Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Ray, just give it up.

You are fumbling and bumbling, mumbling and crumbling and stumbling.

You are just an umbling.

Genuflect to the obamapump.

And Jake, please keep up the good work in convincing others that liberals are truly the uninformed voters in this country. Good job man.
What's funny is you bitch about Obama being bad for energy but gasoline and natural gas is being pumped out of our ground faster then at anytime in history.

Obama kicks ass!

Ah...Matthew? Barry couldn't kick his own ass if you helped him find it! You know as well as I do that Obama's policies are not what led to more oil and natural gas being produced...he's simply taking credit for something that he had nothing to do with. You embarrass yourself by claiming otherwise...
"I'm a petroleum engineer/geologist. I spend my day looking at the geology below the surface for hydrocarbons. I look at public and private lands. Theres a reason the public lands aren't being drilled. The reservoir volumes in those areas aren't economically feasible." I am a Mousketeer, yet I know the Utah Legislature, among others, want to get to energy sources on federal lands. They will not be allowed to do so.
"I'm a petroleum engineer/geologist. I spend my day looking at the geology below the surface for hydrocarbons. I look at public and private lands. Theres a reason the public lands aren't being drilled. The reservoir volumes in those areas aren't economically feasible." I am a Mousketeer, yet I know the Utah Legislature, among others, want to get to energy sources on federal lands. They will not be allowed to do so.

Of course they're not going to be allowed on some federal lands. I'm not for drilling on some of these lands either.
Toddster 13025323
Please, let's see your proof he wanted more drilling.

He said so:

“We can’t have an energy strategy for the last century that traps us in the past. We need an energy strategy for the future – an all-of-the-above strategy for the 21st century that develops every source of American-made energy.”– President Barack Obama, March 15, 2012

There is no every source except fracking and offshore drilling.

A speech is less convincing than action to increase drilling. You have any proof?
Oldstyle 13025338
"Over drilling" is not what lowered prices!

Why do you RW'ers keep on arguing with yourselves? I am not saying "over drilling" is what lowered oil prices.

Two things must be repeated like RW talk radio
hosts do, so you can catch up and hopefully remember things.

1) all those things that you describe is what lowered oil prices and therefore gasoline. But you fail to acknowledge that alternative energy and renewables have also had an effect. So I essentially agree with your limited view point in that your list of factors as the most significant conditions in bringing gasoline down to today's levels.

2) the over drilling is a result not a cause of what you mentioned in (1). It is however solid proof that there was no need the past six years to drill ever inch of US land and coastline and specifically "public lands". Obama limited nothing and in essence unawaringly did Big Oil and we consumers a favor by slowing and reducing the pace of permitting on public lands.

My point about Royal Dutch Shell quitting the Arctic Seabed drilling that it was permitted is a case in point on that. Big Oil execs lose their minds when oil prices go way up. Obama kept them from wasting billions on over developing Federal lands.

That is the point about over drilling. Try to address the points I make rather than argue with yourself just because those are the only arguments you can win.
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Ray, just give it up.

You are fumbling and bumbling, mumbling and crumbling and stumbling.

You are just an umbling.

Genuflect to the obamapump.

And Jake, please keep up the good work in convincing others that liberals are truly the uninformed voters in this country. Good job man.
You got nothing, Ray. We are well aware of it.

Sure I have something. I have FactCheck.Org:

Obama’s Drilling Denials
By Ben Finley
Posted on October 19, 2012

In a tense exchange during the Oct. 16 debate, President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney sparred over domestic oil and gas production on lands and in waters under the Obama administration’s control.

The facts, for the most part, are on Romney’s side.

  • Obama was wrong when he denied Romney’s claim that the Obama administration cut in half the number of new permits and new leases for offshore oil and gas drilling. The decrease is actually more than half.
  • Romney exaggerated, however, when he said the number of new permits and new leases for onshore drilling also declined by half under Obama. The decline isn’t that steep.
  • Obama was wrong when he told Romney it’s “just not true” that domestic oil production on federal lands is down 14 percent and gas production has fallen 9 percent in one year. Production of oil and natural gas on federal lands and in federal waters did indeed fall by those percentages as Romney said, although Romney erred in saying the drops took place “this year.” The decreases occurred in fiscal year 2011.
  • Romney failed to note, however, that oil production from federal jurisdictions has risen over the three-and-a-half years of Obama’s term. And while natural gas production has declined under Obama, the downturn started long before he took office.
Romney’s claim reflects the larger Republican talking point that production of oil and natural gas has fallen on federal lands and in federal waters but increased on private and state-owned properties. As we’ve written before, the claim is true only for 2011.

So you see, it's clear why people thought the price of fuel would rise given DumBama's record. New permits and leases were cut by more than half for offshore drilling, and above half for onshore in 2011.
A speech is less convincing than action to increase drilling. You have any proof?

I have also laid out 'actions' by Obama that prove he meant more drilling when he said 'All of the Above" and every source because that included permitting drilling in the Alaskan Arctic Federal lands.

And look what Royal Dutch Shell did with that permission. They quit. Seven billion dollars spent to drill there and they quit after one test hole didn't show much promise to keep going.

That was action. So I have words and actions - you have nothing on either.
A speech is less convincing than action to increase drilling. You have any proof?

I have also laid out 'actions' by Obama that prove he meant more drilling when he said 'All of the Above" and every source because that included permitting drilling in the Alaskan Arctic Federal lands.

And look what Royal Dutch Shell did with that permission. They quit. Seven billion dollars spent to drill there and they quit after one test hole didn't show much promise to keep going.

That was action. So I have words and actions - you have nothing on either.

So his action to increase oil production was a permit that wasn't acted upon? LOL!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.
Ray 13026663
So you see, it's clear why people thought the price of fuel would rise given DumBama's record. New permits and leases were cut by more than half for offshore drilling, and above half for onshore in 2011.

Then why didn't they stop at that? Why not word it that way. And the truth still is "could rise" and the lie is "all because drilling was limited for a while on Federal land.

They was enough private drilling plus the well know NG boom that easily have convinced experts that energy price would go down under Obama because public land and offshore drilling were not the major U.S. Contributing factor in reducing the price of gasoline.

Reduced Public and offshore drilling could never have caused a $2 to $6 price hit rise at the pump during the recovery from the Great Bush Recession anyhow.
Ray 13026663
So you see, it's clear why people thought the price of fuel would rise given DumBama's record. New permits and leases were cut by more than half for offshore drilling, and above half for onshore in 2011.

Then why didn't they stop at that? Why not word it that way. And the truth still is "could rise" and the lie is "all because drilling was limited for a while on Federal land.

They was enough private drilling plus the well know NG boom that easily have convinced experts that energy price would go down under Obama because public land and offshore drilling were not the major U.S. Contributing factor in reducing the price of gasoline.

Reduced Public and offshore drilling could never have caused a $2 to $6 price hit rise at the pump during the recovery from the Great Bush Recession anyhow.

You don't know that; nobody does. That's why it's called a prediction.

What DumBama revealed at the time is that he was an anti-energy President. I spent enough years in the commodities market to understand the reaction of such news. It doesn't even matter if the actual events would impact a commodity. It's how other people will react to the news that you are betting on.

if you can show me a sure fire way to predict the future of any commodity, I would love to hear it. Because with all the books I've read not to mention reports, I've yet to meet such a person. Investors react to the news of any commodity be it good or bad. Before gasoline soured during the Bush years, the so-called experts were all expecting the price of oil to decline even as low as it was. It did the exact opposite.
So the lower gas is in effect because of Obama's actions, or prices would have been higher.
Ray 13026816
Ray From Cleveland said:
You don't know that; nobody does. That's why it's called a prediction.

A rapid increase in gasoline prices at the pump as large as $4 per gallon by s US President
in a short period of time could only happen by raising the Federal Gasoline Tax.

You know it. Your RW'er predictions were lies based on no material evidence such as oil experts publishing data as to how s US President could cause the price of gasoline to go so high so fast. We're talking $200 a barrel oil to have $8 gas after Obama's.

You know nothing about commodities.
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Jake 13027235
So the lower gas is in effect because of Obama's actions, or prices would have been higher.

It should be noted that the Iran Nuke Deal has oil industry experts saying Iran's return to producing and selling oil will help hold oil prices down for two years.

In that regard RW'ers and their politicians and propaganda machine are opposed to lower gas prices at the pump.
he's simply taking credit for something that he had nothing to do with.

Where and when has Obama taken credit for lower gas prices. Why would he take credit for something RW'ers claim he does not want to do.

You make no sense at all.
Ray 13026816
You What DumBama revealed at the time is that he was an anti-energy President.

He revealed no such thing. He is pro-"All of the Above" energy. You and your RW'ers are anti-"All of the Above" energy plus anti-environment anti-oil worker safety.

You are anti-sustainable energy. That is what you are revealing here.
Ray 13026816
You What DumBama revealed at the time is that he was an anti-energy President.

He revealed no such thing. He is pro-"All of the Above" energy. You and your RW'ers are anti-"All of the Above" energy plus anti-environment anti-oil worker safety.

You are anti-sustainable energy. That is what you are revealing here.

Seriously you need to change your name to Fooled by Obama..

You are such a far left drone!

So far the far left has been able to post the specific policies of Obama that lowered gas prices..
Ray 13026816
Ray From Cleveland said:
You don't know that; nobody does. That's why it's called a prediction.

A rapid increase in gasoline prices at the pump as large as $4 per gallon by s US President
in a short period of time could only happen by raising the Federal Gasoline Tax.

You know it. Your RW'er predictions were lies based on no material evidence such as oil experts publishing data as to how s US President could cause the price of gasoline to go so high so fast. We're talking $200 a barrel oil to have $8 gas after Obama's.

You know nothing about commodities.

I know ten times more than you do about commodities. I was in the market--you weren't.

As an example, gasoline doesn't always run proportional with oil prices. There have been times when oil went up in price and gasoline went down, and vice-versa. Allow me to show you a gasoline commodities chart:


Well lookie there. Prices of gasoline did go up since 2010. Seems to me like it peaked in mid 2011. Of course, we all know how those speculators lie, don't we? Prices didn't start a sharp fall until early 2014. What do you make of that?
Ray 13028254
Ray From Cleveland said:
Prices didn't start a sharp fall until early 2014. What do you make of that?

I have not argued that gasoline prices didn't start a sharp fall until early 2014. My point still is there was no material evidence that would justify predicting $7.50 gallon gas solely because Obama would be elected twice.

Who are you arguing with?

Go Browns.

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