Right Wingers eating crow on price of gasoline. $1.39 in Indiana.

PapaG 13036410
Bush took the blame for the high gas prices and he had nothing to do with it as he had nothing to do with it when it dropped, and with Obama it is the same, he has done nothing to raise or lower the price.

Therefore, rightwingers like Newt Gingrich predicting $10 gasoline if Obama were to be reelected, had to be lying because you are basically correct.

So why do RW'ers like Ray try to defend those boldfaced liars? Genius's like Gingrich had to know what you know to be true.
PapaG 13036410
Bush took the blame for the high gas prices and he had nothing to do with it as he had nothing to do with it when it dropped, and with Obama it is the same, he has done nothing to raise or lower the price.

Therefore, rightwingers like Newt Gingrich predicting $10 gasoline if Obama were to be reelected, had to be lying because you are basically correct.

So why do RW'ers like Ray try to defend those boldfaced liars? Genius's like Gingrich had to know what you know to be true.

Why do you defend Obama? He is a liar. It's by the criteria you set.
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
Ray 13035986
Ray From Cleveland said:
Remember welfare reform and how Democrats promised massive chaos, increases in muggings, robberies and murders?

Who are you quoting? Do you mean the welfare reform that President Clinton signed into law. What Democrats said what about rioting?
Ray 13035986
Ray From Cleveland said:
Remember welfare reform and how Democrats promised massive chaos, increases in muggings, robberies and murders?

Who are you quoting? Do you mean the welfare reform that President Clinton signed into law. What Democrats said what about rioting?

Yes, the one that Clinton signed into law. You know, the one he vetoed twice? And then the Republicans sat on THEIR BILL until just before Clinton's reelection run, and they put it back in front of him and said "Veto it now MF'r" Yes, that bill.
Ray 13031725
Speaking of facts, I've shown you the charts, I've shown you a FactCheck piece that did say drilling permits were cut by over 60%.

I never argued that permits were not cut 60% and don't have to. That fact still could not produce the kind of gas price hikes that RW'ers were predicting? Newt Gingrich said $10 per gal gas to be blamed on Obama. He was running for President at the time. It could not happen specifically by the amounts that were stated and it could not ever be attributed Obama for causing it. Unless the U.S. Started a war with Iran under Obama. That was never likely either.

Weather predictions that turn out wrong are not lies because 90% of the time they turn out to be correct or very close.

The Obama gas spike lies were not close and no expert agreed with any of their unscientific assumptions. Not all predictions are lies when wrong. In light of facts known at the time the RW'er predictions of 2012 were a pack of lies and nothing more.

Oh, well if that's how you define a lie, then there are plenty of liars around.

We can start with the environmentalist billionaire Al Gore who's predictions never came through; all those catastrophic events that were supposed to happen. Along with lying Gore was lying Ted Danson. And let's not forget the dozens and dozens of other liars that followed suit like Mike Moorecrap.

Remember welfare reform and how Democrats promised massive chaos, increases in muggings, robberies and murders? Turned out their predictions were wrong too. I guess they were liars.

And what about pumping more money into our failed school systems in this country? Seems that didn't do so hot either. Now we spend more per capita than any other industrialized country and don't have the results to match our investment. Damn lying liberals.

Obama saying you can keep your insurance and your doctor. Two deliberate lies by Obama.
He SAID if you like your plan- he forgot that dupes are so ignorant they LOVE cheap scam policies. Maybe they should figure out what doctors are covered with policies- that started long before O-care. But carry on with the bs propaganda...

"They love cheap scam policies?" Did you ever bother to go to the Commie Care web site and see what they have to offer?
Why do you defend Obama? He is a liar. It's by the criteria you set.

There is long history of oil and gas pricing that made it possible to kniow in 2012 that there was no way that Obama could double the price of a gallon gas.

Since we don't know what alleged lie Obama has told in your mind it is not possible to respond.
Ray 13037469
Ray From Cleveland said:
Yes, the one that Clinton signed into law. You know, the one he vetoed twice? And then the Republicans sat on THEIR BILL until just before Clinton's reelection run, and they put it back in front of him and said "Veto it now MF'r" Yes, that bill.

What Dem predictions were you referring to, and by whom?
Why do you defend Obama? He is a liar. It's by the criteria you set.

There is long history of oil and gas pricing that made it possible to kniow in 2012 that there was no way that Obama could double the price of a gallon gas.

Since we don't know what alleged lie Obama has told in your mind it is not possible to respond.

There you go either purposely being dense or just naturally stupid, which is it?
Ray 13031725
Speaking of facts, I've shown you the charts, I've shown you a FactCheck piece that did say drilling permits were cut by over 60%.

I never argued that permits were not cut 60% and don't have to. That fact still could not produce the kind of gas price hikes that RW'ers were predicting? Newt Gingrich said $10 per gal gas to be blamed on Obama. He was running for President at the time. It could not happen specifically by the amounts that were stated and it could not ever be attributed Obama for causing it. Unless the U.S. Started a war with Iran under Obama. That was never likely either.

Weather predictions that turn out wrong are not lies because 90% of the time they turn out to be correct or very close.

The Obama gas spike lies were not close and no expert agreed with any of their unscientific assumptions. Not all predictions are lies when wrong. In light of facts known at the time the RW'er predictions of 2012 were a pack of lies and nothing more.

Oh, well if that's how you define a lie, then there are plenty of liars around.

We can start with the environmentalist billionaire Al Gore who's predictions never came through; all those catastrophic events that were supposed to happen. Along with lying Gore was lying Ted Danson. And let's not forget the dozens and dozens of other liars that followed suit like Mike Moorecrap.

Remember welfare reform and how Democrats promised massive chaos, increases in muggings, robberies and murders? Turned out their predictions were wrong too. I guess they were liars.

And what about pumping more money into our failed school systems in this country? Seems that didn't do so hot either. Now we spend more per capita than any other industrialized country and don't have the results to match our investment. Damn lying liberals.

Obama saying you can keep your insurance and your doctor. Two deliberate lies by Obama.
He SAID if you like your plan- he forgot that dupes are so ignorant they LOVE cheap scam policies. Maybe they should figure out what doctors are covered with policies- that started long before O-care. But carry on with the bs propaganda...

"They love cheap scam policies?" Did you ever bother to go to the Commie Care web site and see what they have to offer?
Many free tests, guaranteed never to be cut off, $6k annual out of pocket limit. Wonderful, dupe.
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
Eat shytte and die, hater dupe. Everything you know is bs. Only 200 filibusters while he "had control"...lol
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

Here is a time-line of the events after the 2008 election:

1. BALANCE BEFORE THE ELECTION. In 2007 – 2008 the balance in the Senate was 51-49 in favor of the Democrats. On top of that, there was a Republican president who would likely veto any legislation the Republicans didn’t like. Not exactly a super majority.

2. BIG GAIN IN 2008, BUT STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. Coming out the 2008 election, the Democrats made big gains, but they didn’t immediately get a Super Majority. The Minnesota Senate race required a recount and was not undecided for more than six months. During that time, Norm Coleman was still sitting in the Senate and the Balance 59-41, still not a Super Majority.

3. KENNEDY GRAVELY ILL. Teddy Kennedy casthis last vote in April and left Washington for good around the first of May. Technically he could come back to Washington vote on a pressing issue, but in actual fact, he never returned, even to vote on the Sotomayor confirmation. That left the balance in the Senate 58-41,two votes away from a super majority.

4. STILL NO SUPER MAJORITY. In July, Al Frankin was finally declared the winner and was sworn in on July 7th, 2009, so the Democrats finally had a Super Majority of 60-40 six and one-half months into the year. However, by this point, Kennedy was unable to return to Washington even to participate in the Health Care debate, so it was only a technical super majority because Kennedy could no longer vote and the Senate does not allow proxies. Now the actual actual balance of voting members was 59-40 not enough to overcome a Republican filibuster.

5. SENATE IS IN RECESS. Even if Kennedy were able to vote, the Senate went into summer recess three weeks later, from August 7th to September 8th.

6. KENNEDY DIES. Six weeks later, on Aug 26, 2009 Teddy Kennedy died, putting the balance at 59-40.Now the Democrats don’t even have technical super majority.

7. FINALLY, A SUPER MAJORITY! Kennedy’s replacement was sworn in on September 25, 2009, finally making the majority 60-40, just enough for a super majority.

8. SENATE ADJOURNS. However the Senate adjourned for the year on October 9th, only providing 11 working days of super majority, from September 25th to October 9th.

9. SPECIAL SESSIONS. During October, November and December, the Senate had several special sessions to deal with final passage of ACA and Budget appropriations.

October = 13th – 15th, 20th – 22nd, 27th, 29th = 8 days
November = 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th 16th, 17th, 19th, 21st = 8 days
December = 1st, 3rd - 8th, 10th – 13th, 15th – 18th, 19th, 21st – 24th = 20 days

Total Special Session Days = 36.

8. SCOTT BROWN ELECTED. Scott Brown was elected on January 19th 2010. The Senate was in session for 10 days in January, but Scott Brown wasn’t sworn into office on February 4th, so the Democrats only had 13 days of super majority in 2010.
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
Eat shytte and die, hater dupe. Everything you know is bs. Only 200 filibusters while he "had control"...lol
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

Dems had 257 seats in the House and 59 in the Senate. LOL!
That's not enough? Fucking pussies.
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
I didn't mention Booosh!!, talking point idiot/Pavlov's dog. Just the mindless obstructionist GOP the last 7 years...

Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
Eat shytte and die, hater dupe. Everything you know is bs. Only 200 filibusters while he "had control"...lol
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

Dems had 257 seats in the House and 59 in the Senate. LOL!
That's not enough? Fucking pussies.
You're a gd moron lol. 59 is nothing when dealing with the lockstep, bought off New BS GOP. duh. Great job, ASSHOLES and dupes.
Ray 13031725 I never argued that permits were not cut 60% and don't have to. That fact still could not produce the kind of gas price hikes that RW'ers were predicting? Newt Gingrich said $10 per gal gas to be blamed on Obama. He was running for President at the time. It could not happen specifically by the amounts that were stated and it could not ever be attributed Obama for causing it. Unless the U.S. Started a war with Iran under Obama. That was never likely either.

Weather predictions that turn out wrong are not lies because 90% of the time they turn out to be correct or very close.

The Obama gas spike lies were not close and no expert agreed with any of their unscientific assumptions. Not all predictions are lies when wrong. In light of facts known at the time the RW'er predictions of 2012 were a pack of lies and nothing more.

Oh, well if that's how you define a lie, then there are plenty of liars around.

We can start with the environmentalist billionaire Al Gore who's predictions never came through; all those catastrophic events that were supposed to happen. Along with lying Gore was lying Ted Danson. And let's not forget the dozens and dozens of other liars that followed suit like Mike Moorecrap.

Remember welfare reform and how Democrats promised massive chaos, increases in muggings, robberies and murders? Turned out their predictions were wrong too. I guess they were liars.

And what about pumping more money into our failed school systems in this country? Seems that didn't do so hot either. Now we spend more per capita than any other industrialized country and don't have the results to match our investment. Damn lying liberals.

Obama saying you can keep your insurance and your doctor. Two deliberate lies by Obama.
He SAID if you like your plan- he forgot that dupes are so ignorant they LOVE cheap scam policies. Maybe they should figure out what doctors are covered with policies- that started long before O-care. But carry on with the bs propaganda...

"They love cheap scam policies?" Did you ever bother to go to the Commie Care web site and see what they have to offer?
Many free tests, guaranteed never to be cut off, $6k annual out of pocket limit. Wonderful, dupe.

Plus monthly premiums of $500 to $800 a month.
Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
Franco hater dupe, didn't Obama have both houses of congress his first two years?

Are you sure you didn't get ahold of some bad meth?
No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session. Everything you know is Pubcrappe, dupe.

No, he didn't, dupe. 13 DAYS in session.

He only had majorities in the House and Senate for 13 days? LOL!
Eat shytte and die, hater dupe. Everything you know is bs. Only 200 filibusters while he "had control"...lol
Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left

Dems had 257 seats in the House and 59 in the Senate. LOL!
That's not enough? Fucking pussies.
You're a gd moron lol. 59 is nothing when dealing with the lockstep, bought off New BS GOP. duh. Great job, ASSHOLES and dupes.

Boo fuckin' hoo.
What numbers got worse?

How about the labor participation rate, FoolforObama?

What about it? Since you want to change the subject, what about Obama getting unemployment below 6% by 3 years into his second term and already down to 5%. Romney on the other hand wanted four years in his first term to get below 6%. So the labor participation rate would be much worse under a Republican President. Romney said so himself.

Obama claiming lower unemployment as one of HIS accomplishments is almost as farcical as claiming that he was responsible for lowering the price of gas! The only thing that's gone well with our economy this decade is the oil and natural gas boom that was brought on by fracking on private and State controlled lands. That cut the price of oil and put billions of dollars in the pockets of Americans as well as creating tons of great paying jobs.

Seriously...imagine how bad Barry's jobs numbers would be if it wasn't for jobs created in States run by conservatives that led that shale oil and gas boom!
Ray 13031725 I never argued that permits were not cut 60% and don't have to. That fact still could not produce the kind of gas price hikes that RW'ers were predicting? Newt Gingrich said $10 per gal gas to be blamed on Obama. He was running for President at the time. It could not happen specifically by the amounts that were stated and it could not ever be attributed Obama for causing it. Unless the U.S. Started a war with Iran under Obama. That was never likely either.

Weather predictions that turn out wrong are not lies because 90% of the time they turn out to be correct or very close.

The Obama gas spike lies were not close and no expert agreed with any of their unscientific assumptions. Not all predictions are lies when wrong. In light of facts known at the time the RW'er predictions of 2012 were a pack of lies and nothing more.

Oh, well if that's how you define a lie, then there are plenty of liars around.

We can start with the environmentalist billionaire Al Gore who's predictions never came through; all those catastrophic events that were supposed to happen. Along with lying Gore was lying Ted Danson. And let's not forget the dozens and dozens of other liars that followed suit like Mike Moorecrap.

Remember welfare reform and how Democrats promised massive chaos, increases in muggings, robberies and murders? Turned out their predictions were wrong too. I guess they were liars.

And what about pumping more money into our failed school systems in this country? Seems that didn't do so hot either. Now we spend more per capita than any other industrialized country and don't have the results to match our investment. Damn lying liberals.

Obama saying you can keep your insurance and your doctor. Two deliberate lies by Obama.
He SAID if you like your plan- he forgot that dupes are so ignorant they LOVE cheap scam policies. Maybe they should figure out what doctors are covered with policies- that started long before O-care. But carry on with the bs propaganda...

"They love cheap scam policies?" Did you ever bother to go to the Commie Care web site and see what they have to offer?
Many free tests, guaranteed never to be cut off, $6k annual out of pocket limit. Wonderful, dupe.

Premiums that nobody can afford, high out-of-pocket for services, limited healthcare providers, lousy coverage altogether.

But I think you can get birth control and abortions on all their plans.
What about it?

Lowest since statistics have been kept.

Since you want to change the subject, what about Obama getting unemployment below 6% by 3 years into his second term and already down to 5%. Romney on the other hand wanted four years in his first term to get below 6%. So the labor participation rate would be much worse under a Republican President. Romney said so himself.

He got it down by driving major portions completely out of the labor sector.

The ONLY ones benefiting from Obama's failed policies are Wall Street insiders. Main Street is getting fucked.
We didn't TRY any of Obama's policies, leaving the Fed you're complaining about as the only option.

So Barry had Democratic majorities in the House and Senate for two years and we didn't TRY any of his policies? How can that be, Franco? How could Obama and his minions have passed the ACA yet not pass other policies?

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