Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Toddster 13014296
He said his plan would make electricity more expensive. I think that's a bad idea. Bad then, bad now, bad in the future. Clear?

It's only a bad idea if you are correct that industrialized mankind has no effect on the earth's environment.

Spending a dollar today could save thousands of dollars in the future.

Did you believe the science that may have saved the earth's ozone layer?

. About 90 percent of CFCs currently in the atmosphere were emitted by industrialized countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including the United States and Europe. These countries banned CFCs by 1996, and the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere is falling now. But scientists estimate it will take another 50 years for chlorine levels to return to their natural levels.

Ozone Depletion Information, Ozone Depletion Facts, Ozone Layer, Ozone Hole - National Geographic

The point still is that with all the changes that have occurred since January 2008 you remain stuck on stupid as if none of it happened.

You still ignore changed conditions and pretend Obama's correct statement in January 2008 must be judged today as if no progress in energy supply and demand has happened.

That is an ignorant detached from reality political world view to have. There is no context allowed to intervene with your fixation on hating our president.

Of course your narrow minded view of the world is all that keeps having anything to say at all. But what you say is noise not communication between intelligent beings.

You never did say, was the chlorine we saved worth the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia?
bripat 13017735
The air is already clean, you dumb fuck. Can you name one person who have ever suffered from ill health in this country as a result of power plant emissions?

Do you think anyone dies a premature death due to air pollution in China?
bripat 13017735
The air is already clean, you dumb fuck. Can you name one person who have ever suffered from ill health in this country as a result of power plant emissions?

Do you think anyone dies a premature death due to air pollution in China?

Then why doesn't China dump trillions of dollars into Green than us?

I live in a city and have a large family. I have yet to attend a funeral of somebody that died of dirty air or dirty water.
Toddster 13014296
He said his plan would make electricity more expensive. I think that's a bad idea. Bad then, bad now, bad in the future. Clear?

It's only a bad idea if you are correct that industrialized mankind has no effect on the earth's environment.

Spending a dollar today could save thousands of dollars in the future.

Did you believe the science that may have saved the earth's ozone layer?

. About 90 percent of CFCs currently in the atmosphere were emitted by industrialized countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including the United States and Europe. These countries banned CFCs by 1996, and the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere is falling now. But scientists estimate it will take another 50 years for chlorine levels to return to their natural levels.

Ozone Depletion Information, Ozone Depletion Facts, Ozone Layer, Ozone Hole - National Geographic

The point still is that with all the changes that have occurred since January 2008 you remain stuck on stupid as if none of it happened.

You still ignore changed conditions and pretend Obama's correct statement in January 2008 must be judged today as if no progress in energy supply and demand has happened.

That is an ignorant detached from reality political world view to have. There is no context allowed to intervene with your fixation on hating our president.

Of course your narrow minded view of the world is all that keeps having anything to say at all. But what you say is noise not communication between intelligent beings.

You never did say, was the chlorine we saved worth the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia?

No. What did Chlorine have to do with the Columbia's failed re-entry?
Ray 13018350
Ray From Cleveland said:
I live in a city and have a large family. I have yet to attend a funeral of somebody that died of dirty air or dirty water.

Maybe you never will or maybe you won't know the impact of air pollution causing a premature death of someone you know during your lifetime. That certainly does not mean the air quality in Cleveland is just fine. It is not.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Cleveland–Akron-Canton region remains one of the worst metropolitan areas in the country for air pollution, according to the American Lung Association's "State of the Air" report, released Wednesday.

The Northeast Ohio area ranked the 10th worst of 220 metropolitan areas nationwide for year-round particle air pollution, despite recording its best levels of the pollutants since the association started releasing data in 1999.

Cleveland's air quality among worst in nation despite small improvements
Toddster 13014296
He said his plan would make electricity more expensive. I think that's a bad idea. Bad then, bad now, bad in the future. Clear?

It's only a bad idea if you are correct that industrialized mankind has no effect on the earth's environment.

Spending a dollar today could save thousands of dollars in the future.

Did you believe the science that may have saved the earth's ozone layer?

. About 90 percent of CFCs currently in the atmosphere were emitted by industrialized countries in the Northern Hemisphere, including the United States and Europe. These countries banned CFCs by 1996, and the amount of chlorine in the atmosphere is falling now. But scientists estimate it will take another 50 years for chlorine levels to return to their natural levels.

Ozone Depletion Information, Ozone Depletion Facts, Ozone Layer, Ozone Hole - National Geographic

The point still is that with all the changes that have occurred since January 2008 you remain stuck on stupid as if none of it happened.

You still ignore changed conditions and pretend Obama's correct statement in January 2008 must be judged today as if no progress in energy supply and demand has happened.

That is an ignorant detached from reality political world view to have. There is no context allowed to intervene with your fixation on hating our president.

Of course your narrow minded view of the world is all that keeps having anything to say at all. But what you say is noise not communication between intelligent beings.

You never did say, was the chlorine we saved worth the loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia?

No. What did Chlorine have to do with the Columbia's failed re-entry?

The ban on CFCs. Was it worth it?
Ray 13018350
Ray From Cleveland said:
I live in a city and have a large family. I have yet to attend a funeral of somebody that died of dirty air or dirty water.

Maybe you never will or maybe you won't know the impact of air pollution causing a premature death of someone you know during your lifetime. That certainly does not mean the air quality in Cleveland is just fine. It is not.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Cleveland–Akron-Canton region remains one of the worst metropolitan areas in the country for air pollution, according to the American Lung Association's "State of the Air" report, released Wednesday.

The Northeast Ohio area ranked the 10th worst of 220 metropolitan areas nationwide for year-round particle air pollution, despite recording its best levels of the pollutants since the association started releasing data in 1999.

Cleveland's air quality among worst in nation despite small improvements

Yes, this is true. But did you know that many years ago, they began what's called E-check here in Ohio?

You have to get your vehicle tested every two years in order to get license plates (or tags) on your vehicle. If you fail the test, all you have to do is spend a couple hundred dollars in repairs towards the problem that was determined.

So after about a decade of E-check, they tested the air once again to see the results. The outcome? No change. So what did the feds make us do? Continue E-check.

So after the millions and millions of dollars car owners spent to make our air cleaner, we have no evidence of it working at all. And this is the problem with all of these "green" initiatives.

As a truck driver, I can testify to the millions more we spent on green. During Bush's second term, the EPA created regulation on diesel fuel. They forced manufactures of this fuel to produce a much lower suffer content. Since that time, diesel fuel increased to about a dollar a gallon higher than gasoline, and remains in that area even today. This is not to mention the thousands of dollar increase in new truck prices mostly because of all the anti-pollution garbage they have to include in these new trucks. And from experience, I can tell you that about 80'% of truck breakdowns and problems we have are caused by all these new pollution gadgets we are tortured by.

And as your link shows, no significant results. Just keep pouring millions and billions of dollars more towards a problem we can't possibly understand.
13015102 Oldstyle 13015102
Higher prices are good? Is that the liberal stance?

No. This is my stance. When gas and electricity prices go up for any reason gradually *higher energy prices would encourage energy efficiency across the full array of American businesses and citizens. It would provide industries of all kinds with a predictable outlook for energy costs, allowing them to confidently invest in growth.*

And *allowing the price for gas and oil to rise could be the centerpiece of “game-changing incentives” that would alter consumer behavior when it came to buying cars and using electricity. That could help the country wean itself off an overreliance on foreign oil. To become energy secure, we may need to turn to those game-changing incentives that will lead individuals and businesses of all kinds to invest in efficiency and to reduce their use of oil and energy.*

That could be good, right?

Being energy secure, right? Invest in efficiency and reduce U.S. demand for volatile foreign sources of oil. Right? Good? Not bad? Good?

You know what would be even BETTER than raising the price of energy in America? Lowering it! When you don't have to spend half your pay check to keep the lights on in your house or put gas in your car then your life becomes much more enjoyable because you have "disposable income". The average American has had less and less of that lately because people like you think they need to be punished for using fossil fuels.

Wean ourselves off an overreliance on foreign oil. That would be good.

Just as the fact that $100 a barrel oil drove investment into the fracking boom we experienced since then. In that sense too - high prices were good - since we as Americans ultimately benefitted from it.
Kindly explain why letting China increase their pollution output for the next 15 years before capping it...when they are already the world's worst polluter...helps with the climate change issue?
I asked you for a link on that and you haven't bounced one out here yet.
I already provided a link on that, Synth...one that you obviously didn't read...just like you obviously didn't read the agreement that Obama wants to obligate us to. It's an awful piece of bargaining on Barry's part and that goes for whatever your stance is on climate control! To be blunt...the people that should be screaming for this not to be signed are environmentalists because it essentially gives China license to pollute to their heart's content for another fifteen years before they cap their emissions THEN!
Ray 13018350
Ray From Cleveland said:
I live in a city and have a large family. I have yet to attend a funeral of somebody that died of dirty air or dirty water.

Maybe you never will or maybe you won't know the impact of air pollution causing a premature death of someone you know during your lifetime. That certainly does not mean the air quality in Cleveland is just fine. It is not.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Cleveland–Akron-Canton region remains one of the worst metropolitan areas in the country for air pollution, according to the American Lung Association's "State of the Air" report, released Wednesday.

The Northeast Ohio area ranked the 10th worst of 220 metropolitan areas nationwide for year-round particle air pollution, despite recording its best levels of the pollutants since the association started releasing data in 1999.

Cleveland's air quality among worst in nation despite small improvements

Can you find a single example in the entire country of someone who has "killed by air pollution" on his death certificate?
Kindly explain why letting China increase their pollution output for the next 15 years before capping it...when they are already the world's worst polluter...helps with the climate change issue?
I asked you for a link on that and you haven't bounced one out here yet.
I already provided a link on that, Synth...one that you obviously didn't read...just like you obviously didn't read the agreement that Obama wants to obligate us to. It's an awful piece of bargaining on Barry's part and that goes for whatever your stance is on climate control! To be blunt...the people that should be screaming for this not to be signed are environmentalists because it essentially gives China license to pollute to their heart's content for another fifteen years before they cap their emissions THEN!
Synthaholic has me on ignore because he's too much of a coward to deal with anyone who attacks his idiocies the way they deserve to be attacked. You'll find most of these liberal morons have a big ignore list because they're all a bunch of cowards.
Toddster 13017729
When you get a chance, tell me again how more drilling didn't help make us less dependent on those unstable countries, like Canada.

I have never said more drilling didn't help make us less dependent on foreign oil? You are obviously confused. I didn't say Canada was unstable. You are doubly confused.

We could not become the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on while Obama is our President. It's why gasoline prices could not ever have gone way over $5 per gallon just because Obama might be elected to a second term.
Toddster 13017729
When you get a chance, tell me again how more drilling didn't help make us less dependent on those unstable countries, like Canada.

I have never said more drilling didn't help make us less dependent on foreign oil? You are obviously confused. I didn't say Canada was unstable. You are doubly confused.

We could not become the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on while Obama is our President. It's why gasoline prices could not ever have gone way over $5 per gallon just because Obama might be elected to a second term.

Exactly: While Obama is our President, not because Obama is our President
Ray 13018350
Ray From Cleveland said:
I live in a city and have a large family. I have yet to attend a funeral of somebody that died of dirty air or dirty water.

Maybe you never will or maybe you won't know the impact of air pollution causing a premature death of someone you know during your lifetime. That certainly does not mean the air quality in Cleveland is just fine. It is not.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — The Cleveland–Akron-Canton region remains one of the worst metropolitan areas in the country for air pollution, according to the American Lung Association's "State of the Air" report, released Wednesday.

The Northeast Ohio area ranked the 10th worst of 220 metropolitan areas nationwide for year-round particle air pollution, despite recording its best levels of the pollutants since the association started releasing data in 1999.

Cleveland's air quality among worst in nation despite small improvements

Can you find a single example in the entire country of someone who has "killed by air pollution" on his death certificate?

How about 55000? The CDC estimates that many premature deaths in the USA from air pollution.

I read where you think of yourself as a pretty smart person.

You be lying to yourself.

Let Google make you smarter. You need the help.
Toddster 13017729
When you get a chance, tell me again how more drilling didn't help make us less dependent on those unstable countries, like Canada.

I have never said more drilling didn't help make us less dependent on foreign oil? You are obviously confused. I didn't say Canada was unstable. You are doubly confused.

We could not become the third largest producer of crude oil in the world without all that fracked and offshore drilling going on while Obama is our President. It's why gasoline prices could not ever have gone way over $5 per gallon just because Obama might be elected to a second term.

Did you mean to say "all that fracked and offshore drilling going on DESPITE Obama is our President"? Let's be honest here "TotallyfooledbyObama"...Barry was against fracking and did everything he could to prevent offshore drilling! He's the reason that production FELL on areas controlled by the Federal Government. He used the Deepwater Horizon oil spill as an excuse to shut down the permitting for offshore oil drilling even for shallow water drillers that had no safety issues at all.

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