Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

Ray 13031725
Speaking of facts, I've shown you the charts, I've shown you a FactCheck piece that did say drilling permits were cut by over 60%.

I never argued that permits were not cut 60% and don't have to. That fact still could not produce the kind of gas price hikes that RW'ers were predicting? Newt Gingrich said $10 per gal gas to be blamed on Obama. He was running for President at the time. It could not happen specifically by the amounts that were stated and it could not ever be attributed Obama for causing it. Unless the U.S. Started a war with Iran under Obama. That was never likely either.

Weather predictions that turn out wrong are not lies because 90% of the time they turn out to be correct or very close.

The Obama gas spike lies were not close and no expert agreed with any of their unscientific assumptions. Not all predictions are lies when wrong. In light of facts known at the time the RW'er predictions of 2012 were a pack of lies and nothing more.[/QUOTE

So you admit that permits were cut by 60% but still want to maintain that the Obama Administration was "pro-drilling"? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that contention is?

Why is it so hard for you liberals to simply admit that the Obama Administration has always been anti-fossil fuels and that the current price reductions on gasoline and natural gas are not something that THEIR policies created but rather were the result of fracking and the Saudi reaction to fracking?
Easy, you man enough to say that IF gas was 4.50 a gallon, that YOU wouldnt blame Obama?
Absolutely. You remember when gas WAS $4.50 a gallon...and higher? Fracking was not being implemented like it was, OPEC was driving up some of the cost, the sanctions on Iran prevented them from selling their oil, and speculators were driving up the cost of oil. Yes, Obama was fighting his 'war' on fossil fuel - he still is, but, as you see, his 'war' was / is not making anywhere near the impact on the cost of gas as all of these other factors.

In what I posted, you can also see that Saudi and OPEC KNOW fracking is a threat to them, that we probably have more oil through that process than they have, and they are trying to 'eliminate the competition' at the expense of their cost per barrel. We have Saudi and Opec by the proverbial nads, yet they are banking on that the US will choose continued 'dependency' on cheaper sources of oil than to use what we have ourselves...

...but I digress. Yes, I have no problem with declaring if gas was $4.50 a gallon I would not be blaming Obama. Opposed to the popular myth that I simply hate Obama and blame him for everything bad, that is not the case.
Grest thing about being a right winger like a Ray, is never ever having to say that lies and fears spread by innuendo and ommission work very well and have the added benefit of giving the person lying and ommitting a plausible denial about what was meant.

Republican politicians are MASTERS at this tactic. Ray has learned it pretty well also.

With all due respect, "Wilber"...the "lie" in this string is that Barack Obama is "pro-drilling" and that it's HIS policies that have led to cheap gas prices at the pump!
With all due respect, "Wilber"...the "lie" in this string is that Barack Obama is "pro-drilling" and that it's HIS policies that have led to cheap gas prices at the pump!

His 'war' on fossil fuels', 'war on coal', billions of our tax dollars to the donors of 13 failed 'green energy' investors...who happened to be huge Obama campaign donors, and his 'Global Warming Crusade' is all evidence that Obama is NOT 'pro-drilling' or 'pro-fossil fuel'.
A speech is less convincing than action to increase drilling. You have any proof?

I have also laid out 'actions' by Obama that prove he meant more drilling when he said 'All of the Above" and every source because that included permitting drilling in the Alaskan Arctic Federal lands.

And look what Royal Dutch Shell did with that permission. They quit. Seven billion dollars spent to drill there and they quit after one test hole didn't show much promise to keep going.

That was action. So I have words and actions - you have nothing on either.

So his action to increase oil production was a permit that wasn't acted upon? LOL!

I don't care who you are, that's funny right there.

It's even funnier, Toddster...the permit TotallyfooledbyObama was referring to wasn't even issued by the Obama Administration...it was issued nine years ago...which means it was issued by the Bush Administration.

Yes, he's an exceptionally dim one.
With all due respect, "Wilber"...the "lie" in this string is that Barack Obama is "pro-drilling" and that it's HIS policies that have led to cheap gas prices at the pump!

Anything good is because of Obama, anything bad is because of Bush.

So sayeth the mindless sycophants.

It's a testament to how little has gone right for Barack Obama that he and his followers are citing low gas prices as an "accomplishment" of his administration!
With all due respect, "Wilber"...the "lie" in this string is that Barack Obama is "pro-drilling" and that it's HIS policies that have led to cheap gas prices at the pump!

Anything good is because of Obama, anything bad is because of Bush.

So sayeth the mindless sycophants.
Also fact, ACTUAL mindless sycophant. Obama made fracking safer, added greatly to alternative energy use and made us competitive with China and the EU, has opened Iran to export oil, etc etc etc. It's called intelligence- you wouldn't understand, ignorant Pub dupe.
With all due respect, "Wilber"...the "lie" in this string is that Barack Obama is "pro-drilling" and that it's HIS policies that have led to cheap gas prices at the pump!

Anything good is because of Obama, anything bad is because of Bush.

So sayeth the mindless sycophants.
Also fact, ACTUAL mindless sycophant. Obama made fracking safer, added greatly to alternative energy use and made us competitive with China and the EU, has opened Iran to export oil, etc etc etc. It's called intelligence- you wouldn't understand, ignorant Pub dupe.

What does our being "competitive" with China and the EU have to do with cheap gas prices, Franco?

What alternatives to fossil fuels caused the drop in prices with fossil fuels?

Obama imposing more regulations on fracking may have indeed made it "safer" but in what way did that reduce the price of oil or natural gas?

Iran's embargo hadn't been lifted when the price of oil was slashed by the Saudis flooding the market.

This is a typical "Franco" post...where you call others ignorant all while making incredibly ignorant statements!
'Follow the money'...

The War on Coal / Fossil Fuel benefits only those who invest heavily in 'green energy'. Obama and his big dollar donors proved that even when that 'green energy' is a bad bet and collapses, they win either way.

If Solyndra and the 12 other companies prospered the investors would have made a profit. When they went belly-up Obama still made sure none of them lost a dime by picking the collective tax-paying pockets of Americans to ensure his big donors did not lose a dime of their invested money....but the American people paid for it.

One of the big winners in the pipeline being shot down in a certain Liberal-supporting Billionaire who happens to own the railways.

'Follow the money', boys and girls.
Market forces have dropped the gas prices and no policy from Obama has made energy cheaper. These are facts that the left has no answer for. If it was up to Obama we would be near $5 a gallon as his administration wanted long ago. Obama is a failure at raising fuel costs. This has to be frustrating for the Eco freaks on the left.
With all due respect, "Wilber"...the "lie" in this string is that Barack Obama is "pro-drilling" and that it's HIS policies that have led to cheap gas prices at the pump!

Anything good is because of Obama, anything bad is because of Bush.

So sayeth the mindless sycophants.
Also fact, ACTUAL mindless sycophant. Obama made fracking safer, added greatly to alternative energy use and made us competitive with China and the EU, has opened Iran to export oil, etc etc etc. It's called intelligence- you wouldn't understand, ignorant Pub dupe.

What does our being "competitive" with China and the EU have to do with cheap gas prices, Franco?

What alternatives to fossil fuels caused the drop in prices with fossil fuels?

Obama imposing more regulations on fracking may have indeed made it "safer" but in what way did that reduce the price of oil or natural gas?

Iran's embargo hadn't been lifted when the price of oil was slashed by the Saudis flooding the market.

This is a typical "Franco" post...where you call others ignorant all while making incredibly ignorant statements!
Adding 50%+ alt energy cuts demand for oil DUH.
Obama didn't hurt fracking, that's helping DUH.
The oil market is all about futures, like Iran coming on line DUH.
etc etc etc, dupe.
Show me how increasing regulations on fracking in any way caused oil and natural gas prices to drop...
Show me how Iran's sanctions possibly being lifted in the future has made oil prices drop previously...

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