elections in 2008

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