Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

What's embarrassing is watching all you Obama loyalists attempt to claim cheap gas as HIS accomplishment! That says volumes about how little Barry has accomplished in two terms.
And TotallyFooledbyObama can't differentiate between campaign rhetoric and actual policy...
Toddster 13021055
So it'd be good to get more oil from them.

What source have you based Obama saying it would be bad or not be good to get oil from Canada?

Sounds like another one of your dim witted arguments for the collection here:

Where The U.S. Gets Its Oil

Source: Energy Information Administration

Credit: Nelson Hsu / NPR

Where Does America Get Oil? You May Be Surprised
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I'm talking about Obama's campaign slogan to diffuse criticism of his energy policies..."all of the above". SAYING that your energy policy includes increased drilling for oil and natural gas when your Administration did all it could to make life miserable for fossil fuel producers...is nothing more than campaign rhetoric.
Ray 13019822
Ray From Cleveland said:
Exactly: While Obama is our President, not because Obama is our President

Who are you arguing with? Yourself? Why do that?

I said "while" because I meant "while". What is the matter with you? I never have argued that the U.S. beccame the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on BECAUSE Obama is our President

NFBW 13019721
We could not become the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on while Obama is our President. It's why gasoline prices could not ever have gone way over $5 per gallon just because Obama might be elected to a second term.

It's those lying RW'ers in 2012 calculating that gas prices would skyrocket and ruin the economic recovery BECAUSE Obama got a second term. That is why they are eating crow and not once mention the low price of gasoline so far in this election cycle. It would remind voters what lying idiots Republicans and their media propaganda machine truly are.
Oldstyle 13020385
Did you mean to say "all that fracked and offshore drilling going on DESPITE Obama is our President"? Let's be honest here "TotallyfooledbyObama"...Barry was against fracking and did everything he could to prevent offshore drilling!

Nope. I meant "while" which is the only honest way to phrase it. Obama did not try to stop fracking. And to apply your choice word "despite" you would have to prove that the only reduction in permitting for offshore drilling after the Deep Horizon disaster or any temporary shutting down whatever rigs you think we're shut down, was solely based on Obama's desire to shut down offshore drilling entirely.

Obama approved drilling in the Arctic for god sake. You'd have to be a nitwit to claim Obama was opposed to ocean bed drilling after that. A complete certified nitwit.

So 'despite' does not work in this scenario that is called reality.

When you wrote, "everything he could to prevent offshore drilling" you left yourself open to ridicule - because he did not do that at all.
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Oldstyle 13025065
I'm talking about Obama's campaign slogan to diffuse criticism of his energy policies..."all of the above". SAYING that your energy policy includes increased drilling for oil and natural gas when your Administration did all it could to make life miserable for fossil fuel producers...is nothing more than campaign rhetoric.

Life is not and was not made miserable for fossil fuel producers. The U.S. became the third largest crude oil producer in the world while Obama has been president to the point we are now, where global supply outstrips demand. If anything Obama kept the oil producers from going hog wild (on Federal land) on a limited resource thus saving them from wasting investment and research funding on developing too many wells that the global market could not bear. Such over drilling we know has lowered prices so much that excess drilling no longer would reap a return on investment. Many well sites are being shuttered or reduced as we speak.

Obama has good reason to limit fracking on public land in some western states because of the water issues and several other not fully researched matters.

If that made oil drillers miserable who should care.
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Ray 13019822
Ray From Cleveland said:
Exactly: While Obama is our President, not because Obama is our President

Who are you arguing with? Yourself? Why do that?

I said "while" because I meant "while". What is the matter with you? I never have argued that the U.S. beccame the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on BECAUSE Obama is our President

NFBW 13019721
We could not become the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on while Obama is our President. It's why gasoline prices could not ever have gone way over $5 per gallon just because Obama might be elected to a second term.

It's those lying RW'ers in 2012 calculating that gas prices would skyrocket and ruin the economic recovery BECAUSE Obama got a second term. That is why they are eating crow and not once mention the low price of gasoline so far in this election cycle. It would remind voters what lying idiots Republicans and their media propaganda machine truly are.

So what you're saying is that predictions are now lies according to the left? Yeah, that sounds about accurate. I know the left has a very hard time understanding what a lie is. Perhaps I should explain:

A lie is when somebody (or people) know the truth about something, but state otherwise. In order to prove one is a liar, one must prove that said liar knew the truth in the first place. Let me give you some examples:

"If you like your insurance company, you can keep your insurance company."

You see, that is a lie. Why? Because we know said liar knew differently in the first place. We not only know because losing your insurance company was written in the law, but it was also part of the National Registry where Obama's minions admitted to the outcome. Let's try another one:

"I did not have sex with that woman......... Mz Lewinsky."

That too is a lie. Why? Because we also know said liar new differently which was proven through DNA evidence.

So now that we know what a lie is, once again, please tell us who lied about gas prices and provide evidence to support your claim.
You mean like Obama Phones? Every time we use the term, you libs jump out of your seat to say that Obama Phones were not Obama's doing.
You're talking about Reagan Phones.

Why are wingnuts so confused about that?

For the same reason you are so confused about Obama Gas. He had absolutely nothing to do with the prices of gasoline or any fuel today. The prices today are in spite of DumBama, not because of him.

But typical of the uninformed voter, you want to give DumBama credit he is not deserving of while at the same time, blame his failures on Presidents that haven't been in office for years or dead for over a decade.

When we ask for you to prove he had something to do with fuel prices, you libs on this board are more confused than a baby at a topless bar. You have nothing substantial to base your argument on nor have any documentation to support your assertions. You just mindlessly repeat Obama Gas, Obama Gas. So why is it Obama gas, because he happened to be playing golf while the oil industry worked hard extracting fuel he was always against?
A lie is when somebody (or people) know the truth about something, but state otherwise.

Exactly. RW'ers knew the truth that there was no way in hell or on earth that just because Obama would be reelected that a prediction for ninety days or more, on the price of a gallon of gas up down or sideways had any chance to come true. But they predicted 'way up' for obvious political reasons. That is s lie. It's a politically calculated lie and it did not happen. It could not happen because Obama gets reelected. If that were true then Obama gets all credit for lower prices if he!s to take all blame for higher prices. Now the RW'er lie doesn't work so hot - so it has nothing to do with the reelection of Obama.
A lie is when somebody (or people) know the truth about something, but state otherwise.

Exactly. RW'ers knew the truth that there was no way in hell or on earth that just because Obama would be reelected that a prediction for ninety days or more, on the price of a gallon of gas up down or sideways had any chance to come true. But they predicted 'way up' for obvious political reasons. That is s lie. It's a politically calculated lie and it did not happen. It could not happen because Obama gets reelected. If that were true then Obama gets all credit for lower prices if he!s to take all blame for higher prices. Now the RW'er lie doesn't work so hot - so it has nothing to do with the reelection of Obama.

Okay, then prove your accusations. Show me one Republican that knew the price of fuel would decrease in spite of DumBama getting elected. I dare you.
Ray 13025235
Ray From Cleveland said:
So why is it Obama gas, because he happened to be playing golf while the oil industry worked hard extracting fuel he was always against?

You have provided no evidence or basis to prove that Obama is against extracting fossil fuel. Let alone that he was always against extracting fossil fuels. No evidence exists. You think he doesn't know that Air Force One is fueled by extracted fuel by the oil industry.

He would have had to ground Air Force One and as Commander in Chief tell the U.S. Military to carry out operations without using extracted fossil fuel if he were against it and always was.

I have not seen that happen at all. Maybe you have. Who knows what you read and listen to.
Ray 13025243
Okay, then prove your accusations. Show me one Republican that knew the price of fuel would decrease in spite of DumBama getting elected. I dare you.

That is not my accusation. Go back and re-read it. I said they knew damn well that predicting the price of a gallon of gas going up down or never changing could not be based upon Obama getting reelected.

Just like you said:

Ray 13025235
When we ask for you to prove he had something to do with fuel prices, you libs on this board are more confused than a baby at a topless bar.

If your word means anything you proved it yourself.

Surely your RW political leaders and media machine entertainers are at least as informed and intelligent as you are on fuel prices as you stated.

You might think about dumping them if you think they are not.
Toddster 13021055
But Obama and the rest of the big libs did, are you disagreeing with them? Were they wrong, or were you?

Don't know who 'big libs' are, but you need to show in writing and dated where Obama said that more drilling didn't make us less dependent on foreign sources of oil. You have no quote, so why would I didsagree with Obama. I know that Obama's "All of the Above" energy policy always included more U.S. drilling and still does.

I know that Obama's "All of the Above" energy policy always included more U.S. drilling

Yeah, that's funny.
Toddster 13021055
So it'd be good to get more oil from them.

What source have you based Obama saying it would be bad or not be good to get oil from Canada?

Sounds like another one of your dim witted arguments for the collection here:

Where The U.S. Gets Its Oil

Source: Energy Information Administration

Credit: Nelson Hsu / NPR

Where Does America Get Oil? You May Be Surprised

What source have you based Obama saying it would be
bad or not be good to get oil from Canada?

He's been whining about Canadian tar sands for years. Have you been asleep?
You forget about the Keystone pipeline too?
Just in case your written words mean nothing:

Ray 13025243
Okay, then prove your accusations. Show me one Republican that knew the price of fuel would decrease in spite of DumBama getting elected. I dare you.

It's not mine to prove anyway. We can only deal with material evidence. And since no material evidence existed at the time that re-electing Obama would have a major impact on gasoline prices with such specific claims of a $2 to $6 price increase to a $4 commodity which is governed by so many forces outside a U.S. President's control that it would absolutely absurd to think those predictions could come true. If they can't predict that specifically and base predictions on nothing, then it is quite fair to call them lies. Find me a material report that informed anyone that gas prices would skyrocket in the basis of Obama's reelection.

It would have to define what Obama was sure to do that would have such a resounding affect on the price of a gallon of gas. His chance to raise the federal gasoline tax by $2 or more was taken away in 2010. And there is no indication that Obama planned or wanted to do so.

Maybe you got something? Let's see it.

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